Title: Brighter
Author: Double A Incognito
Pairing: InuKai
Warnings: None.
Rating: G
Note: Also short. Came out of left field at 4 am.
Summary: Momo just can't leave well enough alone.


"You like him, don't you? Man, that is so like you, I don't know why I'm surprised."

"What are you talking about, idiot?" Kaidoh didn't even bother to look at him as he replied. How rude.

Sensible people did not go around poking vipers with sticks. "Heh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." It was a good thing Momoshiro wasn't what most would call sensible.

"I said I don't." There, a sideways glare.

Momo nodded toward the court. "Inui-senpai. You like him." He waited for the inevitable feel of a hand grabbing the front of his shirt, but--nothing. Curious, Momo turned completely toward the other junior.

Was Kaidoh blushing? He was!

Momo grinned triumphantly--this was too good. "I don't know why I didn't see it sooner. You're always following him around, and you two train together all the time--"

"Shut up!" Kaidoh hissed, almost under his breath. The color his face was turning reminded Momo of Echizen's racket.

"You wouldn't be this affected if it wasn't tr-ue," Momo sing-songed back. "So, how long have you had a crush on him?"

"Crush on who?" came another voice from directly behind Momo, who practically jumped out of his skin.

"Inui-senpai!" they yelped in unison.

"Interesting conversation you two appear to be having."

"Aaah, Inui-senpai, we were, uh..." Did he really want to take his life in his hands and blurt out the truth? Kaidoh would never rest until he had extracted revenge if he did that--he was too young to die! "Uh..."

"It's nothing," Kaidoh muttered, shooting Momo another glare.

"Oh? So I don't have any competition, then?"

Maybe a little brighter than Echizen's racket.
