In Heat by LillyLazer666

Summary: Poor Rei is in heat and is lusting after Kai. What will happen when Rei urges get too strong for him to ignore?

Warnings: Shounen-ai Kai/Rei one sided at first, attempted rape, strong language, and detailed sex.

Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade or any of the characters. Try to Sue me and you'll LOSE!!!!!!!!! HA!!!

Rating: Nc17

Notes: '' a thought "" speaking. Change in time/POV OK, got that?

Also this is my first fanfic so please review and tell me how good/bad it is. Enjoy!

Chapter1-A Shock For All

In the Bladebreakers hotel, a certain neko was very uncomfortable. You see, male nekos had a time of the year when they came into 'heat', and unfortunately for Rei, that time was now. His major problem was Kai. Rei had strong urges to push Kai to the ground, tear his clothes off and...well...fuck him, to put it plainly. And with each passing minute his passionate urges grew stronger.

'Calm down. Just relax. Try to think of something else. Fields, flowers...Kai naked in a field of flowers...this isn't working.' Rei let out a groan of frustration.

"Rei, are you ok?" Rei looked up to see the object of his lust staring at him. He found he simply couldn't answer.

"Rei?" Kai looked with concern at Rei. Rei still didn't answer. "Rei, do you need a doctor?" As Kai said this, he bent down so he was eye level with Rei. Rei stared into those crimson pools and, as he did, his lust took over. He grabbed Kai and pulled him into a passionate kiss, forcing his tongue into Kai's mouth. He didn't stop there. He ripped Kai's shirt apart, before pinning the shocked teen to the ground. Finally, Rei broke away for air.

"Rei! What the hell?!" Kai gasped, "What are you doing? Are you possessed or something?"

Rei gave a lusty laugh. "Me? No. But my cock'll soon possess you. I'm gonna fuck you so hard, It'll make Dranzer dizzy"

Kai gave a gasp of surprise and fear. Just what was wrong with Rei?

"Rei, what're you doing?!" a shocked Tyson walked in to find Rei pinning a startled looking Kai to the floor.

Rei gave an annoyed grunt, before climbing off Kai. He shot Tyson a glare before stalking into the bathroom. Kai just lay there, to shocked by what had happened to react.

"Kai. Are you ok?" asked Tyson.

"Fine" Kai whispered.

"What's wrong with Rei. It's like he's possessed or something."

"In heat, actually," came a voice.

Tyson turned around. "Max! Chief!"

Kenny looked with concern at Kai. "I was afraid this might happen."

"What?" asked Tyson.

"I've done some research into nekos and I found out something rather disturbing. You see, male nekos have a little...flaw as such in that about once a year once they've reached adolescence there is a period of about two weeks where they become driven by the need to have sex with another male."

"What! You're kidding!" cried Tyson.

"I wish I was."

"But why is he after Kai?" asked Max.

"Easy. Male nekos will go after who is seen as the strongest and most dominant male. In our case, Kai."

Kai still lay on the floor, his brain processing what Kenny had just told them. He wouldn't have believed it had Rei not just tried to rape him. He had a pressing question that he knew he had to ask. "What should I do?" The others turned to look at Kai. "I mean, what if he tries to rape me again? I don't know if I'll be able to get him off me. If Tyson hadn't of walked in..." He trailed off, not really wanting to think about that.

"Kai has a point Chief. It could be dangerous for him to be alone with Rei acting like this." Max pointed out.

"Like you said. Our only choice is to not leave him alone, even for a second but that could be close to impossible. Not to mention, privacy would be very difficult for certain times."

"Isn't there anything else we can do?" asked Tyson.

"Well...there is one other thing, but that's not a nice choice."

"What?" questioned Tyson, "what is it?"

"Well...if Kai actually had sex with Rei, the urges would get less, and if he had sex with him enough they would completely disappear."

"NO WAY!" Kai yelled, "I'm not gonna be a kitties sex toy! You can forget it! I'd rather be pestered by you lot 24/7 for two weeks than do that!"

"Then I guess its settled." smiled Tyson. "Kai looks like you've got company."