Oh my goodness, how long was it when I last updated? I'm really sorry, everything's been crazy, a total rollercoaster; anyway, I'm lucky enough to have some people still into this story. I'm still determined to get this done, no matter how long it might take me.

Chapter 14: The Girl Who Got Rejected

All four of them were pretty shocked seeing that Christine is the mystery server

Cagalli raised an eyebrow as Christine shows off her smile

"It really was a nice game…" Christine repeated then walked away

"Wait Christine!" Lacus shouted as lady maroon approached Christine

"Christine? Who's Christine?" she asked innocently, looking at Lacus

"Come on honey, we better get going…" Christine assisted lady maroon away but lady maroon stopped dead on her tracks

"She just called you Christine, what the heck was that? By the way, nice game; you two were really good" lady maroon approached both Cagalli and Lacus and offered a handshake which the two managed politely accepted

"Argh, come on Meyrin…" Christine hated the way her companion acted towards Cagalli and Lacus.

"Cool down sis. Oh, I'm Meyrin. Meyrin Hawk" she smiled brightly

"I'm Lacus. And she's Cagalli" Lacus replied nicely seeing that Meyrin is not as vicious as she is inside the court. Cagalli couldn't react for a while, but she smiled when Lacus introduced her

Meyrin giggled and answered "I know. Who would not know you two?" she smiled then turned her ways to Kira and Athrun

"And you're Kira Yamato, and-" she stopped and stared at Athrun for a while before continuing "Athrun Zala…"

Christine rolled her eyes and called onto Meyrin once again

"Are you in any way related to Christine?" Kira countered

"I've been wondering why you keep calling her Christine. See, her name is Lunamaria. She's Lunamaria Hawk, and she's my sister"

"Shut it big mouth!" Christine countered

"What in the world's with you? Are you like, changing your name or something?" Meyrin answered

"That's it, I'm leaving!" Christine, I mean, Lunamaria walked away, leaving her sister behind

"Polite exit." Cagalli asked sarcastically but Meyrin just laughed

"It's really nice meting you guys but I gotta run after her. Well, I'd appreciate another game. See you!" She smiled brightly as she ran after where Lunamaria disappeared to

"So she made up a new name or some sort? Her name doesn't sound trash too me. Not that much…" Cagalli turned to Lacus, Kira and Athrun but all three of them just shrugged and shook their heads

"Let's just get going" Athrun offered

"Lunch would be great, I'm hungry" Kira answered, walking side by side by Lacus as the four of them exited the gym


"Thanks for blowing me up sis" Lunamaria uttered as soon as Meyrin got inside

"Hell, I blew you up! You're the one messing stuff up. What's the business, Christine?" Meyrin turned to her sister but Lunamaria turned her back on her

Meyrin pulled Luna so that she's facing her

"Don't turn your back on me Luna! I know you're up to something and I'm sure it's no good. I'm warning you, you better keep your behavior" Meyrin's words were strong and firm

"Great, now you're starting to sound like mom" Luna uttered, taking Meyrin's hand off her shoulder

"Good, at least one of us does" Meyrin countered

"Look, I know what I'm doing so mind you own business. Fllay understands me better" Luna countered, trying to walk away from her sister

"There you go again, hanging out with that good for nothing b***ch!" Meyrin shouted but she was surprised when someone answered

"I am the best bitch in town though"

Fllay, Eugene and a hooded girl entered the locker room

"Speaking of the devil…" Meyrin murmured while Luna and Fllay shared a cheek-to-cheek greeting

"Cagalli and the others know already of my real name. Miss BIG MOUTH here spilled everything out" Luna spoke, glaring at Meyrin

"Worry not dear cousin, that wouldn't change anything. Were there any weird reaction upon hearing your real name?" Fllay replied sweetly

"Well… not really." Luna answered

"See, that means they couldn't remember you" Fllay spoke gently, smarty

"Oh I remember. You once gave a valentine gift to someone last year. You got rejected badly; he didn't accept your gift. And worst is… you asked him to be your date on our prom but he politely said 'NO'…. and that guy, was Athrun Zala…" Meyrin countered then laughed "Now you want to get even… or maybe you just want embarrassment all over again…" Meyrin sarcastically asked

Fllay raised an eyebrow while Eugene and the hooded girl stood speechless

Luna just slapped Meyrin

Meyrin held her left cheek then looked at Luna with fiery eyes

"I'm here to take what's mine! And there's no way in hell I'm going to screw up again! No more embarrassing moments for me and Athrun's gonna be mine, you just wait and see." Luna's words were full of anger and determination

"I'm pretty sure you won't get embarrassed this time sis. You'll be humiliated and hated, I swear." Meyrin finished and ran out of the locker room

Luna sat hard on a bench inside the locker room while Fllay tried to soothe her

"She doesn't understand…" Fllay whispered

For a few minutes, Luna cried but then Fllay cut her off

"Dry those tears dear, I want you to meet someone" Fllay held Luna and walked her near the hooded girl

The hooded girl took off her hood and Luna's jaws almost dropped

"L-Lacus!" she uttered, shocked

"Her name is Meer. Meer Campbell. Meer, this is my ever dearest cousin, Lunamaria." Fllay introduced

Meer smiled and took Luna's hand for a shake

"Call me Luna." Luna spoke with a blank and surprised face "God, she looks like Lacus…" she uttered

"I know." Meer spoke and smiled even more

"Where on Earth did you meet this person?" Luna asked and Fllay calmly explained everything to her. She even told Luna about the plan they're going to execute

After a while of talk

"How is this plan ever going to help me? This doesn't concern Athrun and Cagalli at all" Luna complained

"If you help us out on this, I'll help you get Athrun… how's that sound?" Fllay offered

"Okay then. What do I have to do?" Luna asked

"Simple, you just have to keep Athrun and Cagalli away from the scene while we do what we're supposed to do. I want to make sure that the plan revolves around just the main players. No others…"Fllay emphasized on the others


Kira sits beside Lacus and Athrun beside Cagalli; the four of them ate lunch. Soon, Mir arrived asked if she could sit with them. As the lunch went on, Dearka arrived and sat hastily beside Mir

"What's with you?" Mir asked, looking at Dearka

"Sheesh… I lost… Damn" Dearka pouted and slouched on his seat

"Honestly, if you don't work on your games well, I won't go out with you" Mir went back to her eating and Athrun started teasing

"So, you still haven't gotten Mir to say yes to you… but you told us that you guys are already dating… Didn't he Kira?" Athrun looked at Dearka mischievously

"Yeah... You said you guys already went out for a movie" Kira supported

"Argh. Honestly, your guts are amusingly annoying" Mir glared at Dearka. "…telling them things that aren't true... You are so gonna regret that!"

"Sheesh… I was just… umm… Gee Mir, would you please… just calm down and let me make it up to you. I won't spoil any more chances, I swear" Dearka clasped his hands over his bowed head

"Give me a break" Cagalli uttered. Then she rolled her eyes.

"You've been pretty quiet, something on your mind?" Kira asked Lacus as she properly placed her spoon and fork showing she's done eating. Lacus shook her head softly and smiled. Then she looked at Cagalli "Well… Um… Hey Cagalli…" she spoke

"Yeah?" Cagalli had her spoon in her mouth. Kira looked at Cagalli

"Umm… So all this time, Christine, really isn't Christine?" Lacus' question silenced everybody

Cagalli put her spoon down and spoke "Yep. That appears to be it."

"Why would she change her name?" Lacus asked

Cagalli shrugged "Beats me… Frankly speaking, I don't have a care in the world whatever name she uses"

"Wait… Christine who are you guys talking about?" Dearka mixed in with the conversation

"Didn't you understand what they were talking about, her name isn't really Christine" Mir cut him off

"Eh? I'm confused" Dearka scratched the back of his head

"We really just shouldn't give a thought about it…" Athrun spoke. "Why did you bring the topic up anyway, Lacus?"

"Her real name rings a bell" Lacus answered

"What was her real name again?" Kira asked

"Something like… Luna… Lunamaria?" Cagalli sluggishly replied. Still a bit unsure "I mean, what's wrong with her name anyway? Why change it?" she followed her own statement

"That reminds me… Hey Athrun, wasn't the name of the girl who confessed to you before was Luna? Or so she said." Dearka spoke, taking a sip from Mir's juice "Hey!" Mir exclaimed

"Huh?" Athrun gave it a thought

"Oh, I think I know that. That's the girl who offered you things and even asked you to go out but you rejected her straight" Kira answered "She's, I think a couple of years younger than us… remember Lacus, the girl with a long maroon braided hair? I told you about her, didn't I?"

"That's why her name sounds familiar. She's the girl who's always in front of our classroom before. Yeah, that's her!" Lacus agreed

"I don't understand a thing" Cagalli uttered

"It's because you don't think about things like that Cagalli… You've never cared about love back then…" Mir supported "I know her too. Her sister was in the same photography club as I was about two years ago. They transferred school last year. I didn't recognize them pronto though. Their faces didn't really reach my memory book"

"Let's cut talking about them shall we? Please" Cagalli suggested, standing up from her seat "She's given me enough headache for one day." She then went to her favorite stall, the ice cream stall

Lacus followed Cagalli and those who're left on their seats had their share of thoughts

"Seems like she's still into you Athrun… that Luna slash Christine whatever her name is." Mir started, finishing her meal

"It can't be. I turned her down. She couldn't be that dense to not get the point that I'm not interested." Athrun answered

"But Mir's right. You'll never know. She suddenly appears from nowhere saying she's a different person… What kind of gimmick is that? It took us a while before we discovered who she really was and turns out she's an icon from your past. She could be a real threat you know." Kira supported Mir

"I'll stick to what Cagalli said. Let's just not think about it" Athrun finished his meal

Meanwhile, at the ice cream stand

"Two scoops of mocha please… oh, on second thought, make that three" Cagalli ordered as Lacus stood beside her

"She pisses you off too much…" Lacus spoke "One strawberry and one chocolate sundae please" she ordered. "You know Cagalli, she really can't be more harmful than she is right now if you just try to ignore her and the things she does" Lacus ended as she and Cagalli waits for their orders

The lady handed Cagalli her ice cream cone, of course, with three mounting scoops. She took it and paid then started feasting "I'm ignoring her. Only, this is the best ignoring I can do."

Lacus took the sundaes she ordered and paid for them. The two head back to the table and found Mir and Dearka gone

"Where's Mir?" Lacus asked, placing the chocolate sundae in front of Kira and sitting beside him, her own strawberry sundae held on her other hand. Kira, confused, looks at her and as he saw her smile, he looked at his sundae and waited for Lacus to start eating. Then he spoke, "She said she needs to have a word with your coach regarding the next games. Dearka tagged along with her, you know those two." Afterwards he ate his yummy treat.

Cagalli remained standing "Would you sit down?" Athrun halted, looking up at Cagalli

Cagalli seems to be looking at something far away

"What are you…?" Athrun laid his eyes on the direction Cagalli was looking at

"She's here…" Cagalli uttered- her ice cream half an inch away from her lips. Athrun pulled Cagalli back down to her seat

"She's not doing anything to you, leave her be" Athrun calmed her down as she stuffed her mouth with her ice cream

Fllay, along with Eugene went for the ice cream stand. She ordered her own strawberry sundae but Eugene ordered nothing. He seems like a lowly bodyguard following his master.

But when they passed through the foursome's table, Eugene edged close to Lacus and laid a letter in front of her, then looked threateningly at Kira. Kira just stared at the letter and mind not to its giver

The confused Lacus looked at Eugene but Eugene just smiled. Then he and Fllay went on their way with Fllay showing them how she flirtingly eats her sundae.

As their presence disappeared, Cagalli raised an eyebrow as she feasts on her last scoop "What's with the letter?" she asked

"I'm not sure…" Lacus uttered, opening the letter

"It's certainly nothing good" Kira answered

When Lacus opened the letter, Cagalli walked over and read it with her

I'll still have you…


"That's it?" Cagalli exclaimed, loud enough to emphasize her dismay. "Going through those dramatic entrance and all for THAT?"

"What's it says?" Athrun asked

"Trash" Kira uttered, finishing his sundae

"I'm not sure this sounds good though" Athrun stated after seeing the letter

Lacus said nothing. She finished her dessert with the outmost silence. The group felt awkward because of this; so unknowingly, they were already heading out of the cafeteria.

Their target spot was the football field. As they arrived, Athrun and Kira started warming up with the rest of the team while Cagalli and Lacus took a seat on the audience' bench.

"What do you think that letter means?" Cagalli asked, waiting for a sensible reply

"I don't know… and it'll probably be best not to pay any attention to it" Lacus answered, staring at Kira

"What if he's planning on something? I know that guy. And I know whose side he's in. Fllay's up to no good. You better watch out girl" Cagalli warned

The game started after about ten minutes. It ended swiftly. The score was a landslide and OPH grabbed the win easily. After the game, Kira and Athrun headed for the locker rooms while the girls waited patiently.

Good, seems like they have the whole day free. Cagalli and Lacus, and Athrun and Kira all have no pending games for the day.

They were dismissed early that day and Cagalli and Lacus decided that they would go shopping. They're planning on buying a dress to wear for the ball on Saturday (that's about two days away, let's make it Wednesday today )

The boys insisted that they'd come along but the girls refused their offer.

"We can't let them see what we're gonna wear!" Cagalli whispered and Lacus understood

Because of that, the boys said they'll just find something to amuse themselves, and they've settled on the arcade.


Cagalli and Lacus took about two hours browsing over different dresses, only to find that they haven't settled on anything.

So they met up with the boys inside the arcade.

When Athrun saw that they're not holding any shopping bags he almost laughed out loud

"Don't tell me you girls haven't decided on anything at all?" he stated, pretty amused

"So what? It's not our fault they don't have what we wanted…" Cagalli snubbed.

"I'll just go to the washroom" Lacus excused herself as Cagalli and Athrun kept on discussing about picking clothes and the importance of GOLDEN TIME

When Lacus walked inside the restroom, she found Meyrin inside

"Oh, hi!" Meyrin cheerfully greeted.

'She sure is different from her sister' Lacus thought then greeted back

"May I ask you something?" Meyrin started as Lacus took out her brush and fixed her hair

"Sure" She answered

"Kira's your boyfriend, right?"

"Ah, yes…"

"Oh, I see… Now I get it…"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing… Just a word of advice. Keep your guard up. There are people around who might just slip in things and ruin your relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"You do know my cousin Fllay don't you?"


"Well, she's never been to anything good so watch out. She's obsessed with Kira… so I've heard."

"I don't get it. Why are you telling me all this?"

"I just wanna warn you. You know, I never stick my nose onto whatever Fllay plans, although she has tons of them. My sister appears to be her no.1 fan."

"You mean, Christine?"

"Luna. Call her Lunamaria. I bet that name-changing was all Fllay's idea as well. Sighs Well, I better get going."

"Thank you…"


"Thank you, for your advice… I guess…"

"Oh no, that's nothing. I can't really save you from their plans you know. All I can do is to warn you. I'm not really doing this just for your sake though; I wanna put an end to their senseless schemes. They're really getting on my nerves. Although…"

Lacus looked at her questioningly.

"I don't think helping you is such a bad idea. You're the nice type. Smiles" Then Meyrin walked her way out

Lacus thought deeply on what Meyrin told her. After a while, she went out and found Eugene, leaning on the wall, looking straight at her

She stopped for a while then decided to ignore him. As she passed by him, he stood in front of her

"Ummm…" Lacus tried to walked on the sides but Eugene seems to be playing with him

"May I pass? Whatever this is, it's not funny" Lacus half-angrily stated

"Oh sorry, did I upset you my dear princess?" Eugene seductively uttered, inching bit by bit

"Um, excuse me" Lacus forced her way through and found Kira standing a few distance away. She ran towards him and Kira looked at the direction Lacus was from. When he saw Eugene and Lacus looking a bit pale, he looked at him with somewhat killer eyes

Eugene smiled and bowed his head insultingly as he vanished from Kira's sight

"Are you okay?" Kira asked, holding onto Lacus and Lacus held onto his forearm

"Yes, I'm fine…"

"Did he do something to you?" Kira, with deep concerned voice asked

Lacus just shook her head

"Let's go" Kira spoke, wrapping an arm around Lacus's shoulder

After hearing that Eugene was present at the place where they are, the foursome decided to just give it a go home

At about five in the afternoon, Cagalli and Kira arrived home

Kira went straight to his room while Cagalli went for the television


He lies on his bed, relaxing himself. He's had a long day. Soon he picked up his mobile phone and dialed onto Lacus's number



"Oh, Kira"

"Are you home now?''

"Yes. I've just arrived. Hold on a sec"

There was a pause and Lacus was back

"Sorry for that"

"That's okay. How are you?"

"Well, I'm fine."

"Ya sure nothing happened back at the mall? When I saw you, you were pretty pale"

"Oh, that's nothing. Sorry for making you worry."

"Lacus I'm bothered"

"About what?"

"I don't want you getting anywhere near that EUGENE ok..?"

"Um, ok…?" then she laughs a little, telling him it's something he shouldn't be worried about

"I mean it" Kira's tone was serious and clear.

"I know. I understand. Kira, I think it's best if you just try to ignore him"

"I dunno… He irritates me. Just the sight of him makes me wanna kill somebody."


"Just stay away from him."

"Alright. That's fine with me, now can we just set him aside?"


"I don't want you getting involved in any of those kinds of situations. He's crazy and we all know it. Now if you accept his threats and what other things he does, then you're no different from him. That'll make you even crazier than he is… going with a crazy person's schemes"

"Okay, I understand…"

"You need some rest. It'd be wonderful if you take a nap for now"

"I guess you're right"

"Okay then, see you tomorrow. Don't stress yourself"

"Yes, I won't"

"Love you…"

"Love you too…"

And they hung up

While Lacus clicked on her phone, there was a call on hold. "I wonder who… Hello?" she spoke


"Who is this?"

"It's me… my dear princess" with the word princess, Lacus swore she felt shivers creeping through her. It's as if something horrific just walked out from nowhere.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing… Just wanna hear your voice"

"I'm hanging up"

"Hey, hey… Look, I want no trouble. I really just wanna hear you, your voice… that's all"

"I have no intention of speaking to you, now please, good-bye"

Lacus hung up, without any more second thought

The following day wasn't a relaxing day at all. Intramurals has only two days left and some championship games are starting.

Mir had her own battle of singles in lawn tennis. They've finished the eliminations early on back at the start of intramurals so they've held their championship earlier.

Mir was on waiting list, and soon her opponent was decided and the championship began. It was a close fight, and the games hitting more tension pains than expected.

Unfortunately, Mir bagged only the runner up, and ended up getting the silver

"That was a waste" Mir spoke, wiping off sweat

"It was so close too" Cagalli said "But still, it was one heck of a game. I like the way you played it. Crazy line shots, it's making me exhausted just watching you run around the court. Awesome job!" Cagalli hugged Mir

"I'm very sorry to have missed it!" Lacus bowed her head. She just arrived, still looking a bit pale. She just got back from a singles badminton match; already on the semis.

"It's okay, I didn't get 1st though" Mir answered, taking a drink

"Your place does not matter. What's important is you tried your best. I heard it was really close. A lot of deuce, that's what people kept saying." Lacus replied

"Yeah. Well, I'm glad it's over. I only have volleyball left to worry about"

"Congratulations, my darling!" Dearka came crashing in, looks like he's ready for a big hug but Mir pushed him away

"How come you tend to be so annoying sometimes?"

"It's because I LOVE YOU!"

"Argh, get away from me!" Mir ran off while having Dearka trail away after her

"How did the game go?" Cagalli spoke to Lacus as they were left alone. They were going to the basketball court. Athrun and Kira are playing the semi-finals as well

"It was tough but I kind of made my way through it. I'm on the waiting list. What worries me is that Fllay's on the other bracket. Given the chance that she wins her match, we'll be facing off for the championship. It would've been better if you were the one selected for the singles Cagalli." Lacus sighed deeply

"Stop talking nonsense. You'll nail that game. You make her kiss the damn ground!"

"Wow. Aren't you too much hyped up today?"

"Oh believe me, I couldn't think of any better mood." Cagalli stared as Athrun jumped for a 3-point shot. The whistle blew and the game was over. Orb High won with a whopping 23 point difference.

"Excellent work Zala, Yamato. Finals tomorrow, okay? Oh, hi girls." Mwu La Flaga winked and went on his way.

"I thought he's the soccer coach. What's he doing butting in with basketball? Isn't this Waltfeld's territory?" Cagalli whispered while Kira and Athrun ran towards the locker room.

"He's probably just watching. Mr. Waltfeld is most likely inside the locker room now." Lacus answered.


"We'll do everything on the day of the ball." Fllay's voice was of a whisper as she spoke while leaning against a wall outside the basketball gym.

"Of course. I can't wait. This plan of yours really interests me. I'm kind of excited." Meer clicked off her phone and Fllay did the same.

"First, you have to break it apart. When it's broken, that's when you glue yourself in replacement." Fllay uttered as Eugene smiled. He was holding a mask and was fiddling with it.

"I'm looking forward to this ball. Besides, everyone's wearing a mask… no one knows, who's who."

I have to cut it there. I'll update soon because the next chapter just can't wait that long. LOL. Thanks you guys. Drop a review if you please. Have a great day people! ^^,