Disclaimer: None of the ppl in this story are mine.


Emerald eyes screwed nearly shut, pudgy little hands balled into fists, the black haired infant bawled his rage at the world in general. His nappy was wet, he didn't know where his mum was, and he was hungry. As with most babies, he made his displeasure known to all, or at least his parents. A moment later, he saw a curtain of beautiful auburn hair, framing eyes the same brilliant green as his own. Then, he was in the air, and landing on her shoulder, feeling a hand rub his back. His cries subsided, as he heard a clear sweet voice singing softly to him.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.

Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

If the mockingbird won't sing,

Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

If the diamond ring turns into brass,

Momma's gonna buy you a looking glass.

If the looking glass gets broke,

Momma's gonna buy you a billy goat.

If the billy goat runs away,

Momma's gonna buy you another today.

As his mother sang to him, fifteen-month old Harry slowly fell asleep, secure in his mother's arms.The next day, Lily, his mother, and James, his father, died trying to protect him. He would never again feel her soothing touch, see that curtain of auburn hair or those green eyes so like his own. Sometimes though, in his dreams, he would hear her again, singing, and it would almost be enough.


Dear Harry,

How is your summer going? Are those muggles treating your alright? I know you're taking all the blame for what happened to Sirius. Stop it. I know you miss him,but you're not the only one. I miss him too. Last summer, talking to him was the one thing that helped me keep my sanity, around Ron and 'Mione. I got to know him well and I think he'd be really angry at you for feeling like his death was your fault. He loved you so much. Do you realize how much you're dishonoring his memory this way? You really are, you know. Of course, he would want you to miss him, but Merlin! He would also want you to get on with your life, as well. Maybe I shouldn't have said all of this, but I had to. I know everybody else has been pussy-footing around with you, but I can't really abide that. Be mad at me if you want, but I just had to say it. Hope to see you soon.



Sealing the letter in an envelope, she tied it to Pig's leg, and took the eager little owl to the window. "Take this to Harry. To Harry." He gave her an affectionate nip, and flew off into the sky.

She woke two days later to find pig outside her window with the same letter attached to his leg as when he left. Ginny retrieved the small scroll from him, and let him return to his perch. Worrying more and more about the situation, she paced back and forth, becoming more anxious. It had been three weeks since the end of term, and nobody in the house had heard anything from Harry. On top of that, this was the sixth letter that had come back to her. After a bit, she heard a pop behind her and turned to see Remus Lupin standing there. He looked worried, and asked if any of them had heard anything from Harry.

"No, we haven't, and I'm worried. This isn't like Harry at all." was the answer she gave.

He looked at her with an expression of unease. "Neither have I."

He looked around then, noticing the quiet in the normally boisterous household. "Where's everybody else?"

"Well, Ron's at the Twin's shop, helping them stock shelves, getting ready to open. They want to make sure everything's up and running before all the Hogwart's students go to get their supplies for the school year. Mum's in the village, shopping."

She sat down now, and watched him pace. There was only really room in the small living room for one person to wear a path in the already worn rug. Finally, a look of determination came over his tired face.

"That's it. We're going to go get him."

Ginny looked at him and asked "Do you think he's been there long enough for that the blood protection to take hold?"

He sat and thought about it for a few moments, finally answering "Yes. Yes he has. I'm going to talk to Dumbledore.".

He tossed a pinch of glittery powder into the grate. A moment later, he saw the office of Hogwart's headmaster materialize in the fireplace. "Albus? Are you there?"

The silver haired wizard came into view, and saw the obvious worry in Lupin's face. "Is something the matter, Remus?"

"Yes. Nobody has had any word from Harry this summer. Have you?"

"No. I confess that with everything that's been going on this summer, I have neglected to check in with him. Would you do that for me?"

"I'd like to, actually. The reason I called was to get a portkey, just in case."

The headmaster nodded thoughtfully. "Good idea. I think I'll set it for the hospital wing, so that Madame Pomfrey may be able to take care of him immediately, if needed. I will alert her directly. I sorely hope that it will not be, but best to be prepared." He disappeared for a moment, returning with a quill in hand. "If you find that Harry is in need of assistance, the activation word is Poppy." He put it between Remus' lips and with a last nod, straightened.

Pulling his head from the fireplace, Remus removed the quill from his mouth. As he tucked it into his jacket pocket, he thought about the best way to get there. Ginny wasn't of age for Apparation yet. "There's an older lady in Harry's neighborhood who's connected to the Floo network. We can go over to her place, then walk from there."

The young witch was on her feet in an instant. "When do we go?"

Remus answered, "Now's as good a time as any."

They left a quick note letting Molly know where they were going, and Remus took another pinch from the pot and tossed it into the flames. They stepped in to the fire together after calling out 'Arabella Figg.'

The pair stepped from the fire place at the other end, seeing Miss Figg seated in an armchair on the other side of the room. She looked up from the book she was reading and said " Well hello Remus. Is there something going on that I should know about?"

"Actually, yes. Nobody has heard from Harry this summer and we're all a bit worried."

Ginny piped in now. "Actually, we're a lot worried and we're going to go check on him right now."

Miss Figg replied with a frown, "I've been wondering when someone would come by to do that. I haven't seen him all summer myself. Please, let me know what you find out."

Remus replied, "We will. But now i think it's time we get going."

They walked out the door and headed toward number 4 Privet drive. When the two of them arrived at the front door, Remus knocked. They waited for a moment for an answer, and when none came, he knocked again. After another moment they heard a loud yell. A fire ignited in the werewolf's eyes, as he drew his wand, blasting the door with a shouted reducto.

The scene that met their eyes was of Vernon's rather large backside filling the hallway, with his head inside the cupboard under the stairs. He was yelling so loud they thought he would bring down the staircase. "What did you think you were doing, bringing those books out where normal people could see them? Do you have any idea how close Marge came to seeing them, you freak?"

Ginny's eyes widened for a moment as she took in this scene, then narrowed, as she realized who Vernon must have been speaking to. Her wand out, she advanced on his backside. The irate young witch was about to mutter an incantation, when she felt a hand on her arm. She looked up and saw Lupin's face, as he cautioned her, "Remember, you're still bound by underage wizardry restrictions." His eyes took on an unearthly, almost feral light. "I, however, am not. When I get this great oaf out of the way, I want you to use this portkey and get Harry to Hogwarts." He handed her the quill, and looked toward the huge pair of buttocks looming in front of him.

Remus' voice roared "Dursley!" Vernon tried to straighten up, but as he did so his head hit the top of the door frame with a loud thud. Vernon snarled at Harry one last time. Backing himself out of the cupboard, he turned to Lupin standing behind him, seeing a look of fury on the other man's face. Remus looked at Vernon and said, "We need to talk. Through there." He pointed toward the sitting room. As Vernon turned to shut the door, Ginny ran under his arm. She knelt at Harry's side and laid the quill on his arm. Just before she activated the portkey, she couldn't help but think how bad he looked.

Vernon Dursley was enraged, his face almost purple with apoplexy. How dare these freaks bring their...their abnormalities into his house off all places! He turned, to give this interfering freak a piece of his mind and the thrashing the man so deserved. What he saw made him stop in his tracks, and back-pedal several paces, before he remembered that this was his own house, and stop to hold his ground. He tried to, at any rate. When he looked at the man in front of him, he saw a man a few years younger than him, but with just a bit of gray hairs sprinkled through the brown on his head. He was obviously holding himself in check by sheer force of will. The hairs on the back of Vernon's neck stood on end.

Remus looked up then, and Vernon started to know what terror was. There was an almost unholy light shining in Remus' eyes. No wand was visible, but with the way he was throwing off magic, it was obvious he didn't need it right now. He started to move towards Vernon, and things started happening. He passed a glass lamp, and it shattered. A heavy crystal vase exploded, sending shards across the room. One even penetrated the flesh of his leg. He barely paused to pull it out, and Dursley was shocked to see the blood stop as quickly as it had started. It seemed the wound had healed almost instantly. Soon, the quivering mass of Vernon Dursley was backed up against the wall, the smaller but more impressive form of Remus Lupin standing just inches from him. He tried to speak, to stand up for himself, but the look in the madman's eyes was enough to dry his voice in his throat. That was probably the only thing that saved his life.

Remus' arms shot from his sides to either side of the fat wretch's neck, punching through the wall. Dursley felt a warm wetness spreading down his legs, knowing he was lucky his bladder was the only thing that let go.

With his fists still punched through the wallboard, Remus pinned the porcine man with a stare. His voice was low and filled with fury. "Dursley, if you ever touch Harry again, ever speak a cross word to him, or allow anyone else to do so, you will regret the day you were ever born. You, Vernon, will wish that Voldemort had gotten ahold of you. Harry is never coming back here, and I will personally see to it that the protection is withdrawn from this house." His grin spread across his face at the prospect, the dead light never leaving his eyes. "Now, I am going to collect all of Harry's things, and he will never have to see your big, fat, piggy arse again.. He withdrew his hands from the wall and started to turn away. He stopped and said, "Blow this for a lark." He then sent his knee crashing up between Vernon's legs, sending him toppling to the no longer neat carpet. As Vernon lay there vomiting his guts out from the pain, Remus rummaged through the cupboard, then up to the smallest bedroom. He wanted to make sure nothing was left behind. After a few moments of searching, he decided to do this the easy way. He drew his wand from inside his jacket and said, "Accio Harry's things." A few quills, a couple of pieces of parchment, and a sneakoscope were the only things to answer the summons. The rest of his posessions must still be in the trunk at the foot of the bed. He packed the last few things in there, and headed downstairs.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw Vernon getting up off the floor. The large, purple faced man attempted to charge Remus then. Remus simply moved to the side, watching Dursley crash headfirst into the door, knocking himself out. The former professor set the trunk down and crouched to look around the cupboard Harry had been in. As he looked around the enclosed space, he became even more incensed by the obvious mistreatment Harry had suffered. A dangerous glint in his eyes, he drew his wand once more to mutter, "Mobilicorpus." Vernon, still unconscious, floated in the air. Remus moved him into the too small cupboard and ended the spell quite abruptly. Harry's uncle crashed heavily to the floor, landing on his head. Remus then closed the cupboard door, while saying "Colloportus." The door was now locked, but somehow, this didn't seem quite enough. His face lit up as the next spell came to mind. "Copularcus." A blue light danced around the edge of the door, as the wood joined with that around it, sealing until it looked like it was all one piece. The metal grate in the middle of what used to be the door still remained, and the werewolf moved close to it. He aimed his wand through the space and said, "Ennervate." Vernon came awake now, clearly confused as to where he was and how he'd gotten there. The wizard spoke in an intense yet quiet voice. "Vernon, if you think that is such an adequate space for someone you are supposed to be caring for to live in, then you won't mind spending a little time there yourself." With that, Remus shrunk Harry's school trunk to a size small enough to fit in his pocket, and walked out the door, to head back down the street to Mrs Figg's.

The last thing Harry heard before Ginny activated the portkey was the cupboard door slamming, and his Uncle Vernon stomping in to the sitting room. When Harry and Ginny landed in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, Harry passed out cold, knowing that he was now somewhere safer. It was quite a while, before his eyes opened again. Madam Pomfrey came bustling out of her office. She took one look at him and levitated Harry to the nearest bed. When he was settled the nurse did a quick exam, then went to the fire place and called the Headmaster.

Albus Dumbledore walked into the hospital wing, looking for Madame Pomfrey and asked her, "How bad is he?"

Pomfrey replied, "He's malnourished, has a broken leg, and a few bruised ribs."

Ginny let the nurse fill in the headmaster, then rounded on him asking, "How could you not check, when you hadn't gotten any word from him?"

Dumbledore's gaze dropped as he replied to her very valid query. "I can only say that I never saw any sign that his family would treat him that way. He hid it very well, from all of us, but, alas, I should have known better than to trust them so far."

The young witch was livid. "His family? How could you even refer to them that way? That is no family! Especially to him!" She had her momentum up now, and not even Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard currently living, could stop her. "He is supposedly the hope of the wizarding world. You and the Order are convinced that he is supposed to be the one to save us all, Merlin knows how! If that's so, how could you not keep a closer eye on the situation, protect him? For that matter, why does he have to be with a family he needs protection from?"

Dumbledore replied, " I know I should have kept a better eye on things, but who could have ever guessed that his aunt and uncle would do this to him?"

Ginny shook her head disgustedly, as she turned her back on the headmaster, to go back to Harry's side.

About an hour after Harry and Ginny arrived in the hospital wing, Remus stepped from the fire. He did a quick cleaning spell on himself, so that he wouldn't track soot all over the place. He went straight for the office, knocking on the door before entering. Madam Pomfrey looked up to see Remus settling into a chair across the desk from her, with a disgusted look on his face.

Hesitantly, she asked, "I take it those muggles are as bad as Miss Weasley said?"

Remus just nodded his head and said, "Yes. It's hard to believe that Harry has survived all this time. After we talked to them at the train station in Kings Cross, they put him back in the cupboard under the stairs. That's why no one had any word from him so far this summer."

Now it was Lupin's turn to ask her, "So how is he and how long will he be here? Harry is supposed to go to the Burrow for the rest of the summer."

Madam Pomfrey described his condition and finished with "He's also extremely malnourished. I'd like to keep an eye on him, so I'd have to say four or five days."

Remus turned, looking through the office door. He saw Ginny sitting at Harry's bedside, trying to comfort the still unconscious young wizard. "Well, I'd say that you'd better make sure to set aside accomodations for Ginny. She looks pretty determined to make sure he's alright. I'd better go to the Burrow, and let Molly know what's going on. She'll be worried, especially with Ginny not there."

"Yes, well, you can be the one to explain to Mrs Weasley, where her daughter is."

"Gee, thanks." As he started to get up, Madame Pomfrey saw his hands.

"Remus! What did you do to your hands? However did they get in such a state? Sit back down."

He hadn't even noticed his hands hurt, until she mentioned it. He looked down and saw that his knuckles were raw and starting to bleed. The medi-witch turned to a cabinet on the wall, bringing out a roll of gauze. She quickly cleaned the wallboard dust from his knuckles, applied a healing salve, and wrapped the hand securely, uttering a binding spell, to ensure the dressing wouldn't come off. As she started on the other hand, she got the story out of Remus, as to how his hands had gotten this way, and why Harry looked the way he did when he'd arrived.

"I probably shouldn't mention this, Remus, but it's obvious that this isn't the first broken bone that poor boy has had. It's just the first one that has had proper treatment, excepting those due to quidditch or on his various adventures. If we were in the muggle world, I'd be calling for some type of social worker to visit those people."

By now, the other hand was cleaned and dressed. "Thanks, Poppy. Now, I'll just check on Harry, then head to see Molly."

"Good luck, Remus."

He nodded and walked out to Harry's bed, placing his hand on Ginny's back. The fiery young witch was holding one of Harry's hands, her other hand over the lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead. Remus took a good look at Harry for the first time. What he saw absolutely appalled him. The young wizard's body was covered in vivid bruises in every color of the rainbow. The leg was in a cast, and Harry was thinner than he'd been in quite some time. Every rib was visible. The older man wanted to retch, but held it in.

"Ginny, I'm going to go let your mother know what's going on. I take it you'd like to stay here?" At her nod, he asked, "Anything you'd like me to bring back for you, besides some clothes?"

"Just some comfortable things to wear, please, Professor Lupin. Also, would you have Mum send something along for Harry? I know he likes her treacle tarts."

"Good idea, Ginny. He'll need something familiar when he wakes up." Giving her shoulder a quick squeeze, he turned to walk to the fireplace. He tossed a pinch of glittery powder into the flames, saying, "The Burrow."

A moment later, he was at his destination. The house was still empty, so he walked out the door to relax in the fresh air. Allowing himself to think about the condition Harry was in, he did retch now, voiding his stomach of it's contents. As he stood back up, he saw Molly coming down the path from the road, bags in her arms.

As she drew nearer, Molly saw who was sitting outside her door. She was a bit concerned, realizing his presence must have something to do with either Harry or the Order. He rarely visited, otherwise. "Hello, Remus. Is something going on that we should know about?" She swept through the door he held open for her. She set the bags down on the kitchen table, starting to put everything away. Just as she was about to call for Ginny, she realized that he hadn't answered as he'd followed her in. She looked at him again, now seeing the look in his eyes. It was a haunted look, and it worried her. There weren't too many things he worried about to that extent these days, with a roof over his head and steady work. "Remus? What's wrong? Is it about Harry?"

He nodded, and started explaining. By the time he had finished, Molly was livid. "Why did nobody check on him? What is Albus thinking?" She raged on, venting her rage at Dunbledore, 'those horrible muggles', and the situation in general.

"I don't know, Molly. I promise you, though, I will get answers. In the meantime, Ginny asked for a few changes of clothing, comfortable stuff she said, and a basket for when Harry wakes. She's determined to stay there until she's sure he will wake. Could you get that together?"

Molly sank into a chair at the table, her head in her hands. Her shoulders shook as she realized what had been going on under everybody's noses, even her own. He moved around behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, lending her his own support. Finally, she looked up at him.

"Remus, how could we have missed all this? I'm a mother, for the love of Merlin! How could I not see what was going on?"

Remus crouched to face her. "Molly, I don't know, really. All I can think is that, because you are such a good mother, and would never dream of treating your own children that way, you can't envision anyone else treating someone in their care the way they did." He stood now and continued. "So. What did you want me to pack for Harry from the kitchen, while you get Ginny's things? She did mention that he likes your treacle tarts." A small smile came up on his face. "Though, he'd have to be more daft than Rita Skeeter said he was, not to like them. Where do you keep them?"

At his gentle teasing, she gave in to a small blush. "Alright then, Remus. The tarts are in the cabinet over the sink. Just made some yesterday, as a matter of fact. Mind you, they're for him, so don't go sneaking any." At his feigned look of innocence, she pushed him to the indicated cabinet, and told him the other things to pack for when Harry awoke. She said she would place a charm on the basket to keep everything fresh. As he was getting it all together, she bustled upstairs and packed some things for her daughter, proud that Ginny was so dead set on helping someone who obviously needed the assistance right now. Of course, she knew that a large part of it was down to the fact that, no matter what her daughter might say to the contrary, she was still very much in love with Harry. As she packed, Molly gave a silent prayer that the raven haired boy might finally notice what had been under his nose all along, and give Ginny a chance. No matter how much of a risk it might be, in too many ways, he needed to have a reason to survive the confrontation that she knew would one day be his fate. She was supremely confident that her daughter could give him that.

Once she had a bag ready for Ginny, she headed back downstairs to rejoin Remus. When she reached the bottom of the steps, she saw Lupin sitting in a chair at the table, lost in his own thoughts. As she watched him a moment, she saw how much this all affected him. Slowly, she approached him.

"Remus? Are you alright?"

Startled, he turned around. "Sorry, Molly. Just woolgathering, I guess. I was just thinking about the fact that, now Sirius is gone, I'm the only one left. I guess I can't blame Dumbledore too much. After all, James was my best friend, and I have an obligation that I'd better start fulfilling a little better. I should have kept a better eye on the situation myself."

Molly chuckled a moment, confusing the former professor. "Sorry, Remus dear. You know, I was thinking not long ago, wondering where Harry gets the tendency he has to take on the blame for everything that goes wrong around him. I think I know now, with the example we've been setting here."

Remus smiled at the irony, as well as the truth in what she was saying, and had to chuckle a bit at it. "You're right, I suppose." His face turned more serious again, as he got up to leave. "Molly, I need to warn you, before we go. Harry's condition right now looks quite as bad as it is. Just do yourself a favor, and try to hold in your reaction to his appearance until we leave the hospital wing. It'll be better all round."

She almost protested at this, but stopped. If it had affected this man so deeply, it had to be bad. After all, with the life he had been forced to live, not to mention some of the things he had seen in his work with the Order, she was sure there was not much that would faze him. Thanking him for the warning, they moved together towards the fireplace.

As they stepped from the grate in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, the first thing the two of them noticed was the privacy screen around a bed across the ward. The second thing they noticed was the sound of a sweet, clear, strong voice, singing. Molly knew at once that it was Ginny, having heard her sing before, though not for a long time.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.

Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird don't sing,

Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

As she listened to Ginny sing, she was drawn to the bed that was cordonned off. She crept quietly over there, not wanting to disturb anything. Molly carefully peeked through a space between two of the screens, to see her daughter sitting beside Harry, holding one of his hands in her own, her other on his forehead. Though battered and bruised, he seemed to have the most peaceful expression on his face that Molly had ever seen him wear. Quietly, she retreated back to Lupin. She followed him back to Madame Pomfrey's office, carefully shutting the door and casting a quick silencing spell, before breaking down in tears.

"That poor, poor, boy. How he could endure all of that, and turn out the way he has, is just incredible. Such a sweet boy."

She felt a tissue being pressed into her hand, and wiped her eyes, attempting to get hold of herself. After a few moments, she was finally able to look up from the desk in front of her. She saw not only were Remus and Poppy there, but Dumbledore, as well. Now, she had a target to vent on, one that, in her opinion, deserved all the blame for what had happened.

'Albus! How could you not look in on him? What happend to all that protection he was supposed to have? With as much as he obviously dreaded going back there, with all we've told you about those people, what happened?" A moment later, she said, "I'm waiting for an answer, Albus. That was not a rhetorical question."

Dumbledore's head hung down for a moment. When he looked up, she was only a bit surprised to see that the twinkle normally present in his blue eyes was gone. In that moment, he looked as if he felt every one of his very many years. He started to speak a couple of times, only to pull himself up short. Finally, he met her gaze.

"Molly, all I can say is that, on my word as a wizard, I had no idea the situation was so bad. Harry has mentioned to me once or twice how much he disliked going back there, but he would never give a reason. I knew the attitude the Dursleys had, and apparently still do, towards the magical world. It was my misguided belief that, in having him raised away from all of the notoriety he would have endured otherwise, he would be able to re-enter our world with a level head, as well as a measure of humility. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined that things would spiral the way they have. I swear to you now, he will never have to go back there. I would like you to know that the protection cast so long ago around that house will be removed, at the earliest opportunity." He looked at her now with an imploring expression. "If it's quite alright with you, I'd like to have the wards around the Burrow strengthened, so that he may live there permanently, when he's not here. They may never be quite what they are here, but I think we can make them quite strong enough to keep Voldemort away. Please discuss this with Arthur, and get back to me as soon as you are able. I think it would be better done quickly, though."

"No need to consult with Arthur on this, really. We've talked about it enough in the past. We've always enjoyed having Harry in our home, and hoped that, one day, he would consider it as his own. Do what you need to, Albus." Before leaving, she remembered something else. "Another thing, Albus. I want you to have a talk with Severus. I heard him express the opinion a number of times at Grimmauld Place, that Harry was some spoilt child, that his home life was something to be envied. Straighten him out, or I will!"

She got up now and started gathering herself to go back home. It would be interesting to see how her men would take the news they would recieve tonight, especially that concerning Ginny. She took her leave of them now, giving Remus a quick hug in thanks for alerting her to the situation.

Once back at the Burrow, she made a checklist of everything that would need to be done to get the place ready for Harry's arrival, not to mention that of Hermione in another week or so. Originally, she was going to set Percy's old room up for the bushy-haired girl whom she thought of almost as a second daughter. Now though, she thought it would be better to give it to Harry, so he could have some privacy. As this would be his new home, he would need a room of his own. Besides, she was amazed the poor boy ever got any sleep when he was here, between Ron's snoring and that awful shade of orange on his walls. It still mystified her, how her youngest son had managed to coax her into allowing him to use that color. By that evening, the room was finished, the walls painted to match the common room at Gryffindor Tower. She had even managed to transfigure Percy's old armchair into a comfortable couch like the ones that sat in front of the fireplace at the tower. She would have to talk to her husband about the possibility of putting a fireplace in there as well. She wasn't sure it would be possible, and it definitely wouldn't be on the floo network, but she wanted to make the room as homey as possible for Harry. This would make a lovely early birthday present for him. Of course, that wouldn't stop anybody, herself included, from buying him other gifts. If that unhygienic twit of a potions master were to accuse the poor boy of being spoiled, then they might as well make it so. That decided, she headed downstairs, to start dinner preparations. The Twins, Ron, and Arthur would need some fortification, for what she would tell them tonight.


At Privet Lane, Petunia Dursley was in a dither. On one hand, that boy was finally gone. That was a good thing, to her mind. All the wierd things that had always happened around him, as well as the other freaks who were part of that world, would no longer be any of her concern. Now, she could lavish her attention on those who deserved it, her husband and her precious DiddyDums. Of course, she would have to do her own cooking and cleaning now, but that was a small price to pay.

On the other hand, they had had to have a contractor in, to figure out how to get Vernon out of the wall. He had finally had to bring in an entire crew of workers, to tear down the wall that enclosed that side of the stairway. Apparently, whatever that man had done to the door had turned the whole wall into something like steel. They had broken three saw blades trying to break through, before just attacking it where it met the floor and the other walls. Who knew how that was going to get fixed again? She sent Dudley to stay at Piers Polkiss' house for the night. Vernon had spent a good part of the evening in the tub upstairs, just soaking and trying to calm down. She was afraid he would have a heart attack, if he didn't. The only thing that seemed to help was reminding him that their nephew would never be darkening their doorstep again.

As she was finishing preparing dinner, a gold and red bird, trailing flames, flew through the kitchen window, pausing only long enough to deposit a dark red envelope on the table, before flying away again. As she stared at it, transfixed, it unfolded. In a deep, booming voice, it said only one thing.

"You were warned."

It then burst into flames, leaving a black scorch mark in the very center of the table. As it did, she felt an indefinable something pass over her. It was like a wave of dread, only intensified greatly. A chill ran through her blood, as she wondered at this, quite sure she didn't want to know what it meant.

The next morning, after Vernon left for work, things felt back to normal, for the most part. After tidying the kitchen things, she decided to walk over to Arabella Figg's house, to let her know that she would no longer have to worry about the burden that was their nephew. When she reached the house on Wisteria Walk, however, she was shocked to see that there was a realtor's sign out front. She looked in the windows, and the place was absolutely empty. It was as if nobody had ever lived there, neither the woman nor her cats. For some reason, that brought back to mind the letter she had received the night before. She wasn't sure why, but she felt distinctly uneasy.