Summary: Ranma and InuYasha crossover. Ranma and Akane get stuck in the feudal times when the well won't permit them to crossover. Now they have to join InuYasha and the gang to destroy Naraku, gather the jewel shards, and find a way to get back home. What happens when they run into some very familiar people?

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Ranma ½. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 1: Down the Well

Half demon Inuyasha was sent head first into the ground which cracked on impact. Kagome had given him one of the worst "sits" ever.

"Dammit wench. What'd you do that for?" Inuyasha growled.

"How dare you call me a wench! All I wanted was to go home and see my childhood friend!" Kagome screamed, all her anger being unleashed on Inuyasha.

"You can't go home we still have jewel shards to find and Naraku isn't destroyed. It's not like he stops collecting shards every couple days!"

"I can do whatever I want to do and now I want to go home!"

"Feh!" Inuyasha said as he started walking toward the village.

"Inuyasha sit boy!" Kagome yelled. 'How dare he ignore me like that!'

"Are you done arguing yet?" Sango said from behind them.

Miroku crept silently behind Sango while she was trying to stop the inevitable fighting between Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Don't even think about it Miroku." Sango said grabbing the hand inching closer to her backside."

"Lecherous monk." Inuyasha muttered from under his breath. "Well we better get going. The sooner we get there the sooner we can get back to collecting shards."

With that Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo got onto Kirara and flew off as Inuyasha raced below them in the direction of Kaede's village.

'Something is wrong with her' Ranma thought as he walked on the fence gazing down at Akane. 'Oh well I might as well ask her.' He thought as he jumped off the fence to stand next to her. "Yo Akane what's up with ya today, ya didn't mallet me once the whole morning?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just going to see one of my childhood friends after school today. Her name is Kagome Higurashi and my mother was a friend of her mother and we grew up together as the best of friends." Said Akane as she continued to think about the afternoon ahead of her. 'What should I tell her about Ranma? Should I tell her how I feel? Wait, how do I feel?'

"I bet she's just as un-cute as ya." Ranma laughed as he jumped back up to the top of the fence.

"Ranma no baka!" Akane yelled as Ranma was sent flying courtesy of Air Akane.

'There's no way I'm telling Kagome about HIM!' She thought angrily.

Ranma landed in front of the school and on top of Kuno. Just as he landed rain started pouring and he felt the transformation occur. "Grrrrr, just my luck." Ranma said as she tried to get up from on top of Kuno who was hugging her saying "oh pigtailed goddess I Tatewaki Kuno, Captain of the Kendo Club, Rising Star of Furinkan High, also called the Blue Thunder will allow you to date with me. Ranma got up sending Kuno flying a good 50 yards away screaming "I DON'T WANT TO DATE YOU!"

Akane ran into the school grounds to find Kuno nowhere to be seen. 'Huh, usually he is here waiting for me and in the middle of his speech by now. Not that I mind. The idea of not having to deal with Kuno everyday would be nice.' Akane thought as she ran trying to get to class on time.

After school Akane and Ranma, now in his male form, left school towards the Tendo Dojo.

As Akane entered the house and Ranma headed to the Dojo she went into the kitchen to see her sister making some snacks. "We're home Kasumi."

"Hello Akane, here is your train ticket to go see Kagome." Kasumi said handing her a ticket.

"Thanks Kasumi." Akane said as she hugged her sister and left for the train station.

"Akane!" Kagome screamed as she hugged her friend at the front door of her house.

"Kagome it has been so long since we've seen each other. I wish we could see each other more often like we used to." Akane said as they headed to Kagome's room.

In Kagome's room they talked about everything except the two subjects both were trying to avoid. Akane tried to bring up Ranma as little as possible and Kagome didn't mention her trips to the feudal era at all.


"Kagome it's for you." Called her mom from downstairs.

"I'll be done in a few minutes. Look around or something while I'm gone" Kagome said as she headed downstairs.

While Kagome was on the phone, Akane wandered around outside recalling all her memories of the times she had been there. When she saw the shrine she remembered that even though she had been there tons of times she had never been allowed to go down there.

"Anybody down there?" Akane asked opening the door of the shrine.

Making sure no one else was there she walked down started looking around.

"Why would they put a well in their shrine?" Akane asked no one in particular.

"Where could she be?" Kagome said as she looked for Akane. "Huh. Why is the door to the shrine open?" Kagome asked as she headed toward the shrine. "Akane..." Kagome said from behind Akane as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"Ahhhh..." Akane screamed turning so fast she fell into the well. "What's happening?" Akane asked as she went from her time to the feudal era. Akane hit the bottom of the well totally confused at what had happened. 'I guess I just fell into the well but that doesn't explain that weird feeling I got while I was falling.' Akane thought. "Anyone up there?" Akane called up the well. Just then she saw a small boy with red hair and a fluffy little tail stare over the top of the well and down at her. "Can you pull me up?" Akane asked the small boy.

"Sure." He said dropping a vine down the well.

"Thanks." I said as I climbed out of the well.

"Sure, no problem. My name is Shippo." he said.

"I'm Akane."

"How did you get down there?" He asked.

"I accidentally fell in, but the place I fell in looked nothing like this"

"You dress like someone I know. Her name is Kagome."

"You know Kagome? I was at her house when I fell in the well."

"Uh oh." Shippo said as he realized what had happened.

"Uh oh what?"

"It's hard to explain but..." Shippo said as he told me the whole story of Kagome falling down the well into the feudal era as well as the hunt for the jewel shards.

"I...I...I can't believe it." I said but then realized that nothing is impossible as I thought about Ranma's curse.

At that moment they heard a shout from the well that sounded like Kagome. Shippo and Akane ran towards the well and found Kagome at the bottom of the well.

"Can you get me up, Shippo." She asked.

Shippo lowered the same vine he used to get me up and pulled her up to the top of the well.

Kagome panted as she got out of the well. "Akane...why were you in the shrine?"

Akane turned to face her friend. "I was curious since we've never been allowed down there before." She said.

"Well now that you know my secret do you want to meet my friends?" Kagome asked

"Sure that would be cool." Akane replied.

Authors Note: That's all for now. I'll update as soon as I can get the time. All reviews are welcome. Any constructive comments would be great. I haven't seen any like this. I hope there aren't any out there. I've got some good ideas to use later so look for this story to pick up a little after the storyline is set. This is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me.