Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to Disney. Feedback would be much appreciated.
(9th October - edited because the site ate one of Elizabeth's lines. Hope it shows up this time!)
"Why do you let them truss you up like that?"
"Truss me up?"
"In corsets. Nasty, bony things."
"I suppose it's to make the dress fit better. What did you do with that new dress of mine, by the way?"
"Wasn't aware I had to save the dress as well as the lady …"
"It was a lovely dress. My father gave it to me on the morning of the ceremony. That seems a long time ago …"
"We'll be off this island soon, don't you worry, love. All too soon, I reckon."
"Don't sit so close."
"As you wish, milady. You could have the dress cut to fit you 'stead of the corset."
"It gives good embonpoint."
"Exactly. You get the thing off the woman and her breasts go with it. It's such a disappointment."
" - !!!"
"More rum, Miss Swann?"
"I think I need it, Captain Sparrow …"