Nine o'clock was vastly approaching and I hadn't even thought about a hairstyle for the evening. Tonight was going to be loads of laughter, fun, kissing- when is there not kissing on New Year's Eve/Day. It would also be the first day people would recognize that Corey and I were apart- hopefully he wouldn't be coming. It would be very bold of him to come- he wouldn't dare! I reassured myself as I dressed quickly, the time was flying by as did the clothing from my closet. I finally decided on a flirty skirt, with a camisole and cardigan. I do look snazzy if I say so myself!

The doorbell rang within seconds of the finishing of my makeup- the first of guests to arrive were none other than Lance and Ethan. Come to think of it, I hadn't remembered a time Ethan had ever rung the doorbell. I ushered the two inside and they threw their jackets in Parker's room- the designated coat room.

"Liz, how you been?" Corey asked embracing me like he hadn't seen me for ages.

"Not bad, considering your room-mate was using me for sex, but I suppose I'm okay. I have a new boyfriend now," I finished cheerfully as he expressed his sorrow towards the break up of Corey and I. It was extremely out of his laid back, out there personality- something was up; something was always up with Lance.

"Lizzie! You're looking fine as always! Where's my sex god?" he asked referring to Parker and leaving without an answer and going straight for the bathroom.

"Hey, get out Ethan" I heard from the bathroom- apparently Miranda was still getting ready.

Another knock at the door, I answered it to some friends I knew of Parker and Ethan's getting them a drink and taking their coats. The room filled up quickly and nine o'clock came and went even faster. The room was loud and full of laughter, some drunken, others just having a good time. Ten o'clock rolled by and still no Logan, I was beginning to get angry when he finally showed up- only two hours late.

"Liz," he gave me a deep kiss which I pulled away from with a face of scorn. "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to gather up the guys and some instruments. Please forgive me!" his eyes pleaded with me and then he hit me with the clever puppy dog face. Oh how I weak I am for that sweet face. Of course I accepted his apology and handed him a beer from the cooler, taking his jacket and his buddies jackets.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood buddy- or else!" I smiled playfully at him and he clung to my side like a child in a super market. He greeted people with me, took coats, grabbed drinks- it was sweet yet kind of creepy. I finally got very fed up. "Okay, hold it babe, what's with the clinginess?" I asked stopping in Parker's room as we threw some jackets on an empty corner.

"Just don't want to lose you for the countdown!" he winked and smacked my but as we moved out of the room together. Midnight was so close, everyone could taste it. Couples began to pair off as we stood around the small TV for the countdown. The single people found a partner and all clung together in a large group- a swarm, a motionless mosh pit.

Slowly the countdown started…

10…9… The couples crept closer getting ready for their midnight splendor. Some hadn't gotten any action in weeks, others months and some mere hours.

8…7…6… Miranda and Lance took each other by the hand and pulled into each other. Logan grabbed my waist as I slowly put my arms around him. Parker and Ethan crept off to Miranda's room barely noticed.

5…4…3…2… Everyone was near someone and all were at the ready, lips ready and puckered.

1… Logan's lips crashed against mine and it was as if no one else was in the room with us. It was like our own private room- oblivious to the noise and shouts of Happy New Year, just us, glued to each other's lips, passionate deep kisses. Then it began- the battle of the tongues!

Some like to argue that New Years Eve is a lucky night- in fact, a night to get lucky. For some people this is true- it was true for Miranda and Lance- although they'd do the same any other night; Parker and Ethan had already begun and Logan and I- we were starting into our own countdown.

We snuck off to my room kissing passionately, not even realizing that everyone was dancing around or listening to the band playing. We just backed slowly to my room, slowly falling onto my bed- lips attached never leaving. Our game began that night- a quick relationship that just sort of- happened. We didn't even realize what we were doing until we were done.

It was like some blurry dream that I tried to recount- I remember few things clearly except for the most exciting. The clothes were torn off quickly in a desperate attempt to feel the warmth of each other's skin. The touching was sensual and an adventure. The actual entering was the most pleasurable- the most pleasure I had ever had- even better than Corey. Our bodies were in tune with one another- moving like we'd always done this- like it was a familiar game. Yet there was still a passion, a passion I knew had to remain because it felt so new and old and overwhelming!

I lay beside Logan realizing my clothes were off in some corner of the room; my head was on his heaving chest and his arm around my body protectively. It was a comfortable silence that brought us back to reality. Just outside the thin doors, a party was being had- many people still there, drinking and singing drunkenly. It hit us like a ton of feathers- hitting hard, yet softly bringing us to the realization that we had just turned our relationship up to the next level. We had gone that next step that many couples take time to get to and some jump into too quickly. Our fate was undecided- I'm not sure what exactly this will do to us. Will we change our ways? Will this even really last? Will we even make it until tomorrow?

The questions soared around me, around the room, around our bodies and into our minds like drops of knowledge. As if some sort of sign, he lifted my chin and tightened his grip, staring deep into my eyes. It was then that I realized we had a chance- a chance to succeed, a chance to be forever. I know, what is forever and is it even possible, but it is. I believe it can work- I know it can work! This will work- I will, nay, we will make this work.

I snuggled deeper into the comforts of his grip and just knew that this was meant to be. Without going home, and losing Corey, going through all that pain- I never would have had a chance with my soul mate. It's true what they say- when you meet your soul mate, you just know. It's like this feeling of comfort and fear that overwhelms your body and you just…know! As I lay here, I know this is going to be a great year and for my New Year's Resolution:

Make the most of my life and be everything I can- sex goddess, athlete, singer, actress, lover, academic, and overall person. Most of all, make my relationship with Logan last- lasting is the most important thing and now, only time will tell…

a/n: I hope you enjoyed this series- I enjoyed writing it! I really did! I actually got excited with my ideas, hopefully you did too. I'm going to start another story, a second series about a year down the road from this one. An update feature, if you will. Stay tuned, be happy and review like crazy!!!