Author's Note: Okay, this is the story of the final character! Some of you were right, the last character is Amarant! It was quite easy to figure it out, rule: Enjoy the fic!

Btw, the rating has been changed to PG-13 due to some disturbing content in Quina's and Amarant's story.


Life. To those spoiled nobles in Alexandria and Treno, it's a bed of roses where you born with a silver spoon in your mouth, grow up leading an affluent lifestyle, and become a spoilt, pampered brat in the end. To me, life is a period of great suffering, where death is the only salvation. I have good reason to stick to this philosophy, believe me.

I had been just like any other man, leaving peacefully, until my mother had suddenly taken ill. On her deathbed, she told me about my hidden past. What she told me would change my life, and my personality forever.

My mother's name was Tara. She was a young, sweet and beautiful milkmaid, with flaming red hair that fell to her waist, startling sapphire eyes and rosy cheeks. She had a body like an hourglass, which would stay with her for many years to come, and men fell in love with her. She had eyes for only one man though-a man named Dylan. They were engaged to each other and were planning to marry soon. All went well, until disaster struck, in the form of an influential, high-ranking army officer named Keiran. Keiran was a middle-aged, pudgy man with a small neck and many, wobbling cheeks. Since he has so much of power, no one dared to go against him.

This officer, who was used to having everything he wanted, had lusted after my mother for a long time. He had become mad with anger when he learnt of Tara's engagement. He wanted to have anything he wished for. He decided to claim Tara for himself, by force. And all the while, the poor girl was oblivious to Keiran's evil thoughts.

One fine day, Tara, who was 22 at that time, stopped by Keiran's house to deliver milk. Keiran had instucted his butler to direct Tara to his room. Reluctantly, Tara tiptoed along the plush carpets, up the stairs, down the aisle, and knocked lightly on the magnificent oak door. Keiran was sitting on his bed, waiting for her. His lips curved upward in a smile. Tara, sensing his intentions, panicked and tried to run away, but Keiran locked the door, using magic. He then advanced towards her, and, despite her pleas and whimpers, raped her.

After satisfying his animal-like desire, Keiran threw her in one of the prison cells and announced to the world that my mother had been thrown in jail for prostituting herself, and offering her "services" to him. The public, believing him, scorned my mother and went to her cell just to spit on her. Dylan, deeply disgusted at my mother's "crime", left her for another woman.

After ten days in the cell, my mother discovered she was with child. What else did those tell-tale signs of morning sickness and lethargy point to? Her treatment by the public did not get any better; in fact, they spoke more ill of her, believing that one of her "clients" must have been the cause.

My mother had always dreamt of having her first child with Dylan after marriage; she believed that a baby was a gift from heaven, and the thing which bounds a man to a woman, and vice-versa. She had dreamt of being pampered by Dylan, and praised by the public, for being such a well-bred girl. All her dreams were ruined; the public believed she had a double life as a prostitute; all because of a monster masquerading as an army officer.

It comes as no surprise that I was born in a prison cell.

I cannot remember the first few years of my life, but according to the first few years of my life in the cell, but according to my mother, I was a scrawny, malnourished boy who was often kicked around and bullied by the guards. I used to cry for food at nights, making my poor mother flustered.

When I was about five, my mother was released from jail. People still had not forgotten her "heinous crime", so they muttered darkly whenever she was in the vicinity. The monster who had ruined my mother's life was now happily married to another woman.

My mother decided to find solace in Madain Sari. She journeyed across seas, taking me with her. The first sight of Madain Sari is my earliest memory ever. I recalled my mother running around the place in joy, and a sense of warmth enveloping me. I was too young to understand why she was so happy, but as I heard the past spewing from my mother's mouth, I realized that she was jubilant, because she was far, far away from that cold, dark cell.

My childhood, as I recalled it, was a peaceful one. The summoners treated me and my mother well, and I would always get a sweet or a pat on the head whenever I passed them. Whenever I felt lost, I would go to the Eidolon Wall to pray to the spirits. It gave me a sense of belonging and comfort. Over the years, I grew into a strong, young man.

I remembered slumping near my mother's bedside as she told me all this. As I listened to her, countless questions were popping up in my head.You mean I am illegitimate? You mean I was born in a prison cell? You mean my childhood was not a peaceful as I thought? You mean I am the son of a rapist?

My mother reached out, and with great difficulty, managed to grasp my hand. "My son," she croaked, "You've become a fine, young man. Don't waste your life away. Go out and explore the world. It will do you some good. And don't seek revenge. Revenge is unhealthy. It only gives you temporary satisfaction. I bless you..." and with that she let go of my hand, slumped back into her bed and closed her eyes for the last time, joining God in Heaven.

I remember weeping hysterically while the summoners stood outside my house, my head bowed.

A year after her death, I decided to fulfill her wish and travel around the world. One day, I heard that Keiran had been killed in battle. I gloated, thinking that the monster had finally gotten what he deserved. I eventually settled down in Treno and found a job as a security guard. Everything was going well until that monkey Zidane messed everything up. Of course, I hated him at that time, because being falsely accused of something had ruined both my mother's life and my own. Now, I realize that Zidane is just a playful boy who goes a bit overboard at times.

After escaping from Treno, I wandered through the wild marshes and grassy plains, until I chanced upon a beautiful brunette. She was scantily dressed and wielded a gargantuan axe. She introduced herself as 19-year-old Lani. Making sure that she was not a hooker, I asked for her profession. She replied that she was a bounty hunter, serving Her Majesty Queen Brahne. She then looked at me interestedly and said, "The queen's looking for another hunter. Perhaps you'd like to join?"

Desperate for more money, I readily agreed and followed her to Alexandria. There, she introduced me to Queen Brahne. As soon as I saw her, I shrank back. She was the most revolting creature I had ever seen, which bulging eyes, and platinun yellow hair bunched at both sides of her head. She was fat enough to get stuck in a normal doorway, and her complexion left much to be desired. Looking at her pimply face made me nauseous. However, since I was broke, I stood my ground.

She peered down at me, waving that stupid fan of hers. After what seemed like a long time, she finally said, "Yes, Lani, he looks strong and young, perfect for a bounty hunter." Then she turned her attention to me and proclaimed ceremoniously, "You're hired."

She expected me to jump up and down in joy and utter praises, but I just turned and walked out of the room., and to my shnaty quarters in town.

I became a dejected person, for I felt that I was the reminder of my mother's terrible encounter. I hated myself for being the son of a coward; an infidel. I travelled with Zidane's party only because it helped me get my mind off my mother.

What if I die? I'll join my mother in Heaven. My dear, darling mother. I cannot wait for that day to come. What I do not understand is, why these people are clinging on to their life so dearly.

"Amarant, do you think we can make it?" someone asked.

That jolted me from my train of thoughts. I whirled around to find Vivi looking up at me with those glowing topaz eyes of his. Vivi was the only person I could stand in the whole of the party.

"Maybe," was all I could manage as I turned away. All of a sudden, we were thrown off our feet. Steiner's shouts were interspersed with Eiko's shrieks as the two of them collided. We got to our feet after a few seconds, and immediately figured out the situation.

Our team was entering Memoria.

-End Amarant/ End Story-