Deadline? September? Of what, 2006?

Man, guys, I am SO sorry that I didn't update this. To tell you the truth, my interest in Detective Conan was slowly dying when I couldn't find a good site that had a lot of scanlated stuff. Well, I did, but they were missing stuff and just… gr... It wasn't organized. Then the forum I joined had a lot of scanlations but AGAIN, it wasn't very organized. So now I have no idea what the hell's going on in the real DC world…

…but enough with my excuses. I'm back. And hopefully for good this time. As you can see, I have one other project going on, Chaotic, it's called, since my interest started migrating over to the Narutoverse. However, due to current events such as me bumming around all spring break and re-watching movies/episodes of DC, my thoughts have been circling around Conan – again! Huzzah!

But without further ado, Humor Me, ladies and gents!

Disclaimer : I do not own Detective Conan.



"My WHAT!" they screamed in unison, for the second time that day. The pair broke off their surprise look at the Inspector to give each other irked glares.

Megure took the liberty to stop the staring festival. "Partners, kids, partners."

"But why? When? How?" Shinichi spluttered, pointing at the girl.

The man in the yellow jacket crossed his arms gruffly. "Why? Because you're partnerless and she's new. When? Just now. How? Because I said so."

For a second, the famous detective turned policeman lost his somewhat collected demeanor. "You can't just replace Hana like that!" he shouted.

Ran looked questionably at the male next to her, then at Megure. "Hana?"

A soft hand landed on her shoulder and she turned around. A pony-tail clad brunette looked cheerily at Shinichi's partner. "Hi, I'm Toyama Kazuha. Nice to meet you!"

Ran smiled and let her new friend lead her back to the former cubicle. People on the ninth floor began resuming their morning activities (or lack of thereof) and dispersed. "Nice to meet you too, Kazuha."

The Osakan native pushed Ran by the shoulder as they neared the three people she just saw. "Guys, say hi to Ran!" Chorus's of different variations of "hello" chimed through.

"That's Kuroba Kaito," Kazuha pointed at the guy sitting in the chair, "and you can basically call him boy toy because that's what he is."

Kaito gave Kazuha a "screw you" look and massaged his head. "Oh, whatever. Pass me a hammer, my head's killing me."

The girl standing beside him smacked his head from behind, forcing him forward. He growled and looked up at her, only to have the brunette grin cheekily back and gave him a thumbs up.

Kazuha motioned at the next person. "And that's Nakamori Aoko." She leaned closer next to Ran and mumbled something. "They flirt like crazy but refuse to go out. I just don't get it!" The newcomer giggled.

"Heya, Ran!" Aoko greeted, waving. Ran returned the same gesture.

The last guy, the tannest one out of all of them, crossed his arms and leaned against the cubicle, waiting for his introduction. Kazuha wearily looked at him and raised a hand airily.

"And that's an incredible, unbelievable moron."


Ran giggled again and watched the two engage in a glaring contest. Kazuha was the first to cut it off, and turned to her. "And that's an incredible, unbelievable moron named Hattori Heiji." She corrected her self and rolling her eyes.

Heiji seemed to acknowledge his prelude and nodded at Ran. "Yo."

She waved back at him with a smile when Shinichi trudged over at the group. The boy looked crestfallen and sniffed. "This sucks."

"You're funny." Ran replied, deadpanned.

"Jeez, Kudo, it's seven in the morning and you're already causing trouble. What'd you do, get up on the wrong side of the bed?" asked Heiji, uncrossing his hands and shoving them in his pockets.

Shinichi sluggishly strolled over to Ran's newly acquired cubicle and pushed her chair to the group. For a second, the girl thought he was going to give it to her as a peace offer, when he suddenly sat down. Her hopeful gaze turned dry as he looked back at her through half lidded eyes. "What?"


He shook his head and turned back to Heiji. "My bed's next to the wall. I don't really think I have a choice every morning."

Aoko laughed and looked down at Kaito's sedentary figure. She bent down and dusted off imaginary dust from his lap before plopping herself down. The boy she was now sitting on looked at her wearily. She flashed him a smile before saying, "It's technically my seat."

Suddenly, she turned to Ran. "So what's up, Ran? Tell us about yourself."

Said girl suddenly saw a queue of eyes focus on her, and she stuttered. "M-Me?"

Shinichi yawned. "No one else here named 'Ran'."

She scrunched up her nose at him looked back at the group. "Well… um… I really like karate. I won my regional conference and went to nationals…. I also like cooking, too." She rested a finger gently on her chin thoughtfully. "I'm twenty two, my birthday's on June 23rd… My favorite color's blue… and I like daisies."

Her partner scoffed. "Random."

"Oh wow, I love martial arts! I practice Aikido all the time!" Kazuha grinned. From afar, Heiji grimaced and rubbed his arm.

"Yeah, on me."

The former girl rolled her eyes and looked back at Ran. "You should really come over and cook sometime! I'm sure you're great at it!"

"Hey, hey, I want in on good food, too!" yelled Aoko, sticking a finger up in the air.

"Psh, I got dibs first!"

The tanned man sighed suddenly and pushed off the wall. "Anyways, it was nice meeting you, Ran, but I have finishing briefing some cases up. I've been procrastinating since last week and Megure's going to have my head if I don't have it done by tomorrow."

Kazuha's mouth dropped. "What! You still haven't handed that in? I saw you working on it three days ago!"

Heiji snorted. "Was that before I turned on the TV?"

The pony-tailed girl smacked him on the arm.

"Ow, woman! Stop abusing me!"

"Hattori is so whipped." Shinichi said behind the back of his hand.

The male Osakan glared at him and rubbed his arms. "So like I said, I gotta go. Later."

He was about to leave when Kazuha hooked her hand around his elbow. "Wait up," she said, then turned to the group, "I better make sure he doesn't slack off again. Catch you all later!"

Ran and Aoko waved them off while the guys nodded their heads.

Then, Kaito suddenly got up, dumping Aoko on the floor ("Hey!"). He stretched and yawned. "Probably should go, too. Hakuba's going to English on my ass if I'm late again. Ciao." Aoko pushed herself off the floor and onto the seat while the Ran bid him goodbye.

"Bye, Kaito! See you at lunch!" He waved with his back to her. "Oh - which reminds me," Ran turned her attention to Aoko. "I gotta give some of these files to Akako!" She stood up and pushed her chair in, turning around to face the newly put together team.

"Don't let Shinichi be a jerk to you, Ran! Just use your awesome karate skills to knock him down a few pegs. We all know he needs it." Aoko joked, then stuck her tongue out at the sitting male. He, in turn, looked dryly at her.

"Will do!" replied Ran as her partner just settled with, "Yeah, yeah…,"

"See ya!"

And with that, Ran was left alone with Shinichi. Silence dwindled around them as they made their way back to Ran's cubicle.

"So what do you want to do?" ask the veteran, spinning around in the chair.

Ran stared, still irked, at him. "What d'you mean?"

"You can… get a head start in retyping that letter or I can show you around the place."

The girl did a double take. Did she just hear what she thought she heard? Her partner actually being a nice? "Aw, that's so sweet!"

Shinichi raised a brow. "Don't flatter yourself, Megure forced me into doing it."

Her expression fell as she raised a fist at him. "You jerk off!"

The boy shrugged. "What can I say." He pushed himself off the chair and looked back at her, already exiting the cubicle. "Are you coming or not?"

Alone, the lass looked back at the blank computer and then again at Shinichi's fading back. She let out a sigh and started following him.

First day and she's already paired up with the jackass of the century.

What a way to kick it all off.

Alright, so that's done. And again, I uphold my streak at finishing at 1:15 or some ungodly hour in the morning.

Nothing much happened here except for dialogue, humor, introductions, and so on. So now you what's going on inside their minds, right? Right?

Also, I edited my much needed to be edited first two chapters! I was… young, you can say, when I started this, and my writing has definitely changed. I'm sure there's still mistakes in it somewhere but I'll fix that later.

But back to Chapter 3. I left a little mystery in it somewhere, hopefully you guys can find it. I'm not sure when the next time I'm gonna update, but like I said before, hopefully I'll be writing within a span of… 3 months.

So maybe I will and maybe I won't… depends! You can lean my preference toward the 'update' option if ya'll REVIEW! Re-VIEW like the wind. Do it. DO IT! ) Plzkthanks. Suggestions, comments, anything.