Disclaimer- I dinnae own Ziddy, he's apart of Final Fantasy 9 which is owned by, err... Playstation? Right?

Sorry, it took me so long to post this Chapter, I've had a lot going on lately, first there was Halloween, (my favourite holiday,) then Guy Fax Night, (a British Holiday,) then I became ill with the flu for a week, and now I have X-mas Shopping nearly everyday, but I'm loyal to my readers to I finally posted it today, before I go over to my friend's house! Phew A lot to say in 30seconds....

Please read and review, thank you!

The darkness was surrounding him, no escape, just him and the darkness...


That short sentence continued to repeat over and over...

I've missed you...

It felt like the two sentences were starting to fight against each other, both trying to prove they were the right one, they were the one in the right, the one he was supposed to follow...

A image of Garnet appeared, it was of her when she was crying yet still smiling, the two main emotions combined, sadness and happiness...

How can two opposites combine? He questioned, then as if to answer his own question... Because opposites attract...

"God knows how he's still living," a voice exclaimed in disbelief.

Zidane tried to figure out whom the voice belonged to, but he couldn't determine it...

"He has several broken ribs, a fracture on his skull, broken arm, twisted ankle, internal damage and his tail has nearly been snapped in half!" the voice paused, "He's one strong boy..."

"I know..." a second voice agreed.

Zidane knew that voice, he had heard it so many times before, it was the voice he had learned to love, "...Garnet?" he weakly called.

Suddenly a beam of light burst into his world of darkness...

He weakly opened his eyes, his vision was blurred as he tried to adapt to the sudden change, when just at that moment a figure appeared above him, he couldn't really make out who it was...

"Zidane? Zidane, are you okay?" Garnet questioned worriedly.

"Garnet..." slowly his vision returned to normal, he could see her worried expression, he frowned in confusion, "...W-what's wrong...?" he hated seeing Garnet when she was sad, or in pain.

She smiled kindly, "Nothing... Nothing at all..."

He frowned once again, not believing her, he quickly sat up but was greeted by severe pain, he yelped out as the pain spread itself throughout his body, although it seemed mostly to be coming from his chest, he gritted his teeth as he tried to fight against the throbbing, he wasn't going to let it win....

"Zidane! Lie back down!" Garnet ordered with fire in her eyes.

Wow, she really has taken to the role of Queen, she sounds like a Sergeant now... Zidane blinked in surprise as Garnet gently pushed him back.

"Mr. Tribal!" the Doctor frowned, "You must rest! You are far too hurt to barely even move!"

Zidane eyed the Doctor in anger, "Hey! I've been through a lot worse, buster! This is nothing!!"

The Doctor decided to get tough now, "I suggest you calm down, unless you hope to be in severe pain, for the rest of your life..."

Zidane growled lowly, How dare he tell me what to do!?! What does he know!! He doesn't know anything! What I've been through, what I've done... What I'm going to do...

Garnet gasped in surprise and fear after hearing Zidane growl, she stepped back, gazing into his angry, hate-filled eyes.

Even the Doctor backed off, it's not everyday you get growled at!

Just at that moment, Zidane realised what he had just done, he looked over at Garnet who was staring at him, terrified, No, what am I doing?? I'm scaring Garnet...

Garnet noticed Zidane's expression change, it looked like he seriously didn't know what he had just done, he was looking up at her with confusion and slight fear, Garnet was unsure whether that was fear of the fact the Doctor and herself were staring at Zidane as if he were some kind of monster, or the fear of himself...

As a few moments passed, the trio remained in silence, unsure what to say, Zidane was starting to get scared of being near the Doctor, he was just picturing all the horrible things the Doctor was thinking about him...

Garnet noticed Zidane's fear and decided she had to get rid of the Doctor some how, "Zidane, it's okay, don't worry..." Garnet pretended, "I know the pain is bad and you just want it to go away but taking your anger out on others is no way to get rid of it..."

The Doctor blinked in surprise, "What...?" he paused, "It...It... So, it was just anger?"

"Yes! What else did you think it was?" Garnet looked at the Doctor as if he were a little confused child.

"Well, I swear I heard him-"

"Swear?" Garnet finished.

"Huh?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Swear?? Zidane, whenever he gets really mad or agitated he always swears to himself, it can be so disgraceful at times," Garnet continued her little act.

"Oh... Right..." the Doctor nodded, "I better go now then, call me if you need me your majesty..." he slowly backed away, staring at Zidane with sheer disbelief, then stumbling as he exited the room.

Garnet giggled after the Doctor left, impressed by her acting skills, "Maybe I should be in Tantalus, eh?"

Zidane was just looking up at her with confusion and disbelief, "You...?"

"I heard you growl," Garnet nodded in comply, "And I also know you were scared of the Doctor, so it wasn't too much of a help him being there, eh?" she smiled gently down at Zidane.

Zidane paused as he blinked in surprise, then he eventually smiled kindly, "Thank you... You've always been able to read me like a book..."

"Yup!" Garnet grinned, "I know! Now, you, get some rest! And I'll see you later, okay?"

Zidane nodded slowly, "...Kay..."

Garnet waved as she left the room, gently closing the door behind her.

You read me like a book... he repeated to himself, Yet you are unable to see my love for you... he yawned quietly as he started to drift off into a gentle sleep...