New Page 1

-This has probably been done before, I don't know. If it has, sorry. Well, I felt like trying a sort of crossover/fusion fic. In other words it's a Digimon/DBZ crossover. I know there are crossover fics already like that, but I hope mine is a bit different. =)

-I'm also not the biggest expert on DBZ or Digmon so some things may be wrong or OOC. I try but I don't have time to sit and stare at the TV let alone computer screen all day.

-This takes place in the first season and there is NO Kari. I hate her so she doesn't exist in my fics.

-I can't think of a title so if any of you have an idea please tell me. But, for now it's Untitled--I know it's so original isn't it.

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, or Digimon. Don't ask, don't bother, don't sue.


A boy about the age of 10 or 11 stared at the midnight sky with adoration. Stars shone and sparkled making the boy smile just a tad. Raising one hand, the child brushed a stray piece of hair out of his face and sighed. Every night was the same, he would stray away from the group and his digimon partner and stare endless hours at the sky as if hoping it would swallow him up.

Placing his tiny hands behind his head he eased his way back and softly touched the ground. The wind blew his hair all around making his skin shiver. The brown haired boy's eyes lidded shut as the wave of sleepiness overtook his frame. By no means were his dreams happy and refreshing in nature. In actuality they were scans and bits and pieces of mixed images and sounds. The brown-eyed child tossed and turned as the scenes picked up in nature making his whole body shake and convulse. Beads of sweat formed all over his tiny frame in numerous amounts. Soft moans, grunts, and screams escaped the prone figure as the dream continued on. His hands tightened into fists and slammed into the ground as his head violently shook from side to side. In one final yelp the boy sat up shaking and breathing raggedly.

"It was just a dream. It was just a dream." He whispered over and over to himself.

He continued to breath in and out in order to regain some composure and lower his frantic pulse and heart rate. Bringing his knees to his chest, the kid lowered his face and tightly fastened his arms around himself. Rocking back and forth as a multitude of shadows crossed his face, the boy frowned.

"Why do I keep dreaming like that?" The boy questioned trying to repress a sob.

No matter how hard he tried, his latest dream continued to attack his brain. Images of unknown people and places flooded his extremely confused head. Deep down inside he could feel something trying to emerge and let itself be known, but for the life of him he couldn't imagine what. For the past few years the dreams and spacing out have become more apparent. The brown haired digi-destined never understood why these dreams would have such an effect on him but lately they have hindered his leadership abilities. Shaking his head, Tai stood up only to feel his latest appendage sway in the background.

"Damn it!!" Tai quickly tucked the tail back around his waist, making sure it was well hidden.

"Why must I be cursed with this… this… this tail. God, it's not even normal." The keeper of courage hissed his aggravation at the tails denial to stay hidden.

"I should just chop you off, you stupid piece of crap of a tail." Tai stomped his foot and continued to tuck and tie his tail around his waist.

"There, now don't you come out or chop… chop." He inwardly shuttered and sighed.

Brushing his shorts off, and tugging on his shirt so it would look at least a tiny bit descent. /Why bother, no ones here that I really need to impress./ Tai rolled his eyes and continued making himself presentable for god knows why. Finally deciding he looked at least better than his soaked, sweat stained body, Tai walked back to camp trudging his sneaker behind him.

The bushy haired boy glanced upwards once again for the millionth time that day, a smile formed on his red lips as a blush formed on his rosy cheeks. /Why does the sky always cheer me up? Sometimes I wish I could just… never mind./ He shook his head again and quickened his pace. Now at almost a run, Tai managed to make his way back to the others in no time. It almost seemed as though he was brought into the clearing in a breeze of cool air.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Tai grinned maniacally making his way to the fire and plopping down next to Sora.

"Oh hey Tai. Were just waiting for dinner to finish cooking." Sora squirmed being so close to him and smirked.

"Good, I'm starved." He grabbed his belly and shook it.

The others just stared at him and then fell laughing. Tai joined in, but was kind of hurt that they were laughing at him. He only joked around to cheer the group up, and sometimes he felt completely shut out from the others.

"Here." Matt shoved a freshly cooked fish in Tai's hand.

"Thanks Matt, you could have warned me." He blew on his red fingers from the heat tossing the fish from hand to hand.

"Gomen." The blonde said and continued serving.

They all ate dinner in pretty good moods since they just finished there last battle for the time being. Tai stared at the fire, watching it flicker and swirl as the wind hit it. His eyes were entranced by the flames and he couldn't pull himself away. While staring deep in the reddish hues he suddenly he could feel a flash of new images engulf him. Hissing and crying out in pain, Tai fell back and toppled over the Digimon.

"Tai!?" Sora screamed and ran to his side.

The others also rushed in his direction as moans of pain escaped him. Tears fell from his closed eyes as the pictures increased in speed once again.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tai screamed at the top of his lungs as he saw a strange planet blow up into small pieces and stray into the deepness of outer space.

Tai's head felt like it would split in two from the sheer pressure. The planet, and all the people. /Oh god, the people./ The tailed boy whimpered and scratched at the ground in which he lay. He could see flames eating away at their flesh, and all their screams entered his ears. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get their screams of terror and agony out of his head. Tai began to spasm and Matt, Joe and Izzy quickly grabbed a hold of him to keep him steady. His head was shaking from side to side again with a pained expression on his face.

In mere seconds the daydream evened out and his breaths became normal but a bit fast. He fell into a deep sleep and stopped convulsing. TK and Mimi, both sighed and looked worriedly at their fallen leader. Matt still had a tight grip on his arms, while Joe and Izzy still restrained his legs.

"What the hell was that?" Matt asked while wiping sweat from his forehead.

"I don't know, I'll have to look this up on my laptop." Izzy slowly let Tai's leg go and promptly turned to his computer typing away.

"Man that was freaky." Matt still stared at his friend with a raised eyebrow and then glanced at Sora who still stood wide-eyed at Tai.

"Sora are you ok?" He walked over to her placing a hand on her shoulder and frowned when she didn't answer or move. /Sora!?/.

To Be Continued…

Ok that was just mostly a teaser/prologue kind of thing. If you want me to continue, please review and tell me so. I'll probably continue it anyway, but I have a few GW fics to finish first. If your thinking this is going to be a Taiora well think again, although you never know…LOL