Silver: Two stories at once. Man, I'm bored. Anyway, say V-Force never happened. Expect some appearances though. Hilary has joined the group, training them. They had never split up. For the Shaman King side, I'm a little vague for the end of the anime but I'm pretty confident about it. Hao in this case, survived but is with Yoh now. Expect some English dub stuff. Oh yah, same story. Don't own anything.
"That's impossible." Max Tate commented watching the T.V.
"Watcha watching?" Tyson Granger asked, looking up from his food. The Bladebrakers, having finished the World Tournament, were currently back in Japan at the Granger Dojo.
"The news. Check this out." Ray Kon said also watching the T.V. Kai was off somewhere and Kenny was at his own house working with Dizzi. Hilary was at her own house.
"The Japanese Government has issued a warning of watching out for a few potentially dangerous beings. They had caused trouble a few months ago, but then disappeared. The government believes that they are back, but have caused no trouble as of yet. However, be cautious. This is a clip of what happened a few months back." The news reporter's face disappeared and clips showing a street fight between two boys. One was using a spear while the other was using a wooden sword. The quality of the video made the boy's faces impossible to see.
"Watch them go." Max said watching as the boy with the wooden sword dodges several spear strikes. The clip stopped.
"That was taken by an amateur cameraman; however it's very clear that they were both very dangerous." The newsman said.
"I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of that spear." Ray said.
"No images of the boys' faces were found. However, the government is warning citizens that these people are deadly. When outside, proceed with caution. And, now on to sports..." The newsman said switching topics. The three Bladebrakers stared, amazed.
"Well, now that's interesting." Ray said. Max nodded.
"No kidding." The three were silent for awhile. A knock on the door caught the three off guard.
"I'll get it." Tyson said walking over to the door and opening it.
"Hey, Tyson." A voice said.
"Hey, Yoh. How was America?"
"I have finally completed all of the preparations to my plan. Soon, the Bladebrakers will pay for disrupting my plans. They will suffer from those they hold close." Boris's laugh echoed out through the Abbey. In another part of the Abbey, the Demolition Boys were sitting in the dungeon, having been imprisoned for their failure.
"Boris, you will pay for this." Tala growled looking up as their heard Boris's maniacal laughter.
"You will pay for throwing us away."