This work is a piece of pure fiction, based on the anime Inuyasha.

No real spoilers, just romantic-angst goodness.

DISLCAIMER: One and only, so get it here. I. Own. Nothing. This includes the Inuyasha series and sundry. That all belongs to different people, who make a lot more money than I do.

All There Is

In the end, he was the only one left. It never really made sense to Kagome why, exactly, he stuck around. She wasn't the most sweet tempered person around (lots of patience but never ever enough for Inuyasha), or the most beautiful, or the most talented. She had never been able to live up to Inuyasha's expectations, why should she live up to his?

At least this time, there was no reincarnation to deal with.

It wasn't a lie when she told Inuyasha he wasn't her type. He was brash, rude, blunt, sloppy (much like the hanyou that held her heart), but always tender with her. She didn't need to be coddled, something that none of the others ever got.

He learned, quickly, but still treated her like a princess, like the miko she was (not). He did this because he cared for her, loved her, and not just for her abilites (not always, not at first).

One day, when Inuyasha was being particularly prickly she upped and kissed him, and the look on his face (shockindignationhurt why did you do it) made it worth the pain she felt.

(Cause now he knew how it felt when she stumbled across him and Kikyou, like an old rhyme, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, oblivious to the world around them, and how -did- it feel, Inuyasha, to see that?)

But it wasn't just because of the thousand little things that made him... well, him. It wasn't just because he was better than Inuyasha (and worse, she wasn't blind), or even Hojou.

It was because, in the end, he was the only one left. He'd stayed while other has left (fled back to red, white, and dead). And though Kouga was hardly perfect, he's all there is.

Kagome had learned to make do with that.