Three Shots
Author's Note: I would like to thank everybody that has read this story, it means a lot to me. I also want to thank Melissa for editing this for me.
Chapter 16
Five years later, Faith was in the kitchen making lunch when she heard the baby crying. She walked into the nursery and picked him up.
"Did you have a good nap?" she asked with a smile. She then took him in her arms. David looked so much like his dad.
"You are going to make woman's heart stop a beat when you grow up just like your dad," Faith whispered to David.
"Da Da." David replied as soon as he saw Bosco walking in the room. Bosco walked up to Faith and David.
"How are my two important people in my life doing?" he said, as he picked David from Faith's arms.
"Da." Bosco loved hearing his son calling him daddy. He never thought that he would ever have a family of his own, and now he had a wife, a baby and two step kids. Bosco and Faith walked into the living room, and saw that Charlie and Emily were sitting in the living room.
"Em, what are you doing here?" Faith asked.
"I thought you were coming home from college until next weekend."
"I finished earlier than expected," Faith hugged Emily.
"I'm so happy."
"So how's my little brother doing?" Emily asked as she walked up to Bosco and played with David. David started to giggle. Emily smiled at him.
"You are a really great dad; David is really lucky to have you."
"Thanks," Bosco said as he hugged Emily.
"Let's have lunch." Faith responded as they all walked into the kitchen.
The next day, Faith woke up and saw that Bosco wasn't there. She put her bathrobe on and walked out of the room. She then walked towards the nursery and looked in and saw him sitting in the rocking chair with David.
"Good morning, Bos. Sorry, I didn't hear David wake up," Faith replied. Bosco looked at her.
"Happy Birthday." he said as he leaned over and kissed her.
"I took him out of the crib, so you could sleep in." She put her arms around him.
"You know I'm really lucky to have you."
"Don't get use to this; I'm not going to wake up early every morning so you can sleep in."
"Yes I know," she said with a smile.
"It's so sweet seeing you holding our son like that. I always knew that you would be a great father."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did, from the first time I saw you playing with Emily and Charlie, I knew that you were going to be a great father. I didn't know at the time it was going to be with me though," she said with a smile as she put her arms around him. David then woke up.
"Good morning, buddy," Faith said touching his cheek.
"It's your mom's birthday," Bosco responded with a smile.
"So you have to be ready good for her today."
"He said Ma." Faith grinned.. Ever since David first started talking, all he could say was Daddy, but he would never say Mommy.
"See I told you that he would say Mommy one day, and isn't it great to have him say it on your birthday." Faith smiled as she looked at Bosco.
"I love the both of you" she said, as she leaned over and kissed him and David.
Later that day, Bosco was sitting in the living room with Faith in his arms.
"I'm so glad that we were able to get the day off work."
"Me too," she said, as she put her arms around him.
"Do you miss me riding with you?" she asked. Bosco smiled.
"Of course I do, but I get to come home to you, so I don't mind. I still can't believe that you are a sergeant, but you make a great one." There was a knock at the door, Faith answered it.
"Happy Birthday." Rose said, as she hugged her. Faith smiled.
"Thanks." Rose walked into the apartment.
"So where my grandson? Is he ready to spend the night with me?"
"What are you talking about?" Faith asked as she turned around to face Bosco.
"I asked my mom to look after David, so we can have some time to alone for your birthday. Charlie is studying with a friend tonight and Emily is helping her friend move back home. So we have the apartment to ourselves." Faith looked at Bosco and smiled.
"I don't know if I can leave David alone all night; I've never did that before." Rose walked up to Faith.
"I know it is hard, but I'll take good care of him. You two deserve some time alone." Bosco grabbed her hand.
"My mom knows what she is doing." Faith nodded.
"I know she does. I guess it will be okay, but only if I can call later."
"Of course you can. Call me whenever you want."
"I'll go pack some stuff for you to take." Faith said.
"Already done." Bosco said, as he pulled a bag out from behind the couch. Faith smiled.
"How did you know I would say yes?"
"Because I know you." Faith then looked at Bosco.
"I'll go and get David. Are you sure you want to do this, Rose? He can be a handful."
"If David is anything like his father, I know exactly what to do," she said with a smile.
"I will have everything under control, just enjoy the time alone." Faith nodded, and walked into the nursery. A few minutes later, Faith kissed David goodbye.
"I love you, David." she said.
"Be good for Grandma Rose," Bosco said, as he kissed David on the forehead. Rose waved goodbye to Bosco and Faith, and then left the apartment.
Later that night, Faith was snuggling up to Bosco.
"Thanks for the dinner; I didn't know you could cook so well."
"I like to surprise you," Bosco said. Faith smiled.
"I do like your surprises," she replied, as she leaned over and kissed him.
"This has been the best birthday." Faith said as she looked at Bosco.
"I never thanked you."
"For what?"
"For being there for me when I didn't want anybody to help me. You didn't give up and I want to say thanks. I didn't want you to move in first of all, but I realize now how much I really need you, and you knew that," Faith said as tears started to fall down her cheeks.
"Don't cry," Bosco said as he put his arms around her. Faith smiled.
"I'm just so lucky to have you in my life." "I'm the lucky one." he said, as he kissed her. This was definitely her best birthday ever.
The next day, Faith was sitting on the couch, putting some pictures of David and Bosco in, when a picture fall out. She picked it up and saw that it was a picture of Fred and the kids, when everything was happy.
"Faith, are you okay?" Bosco asked.
"When do you think everything went downhill for Fred? What did I do?" Bosco sat down next to her.
"You didn't do anything, Faith."
"I just wish I knew why Fred did what he did, but I guess we'll never know. I'm just happy that I got a second chance to make everything right, and I'm going to make everything right this time," She said as she put her arms around him.
"It's pretty funny Fred wanted me to become a sergeant and now look at me... I'm a sergeant, we are moving into a house next week." Bosco put his arms around her.
"I never thought I would be the type of guy that get married, have a kid and moving into a house."
"I did," Faith replied.
"I know you never believe that you deserve those things, but I did. Everybody saw the jerk side of you, but I saw the real you, and I knew that you would be a great father and husband."Bosco smiled.
"Thanks." Faith moved closer to Bosco, as she leaned over and kissed him.
"I love you, Bosco, I'm glad that I'm the one you choose to spend the rest of your life with." Bosco started to kiss her more, when Emily, Charlie and Rose walked in.
"Mom…." Emily said. Faith and Bosco looked up embarassed.
"We didn't hear you come in."
"We figure that," Charlie replied. Bosco stood up and walked over to his son.
"Were you good for your grandma?" he asked. Rose smiled.
"He was great, and I meet Charlie and Emily for breakfast, I guess they figure that the two of you might need a little more time alone." They all went into the living room. Emily looked at her mom.
"Charlie and I brought you another present for your birthday, but it is more for you and Bosco."
"You didn't have to, Em." Faith spoke softly.
"Just open it, mom." Emily replied. Bosco had David on his lap while Faith was opening the present. Faith couldn't believe her eyes.
"Oh guys this is great, so that is why you want a picture of us all. I thought it was for your place, Rose." Rose smiled.
"Emily and Charlie told me what they wanted to do, so I help them with it. I'm so lucky to have these two kids as my grandkids." Charlie looked at Rose.
"We aren't your grandkids." Rose hugged Charlie.
"You and Emily are part of my family now, whether you like it or not," she said with a smile. Charlie looked at Faith
"We just thought you would need a picture of your whole family, mom."
"I love it." Faith said, as she hugged Charlie and Emily. Bosco passed David to Faith and hugged Charlie and Emily.
"You were both part of my family a long time ago."
"I love you, dad," Charlie said. Bosco looked at Charlie happily.
"Don't make a big deal of it; I just called you dad. You act like my dad, so I might as well call you that."
"Charlie, you don't have to do this. Uncle Bosco is fine with me."
"Remember at your wedding you told me that I could call you Dad or Uncle Bosco, well at that time I wasn't ready to call you, dad, but I am now. I'll never forget my dad, but I don't see why you can't be my dad as well." Bosco hugged Charlie.
"That means a lot to me."
"Don't start crying," Charlie replied.
"I'm not," Bosco replied as he wiped away the tears away.
"Are you guys finished now?" Emily said.
"Or are you two going to keep on crying?"
"We were not crying." both of them said, as they sat back down on the couch.
Later that night, As Faith was making the dinner, she was watching her family sitting the living room. She remembered a time when she and Fred were happy, but he destroyed that when he tried to kill Bosco and kidnapped her kids. But she realized now that she was never really truly happy with Fred, not as happy as she is with Bosco now.
"Faith, are you okay?" Bosco asked. She turned around.
"I was just thinking about us. You know we have been though a lot together. I have been thinking about that hotel room a lot, when those three gunshots went off. I thought that I was going to lose you."
"But you didn't, I'm right here. Our life has
change so much since that night," Bosco replied. Faith smiled.
"It has, but it all ended working out great. You make me so happy, Bosco."
"You make me happy too, Faith." Faith smiled at Bosco. She never thought that Bosco and her would end up being more than partners but then some things don't work out how you want them to...
But in the end they end up being the best thing in your life.
The End