Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy 7, never have. It's one of my favorite games along with other really big fans. So no need to sue anyone.

AN: I'm really sorry the last chaper was so short, I'll try to make this one longer! I love you guys!

Yuffie walked through an unknown forest trying to find her way back home. Cloud was stuck in her mind and it was hurtful all the things he said. She already knew he loved Tifa, but she was hoping that maybe, just maybe he might love her. Yuffie felt like it was over for her, like she had nothing to live for now. A broken heart was very painful, and she never wanted to experience anything like it again.

Yuffie made her way out of the forest and saw her home, the town of Wutai, a long distance away as if it was a small dot infront of her, but she was home. She decided she was just going to hang out int he huge, long field surrounding the town. So, she found a comfortable spot on the ground and sat down, laying back and staring up at the beautiful, blue sky. She had camped out in the forest the night before and thought that nothing can be as uncomfortable as the hard, cold ground.

'I'm stupid to ever think I could get him to love me...', Yuffie thought to herself staring at the bright blue sky. Suddenly, an arrow came out of nowhere and shot into her side. She grabbed at her side quickly, groaning out in pain. Her eyes then began to weaken as a blur of a tall figure walked beside her, picking her up and pulling her over his shoulder. Yuffie then, completely passed out.

Cloud sat beside Tifa, in a chair staring at her, watching her rest. She looked so sweet when she was sleeping, like a sweet sweet child, but somehow Yuffie was on his mind and he couldn't figure out why. Then, he finally realized he did love Yuffie, but then he thought about his feelings for Tifa. 'Maybe those are feelings of..friendship...with Tifa.', Cloud thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Cloud stood up, and walked to the front door opening it. There stood, Yuffie's father. "Hello.", said Cloud. "Where is my daughter? I need to speak with her.", Yuffie's father spoke up, getting right to the point.

Cloud blinked in confusement, "She left for home last night, she should have beent here by now.". Yuffie's father began to tremble as he turned his back to the blonde, spikey haired boy.

"Is something wrong, sir?", Cloud said calmly. "Yeah, there's a man I've known for years, who killed my wife because he wanted to turn Wutai into a junkie, soldier camp. I turned him down and he became very angry so a couple of days later he killed my wife, and ran off. He's still trying to find ways to bring sadness upon me because he still wants Wutai only for a different reason..I'm scared he might try to kill Yuffie..."Yuffie's Father explained.

Cloud, gasped softly, running out of the door and out of town. He was going to find her no matter what. Suddenly, he realized that he knew exactly where to find her, he didn't know how but he knew where to find her, but he did. He rode his chocobo quickly to Wutai, running into the mountains. Sure enough there was Yuffie tied to the mountain as if she was on a cross. A tall man with dark brown hair and who looked about 25, smiled up at her softly, a bloody arrow sticking out of her side and a gash on her arm, blood running down the side of her arm, and dripping off where her armpit was and onto the ground. Yuffie was still passed out.

Cloud's mako filled eyes were glaring at the man standing there. 'You touch her and I swear to GOD...I will make you suffer so bad you're gonna wish your mother never had you..' Cloud thought to himself. Finally the man turned and looked at Cloud, smiling. "So, it starts...", he said softly as the two stood there staring at each other...

To be Continued in Chapter 6--