Here's Your Letter

A JtHM Song/FanFiction

By Nyx Vasquez

Author's Note: Yes, yes I KNOW, quit your bitchin'! I'm back with another chapter, so calm down and take a chill pill. The Nyxster is BACK! I had the WORST writers' block for almost everything I was doing. Now, I'm even at a standstill with Futility, and I just started that!

I have no idea what's going to go on in this chapter. I'm writing because I've read everything on the forums, and posted there more often than I can count. Plus, I'm full of itching anxiety for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to come out. I reserved it at Toys R' Us for my birthday (which was waaaaay effing back in March) and get to pink it up ANYTIME after 12:01 A.M. on Saturday, July 16. Plus, I get a free t-shirt with it. So nyaaaaah on you; I can't wait. But I'm talking out all of my nervous energy on writing and reading and listening to music and being on the internet and annoying people... even more so than usual, which is alot if I do say so myself... and I do say so myself.

Anyways, enough with the stalling. On with the chapter.

Disclaimer: Ah, fuck it, I don't own JtHM.

I swear alot, don't I? All the time. I gotta stop that...

...fucking shit.

Chapter Four - Warm As The Bullet

The blindfold was on him now, though it was so sheer he could see through it as easily as a light fog. He could see the firing squad lined up in front of him, assembling their semi-circle that would be the means to his doom. He never did like geometry, anyways. Fuck you, semi-circles, circles are way more fun!

Johnny strained a bit against the bindings, testing them for looseness, but they were tight as... a tight thing, he finished to himself. And I am as excited as... an excited thing. Or Dora the Explorer on crack.

But why was he excited? He couldn't remember when, or why, but he had quit longing for death to claim him. Infact, now that the dark-haired teen thought about it, all his memories were a bit dim. Every memory that he tried to recall took a lot of effort and were... staticky... at best.

Except for when he killed.

That was all he could remember. Every kill he had ever made. The times, the places, the reasons, the whos, the hows. Gleefully, he mentally scrolled down the list of kills.

Edgar... he was a good man. Why did I go through with it? Granted, he was the closest, but why couldn't I have gone out and gotten one of those wheezy street robots? He seemed okay. But the wall... the wall needed food...

Jimmy. That ignorant, idealizing little putrid shit. A waste of my... talents. His weapons weren't even worth spitting on.

...and Devi... but I didn't kill her...

Then he remembered. That was why, that was why, she was why he wanted to... live...

The violet eyed boy struggled against his bonds, furiously screaming obscenities against the foul gag that took residence in his mouth. Then he remembered... he had a slim dagger hidden up his sleeve! He slid it out...

"...Ready, squad, on my mark..."

No no no no no, oh Gods no, Devi, no, no, fucking NO! The knife wouldn't work against the bonds. Nobody seemed to notice his efforts. He redoubled them, working furiously.


I don't want to fucking DIE anymore, don't you understand? I want to live, I want to live, I just want to... I never... The knife was dead. Angry tears worked their way into the fibres of the gauzy eye mask, through them he could see the masked squad lined up and aiming for right under his heart.

"Too bad she doesn't care anymore, Nny... she wants to die too..."

And under one of those masks that the men wore... were forest eyes... and violet hair.

No... Devi...


Sixteen guns cocked. Sixteen shots rang out. Sixteen shells clattered to the ground.

One bullet went in.

One person was left for dying midnight eyes to view.

They took off their mask and stepped towards him.

Blood soaked his lips, bubbling from between them.

Devi stepped towards him, taking off his mask as his eyes clouded over, and a warm surge of something unidentified surged through his slowly freezing body as she grabbed the sides of his face with her hands and kissed his dying lips, even as his head drooped forward onto his chest.

"Sorry, Johnny. It just wasn't meant to be..."

With the last strength he had, he lifted up his head to kiss her back, one last time. As she stepped away, he could see the blood thinly veiling them. His blood.

"But it c-coul-d... h-have been..."

"It was. But now it's over."

Then he died.

From the bedroom in Devi's apartment, two people woke up kicking and screaming.

"W-why... can't this... just end!" Devi sobbed, shaking in Johnny's arms.

A lone tear worked it's way down the violet-haired man's cheek. "I don't know, Devi. I really don't."

"B-but... I... can't deal with this... a-anymore!"

His eyes widened. "You mean..."

"I..." She took a deep breath. "We need t-to find a solution."

He visibly relaxed.

"Of course we will. We'll find one, and stop all this shit, okay?"

"We can... try?"

"Well, we've been trying for the last few months, but of course. I'm sure we'll find one. I'll do every fucking thing I possibly can to find a solution to this, or my name isn't Nny!" He said it with the bravery of a nine year old kid, but somehow Devi found comfort in that. He wasn't totally sure of himself, and he wasn't Mr. I'm-Not-Afraid all the time.

"Your name... isn't Nny."

"Um... so? MY name can be Nny if it wants to! And rainbow monkeys will fly out of my ass if it isn't!"

She giggled. "Whoa, look at that purple one's head sticking out..."


"Relax, Nny, I was only..."

Mr. Oblivio strikes again, she thought, reassured and reassuring.

End Chapter Four

Okay. So sue me, I was listening to Say Anything while writing this, and that's where I got the idea. "And if they kill me, your love will fill me, warm as the bullet..."

I've got an idea of where I'm goin with this now. I know this was short, but the next chapter will be up soon.
