Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Lord of the Rings

A Vengeful Miko

Chapter 6

Kagome sat comfortably, but alert, in the simple, white, wooden chair in the center of the room that Arwen had taken her to. The room was really more of a balcony, overlooking a stunning view of the elven home of Rivendell. Various plants and ornaments hung from the ceiling, and spilled over the sides. The room itself was simply furnished, with only a small rectangular table in front of Kagome, and two other chairs, like her own, on the opposite side. These other chairs were currently occupied by two males.

The person to the right, closer to the door, wore a robe of some dark grey material, and had long, gray hair, and an even longer beard. His eyes spoke of knowledge and wisdom too great for any one person to hold, and despite his apparent age, his limbs showed none of the fragility or hesitancy that often marked others who looked like him. Where this man's expression was serious, but also open and slight amused, the other's was serious and disapproving. The other person, or elf, as Kagome now realized, studying the long and pointed ears, wore a robe of brilliant green and gold, and wore his long brown hair in an elaborate sort-of half ponytail. He looked extremely well groomed, but not out of vanity, but out of simple pride it seemed, because he oozed of it. He also seemed very wise and strong, though not so much as the other man.

The one with gray hair seemed to be studying her, and then he nodded once to himself in satisfaction, before speakig. "I am Gandalf, a wizard, and this," he said, gesturing to his companion, "is Elrond, the lord of this house of Rivendell. Aragorn has told us of you, but we would like to ask you several questions, if you do not mind terribly." There was a faint question in his voice, asking permission. Kagome could see no reason why they should not ask questions, and in all honesty, they had every right. After all, Elrond had allowed her to stay Rivendell, and they had not immediately locked her up, distrusting her, and for that she was thankful. Also, going by what the hobbits and Stider had told her, these two could be trusted. She would answer their questions, but there would be one condition. After all, there were some things she wanted to know, too. "Very well," she said finally, "I will answer your questions, but only if I may ask a few of my own." Gandalf nodded once, and smiled slightly. "Very well, then we shall begin."

The questions they asked were relatively simple to answer. They asked her what her name was, what intentions she had towards the hobbits, and where she came from. The last was harder to answer. She knew that answering that question would just lead to more, and she didn't think that they would really believe the whole story yet, and if they did, she herself wasn't ready to venture back into that territory yet. When she finally did answer, all she said was,"A place called Japan, in my world." She was surprised when her interrogators only nodded, as if that was they answer they had been expecting. What made Elrond's eyes narrow suspiciously was the vague answer. He sat up a little straighter and leaned forward, looking her in the eye. He could feel Gandalf give him a look, but he ignored it. "How did you get to Middle Earth?" He asked sternly, demanding and answer. Kagome looked away, refusing to answer.

Elrond obviously wasn't satisfied with this answer though, and was about to say something else when Gandalf cut in. "Thank you for answering our questions. Now I believe you had some of your own for us." He questioned Kagome gently. She looked back at him, thankful that he had cut in when he did. She saw Elrond preparing to ask more questions, and she wasn't quite ready to answer them. She nodded. "Yes. I wanted to know if there was any way that I could get back to my world." There was a moment of silence as Gandalf furrowed his brow in concentration, thinking. After a long moment he looked up again and sadly shook his head. She had been hoping he would know, but when she saw him shake his head her heart fell. "I'm sorry, I just can't think of anything. I will think on it more. Until a way is found though, I am sure you can stay in Rivendell and rest," he said sincerely, "Don't worry though. I'm sure a way will be found." She nodded. When he said it, she believed. She already trusted this man that she had only met a little while ago. "Was that your only question?" he asked. "Yes, thank you for trying to help me," she said, bowing slightly to him, and then the same to Elrond, almost as an afterthought. If Gandalf thought her custom odd he gave no sign of it. "Thank you, Kagome, for answering our questions. I hope for the chance to speak with you further," returned Gandalf graciously. Kagome bowed again, and walked out.

Kagome left the room and closed the door behind her, thinking. She had thought that it went rather well. They obviously did not distrust her too much, and she had managed to evade thinking about the feudal era too much. And she was on her way to going back! Now that Gandalf was helping her, she had a little more hope than before. . She just hoped that there was a way that she could get back at all. If there wasn't, she would never get revenge on Naraku.

"Gandalf, I do not trust her," stated the elven lord as soon as the door closed behind Kagome. "She did not answer the last question completely. In fact, it seems like she did all she could to evade it."

Gandalf looked hard at Elrond. "Do you really believe that she is not to be trusted? Use your logic. Why would she have helped Frodo and the others if she was our enemy? If she wanted the ring, she had plenty of chances to take it when she was traveling with them. I also believe that she was completely genuine in her answers, what little she told us. Also, what of the man that arrived here only several hours after she herself came to Middle Earth? Their information they gave us fits almost perfectly together. You can keep an eye on her if it eases your conscience, but I can promise you that you will find no reason to doubt her."

Elrond scowled slightly at the wizard's words, but nodded, not being able to dispute them. Nevertheless, he vowed to himself that he would keep his watch on the girl. There was always a possibility that she wasn't what she made herself out to be. He put the matter in the back of his mind for the moment. There was something else he wanted to ask Gandalf. "Why didn't you tell her about the man that appeared here? They might have been companions."

"I know," Gandalf answered, looking a little guilty. "But I need to make sure that they are what they seem. If they are what they say, they should recognize each other, and if they don't, then we will have to find the reason why we were lied to." Elrond nodded again. It made sense, and it was a good way to find the truth.

Shortly after Kagome stepped out of the room, Arwen appeared, and told her that she could now see her companions. Kagome nodded absently, still thinking over the conversation she had with the two men. "Who exactly were those two men?" she asked Arwen, as they walked through a bright hallway. Of course they had introduced themselves, but she didn't really know what being Lord of Rivendell, or a wizard meant.

Arwen looked at her, surprised. Obviously she had no idea that Kagome wasn't exactly from this world. "The elven one was my father, and the older one was Gandalf, a very powerful wizard. He was also the one that made the waves swallow the ring wraiths. They are two of the most important people in the whole of Middle Earth." Kagome was a little shocked. She just assumed that they were important, but she had no idea that they were that important.

When they reached they reached the room where the hobbits were, Arwen looked at Kagome seriously, as if trying to figure something out. "You know," she said finally, "The man who came here not too long ago asked the same question. Come to think of it, you two even have the same hair color, and skin color. Perhaps you should meet him. I'm sure you two would have much to talk about."

Kagome was too shocked to say anything. Another like me? she thought. How is that possible?

She didn't have very much time to mull over this new knowledge, because as soon as Arwen opened the door to the room that the others were in, Kagome was pounced on by three very happy hobbits.

"Kagome!" she heard a voice exclaim happily. She looked over the tops of the other's heads to find the source of the voice. Frodo was sitting up in a bed, and smiling broadly. She smirked slightly back, but it disappeared when she saw the bandage around his shoulder, and remembered something. Somehow breaking free of the other hobbits, she made her way towards the bed. "Didn't you get stabbed in your shoulder? Are you feeling better now?" she asked Frodo, trying to sound as indifferent as possible. He seemed not to notice and nodded happily. "Yes, but I'm fine now. Elrond healed it for me!" "That's good. I'm glad you're better."

"Kagome, we were so worried about you! We weren't allowed to see you since we got here. You slept for two days!" Sam told her, standing next to her beside the bed. Two days? I guess I was more tired than I thought, after taking Frodo here and using some of my miko energy on those arrows against the wraiths. She couldn't help but smile slightly when she heard what Sam said though. "Thank you for your concern, but I am fine now, so there is no need to worry."

"I hope that man comes again today while you are here." Frodo said from the bed. "I think you should meet him. He is very nice. He just visited yesterday because he said he was bored, and wanted some company. He told stories and talked to us. Stay here until he comes. I think you will like him."

Kagome agreed to stay until this man came. Truth to tell, she was a little curious. And it would be nice to know more people that could be her friends in this world, since she knew nothing about it. She talked for several more minutes to the hobbits about Rivendell and the people in it, and then sat in a chair and just listened to the other's continuing the conversation without her.

About half-an-hour after she sat down, Kagome stood up again as the door flew wide open to reveal a brightly smiling man. "Hello my friends, I have come to visit again, just like I said!"

Kagome stood stock-still, staring disbelievingly at the man that stood in the open doorway. "M-Miroku!"

A/N: I know, I know, everyone is probably very angry at me for not updating in about 5 months. I'm pretty much running out of things to say. All I can really say is I'm very, very sorry for making you wait so long. Thank you to everyone who reviewed. Every time I get a review it just makes my day.

Now for the pairings:

Legolas- 20 votes

Aragorn- 2 votes

Anyone as long as it isn't Legolas- 3

Kagome/Legolas/Aragorn triangle- 2

No one- 1

So it probably is going to be a Kagome/Legolas paring, based on the votes, but it won't be definite until the next chapter, where she will actually meet Legolas, so there are still chances to vote. If you don't want Legolas you better start getting your votes in, because he is winning by a landslide.

Now, this would be the time to say that I will update soon, and I won't make you wait long, but we all know what happens when I say that, so I'm not going to say it. All I can say is bye for now, and I will update. It may not be very soon, but I am not planning on abandoning this fic, so you don't have to worry about that. Even if I don't update until New Years, I will update!