Disclaimer: HxH characters belong to Yoshiro Togashi.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this for a long time. I edit the last chapters from the mistakes. Okay guys, here's chapter four. Hope you'll like it. RnR please.

Chapter 4: Sting comes to Vacuum

Back at the Hunter Headquarters, a blue haired girl was walking to the main entrance. She has blue eyes, and she was wearing a pink newspaper boy hat. Her hair was about shoulder length, and her frail scent has something unusual to it.

"Excuse me, is Netero-sama here?"

"Oh, it's you… He's waiting for you in his office." The attendant replied.

"Thank you."

She walked to the elevator and stood there quietly. The lights reflected in her pretty face. A few moments later, she reached the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

She entered the room. There stood a man of old age smiling at her.

"It's been awhile Miss Ponzu."

"Hai, Netero-sama"

She smiled back. He offered her a seat and tea. Ponzu looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. She has been long wondering why they were summoned for an urgent meeting.

"You did a fine job at the exams, congratulations."

"It's my job; I had to do what I'm asked to do."

"Very well, I see that you wanted to ask me why I asked you to come."

"I was just about to ask you that, why is it?" Ponzu asked.

Chairman Netero cleared his throat, and looked out the window.

"We are in need of the services of the Oraculous Four…"

"I can see that… but why? What for?"

They paused for silence. The sky was starting to get dark and the clouds blocked the sun.

"Another set of the oracle's artifact was said to have been spotted somewhere in the hidden island of Mosk. I've sent a group of Hunters there, but I doubt that they can make it back here."

He said monotonously. Ponzu clenched her fists together and frowned.

"Are you going to send us to look for the artifact?"

"Yes, you all are very much capable of doing it." He answered.

"I see… could you please give me some of the details."

He shook his head and sat down on his chair. Ponzu saw uneasiness in his eyes; it wasn't like him to be like that. She knew that he must be worried about the mission. Ponzu stood up and smiled.

"I'll be back here next week with all four of us… don't worry, we won't fail."

She bowed down and exited the room. Her eyes gleamed with determination and excitement.

'About time I have a little action with my comrades.'

Back at the Nostrad Mansion, Aruka and Neon started to pack their things for their so-called mini vacation.

"I can't wait to see them both again."

Aruka just smiled and continued to pack her stuffs.

Somewhere deep in the hearts of the city, Ponzu roamed around the dark ruins of some buildings.

"Genei Ryodan…"

She said as she looked around the old buildings. Ponzu entered one of them; she moved very stealthily so that she won't be noticed. The in one of the window openings sat a girl with black hair reading a book. Ponzu threw one of her projectile flowers at her.

"Who are you, show yourself." The girl stood up and took her vacuum out.

"Nice to meet you too."

Ponzu showed herself to her and smiled. Shizuku looked at her and smiled weakly.

"you received the same letter too… am I right?" She asked, drawing her vacuum away.

"Aruka and Neon would be here by tomorrow. Let's meet. Same time, same place."

Then Ponzu just disappeared. She knew that staying there might endanger herself, so as Shizuku.


Shizuku walked back to where the other members were. There was Kuroro, still unable to use his nen, but he still leads their organization in full power and trust.

She asked for his permission to be away from the group for some time because of an urgent business matter.

"You have my permission…"

It was all he said. Shizuku turned back and left.

A/N: a bit short… but this is just and intro, the fun hasn't started yet. Pairings you ask? It's a secret. RnR please