When the Roses Bleed

Chapter 1: Babysitter Wanted.

A/N: My second AU. sigh Makes me feel like wiggling. wiggles I came up with this fic one day as a one shot, a REALLY long one shot, but sadly, I forgot to save it before I left for school and my mommy shut down my computer, making me panic close to suicide for such an awesome fic going to waste. So I have resurrected the idea from the depths of my Saiyuki obsessed brain and have turned it into an 11 chapter tragedy. swoon Hopefully people will enjoy it. This story includes, Gojyo, Hakkai, Sanzo, Goku, Homura, Yaone, Kougaiji and Dokugakuji. Lots of fun. Now for pairings: Gojyo and Hakkai, some Sanzo and Goku, MAYBE (meaning if I am up to it), the tiniest little bit of Homura X Goku. Actually, scratch that, NO.


In a rich town in China, a king, Lord Homura, overruled his town with pride and dignity. He had a daughter, Princess Yaone, who was to marry and become queen. But Lord Homura's wife one day, confessed she was having an affair with another man, a peasant man who she had loved since she was just a child, who she has fallen in love with and wasn't forced to marry, unlike him. Lord Homura was furious and sentenced his own wife and the peasant man to death. Within the hour they were hung. Lord Homura, two days later found out she had bore a child with the man, just a year older then his own daughter Yaone, named Gonou. He took him in, despite the fact it wasn't really his, and cared for him and changed his name to Hakkai.

"Sounds like a fairy tale...but it really happened." A brown haired boy with bright golden eyes whispered to a taller blonde during inspection of the servants and guards.

"Will you shut up? Why are you over here anyway? You're back in Row 6, this is Row 2." The blonde growled. "This isn't story time, this is inspection. I don't care how, why or what was going on before we came here. I am a guard so I get paid, not to hear stupid myths." He whispered harshly, pushing Goku back with the dull end of his staff.

"You don't have to be mean." Goku whined.

"Sanzo-San!" A female rang out happily into the perfect lines of guards. A pale girl, no more then nineteen-years-old, ran up into the group, his purple hair swaying, in opposite rhythm to her pink silk dress. "Stop picking on Goku-Chan." She scolded.

"Sorry Princess..." Sanzo grumbled.

"I need you guys, I want to go out of the castle." She said, pulling on Sanzo's arm.

"You have Kougaiji and Dokugakuji..." Sanzo growled. "Stop bringing me on your little escapades."

A superior officer approached the Princess. "Princess, this is inspection of the guards and servants--" But he was interrupted.

"So you're saying I can't be here? These two are my friends, they don't need an inspection. Come on, Sanzo-San, Goku-Chan." She said happily, taking their hands and pulling them towards the back entrance of the castle, near the garden.

"It seems Princess got to you too?" Dokugakuji grinned at Sanzo and Goku, who were being gently dragged by the excited princess.

"What do you think?" Sanzo grumbled.

"Thanks Princess. Inspection makes me so nervous. I'm happy when you come to take us away for one of your afternoon outings." Goku said with a smile.

"It's no problem at all Goku-Chan." Yaone smiled, patting the boy on the head.

"So what are you doing today Princess?" Kougaiji asked suspiciously.

"Well, after what happened to my brother last week, my father wants me to find somebody who can take care of him. I have an idea of whom, but we need to find him in town." Yaone explained.

"Who is he?" Kougaiji asked.

"An old friend of mine, Sha Gojyo." She said with a smile.

"Why can't you just take care of him?" Sanzo asked.

"Because I am too busy taking you on my stupid escapades." Yaone glared, putting her hands on her hips. "Get a carriage ready! I want to leave in 10 minutes."

"Yes Princess Yaone." The four men bowed in unison.


"Argh, I need a job..." A man exclaimed, walking down the street. He had long crimson hair, a red, silk traditional shirt. He was of the middle of the rich and middle class. Not really somebody, but not really nobody. He scuffed his shoes on the dirt road in disgust. He had been fired, yet again. He didn't know quite why this time, but he did.

"Gojyo! Sha Gojyo!" Yaone exclaimed, hopping out of the carriage, running up to him.

"Yaone-Chan?" He questioned, leaning back as the excitable princess ran up to him.

She smiled at the crimson haired man, "It's been a while."

"It has Princess Yaone." Gojyo teased.

"I wish you wouldn't call me that." She huffed.

"Can't help your title." Gojyo paused, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. "What can I help you with? I know it's not everyday you come looking for common people." He took out his lighter and lit his cigarette.

"I have a job for you. You will be paid of course." The Princess smiled.

"Funny how three minutes ago, I was being yelled at by my boss and fired." Gojyo grinned. "And now I have Princess Yaone asking me to work for her—"

"Not for me." She corrected.

"Who for then?" Gojyo asked, perking an eyebrow at the younger girl.

"My brother." She said. "His name is Hakkai."

"I didn't know you had a brother Yaone-Chan…And after all the years I've known you…" Gojyo said, quite surprised. "What does he need?"

"A babysitter." She said simply.

"Nope, no way. I am not babysitting little kids." He said, starting to walk away.

"Wait! Gojyo-Chan!" Yaone panicked. "This is a very good opportunity for you. You will be paid very well by my father, you get to live inside the castle and you have food and all you have to do is stay by my brother's side."

Gojyo perked an eyebrow and took a swig of his cigarette. "It sounds like you're trying to get him hitched…" He said, thinking about it, but not quite giving in yet.

"Please…I am very worried for him. He's not bad at all; he's very gentle and sweet." Yaone explained. "My father wants to hire somebody in the special kind of work, but I don't know if I can trust a stranger with my brother, who is why I picked you, somebody I trust…"

"You know, if you weren't the Princess, I'd tell you to fuck off. But since I get your point, I'll meet the guy, but as a deal, I can back out whenever I want." Gojyo hissed.

"Thank you so much Gojyo. You won't regret it." The Princess bowed.

"Don't bow to me in public, people will think I have you brainwashed or some shit…" He whispered harshly, following her into the carriage. They both rode down to the castle, where Gojyo, for all he knew, was going to meet somebody that would change his life.

"Father, I'm back!" Yaone rang as the guards opened the door to the throne room for her and Gojyo. "I have found my friend, the one I believe can take good care of my brother."

"And who is this person…?" The king hissed. He had short dark blue hair, and two eyes of different colors each. He was leaning on one arm in boredom, but perked up a little as his daughter rang in.

"My old friend Sha Gojyo. I trust him and I believe he will take wonderful care of Hakkai."

"Gojyo, eh? I believe I have heard of you." Homura smiled, leaning back in his chair.

"A lot of people have." Gojyo retorted simply.

"You're a funny guy." Homura snickered. "Now, first things first, Hakkai, my adopted son, shall not be spoken about in public. He does not leave the castle either. He stays here, nobody shall ever know about him. Anybody who tells will get killed, along with the person they told so I suggest keeping your mouth shut." Homura said harshly. Gojyo gulped.

"That's not problem. I don't know anybody except Princess Yaone anyway." Gojyo shrugged.


"Sire, may I ask why exactly am I babysitting him? Is he little or something?" Gojyo asked, perking an eyebrow.

"I will not tell you how it happened, but he is temporarily blind and can't get around. I was going to let him try and take care of himself alone, but my daughter loves her brother dearly and wanted to get somebody to watch over him. That is why you are here."

"So he has been chosen father?" Yaone asked. "You'll allow him to stay."

"I'll see how he is with him. But first off, I think the two of you'd better meet." Homura suggested, curling an index finger at one of the guards to come over to him and he muttered, "Go get him." Gojyo sat for maybe two minutes until one of the guards led in a brown haired man, maybe a year younger then Gojyo himself. Gojyo gaped. The man had beautiful, but dull, emerald eyes, an ivory complexion and a sweet smile, despite he couldn't see around him. The guard roughly sat him next to Homura, getting a whine out of the pretty man. "Hello son." Homura said eerily.

"Good afternoon father." Hakkai smiled sweetly. "Has Yaone found the person to watch over me?"

"I have brother!" Yaone smiled. Hakkai turned to Yaone, following the sound of her voice.

"Is he in the room?" Hakkai asked, a frustrated look on his face. "I can't see." He smiled at the redundancy.

"I'm—I'm—uh, right here." I said, noticing him looking deep into my eyes. "My name is Sha Gojyo."

"Hello, Gojyo-San." Hakkai smiled.

"Gojyo will be taking care of you." Homura commanded. "Now, go on into your quarters and get to know each other, I guess." Gojyo bowed out of politeness one last time to Homura and stood up, walking over to Hakkai. Hakkai sensed him coming over and stood up and bowed slightly. "I hope we get along well, Gojyo-San."

"Do not bow to commoners Hakkai." Homura said sharply. Hakkai got a panicked look on his face and stood up straight.

Gojyo ignored Homura's cruelty to Hakkai, knowing he'd be missing his head if he questioned the king. Hakkai gently took Gojyo's hand and led him into the halls. Yaone stayed, sitting on her knees in front of her father.

"I wish you were nicer to him." Yaone sighed inwardly.

"I don't have to be." Homura growled.

"Princess Yaone, your bath is ready." Goku smiled and bowed to the king quickly correcting his mistake of not bowing first.

"Thank you Goku-Chan." Yaone smiled. "You can take a bath with me!"

"Really!?" Goku cheered.

" Oh and father, please , please be nicer to Hakkai." Yaone pleaded.

"Go take your bath Yaone." Homura said sternly. Yaone's face saddened and she followed Goku.


A/N: I think it was good. . Please review!!