Kilik:Shinigami no kamikaze owns: CDs and a rotten apple. Do you see Gundam Wing listed among those things? Then it is safe to assume she does not own it.
SnK:Another day, another stange fic
Hwoarang:What now?
SnK:Dead people playing matchmaker.
Hwoarang:... I don't even want to know. Ya know what? I'm happy you don't write Tekken fics anymore.
SnK:*narrows eyes* Oh.... but I think I could find it in my heart to write special one just for -you-, 'Rang-chan...
Hwoarang:I am shutting up.... now.
Kilik:A friendly reminder, this fic contains shounen ai, cussing, and some angst..
SnK:Or it will... don't know how angst this one turned out. *shrugs*
Giving Away an Angel Prologue
by Shinigami no Kamikaze
The white winged figure stood out in it's radiance against the grey nothingness Trowa found himself in. It took a moment for Trowa's mind to register, 'Angel..'
He had never believed in angels, heaven, hell, or God. He would still be skeptical if it were not for the sensations... the awesome presence of the small, delicate.. and yes, beautiful... avatar standing before him. Such was his aura, his majesty Trowa did not feel he should be looking directly at him (for, after some deliberation, he had decided it was male). Trowa avoided looking into his face, unsure what one would do in front of an angel.
The intensity of the 'presence' of the angel seemed to tone down around him. "Please raise your head, Trowa." The voice had a musical quality about it, and Trowa hesitantly glanced up.
The angel's wings had disappered, his glow diminished. Straight black hair fell to about his shoulders, silver eyes scanning Trowa. His face was... indescribable. It was not like any mortal beauty. While it was captivating and breathtaking sight, Trowa prefered the look of his Quatre... and a few (very few) other mortals.
"Do you know what's happened?" His voice was strong and yet had a strange musical quality to it.
Trowa nodded solemnly, "I'm dead."
The angel nodded, "I cannot let you move on. There are things you must do before you enter paradise."
Trowa's eyes widened. Paradise? Him? "What?"
The walls and furnishings of a room Trowa knew very well started to appear out of the greyness. Soon he and the angel stood in what was once a room he shared with Quatre, although now it was Quatre's alone.... Trowa's heart started to break as he saw the blonde sob on their bed, laying on his side.
"Trowa... I'll never forget... I'll remain loyal to you. How could I ever love anyone else? Trowa... why did you have to leave!?" Then Quatre let out a wail of pure anguish. The angel looked over to see tears rolling down Trowa's cheeks, his face set in a grimace... yet he remained perfectly silent.
"To get into paradise," the angel began, "you must get Quatre to share his heart with another."
"What?" Trowa demanded. His Quatre and some other man...? The idea was appalling to Trowa. He had to give Quatre up to go to paradise? Giving Quatre up would be his own personal hell! "...I can't."
The angel scowled, "Do you see him?" he yelled as he pointed to Quatre's shuttering form on the bed. "He shall grow weaker and weaker... his heart is in bondage. Like this, he has ceased to live. It is the same as if you shot him yourself."
Trowa remained silent. He could not be sure... but the thought of Quatre in pain... he couldn't let that happen. Even if he had to spend the rest of eternity apart from him sitting outside the gate of paradise, he could survive knowing Quatre was content.
The angel softened, "You will not lose him forever if you succeed. You will merely have to share him." Trowa looked up, and he thought he saw a glint or good humor in the angel's eye, but he did not understand.
The angel sobered somewhat, "You can not let him fall in love with just anyone, though..." The world around them rippled and changed. Pointing as the image cleared, the angel said, "It has to be with him."
The braided boy in front of them was playing some video game. "You sons of whores...." Duo's whole body started leaning to the left as he pounded on the buttons of the controller, "Oh, no you don't.... Shit!" Duo threw the controller at the TV, and whether by luck or intention, not hard enough to break either of them. But instead of still being in a good mood afterwards (Duo was one of the few people Trowa knew who really understood that games were ment for fun, not fusteration.. of course, Duo was one of the few people he knew, period.) like he usually was (and mumbling something about how he'd soon get his revenge).
Duo sighed, looking downcast. Glancing over at one of the pictures on a dresser nearby, Trowa heard Duo mumble, "It'd be alot more fun if you were here, Torwa..." Duo smiled meekly, "Then I could kick your ass at this and rebuild by confidence in my mad skillz." The image faded away to white just as Duo sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Trowa looked up at the angel in shock, "Why him?.... I thought he was with Heero."
"Whatever relationships that there already are do not matter. This is what needs be done." The angel said firmly, not even looking at Trowa but at where Duo was, "If either of them dies before they realize and admit to one another their feelings, you will be damned to limbo. Since Quatre already has admittance to paradise, you will never see one another again... even if it is his greatest desire. Do you understand the gravity of this situation?"
It was a hard concept for Trowa to grasp... and eternity of sitting outside the gates of utopia, knowing that Quatre was inside, but never being able to see him... He'd thought a 2 year tour without Quatre was unbearable (which is why he hadn't done it). After he let it seep into his mind for a few moments, Trowa nodded slowly.
"Then you will be sent to earth, regardless of you decision to try or not. You will exist as you are now--you will be without a physical form. The only way to interact with physical objects, make sound, and the like, you must either be completely focused or your emotions must be intense... it is diffcult to do, so I would not expect to be doing any strenuous activities. You will have the power to be in and observe dreams of mortals... You may walk through solid objects when you wish, or you may choose to stand or sit on them...but for now, you will have some time to think. When you are ready to go, call for me. I am Raziel."
Trowa sat alone in the white for-- there was no way to tell time there. What seemed like hours could have only been minutes, or whole days... weeks.
Trowa did admit to himself that he was selfish. He did not want to share Quatre with anyone... the fact that it would be Duo, one of the few people he could actually call a friend, made things more complicated. He liked Duo, and all, but he simply did not envision him as a suitable partner for Quatre. He did not think Duo could understand the kind of guilt Quatre would sometimes feel... or be quiet and gentle when Quatre needed it. He wondered if the union would lessen Quatre's pain or add to it... would Quatre start to pretend to be something he was not to keep Duo happy (of course, it seemed that keeping Duo happy was easy to do... would Quatre fake being happy as to not upset him?)?
Well, he had already decided to try. He couldn't leave Quatre in so much sorrow... and if this had a chance of relieveing that burden from him..
Now the next question was, where to start?
The silver eyed angel appeared once more,"Have you decided on a course of action?"
"Yes... I will try."
The angel gave the faintest hint of a smile, "For that selflessness, and given your actions in life, I would let you into paradise... but it is not my decision. Have you thought about where you want me to set you down upon the mortal plane?"
"Yes.... please, take me to where Quatre is."
Raziel disappered as the whiteness around Trowa changed and shaped back into Quatre's bedroom. Just as the scenery became crystal clear, he heard Raziel's distinctive voice in his mind, 'I will see you when you succeed... or when one of the mortals dies...' it whispered softly. Then the angel's presence was gone.
Looking over at Quatre, appearently sleeping on the bed, Trowa sighed. How was he ever going to accomplish this?
SnK:Should I continue? I mean, this was just an idea I'm thrownin' out, here.
Trowa:No! ... right Quatre?
Trowa:What was that?
SnK:*scratches the back of her head*... heh heh heh.... maybe this -was- a bad idea.
Hwoarang:What did I tell you?
SnK:You say all my fics are stupid ideas!
Hwoarang:...and have I ever been wrong?
SnK:*narrows eyes* ... *snaps fingers and makes Hwoarang's boots into pink bunny slippers that won't ever come off 'til SnK lets 'em, then blows a whistle and calls the Zergling in* See, Zergling? See the bunnies? Eat the bunnies! Eat the bunnies!
Zergling:KKkkkrraaahhh! *runs after Hwoarang who shrieks and runs like hell*
SnK:heeheeheeheehee. ... anyway, review, people. I love reviews! *glares at reader and points* And if you don't..... *thunder claps in the distance* I'll turn your shoes into pink bunny slippers, too!
SnK:Another day, another stange fic
Hwoarang:What now?
SnK:Dead people playing matchmaker.
Hwoarang:... I don't even want to know. Ya know what? I'm happy you don't write Tekken fics anymore.
SnK:*narrows eyes* Oh.... but I think I could find it in my heart to write special one just for -you-, 'Rang-chan...
Hwoarang:I am shutting up.... now.
Kilik:A friendly reminder, this fic contains shounen ai, cussing, and some angst..
SnK:Or it will... don't know how angst this one turned out. *shrugs*
Giving Away an Angel Prologue
by Shinigami no Kamikaze
The white winged figure stood out in it's radiance against the grey nothingness Trowa found himself in. It took a moment for Trowa's mind to register, 'Angel..'
He had never believed in angels, heaven, hell, or God. He would still be skeptical if it were not for the sensations... the awesome presence of the small, delicate.. and yes, beautiful... avatar standing before him. Such was his aura, his majesty Trowa did not feel he should be looking directly at him (for, after some deliberation, he had decided it was male). Trowa avoided looking into his face, unsure what one would do in front of an angel.
The intensity of the 'presence' of the angel seemed to tone down around him. "Please raise your head, Trowa." The voice had a musical quality about it, and Trowa hesitantly glanced up.
The angel's wings had disappered, his glow diminished. Straight black hair fell to about his shoulders, silver eyes scanning Trowa. His face was... indescribable. It was not like any mortal beauty. While it was captivating and breathtaking sight, Trowa prefered the look of his Quatre... and a few (very few) other mortals.
"Do you know what's happened?" His voice was strong and yet had a strange musical quality to it.
Trowa nodded solemnly, "I'm dead."
The angel nodded, "I cannot let you move on. There are things you must do before you enter paradise."
Trowa's eyes widened. Paradise? Him? "What?"
The walls and furnishings of a room Trowa knew very well started to appear out of the greyness. Soon he and the angel stood in what was once a room he shared with Quatre, although now it was Quatre's alone.... Trowa's heart started to break as he saw the blonde sob on their bed, laying on his side.
"Trowa... I'll never forget... I'll remain loyal to you. How could I ever love anyone else? Trowa... why did you have to leave!?" Then Quatre let out a wail of pure anguish. The angel looked over to see tears rolling down Trowa's cheeks, his face set in a grimace... yet he remained perfectly silent.
"To get into paradise," the angel began, "you must get Quatre to share his heart with another."
"What?" Trowa demanded. His Quatre and some other man...? The idea was appalling to Trowa. He had to give Quatre up to go to paradise? Giving Quatre up would be his own personal hell! "...I can't."
The angel scowled, "Do you see him?" he yelled as he pointed to Quatre's shuttering form on the bed. "He shall grow weaker and weaker... his heart is in bondage. Like this, he has ceased to live. It is the same as if you shot him yourself."
Trowa remained silent. He could not be sure... but the thought of Quatre in pain... he couldn't let that happen. Even if he had to spend the rest of eternity apart from him sitting outside the gate of paradise, he could survive knowing Quatre was content.
The angel softened, "You will not lose him forever if you succeed. You will merely have to share him." Trowa looked up, and he thought he saw a glint or good humor in the angel's eye, but he did not understand.
The angel sobered somewhat, "You can not let him fall in love with just anyone, though..." The world around them rippled and changed. Pointing as the image cleared, the angel said, "It has to be with him."
The braided boy in front of them was playing some video game. "You sons of whores...." Duo's whole body started leaning to the left as he pounded on the buttons of the controller, "Oh, no you don't.... Shit!" Duo threw the controller at the TV, and whether by luck or intention, not hard enough to break either of them. But instead of still being in a good mood afterwards (Duo was one of the few people Trowa knew who really understood that games were ment for fun, not fusteration.. of course, Duo was one of the few people he knew, period.) like he usually was (and mumbling something about how he'd soon get his revenge).
Duo sighed, looking downcast. Glancing over at one of the pictures on a dresser nearby, Trowa heard Duo mumble, "It'd be alot more fun if you were here, Torwa..." Duo smiled meekly, "Then I could kick your ass at this and rebuild by confidence in my mad skillz." The image faded away to white just as Duo sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Trowa looked up at the angel in shock, "Why him?.... I thought he was with Heero."
"Whatever relationships that there already are do not matter. This is what needs be done." The angel said firmly, not even looking at Trowa but at where Duo was, "If either of them dies before they realize and admit to one another their feelings, you will be damned to limbo. Since Quatre already has admittance to paradise, you will never see one another again... even if it is his greatest desire. Do you understand the gravity of this situation?"
It was a hard concept for Trowa to grasp... and eternity of sitting outside the gates of utopia, knowing that Quatre was inside, but never being able to see him... He'd thought a 2 year tour without Quatre was unbearable (which is why he hadn't done it). After he let it seep into his mind for a few moments, Trowa nodded slowly.
"Then you will be sent to earth, regardless of you decision to try or not. You will exist as you are now--you will be without a physical form. The only way to interact with physical objects, make sound, and the like, you must either be completely focused or your emotions must be intense... it is diffcult to do, so I would not expect to be doing any strenuous activities. You will have the power to be in and observe dreams of mortals... You may walk through solid objects when you wish, or you may choose to stand or sit on them...but for now, you will have some time to think. When you are ready to go, call for me. I am Raziel."
Trowa sat alone in the white for-- there was no way to tell time there. What seemed like hours could have only been minutes, or whole days... weeks.
Trowa did admit to himself that he was selfish. He did not want to share Quatre with anyone... the fact that it would be Duo, one of the few people he could actually call a friend, made things more complicated. He liked Duo, and all, but he simply did not envision him as a suitable partner for Quatre. He did not think Duo could understand the kind of guilt Quatre would sometimes feel... or be quiet and gentle when Quatre needed it. He wondered if the union would lessen Quatre's pain or add to it... would Quatre start to pretend to be something he was not to keep Duo happy (of course, it seemed that keeping Duo happy was easy to do... would Quatre fake being happy as to not upset him?)?
Well, he had already decided to try. He couldn't leave Quatre in so much sorrow... and if this had a chance of relieveing that burden from him..
Now the next question was, where to start?
The silver eyed angel appeared once more,"Have you decided on a course of action?"
"Yes... I will try."
The angel gave the faintest hint of a smile, "For that selflessness, and given your actions in life, I would let you into paradise... but it is not my decision. Have you thought about where you want me to set you down upon the mortal plane?"
"Yes.... please, take me to where Quatre is."
Raziel disappered as the whiteness around Trowa changed and shaped back into Quatre's bedroom. Just as the scenery became crystal clear, he heard Raziel's distinctive voice in his mind, 'I will see you when you succeed... or when one of the mortals dies...' it whispered softly. Then the angel's presence was gone.
Looking over at Quatre, appearently sleeping on the bed, Trowa sighed. How was he ever going to accomplish this?
SnK:Should I continue? I mean, this was just an idea I'm thrownin' out, here.
Trowa:No! ... right Quatre?
Trowa:What was that?
SnK:*scratches the back of her head*... heh heh heh.... maybe this -was- a bad idea.
Hwoarang:What did I tell you?
SnK:You say all my fics are stupid ideas!
Hwoarang:...and have I ever been wrong?
SnK:*narrows eyes* ... *snaps fingers and makes Hwoarang's boots into pink bunny slippers that won't ever come off 'til SnK lets 'em, then blows a whistle and calls the Zergling in* See, Zergling? See the bunnies? Eat the bunnies! Eat the bunnies!
Zergling:KKkkkrraaahhh! *runs after Hwoarang who shrieks and runs like hell*
SnK:heeheeheeheehee. ... anyway, review, people. I love reviews! *glares at reader and points* And if you don't..... *thunder claps in the distance* I'll turn your shoes into pink bunny slippers, too!