Peaches & Cream

Hey everyone! I'm back! ((grins crazily)) It's been a long damn time since I've written anything for this beautiful site. My life is hectic and crazy, now more than ever, but I've missed doing this soo much! TT This is my first Taito fic I've written in a while, and the first one I've ever posted, so I'm kinda nervous. ((blushes bashfully)) I'm used to writing lots of yuri fanfiction, to tell you the truth. I do however LOVE Taichi/Yamato more than life itself, so I just had to write one. This fic is a Tai/Yama love story filled with lots of romance and angst! Please read and review, it means a whole lot to me! This first post is just the prologue, and is quite short. Longer chapters will be up pretty soon, I promise! Just for general disclaimer purposes, I do not own Digimon. If I did, I'd have Tai and Yama locked in my closet naked. Come to think of it, I'd have Renamon locked up too. Hehe. Anyway, here is the first installment of Peaches and Cream! Oh yeah, thoughts are enclosed by 's okay? Now let's get going, shall we?

I'd like to dedicate this to Ivy-chan. I love ya pal!


Yamato shifted nervously as he stood awkwardly before the teary-eyed brunette.

/ I hate this/, he thought bitterly. /But this has to be done/.

"Look, I'm sorry," he started, "But I don't think I can do this anymore."

He could almost see the hurt in those eyes. He hated to think that he was causing someone pain. Shit, he KNEW what it was to suffer. How dare he try to lay that kind of burden on someone else?


He hated that nickname. It was too...American. He sighed.

"Look, it's not you. I have some things I need to sort out."

His thoughts turned inward. /Of course I won't mention the fact that I don't have feelings for you. I never have and I never will./ Yikes. Way too harsh.

The brunette whimpered pitifully

"There's someone else, isn't there?"

That struck a nerve. Suddenly this person had come too close to the truth. Everything seemed petty and insignificant. What was the point of all of this? Why was he even here? Unbridled frustration and melancholy bubbled to the surface.

"That's none of your business! Look, I'm sorry, but we just can't see each other anymore. I'm...I'm sorry."

With that, Yamato Ishida turned and walked away, leaving behind a very stunned, very sullen Sora.

To Be Continued

Please read and review! My life depends on it! Well, not really, but I WOULD very much appreciate it!