Disclaimer: Same as always.

Thought of the Day: If you live by the sword, you'll die by the knife.

"( )": Chinese


Chapter 2, The choice: To leave or not to leave, Part 2


(This takes place after the Bakusai Tenketsu training.)

I dropped to my knees as my shirt was soaked with a combination of sweat and water. The Bakusai Tenketsu training had taken a lot out of me, I knew it would though.


I groaned as I slammed directly into the boulder in front of me. I swung back again, but to no avail; I just rammed into it. I glanced over to Ryoga, who wasn't doing much better then myself, at least the training would be over tomorrow when Ryoga fought Ranma.

(End Flashback)

I turned back to see Akane just getting to Ranma, who had a smug grin on her face, she look towards me and grinned eve wider. 'Good thing Ryoga brought along Seri. I didn't wana hafta explain how P-Chan appeared and Ryoga went'
She thought as she wringed out her shirt, I returned her grin with a smile and went to find some hot water; Ryoga's backpack was actually carriable now.

'I guess that Bakusai Tenketsu training was good for something.' I giggled when I heard Ryoga squeal as soon as he realized he was in his pig form. I then hit my forehead with the palm of my hand when I realized I had hot water thermos for Ryoga. I searched and then found one of them and a modest light blue blouse that matched my hair.

I poured the thermo over Ryoga's head and turned around, walking towards the bushes to get out of one of his shirts; it really smelled because of the sweat.


A week later in Hokkaido...

A very dirtied and sweaty girl carrying a bamboo umbrella, which now weighed about 100 pounds, while her pack had somehow increased as well, maybe it had something to do with a cheese sandwich...or maybe not. She really had to get Mousse to teach her the hidden weapons technique.

Ryoga stood by her, who wasn't even winded. 'Maybe that Bakusai Tenketsu also increases endurance AND stamina.' I walked up to Ryoga, who was looking at a pair of yellow pajamas with black piglets on them.

"Ironic aint it?" I looked at Ryoga who started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

Ryoga sobered up and looked towards his 'sister'. "Oh. I was just thinking back to when I was sleeping with Akane. She had a pair just like this." I stated to laugh when I realized he was right. I looked back towards Ryoga and he was very quiet.

"Thinking about Akane again?" He simply nodded then stared back towards the ground.

"I think we should find a hotel or something. I'm tired of sleeping on sleeping bags." I rubbed the back of my neck and stretched, while Ryoga merely nodded and went off to find a hotel.



I decided to look around Hokkaido, maybe I could find something interesting. I wasn't really looking for anything though, or maybe I was.

I came to a strange shop in Hokkaido that said 'Chinese Artifacts' in worn kanji.
I promptly walked up to the counter.

"Hello young Miss. What seek you here?" The old man's Japanese wasn't that good.

"(Yes. Do you have any information about Jusenkyo here?)" The man nodded. "(Yes, In fact I do. Why do you ask?)" It was very rare to even hear about Jusenkyo or even have anyone remotely interested.

"(I have a friend who had received a curse from Jusenkyo awhile back. I was wanting to go there to find a cure for him, the Nannichuan or a better curse.)" I never did find out if there was a Nannichuan in the series. The old man walked over towards a pile of brochures, that apparently haven't seen the light of day for years.

"(Here they are. These are brochures for Jusenkyo.)" I simply nodded and walked over towards them. They were indeed very old, but they were still legible.

"(How much?)" The old man shook his head. "(Free.)" I bowed and promptly left the shop.

'How can I convince Ryoga to go to Jusenkyo, after what happened last time. I hope the Nannichuan is still there. If not, maybe I can get him to go in the Nyannichuan like Ranma did.' I pondered the fact as I walked to find Ryoga calmly waiting for me, probably hoping he didn't get lost.


A week or so later; Mt. Quanjing Bayankala Range, Qinghai Province, China.

"Here, ma'am. Is legendary "Training Ground of Accursed Springs, Jusenkyo." While I was calm, Ryoga was visibly shaken.

"(Honored guide, is there a Nannichuan, or spring of drowned man here?)" The guide slowly shook his head. "(Legend tells of a Nannichuan, but the map showing area was damaged many years ago.)"

"Damn it. My only hope..." Ryoga held his head down and stared at the ground. I looked back towards the guide and then the idea of the Nyannichuan popped into my head.

"(Honored Guide, where is the Nyannichuan, spring of drowned girl?)" The guide looked at me with a strange eye, but he could see I was being serious. I half-dragged and I half-guided to where the guide stopped.

"Here is Nyannichuan, spring of drowned girl." I bowed to the guard and dismissed him.

"Ryoga, its your choice..." I looked at him and he was staring at the pool intently, I noticed the look in his eyes. "I'll set up the tents."


During the night, near the Nyannichuan.

Ryoga silently walked out of his tent and headed towards my tent. He peaked into my tent and noticed me sleeping silently. He sighed and walked towards the Nyannichuan, staring at it as the moon reflected down upon the many cursed springs of Jusenkyo.

Ryoga sat down near the Nyannichuan and stared at it, all the while listening to the soothing music of the owls. The moonlight gave a certain atmosphere to the area, as did the gentle breeze blowing small waves across the waters.

"I don't know what I should do. I could jump into the Nyannichuan and be rid of the pig forever." He dawned on this aspect for a minute. He kept shaking his head. "That would mean I would still have a damned curse, but I would still have a human form." He had to go back in his thoughts to what has happened to him because of the pig form.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad," Unbeknownst to Ryoga, I was silently laying down listening to him.

'You know what's right Ryoga. You have to choose it.' At that thought, I went back to sleep to leave Ryoga to his choice; I didn't care what he did, it wouldn't make him change in my mind.



I awoke somewhat reluctantly this morning, as the atmosphere was just right at Jusenkyo; not too hot, not too cold and not too windy: Perfect, well in my opinion. I eventually managed to roll off the covers and sit up, thinking.

'Hmm...' My mind wandered back to what happened last night, with Ryoga thinking about wanting to jump in the Nyannichuan and be half-girl or stay half-pig. 'Even if I was a guy, I'd still rather be a girl then a pig, but Ryoga is terminally shy of girls, if he ever got the Amazon Glomp, he'd faint from blood loss. Even seeing his own body as a girl might be too much for him and faint.'

I got to my feet and slowly walked to the edge of my tent, wondering if Ryoga had gone through with it. I peaked outside my tent and there sitting around a fire was a brown-haired bo...then I glanced down and noticed the chest, a brown-haired GIRL dressed in Ryoga's usual attire. I walked out and wore a grin on my face.

"Finally awake eh?" Ryoga said as he grinned to me, I noticed the fangs and the chest; I just smiled back to him.


"On what?" I pointed to his chest and Ryoga grinned. "Yeah. It was a lot better then being a pig, at least I can still fight as a girl, even if my strength isn't as good." I saw down across from Ryoga and started cooking Miso Soup.

I snapped my fingers and looked back at Ryoga. "Hey Ryoga. You do know what happens at a certain time of the month right?" Ryoga stared back confused and I started laughing. I casually walked over to Ryoga and whispered what would happen.

"RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE!!" I fell to the ground, laughing taking control of me.


Ranma was walking down the hall when a sudden chill ran over his back, Akane looked back at him confused.

"What's wrong" Ranma just shrugged. "I dunno. Justa sudden chill I guess."


A day later, somewhere in China.

I glanced back over towards the now female Ryoga.

"Uhh Ryoga." She glanced over towards me. "What?"

"Your lucky that your build so good." Ryoga glanced down at her chest and blushed. "Both you and Ranma have a bigger chest that most girls would kill for. I even think you might be a tad bigger then Ranma." I glanced down at the ground then started to laugh again.

"Oh well. Let's get going."


There's the last part of Chapter 2. Constructive Criticism and good reviews help me keep thinking of a story for each chapter. As long as there's someone reading, I'll keep writing.

Talantus: As you saw, Ryoga and Seri both learned the Bakusai Tenketsu, so it is entirely possible for them to randomly (or Ryoga since Seri is just following him) go anywhere.

And if anyone's wondering about the Nyannichuan and Ryoga jumping in it, I wondered about the idea when I read another fiction about it and thought it might be funny for him to deal with it, with his terminal shyness and fainting from blood loss every time he comes in contact with a female body.