Author's note: Hey! First: I so don't own Hey, Arnold! Second: I'm Hungarian, so I may have some minor mistakes in my English. I hope it won't ruin any body's fun. Please review.

Way of the Pataki

My only sunshine

Bob and the sweet little Olga didn't go in the hospital room with Miriam, to be witnesses of the miracle of birth. Bob did it for the first time, and had nightmares for months. "If a woman really likes her husband, she would never want him to see when another person is crawling out of her." Bob said several times.

He just couldn't wait, to see his new child. In the past ten years, his life became something like a fairy tale. Since he ran away from home in the age of fifteen, and came into this country he had some helluva times in his life. He was running in all his life, from his past, from his family and his miserable home land. But for real, he was running from himself. He born to this world too cruel, with no noticeable regard for others feelings or desires. He was a person, who did everything to take what he wanted. It gave him the strength to escape from the desperate middle life of his homeland, coming to Hillwood, learning the language so perfectly (even adding a cool accent to it) and making a small fortune in such a short notice.

But it was only the surface. One side of the coin. The other Bob, that almost nobody knew cried in his sleep very often, or woke up to his own screaming in the middle of the night. This Bob was able to cry on a TV commercial. And totally broke down, when he heard a word about the family he left behind. And most importantly, Bob hated himself beyond imagination. He hated his own selfishness, and overwhelming personality. Life toughed him: eat or be eaten. He knew this is the rule he has to live by. But he didn't like it for a moment.

Miriam was his only salvation. His perfect opposite, shy, silent, beautiful, vulnerable - and still she was a world class swimmer and rodeo champion. How can a guy not fall in love with her? There were tons of men interested in her. When they first met, Bob felt she hadn't even noticed him.

And still, she was able to see behind his hard shell, and see his true self. She married him, and quit her own career so she could give birth to their beautiful doughtier Olga.

Their doughtier was beyond all expectations: she was like Miriam in everything. Bob was afraid, he will see his own reflection in the child. But when he looked at Olga, he saw the face of his loved Miriam. He had the perfect family, he always dreamed of. He was surrounded by these wonderful girls, who were so open-minded, and happy, they were able to make him forget to hate himself for a while.

"You can come in." - a nurse said as she opened the door. - "You have a healthy little girl Mr. Pataki."

"Really?" - he said in surprise - "I haven't heard any crying." - he said. When Olga born, she cried very loud and long. She seemed to want to tell the world, she's arrived to this wonderful place at last.

"There was only a little crying." - the nurse said - "She's a toughy."

"I have a little sister?!" - Olga screamed out in joy, as she ran into the hospital room. Bob followed him. There was Miriam, with a tired, butt happy smile on her face. She had the little girl in her hands.

"Hey, Helga, look, who's here. You're father and sister." - Miriam said. Bob fought with his tears, as she looked at her second daughter. Little Helga, looked back at him with her intelligent, observing eyes. Of course it was ridiculous to call the eyes of an infant intelligent, but Bob felt this way.

"She got you're nose." - Miriam said. She was right, Bob noticed. Not only that, she had one eyebrow, just like Bob.

"Do you want to take her?" - Miriam asked.

"Sure." - he answered, and he took the little girl to his arms. - "Hello Sunshine." - he said, with such a gentle look on his face. It was the Bob Miriam fell in love with.

"Hello little sister." - Olga said.

"You are the most wonderful little girl I've seen Helga." - Bob said. And he felt that way. But her nose and the unibrow made him feel a little bad for some reason.


"It's Helga dad!" - the girl screamed out.

"Then Helga! What the hell did you think! Getting into a fight like that!" - Bob said. He was furious.

"Hey, Rhonda had it coming!" - Helga said, as she turned around, showing her back to her father.

"Come back right here missy! I'm not done with you!"

"Don't care." - she murmured, as she walked upstairs.

"Hey, You're grounded missy!" - he shouted after her.

"Whatever Bob." - Helga said, as she shout the door of her room.

What a little pain in the ass. - Bob thought. Always going after her own head, constantly fighting with everybody.

He was scared by her daughter. They were so similar. And Bob knew, things will happen the same way, and he just didn't know what to do about him. It was the main reason he was angry at Helga, and tried to ignore her most of the times. He didn't wanted to love her, but it was too late for that. Helga will leave them soon forever - just like he left his family. She has the same fire inside. And she will broke his and Miriam's heart to pieces.

Next: Prodigy

So what do you think? C'mon, review! I know you want to!