And Mother Makes Three

And Mother Makes Three

By: Demoness Mark

Author's Note: This is in honor of Nonny's Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry that it took so long, but RL got in the way, plus I thought I had had it started and found out that I didn't.

Chapter 12

Heero must hate me.

That is all I can think, as I try to drown out the rambling, incoherent noise which ushers forth from the lips of the idiot sitting across from me. He must have somehow found out about Mariemaia's plan . . .

If so I am dead.

My imminent death aside, we still have a job to do. The idiot has done decently well choosing a table in a shady corner of the restaurant. We aren't easily seen but well placed to spy on, excuse me, casually observe the table which held Heero, Mariemaia, and the operative of VECTOR (who happened to be Heero's girlfriend, or rather the facsimile thereof). There are several other customers scattered around the target. Some faces seemed to stand out . . .

"Does anything seem off to you?" The idiot sitting on the other side of the table asked, interrupting my thoughts, though his question seemed to be following the same lines I was going.

"Not off, but—"

"But what?" the braided idiot hissed.

"I was going to say that it isn't that there is something off per say, more that I feel like I've seen some of the patrons before."

"You mean other than Jason and Relena?" asked Duo.

I winced at that, of course I meant other than Jason and Relena. They sat across the restaurant from us, as Jason has been also been tasked to be part of the surveillance team, and he made a valid point that it would look a lot less suspicious for him to eat with a woman, and since his friendship with Relena was well-known, he brought her into the scheme as well.

Wufei, himself hadn't argued the decision despite it putting Relena in danger for two reasons. The first was that she had a right to see the plan go down after everything Heero's mission had cost her. The second was that she wouldn't have listened to her anyways.

'Idiotic women! Though I will give her credit, at least she is smarter than my current partner, though to beat him you would have to be a drooling idiot.'

Across the restaurant Relena and Jason were having other difficulties.

"Are you sure that I shouldn't go over there to say hi? It is a well known fact that I am friends with Heero and 'Maia, and won't it look strange if I don't?"

"I'm positive, after all this is supposed to look like a date," replied Jason tiredly. She supposed that it was fair as she had been asking questions similar to those from the time she had found out about the mission. Jason had been a sweetheart, trying to calm her fears and reassure her that both 'Maia and Heero would be safe.

"And whose ideal was that anyways?"

Relena saw Jason blanch. Bingo.

"Well, um . . . you know . . . er," Jason stuttered.

"Never mind."

There was an awkward pause in the conversation. Jason fidgeted, and Relena glanced over her shoulder toward Heero's table. As her eyes traveled over the tables a tall, beautiful woman got up and headed towards the ladies room. When her eyes landed on Heero's table, she realized that Maia was missing. She hurriedly turned back towards Jason.

"Where is 'Maia?"

"She went to the bathroom a few minutes ago," He replied in a gentle tone.

Several minutes passed, and Relena was getting even more worried. After precisely seven and a half minutes, she excused herself to visit the ladies room herself. She walked past Heero's table without a second glance. Her thought were focused solely on 'Maia. She entered the bathroom and noticed that none of the stalls were occupied and 'Maia was no where in sight.