Love Heals All
Kurt pulled into the driveway of Mel's house and turned off the engine. He took a minute to study the surroundings before glancing over at her. Having fallen asleep right after they left the hospital, thanks to the pain medicine, she was now laying back in the passenger seat, eyes closed and breathing steady. His jacket was pulled up to her chin and her body slightly curled toward him. Regretfully he nudged her from her sleep. "You're home."
She moved slightly and groaned which made Kurt chuckle. "Give me your keys and I'll take our stuff in the house while you get yourself together."
Her eyes flittered open and she tried to adjust to setting sunlight. "They're in my purse."
He hesitated a moment before reaching into her purse and retrieving the ring full of keys. By the looks of things, he might be awhile trying to figure out which key actually fit the door. Not that it mattered since Mel had slumped over against the door and was out cold.
Almost four hours later Mel awoke in her bed. It took her a few minutes to recall exactly how she had gotten there but if ever there was a doubt, the voice coming from down the hall reassured her. Carefully she swung her legs onto the floor and cringed as the motion tugged at her ribs. She made her was slowly down the hall and into her massive kitchen where she found Kurt rifling through her cabinets muttering a string of obscenities.
"Having fun yet?"
Clearly embarrassed, Kurt turned to face her. "I'm trying to cook dinner but I can't find a baking pan."
She wrapped an arm around her waist trying to hold her ribs, as she broke loose in uncontrollable laughter. "A baking pan?"
"Yeah, why is that so funny?" He pulled a chair over to her and made her sit down while he handed her a bottle of Diet Coke.
"Well, it's just... why do you need a baking pan Kurt?"
"To cook rolls." He responded matter-of-factly.
She laughed again. "It's after nine o'clock."
He stared at her as if she had just told him something so unbelievable. "And what, you don't get hungry after nine o'clock?"
She took a sip of her soda. "Sometimes."
"Well, I figured after all the juice and Jell-O that you might want a nice home cooked meal."
She smiled. "Kurt you've already done so much for me. Why didn't you just order take out. That's what I usually do."
He leaned against the counter and took a deep breath before exhaling. "Because I wanted to cook for you, make this night special and now it's ruined."
"I don't need a fancy dinner to make tonight special. I'm at home with you and that's all I need."
"So what will it be for dinner then? Pizza, Chinese, Thai?"
He still looked disappointed as he turned the fire off under a skillet of something that smelled delicious and she felt a pang in her heart. He lived for perfection and she knew that even though it was something as simple as a dinner he wanted it all to turn out the way he planned.
She got up and brushed past him pausing long enough to place a hand on his cheek. "I think I'll take whatever it is that you planned on cooking. It smells great." She opened the cabinet over the stove and stood on her tiptoes, forgetting for the moment that her ribs were broken and bruised, the pain ran through her and sent her reeling backwards. She stumbled and if not for Kurt's strong arms catching her she would have landed on her ass. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just forgot momentarily about my injuries." She offered a slight smile as he helped her into the living room where she collapsed onto the sofa.
He sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry Melony. I should have just let you rest and made you a can of soup of something."
"Don't be silly Kurt. You are right, after the Jell-O, I could use something a little more filling. You know to get my strength up."
Kurt gave her a squeeze. "So I guess the pan is in the cabinet above the stove?"
He kissed her gently on top of the head before fixing some pillows for her to lean back on and handing her the remote and excusing himself to the kitchen to finish what he had started.
Mel was caught up in the movie she was watching and found herself wishing for a glass of wine but knew that with the medication she was taking that Kurt would never agree. She managed to limp over to the bar in the corner of the living room that housed a fully stocked wine rack. She chose a bottle of Alice White Chardonnay and uncorked it. She carefully pulled a glass down from the rack above the bar and poured it half full. No sooner had the liquid touched her lips did Kurt walk into the room and catch her red handed. Melony expected him to storm over, snatch the glass out of her hands and give her a stern lecture about mixing pan killers with alcohol. Instead, he calmly strolled over to her his eyes never gazing away from hers as he reached above her head and grabbed another glass. "It's rude not to offer your guests a drink."
"Sorry, but I didn't think you would approve."
Kurt poured his glass a third of the way full and took a sip. "I don't. However, I know that you've been through a lot and you need to relax. But promise me you will only have one glass."
"I promise." She smiled up at him as she took a sip from her glass. "So when is dinner going to be ready?"
"That's what I came to tell you actually. Everything's ready."
She picked up her glass and the bottle of wine. Kurt raised his eyebrow. "It's in case I spill this glass or you need a refill." A smirk spread across her face as she brushed past him.
Once in her kitchen the world seemed to stop spinning. Not only was there no evidence of the mess she was almost certain that he had made but the kitchen was spotless. The food smelled so good she was convinced Kurt had ordered take out. The table was set for two, candles lit and soft music filled the air. He pulled out a chair for her and she giggled. "Thank you Kurt. Everything looks amazing."
"I hope you enjoy your meal." He cleared his throat. "For starters we have mushroom caps stuffed with an olive paste and a fresh garden salad. For the main course, we will be having Blackened Tuna, since I know you occasionally eat fish, which will be accompanied by sautéed vegetables smothered in parmesan butter sauce, loaded mashed potatoes and basil tomato pancetta bread. And finally for dessert white chocolate mousse."
Her mouth was literally agape with shock. "There's no way you cooked this Kurt! Not by yourself anyways."
"I did too! I wanted it to be perfect for you." His eyes averted away from her glare. "Ok, I cooked the potatoes and the bread. The rest Torrie dropped off." He fell into the chair with a disappointed look on his face.
Mel couldn't help but laugh. "You are so cute when you pout."
"I'm not pouting. Maybe a little."
"Kurt, you are truly amazing and I appreciate all the trouble you went to preparing this lovely dinner. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me." She paused, her mind seemingly transporting her back in time. "I can't believe we've come this far.
He raised his glass in a toast. "Here's to putting the past behind us and moving on even further."
She clanked her glass against his before taking a sip. "This has been a perfect night."
"It's not over yet." He gave her a wink before motioning her to eat the food on her plate.
She shook her head and laughed. They ate dinner, drank wine and enjoyed a great conversation. And when it was time for dessert, Kurt suggested they eat it in bed. Of course, dessert was only half eaten as they focused on each other. Kurt was a tender and sensitive lover making sure to think of her comfort first. And when it was all said and done, Mel felt as if her life had changed in an instant. She could not imagine her life without the man beside her. They lay comfortable knowing they were safe in each other's arms. Kurt's arms wrapped protectively around Mel and her head cradled in the crook of his neck. She laid her palm on his chest feeling the beating of his heart. Tears of relief filled her eyes and sobs shook her entire body. The secure feeling she had right now was so overwhelming. But more so was the feeling of having her heart completely healed.