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Chapter 1: In All Her Glory

Yukina watched her brother's best friend, Kurama fight against the notorious Touya in the Dark Tournament she sat mesmerized as she saw the swift moves of Touya the ice apparition, being one herself she was quite interested. Soon, Touya went down and Kurama had won at last.

She sighed and looked at the beautiful Touya and hoped that one day she would get to speak with him.

Years passed and Yukina grew into a fine young apparition. Her powers of healings had grown as she always had to heal her first boyfriend Kazuma Kuwabara. Yukina's experience in using her powers was very useful in the ice village in which she lived. Over time she came to know that Hiei was the brother she had been searching for all of those years. One day sher took her brother by a tree and they shared a delicious lunch she had made.

"Hiei," she began.

"What?" he asked.

" Do you know Touya?"

Hiei looked at his little sister. She had never asked him about men that were not on his team. He thought of how to approach this question. All he knew was that Touya was an ice apparition that had almost beaten Kurama who's arms, legs, and spirit energy had been shackled to the ground.

Yukina looked at her brother. He seemed angry and added quickly, "Well, he seemed like a very well trained ice apparition is all and I just wondered if you knew where I could find him. I- I want to learn his technique, I want to be able to defend myself from those who may harm me. You and the rest of our friends have taught me a great deal of martial art techniques and how to get rid of men who try to hit on me without many peoiple finding out. But I need to know more."

Hiei stared at her and thought of Shizuru, Kuwabara's no good sister and Keiko telling his innocent sister about dirty men who would try to pick up his sister. He saw her staring innocently into his firey red eyes. He thought that he should just tell her the truth.

"I don't know where Touya is when Kurama comes to train you tomorrow you can ask him. I have nothing to do with Touya, but Kurama will know. Good bye," he replied and jumped out of the tree and went on his way home.

Yukina picked up her basket and went into the forest to find some wood to light a fire in her home. She picked up stray dry pieces of wood and placed them into her basket. She reached down to pick up a nice log and it twitched at her touch. She backed away and looked down at the snow. It looked as if it had piled on top of something. She brushed of some of the snow that lay upon the lump beneath. After a few minutes of brushing off the pure white powder she saw a locks of green and blew hair. She saw iut and continued and uncovered a man's face. She touched with her warm hands after removing heavy gloves. The face was half way frozen. She looked around in the basket under the wood and found the blanket that her brother had brought her to keep her warm. She dragged him out of the snow and onto the blanket.

"Hello?" she whispered in his ears. "Can you hear me?"

Yukina put her glove back on and poked at him. After a few minutes the sun began to set upon the horizon. She grabbed her basket andf the corner of the blanket abnd dragged the stranger back to her home in the ice village.

When she arrived home everyone was inside their houses which was good since she didn't want anyone ot see her dragging a half dead man back to her cozy little home. Ever since her mother had died the villagers were very reluctant to have one of Hina's children iving among them. Hina was Yukina and Hiei's mother who had passed away shortly after Hiei was banished from their village. In a village of ice a fire apparition was the last thing they wanted in their village of ice. When they first tried to banish Hiei Hina defended her son strongly. Hiei left the village anyway and left his little sister and his mother behind.

Yukina lifted Touya ointo her bed and put her healing powers to work. The man kept twitching and soon his eyes shot open.

"Where am I? Who are you?" he said hoarsley.

"I found you unconcious outside. You were half frozen and if I left you out there you would haver frozen to death for certain. My name is Yukina and you are in my home," she replied as she poured warm water from the tea pot onto a cloth and wiped his face with it.

"You did all that? For me? Thank you. I am in your debt," he responded as she cleaned his wounds.

"Your wounds are very bad. Tell me, what were you doing out there in the snow?"

"I was training. A man named Kurama was holding a mini tournament and I sat down to rest after my match. I guess I passed out and the stadium was pretty far off so I guess he thought I had gone home for the day.I should go. I don't want to cause you any more trouble."

"No, no it's quite all right I don't mind and Kurama is coming to my house tomorrow why don't you wait for him . It's very cold out there at night. Something bad might happen to you if you go back out there now. Rest here for the night. I'll be outside on the sofa if you need me. I want you to stay in my bed tonight. It might help your wounds heal quicker. Oh! And what's your name?" Yukina said.

"It's Touya. Thank you Yukina you're too good to a stranger like me. Tank you so much," he replied.

She smiled at him and shut the door as she exited the room. She blew out all of the lights and went to bed.

"I finally got to meet Touya! He's even living in my house for the night! Tomorrow I'll ask him if he can teach me how to use the powers of ice for offense and defense. I hope that I can be a great ice apparition someday! Just like him! I couldn't be happier than I am right now," she thought with a smile.

Yukina closed her eyes and drifted into a world of sleep.