Chapter one-
"Imagination is more important then knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world"- Albert Einstein
DISCLAIMER: everything other than the plot belongs to J.K. Rowling and whoever she chooses to sell it to (this disclaimer applies to all material within all chapters of this story)
Hermione Granger lay on her comfortable bed in her small but perfectly acceptable bedroom. Clutched in her hand was a most interesting article, neatly trimmed from the Daily Prophet. She had read the article several times, and yet she looked over it with the avid curiosity of someone reading it for the first time. It was entitled: "Dumbledore Takes Umbrage with Umbridge!" It was all about the events of the past school year. Dumbledore had sent a petition to the ministry, demanding them to declare any "educational decrees" instigated by Dolores Umbridge or in the previous year void. The ministry had of course obliged. Dumbledore had also managed to have all of Umbridge's decrees on the employment and treatment of supposedly "dangerous half-breeds" repealed. The article included some of these decrees, and they really were quite simply ridiculous! Harry had sent the cutting to her, with it, he had enclosed a letter, not only telling her that he was having a great time at Grimauld place and that he hoped to see her soon, but also that Remus would be taking up his old post of "Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher". Hermione had replied with a note of congratulations and a short letter describing her holiday so far (there wasn't really much to describe)
She set the article down and began to think of the holiday that stretched before her, six glorious weeks.... Soon she would be going to Grimauld Place to join the boys. She knew that she was at a great risk here; Voldermort's return was now public, so his deatheaters would no longer have to operate in secret. With her being Harry's best friend and a Muggle born, she would be a target to good to resist for the death eaters. She understood this, but had wanted to spend a few days with her parents before she went to the head quarters, it would probably be another year before she could see them again.
She looked up at her clock, and saw that it was 3 minutes past midnight, she smiled to herself, the witching hour, she thought fondly. Ironic that when she had been younger, she often refused to go to sleep between midnight and one o'clock, she had read that it was the "witching hour" and that if you fell asleep during it, the evil witches could take your soul.
She stifled a yawn, and decided to head downstairs and say goodnight to her parents. Halfway across the landing she heard a strange noise, it sounded slightly like a whisper. She scalded herself inwardly, despite the fact she was a witch, and a jolly good one at that, thinking about old witch stories still put her on edge. She shook her head and smiled at her self, still, she clutched her wand a little tighter in her dressing gown pocket, doublely glad she never went any where without it. She was about to start back across the landing again, when she heard a much more definite sound, she knew at once it wasn't her imagination.
It was a poorly muffled yell, followed by a loud thud, which there was no attempt to muffle. Hermione was panicking; she didn't know what to do. Defend her parents, run and hide, contact Dumbledore, or ring the police. She didn't even know who was attacking them, wizard or muggles? She didn't even know that they were being attacked, she hoped miserably with little conviction that it could be coming from the television-her parents rarely watched it, but still...
Her questions were answered when she heard a drawling voice cry "Avarda Kedavra". She heard a body collapse and she felt her world do the same. She didn't even register the second shout, or the dull thud that followed. She wasn't aware of moving, but she must've done because she found herself leaning against the locked bathroom door. She knew it was useless, there was nowhere for her to go, she couldn't apparate, and she was trapped, soon they would find her and unlock the door easily. She was as good as lost. She had her wand, but what use was that against a fully trained wizard who was obviously willing to use the unforgivables?
"Alohamora" the same drawling voice that had brought death to her parents whispered, and the bolt slid across, leaving the door open, exposing the terrified 15 year old girl cowering behind it.