A/N: Sorry, Sorry, Sorry! I apologize again and again. I know it's been along time and truth is that I do have a million excuses but I won't whine at you guys about them. I will simply keep this short and let you read the chapter. If you want, you can read the little note that I'm posting after.
Losing Touch
Chapter 4:
Losing…a piece of you
Ren quietly closed the door behind him, so not to wake the now sleeping ice shaman. Ren did stay with the aniu till he had calmed down and allowed himself to rest. Looking out the window Ren realized that mid afternoon had turned quickly into night again. Walking away from the room the Chinese began to feel a little guilty about leaving Horo alone, the boy's desperate plea from before returned to his head. "Stop!" "Could you maybe stay…here?"
"So, is he asleep now?" Ren jumped, being caught off guard but soon relaxed as he recognized the voice to be Yoh's.
"Yeah, he was already half asleep by the time I came back though."
"Ahaha, that's like him. It's good to know he's resting."
"And you can tell everyone that his fever has gone down by a lot as well." Ren also added in, remembering how much everyone was fussing about it.
"That's good, but" Yoh stopped in mid sentence due to an escaped yawn. "Man, I'm tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed."
"What were you going to say?"
"Muh?" Yoh questioned a little lazily, while rubbing his eye.
"Before you yawned baka!" Ren was a little annoyed by the boy's care freeness.
"Oh, nothing really, you should get to bed too Ren. It is late."
"Hmm, I guess." Ren said, while looking at Yoh, still expecting an answer. Smiling nervously Yoh looked back,
"Well then goodnight." Yoh began to head to his room. Ren sighed and was about to head to his own too, but looked back one more time in the direction of where Horo was sleeping. Telling himself the aniu would surely be fine.
"It's just that…I don't want to be alone."
Horohoro is one of those people who don't wake easily once asleep, a parade could be going on right outside his door and it'd maybe stir him a little but defiantly not wake him up. So once the aniu was calmed into his peaceful slumber it was needless to say that he never heard the window open and the un wanted intruders who climbed in through it.
"Look how peaceful he looks Opacho." Hao mocked "Sleeping like a baby."
"Are you going to wake him Hao sama?" The little sidekick asked.
"No, he needs his rest." Hao stated. "It'd be rude to wake him."
"So…then, are we just going to leave?" Opacho asked, hopeful.
"Hahaha, no, I can still get what we came here for." He smirked. Opacho looked down. Hao slowly walked over to the un aware aniu and lend down. Bending over he locked his lips with the ice shamans, the crystal around his neck began to glow and once it was satisfied Hao broke the 'kiss'. "There." Hao began. "Now we can leave Opacho." The shorter one didn't say anything but followed her master out into the yard. They were about off of the property when they were suddenly stopped.
"Hao, what are you doing here?" Hao turned around and put on a sly face.
"Ah, brother, aren't you glad to see me?"
"No, you shouldn't be here Hao." Yoh had put on his serious face, one that he rarely ever used.
"Hmm, well that's not very welcoming of you."
"Because you're not welcome here." Another voice had joined the conversation. It was non other than Anna.
"I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Hao smirked. Anna ignored him and changed the subject.
"What are you doing alive? And why are you here disturbing my beautiful bath house?"
"Ah, I'm sure you would like me to answer those questions, but I'm afraid I can't stick around and chat much longer." The sprit of fire suddenly showed up and picked up Hao and Opacho. "Even though I do love talking to you, we will have to continue this some other time." With that he smiled and was gone, with no trace that he had ever been there. It was silent for awhile. Until Anna broke the silence,
"So I guess he is alive after all." Yoh didn't reply. "Well then, he probably is stronger as well." Once again Yoh was silent. Anna began to walk back towards the house. "And if that is true then I'll have to boost your training schedule." At that Yoh had to say something.
"Anna, it's already hard as it is!"
"You think that's hard then wait till you see what I have planed now; it'll start tomorrow so you better get some rest." Yoh sighed,
"Yes Anna." Satisfied she went into the house. Yoh bean to walk in as well, 'so I wasn't just imagining things when I felt his aurora here before…'
It was now breakfast at the Asakura household and everyone was enjoying a yummy meal prepared by Ryu himself. Horo was now feeling much better and came and joined everyone at the table. Chocolove put an arm around his friend,
"It's good to see you well!"
"Thanks." Horo happily replied.
"He must be well; I mean look at all the food he's eating." Manta pointed out.
"It does my heart good to see someone like my cooking that much." Ryu bursted out, quite proudly.
"Humph, he should slow down or he'll choke." Ren grumpily pointed out.
"Oh, almost like the time when we were eating at that restaurant, right before we were about to fight the Icemen." Chocolove chirped in.
"Huh?" Horo looked at him confused.
"You know, like in the good ole days, when we were still The Ren."
"The…Ren?" Horo thought about it, "Like as in him? Ren?" Horo pointed at the Chinese beside him.
"Uh…yeah! Our shaman team! He was the leader, and quite selfishly named the team after himself might I add…"
"And…I was on this team?"
"YES!" Chocolove shouted quite annoyed. "The Shaman Fight! In Patche village!"
"Oh! I remember that! I came all the way from home to take part in that." Horo smiled, happy to know something. Everyone else stared. Chocolove sighed,
"I don't think he's well yet…"
To be continued….
Well, as you know this chapter is very late in coming and truth is it was written over the span of two weeks! (I'd write a sentence when ever I felt like it) And the reason for that is… (Here come the flying objects…) I've pretty much lost my Shaman King muse! (Doges un wanted Christmas fruitcake) I'm sorry, but it was almost as if it was just gone one day. To write this chapter really killed me 'cause I just felt like I couldn't ever get in the mood to write it. No fear though! Halt that fruitcake! It does say 'to be continued' does it not? So I do plan to continue this, just when I can get around to writing a chapter is the only problem. So please stick with me….please? ;
Blizzard Blu
A: Hmm…will Ren find out? I guess you'll have to wait and see.
DayDrEaMiNg-child: Gee, I'm not sure…haha, just joking. This story has a happy ending…or not!
Brandie: I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks.
Ren F: I'll try. Sigh….
Tenshi no Haru-Kaze: Yes…he isn't he?
Naru Asakura: Yeah, I'm afraid that's how it works, but I agree! Horo and Ren Forever! Hee hee.
Kurokioku: It won't be discontinued…I hate it when people do that… (Is reminded of her discontinued story) I guess I hate myself. TT
Sentra: I don't quite know about the whole snake thing…but that sounds pretty WEIrd to me.
Wolf's moon21: Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Witchen91: Ah! Calm down please! Wow, No more sugar for you…just teasing. ;P
Azalee: It won't be discontinued. (See Kurokioku) And I love him when he blushes.
Deragonmaji: Epps! It's not worth it! Gee, with people like you I guess I have no choice BUT to finish this story huh? Hee hee.
LAZYGIRLZ33: No more sugar for you either! ;P I have quite the group of reviewers don't I? Haha.