Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, no matter how much I dislike that.


Again some power hungry mad man threatened the world. This evil man is known as Hurricane. He created strong and powerful winds, and some how, he used them take over the US. Now he was disposing of all the United States Leaders from on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. Gleefully he used his winds to push the Mayor of New York into the air. Just as Hurricane was about to let the mayor drop, Beast Boy, in the shape of a giant eagle, placed his talons on the mayor's shoulders and safely deposited him on the ground. The rest of the Titans defeated Hurricane. The day was once again saved. And more importantly, the Mayor of New York's life had been saved. In gratitude he granted the Titans one million dollars. (Not very much really...) And Beast boy new exactly how to spend it...

Chapter One

"WALMART!" He screamed excitedly, at the breakfast table that next morning.

"Wal-mart?" Cyborg repeated with one eyebrow raised. Beast boy nodded rapidly, then went back to stuffing his face with tofu eggs. Starfire sat puzzling out the meaning to the word.

"Is that a place that sells walls?" She asked finally.

Beast boy nearly spit out his eggs. Hastily he swallowed. "Probably, but they sell lots of stuff, almost anything you can imagine, they probably have." Star nodded and went back to her breakfast.

"Why there?" Robin asked, also with an eyebrow raised.

A vain pulsed in Beast Boy's forehead. "Like I said. They sell everything...."

"except, 2,000 horse power titanium water-cooled engines." Replied Cyborg. "That's the one thing I need to finally finish off my car, and surprise, I can't find it anywhere!" Beast boy glared at him icily.

"I don't think we should go." Raven said through the silence.

Beast Boy glared at her. "And why not."

"I don't expect you to understand Green Boy, but if you really must know, I get bad vibes from that place." Raven answered in the same icy tone.

"Yeah, right, what could possibly happen at a Wal-mart?" Beast boy asked chuckling. Raven glared at him, and they became locked in a staring contest, until Beast Boy finally looked away. He suddenly saw a flash of black fur out of the corner of his eye. Then a bright blue cat's eye met his then with a popping sound disappeared. 'What was that?' He thought to himself, then shook it away.

"I think we ought to just try it." Beast Boy said finally. Raven sighed but receded, knowing she would regret it later. After breakfast, all five teens piled into the T-car, and headed to Wal-Mart.

Lupi: now if that line doesn't sound ominous nothing does, please review, or you shall be tarred and feathered!