Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto of course.
Trading Places.
Part the First.
Shikimaru sighed, the situation had managed to become both annoying and serious, but his plan was holding together, so long as his team kept it simple. The objective was deceptively easy, retrieve a package from a courier.
Problem the first the courier was a Sound shinobi chunnin team.
Problem the second that rather than a chunnin team or two from the leaf specially selected to counter the Sounds he had 11 ego maniac, hyperactive or otherwise troublesome genin to deal with them. Oh and himself, battling both the sounds tricks and his own headache. Still his plan was nearly flawless...it would have actually been flawless if he could have divided the teams as he wished...
He glanced at the two other genin following his rapid progress through the forest Hyuuga Neji and Uchiha Sasuke. "What's their progress Neji?"
The Hyuuga prodigy appeared to briefly focus ahead with his active Byakugan. "Team B are still harassing them, Naruto and Kiba are keeping them fleeing at full pace and Shino and Chouji have herded them in the correct direction. If Team C are in position they should be able to intercept them no problem, well, IF they are in position" he smirked. Sasuke took this moment to speak up "Why am I playing rearguard with you two instead of being in the Ambush?"
Shikimaru sighed "Don't be so troublesome, Team C is the bulk of our force, but we need the most powerful here in case they try and double back again. And Sakura and Ino are worse than useless if you are in the vicinity he added silently.
"KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU" Roared Naruto, and another 30 shadow clones popped into existence. The sound nin Katsu cursed loudly "Doesn't this kid ever get tired, that's the third batch he's made, if we stop again the other five will catch up!" "Just keep moving" hissed Isha, "and keep them off me, if Orochimaru doesn't get this package it'll be our heads" "I don't see why we can't just stop and kill them" thundered Chagtai, "I'll crush them with my Stone Jutsu!"
"Because you won't and there are too many to crush, not to mention those behind us and they seem more chunnin than genin to me" said Isha. It was at this point a brace of Kibas tore through the undergrowth forcing them to veer right.
Neji reported the current events in clipped tones to Shikimaru.
Perfect, now to make sure. "Come in Team C"
"Hai Chunin-san" answered Sakura.
"Are you in position?"
"Hai, we're in a tree overlooking the clearing they will enter. Hinata can see you all approaching, and they are on course." Reported Sakura.
"Excellent, tell Ino her target is the short one with yellow eyes, he has the package, Lee and Tenten are to engage the giant and Hinata and yourself the skinny fan wielder." Shikimaru instructed.
"Roger! Hinata says you'll reach us in under a minute."
Impressive pondered Shikimaru, it appeared Hinatas Byakugan range exceeded Nejis.
Alright thought Sakura, everything seemed to be going to plan. At that moment she first perceived the arrival of the sound-nin. "Get ready" she hissed to the others.
At that point the tree exploded.
Naruto's glee at the enemy ninjas entering the jaws o their trap turned to horror as he saw the fan wielder whip his fan around conjuring up a fierce wind. The small cyclone tore into the ambush tree shredding its branchs, leafs and Leaf Shinobis.They tumbled to the ground and before they could recover the Sounds were upon them. Time to break with the plan he decided. With that he launched himself at Katsu, Isha and Chagtai. All of him.
Katsu was barrelled down by the weight of 10 punching kicking number one loudmouth ninjas as was Isha. Chagtai was less impressed. With a roar of anger he shattered the interlocking of web of Narutos covering him, sending them back into puffs of smoke.
It was at that point that everyone else decided to arrive.
Shikimaru groaned, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. But the hadn't the First Hokage said "No plan survives contact with the enemy." Or had it been the Second? Damn he'd be up all night wondering now. But back to the situation at hand. "Ino, hit your target, everyone else dogpile!, keep them contained until Team C recovers."
Shikimaru grimaced as Katsu unleashed a second maelstrom of cutting winds destroying Narutos Kage Bunshins.
Seeing but a single target remaining Chagtai roared in triumph and seized Naruto by the neck.
"No!" howled Lee and Hinata simultaneously and launched themselves at Chagtai. Kiba, Akamaru and Sasuke piled onto Katsu and the giant melee worsened as everyone piled on.
Ino got shakily to her feet. "Bodyswap no Jutsu!".
Then three things happened almost at once.
Isha gasped at the mass of charka hurtling towards him, "Chaos Storm No Jutsu!" he howled.
Chagtai howled in frustration and hurled Naruto away to better deal with the twin onslaught of Lee and Hinata.
Inos soul form collided with Naruto.
Neji witnessed it all with his Byakugan, Ino's soul self whip towards Isha, Ishas jutsu destabilise Inos jutsu and Naruto colliding with Inos soul, then explode outwards in a wave of red charka.
Then everything went black. For Everybody
Naruto groaned in pain as he returned to consciousness, he felt dreadful, like the night after a particularly bad batch of ramen. As he struggled to his feet he saw the Katsu struggling to his feet alone, package still in hand. "No-no way" Naruto muttered "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!"
"Hah I did it!" yelled Naruto, "That's the future Hokage for you!...why the hell am I so tired?"
with that he lasped into unconciousness.
Neji shook his head in disbelief, why in gods name had Hinata just performed that dobes daft move, and why was she talking like that?
As he got to his feet his balance seemed off and he felt noticalbly weaker. "That jutsu must have taken a lot out of all of...of..."
He looked down at his body...clad in a short red dress, trembling he checked his hair...bright pink...
"Oh no..."
To be continued if anyone likes it at all :)
Please R&R.