Yo, welcome to my fourth story. Here's the summary:

Inuyasha is a hot, rich, successful lawyer, but there is just one flaw, he's gay. Kagome is a medium rich cloth designer, pretty and lively and happy. But when the two agree to share a small apartment, will things change? Especially for Inuyasha?

Disclaimer: I think people wouldn't like Inuyasha as much if I'm the owner of it.

Chapter one: Mistake of a lifetime

Ring...ring. The ringing of the shining white telephone rang through the empty apartment in Tokyo, Japan.

The lock of the door turned, and the door slowly slid open. A girl of twenty walked into the room, her dark brown hair hanged low at her shoulders. She took off her brown jacket and white high heeled shoes, revealing a slim and white bloused body underneath. Her knee-lengthed white skirt rippled as she raced towards the telephone on the coffee table at the middle of the living room.

"Higurashi and Hara residence, may I help you in any shape or form?" Kagome said jokingly into the phone.

"Yeah, I'd like to order a medium fry and cheeseburger please?" The moderately deep male voice from the other end joked, followed by a series of chuckles.

"Sure, and would you like a drink, sir?" Kagome laughed but continuing the small joke.

"Oh whatever, Kagome."

"Nice to meet you too, Inuyasha."

"Okay (laugh), lunch?"






Kagome hung up. She rushed to her small room and quickly changed into low cut jeans and a half sleeved shirt. She pulled her comb through her hair several times and ran out into the living room once again. Putting on her trainers, Kagome managed to grab the white purse she had thrown on the ground earlier. She wore her jacket and grabbed the keys hanging on her coat hanger.

Kagome locked the door from the outside and ran down the hall of the apartment building and got to the elevators in less than five seconds. She pressed the down button on the wall and when the elevator came, she walked inside, smoothing her shirt.

Inuyasha walked into the grand restaurant. He and Kagome had been here twice before, and enjoyed their visits greatly. Ever since he meet Kagome, his life had changed forever. He had never thought rich and happiness belonged to each other...until he met Kagome.

"Inu, hey!" He snapped around at the sound of a familiar woman's voice.

"Kagome!" He exclaimed as picked the woman running toward him up and gave her a little twirl.

"How was your day?" Kagome asked, letting the handsome lawyer lead her to a table.

"Mine was wonderful, yours?" Inuyasha replied. He sat down just as a waiter made his way towards the smiling couple.

"What would you like, sir?" The young waiter asked.

"The usual for the both of us please." Inuyasha ordered.

The waiter nodded, then left, collecting the menus on their table as he went.

"Oh, we already have a usual? And we have only been here, for how long? Two times?" Kagome teased.

"So? Doesn't matter, does it?" Inuyasha laughed, grabbing a bread stick in a straw basket on the dining table.

Kagome laughed again, this time more heartily. She had a wonderful feeling that this night was going to be one of those great nights where she is going to remember forever.

Inuyasha opened the door to their apartment quickly, seeing that they were both very tired. Kagome leaned against the door as he opened it and almost fell in.

"Whoa! Wha-!" Kagome muttered as she regained her balanced.

"Sorry 'bout that." Inuyasha snickered, earning a playful slap on the head by Kagome.

The two walked into the dark room. Kagome made her way to the light switches and flicked one up. The living room light ignited.

"Yes, I got the light switch right, about time too." Kagome laughed as she patted to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and started to take off her clothes when Inuyasha knocked on the door.

"Hey, don't forget, you still have to call Eri back." He reminded.

"Thanks, and it's Sango." Kagome corrected.


Kagome sighed. What could she say, it was her friends after all.

She finished stripping her self( not in the sick way, people!) and got into the shower. She felt her body relax as the hot water trickled down her slim figure. How did her life get so good? She lives with a completely hot guy, has a job she loved, and gets to enjoy almost every life could offer. But somehow, she still feels something is missing, something vitally important, something she had wanted as a child...a man to love her.

Inuyasha sat down on the white sofa. Kagome had decorated everything in the apartment white, her room green. Inuyasha had to plead her not to decorate his room yellow. Yellow was just not his color.

He grabbed a stack of newspaper the pile of newspapers on the second level of the coffee table and began to read.

"Oh look, the number of gay marriages in Japan this year." He mumbled to himself and put the paper down. He really didn't like the idea of being gay, but somehow, he just ended up being it. He loved women more than men but somehow he just think he rather like men more. Men are strong, whereas women are whiny. Men are able to do great stuff, women too, but he liked to think that they do not. But women do know how to cook, they are essential to making love. In many ways, women are great, especially on sexual attraction.

He is really confused right now. He loved to spend time with Kagome, and he felt that it was more than just a friend, but he can't really say he loves her. He loves( as in friends) his guy friends but they would ditch him if it wasn't for his "gayness".

Inuyasha looked up as the bathroom door opened, flooding the miniature hallway with golden light. Kagome appeared with a towel around her chest, just above her breasts. Damn, he just had to think that she looks really hot standing there, grinning at him.

"I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow." Kagome said.

"Yeah." Inuyasha croaked, still staring at her.

"You okay?"


Kagome nodded suspiciously and walked into her room, closing the door behind her.

Damn, how is he supposed to survive only gawking at her like that! I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay...Inuyasha continued to remind himself. Damn! Damn! Damn! Inuyasha stood up and walked to the bathroom. I...Damn! Kagome, why must you be so damn hot?!...I'm gay, I'm gay. Inuyasha recited, trying to brainwash himself. I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay!

Author's notes: so? How was it? Was it cool? Or was it stupid? Review! So I can know what you think!

See ya in next chappie!