Disclaimer:I don't own Beyblade.
Notes:I think that it's time that I wrote a Taka fic for Beyblade, so here it is. (This will have inserts from the Journal I am keeping on AOL).
Chapter One: Fallen Pheonix
"Well, the doctor said that we should keep him in bed, at least 'til his fever goes down." Rei Kon stood at the doorway to Kai Hiwatari's room. Inside lay the sleeping pheonix, his face flushed with heat from the fever he had. The blue paint that usually rested on his cheeks was washed away, revealing his pale cheeks to the other members of the team. In the midnight blue blankets his now almost white body stood out like a ghosts and it didn't help that it looked like he was bairly breathing.
"Is there anything we can do for him?" Max Mizuhara looked over Rei's shoulder, the worry in his tone evident. He was partially to blame for the leaders fall, as he was the one that had made the boy go out to look for their lost member. "I feel so guilty...I shouldn't have made him go out and search."
The last memeber of the BladeBreakers stood, his own face pale as he gulped. Takeo Kinomiya took a step forward and gently moved Rei aside to look in on the sleeping captian. "Oh Kai...I'm sorry..." Indeed, it had been Takeo that Kai had been sent out to find. The midnight blue haired boy had gotten into an argument with Kai over something trivial and had stormed out...right before a storm. Needless to say when Kai was told to search, he had gone out to find Takeo.
Kai walked down the streets, dressed only in his normal clothes. No coat, no hood, not even an umbrella. Almost grudginly he called Takeo's name, cursing the boy silently for his temper, then chuckled when he rememberd his own. He sneezed and then had started running, searching harder for the boy, knowing that if he was getting sick, there was a good possibility that Takeo would get it worse.
"KINOMIYA!!!!" The slate-haired boy searched and finally spotted the other blader sitting on the swings, staring at the water in the alcove (i wouldn't know what it's called ). The purple clothed blader ran down the hill, stopping only when he was at Takeo's side. "So, are you going to sulk here all day and then get sick?"
Takeo didn't answer, he just continued to look out at the water, his hands clentching the swings chains tightly. A warmth suddenly surrounded his neck and he slowly turned his tear stained face towards Kai.
The older blader had removed his scarf and wrapped it around Takeo's neck to keep him at least a little warmer. Reaching out a hand, Kai grabbed up Takeo's and glared as he spoke. "I don't know about you, but I am not getting yelled at for letting you stay out in this weather so that I can listen to the others bitch about how I let you get sick. Let's go."
With a tug, Takeo was on his feet and being dragged away from the swing by Kai, the scarfs ends trailing after him. His eyes overflowed with tears, and like a child, he'd held onto Kai's hand, expecting to be yelled at more then he already was.
To his surprise, the hand he held tightened slowly, reassuringly, then lossened and tugged quicker. Though Takeo couldn't see it, there had been a small smile on Kai's face.
End Flashback
"It's all my fault..." Takeo clung to the scarf that Kai had let him wear, tears streaming down his face once more. The other two bladers left the room, shutting the door allowing Takeo privacy with their fallen leader.
Slowly, Takeo walked over to the bed they'd proped up, and kneeled beside it. He watched Kai's chest rise and fall with each breath he took, and wished that it was only just because he was sleeping, not because he was sick and unconcious. His dark eyelashes clashed with his pale skin, and fever tinted cheeks and nose.
Not caring that the others could come back in, or even his grandfather, Takeo leaned over Kai and wrapped his arms around him, burrying his face in the boys neck. He sobbed, the sorry's falling from his lips like a river as he held onto him.
An arm lifted slightly and rubbed his back shocking him. He raised his head and found himself looking into purpleish pink eyes that showed confusion, but also thanks. The hand on his back continued to rub him and he purred softly, clutching the scarf tighter. "Rest Takeo...you were out there too...I don't want you getting sick." The words were bairly above a whisper but Takeo heeded them anyway. He rested his head carefully on Kai's chest, the tears still falling even as he closed his eyes, the hand still soothing him. He murmered softly, the sleep coming to overwhelm him. "I love you, Kai...."
The captian smiled softly and moved his hand to brush the bangs from Takeo's eyes as he too closed his eyes, ready to sleep again. "I know you do, and I do too, but that's why I can't be with you." The pheonix knew his dragon couldn't hear him, but he smiled anyway, having spoken his feelings aloud. "Someday things will be...perfect..."
Soon, the two were resting peacfully, Takeo clentching the scarf to his chest, and Kai with his arm around him. Rei returned a half hour after leaving to collect Takeo, but paused when he saw the two sleeping. A soft knowing smile crossed his lips and he shut the door once more, signaling Max to be quiet. He turned and whispered, "Night guys.", before taking Max by the hand and dragging him towards their room to play a game.
Later that Night:
Takeo woke shivering, and looked around him. He was on his knees and not in his room, but Kai's. He lifted his head slowly and looked at the sleeping boy benieth him. His breath caught at the color that was slowly returning to Kai's cheeks. "Thank Dragoon..."
A soft smile formed on the sleeping boys lips, proving he wasn't really asleep. "Don't count your chicks before they hatch, Takeo. I still feel like shit. Could you get me some water though?" He tried to make it come out an order, but failed misserably.
"Jeeze Kai! Even when you're sick you're still Mr. Sourpuss. Yeah, I'll get it for you. Be right back." Takeo stood and walked to the door, tying the scarf around his neck once more for safe keeping. He slid the door open and walked out, taking in the night air. He walked slowly towards the kitchen, passing Rei and Max's room.
Curious as to why the two were awake so late at night he slid the door open slowly and peeked in to find Rei leaning against the wall, Max curled up in his lap, and the TV showing a random late night infomercial. With a smirk he walked in and clicked the TV off, slowly heading for the door. "Thanks, Takeo."
The blunette nodded. "No problem, Rei."
"How's Kai doing?"
"He wants water, but I think his fever is going down."
"That's good." The tiger wrapped his arms around the sleeping Max and smiled. "Night, Takeo."
"Night, Rei." Takeo shut the door and continued to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, he walked back to the room he shared with Kai. The slate-haired blader was lying on his side, facing the door, a look on his face that showed he was in pain. "Kai!"
Dragoon's keeper walked over after shutting the door and knelt beside the boy. "Are you alright?" He watched the boy nod and then point towards the water.
"For me?"
Kai took the bottle greatfully, drinking a few sips. "You might want to take the trash out of the room before the smell stays permenantly."
It took the bluenette a few minutes to realize what Kai had meant. "Oh...good idea." He picked up small bucket and walked to the door, sticking it outside for his grandpa to take care of the next morning. With a sigh he walked back over to Kai's bed, setting up his bedroll beside the boy.
"What're you doing?"
"Going to sleep. What're you doing?"
"Resiting the urge to throw you out."
"It is my room Kai. Besides, I woke up in here, I'm going back to sleep in here." With that the dragon put his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, the scarf still tied around his neck.
"Whatever." Kai rolled over and silently smiled to himself. He may be sick, but even Takeo could bring a smile to his sick face. "Night Takeo." And with that the boy fell back to sleep, unaware that his fever was growing worse by the seconds.
Well, that's it so far. Should I continue?