For any of those who were wondering about Legolas' family here is a reference sheet... Hopefully no one will report this, but if they do and you want a reference I will stick it on my website...
Thranduil – King of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' father
Lalaith – Queen of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' mother
Lomion – Crown prince of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' oldest brother
Lainiel – Lomion's wife, Legolas' sister in law
Children: Bregolas, Orophin, Deirdre, Morwen
Loriel – Crown Princess of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' oldest sister
Galador – Loriel's husband, Legolas' brother in law
Children: Jehle, Eayre, and Linnete
Thalion – 3rd for the Throne of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' second oldest brother
Miriwen – Thalion's wife, Legolas' sister in law
Children: Danuas, Dawriel, and Marielle
Tasari – 4th for the Throne of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' third oldest brother
Arielle – Tasari's wife, Legolas' sister in law
Lothgil – 5th for the Throne of Eyrn Lasgalan, Legolas' second oldest sister
Thorinell – Lothgil's husband, Legolas' brother in law
Legolas – 6th in line for the Throne of Eyrn Lasgalan
-Not married-