SO: Won't say anything…
KO: yes, it's been far to long, sorry guys
SO: so just read KO's latest chappie, kay?
KO: hehe…the evilness...cuz it's so short!
SO: thatz
KO: it is! it is!
SO: um...okay...

Chapter 6

Showdown! Kikyo vs. Miroku

I decided to go search for Koharu once more. As I was putting on my coat, I heard a slam against my door. 'Koharu,' I thought relieved. I rushed to the door…but Koharu was not there. There was nobody at my door…and then I looked down.

"SANGO!" I cried out, for there against the ground was my best friend. There was blood trickling gently from her lip.

I picked her up and carried her onto my bed. How to treat her wounds? I returned as quickly as I could with a cold washcloth. I set it upon her forehead, and she murmured something incoherent. "Your welcome," I smiled weakly.

I then went to my medicine cabinet and put some antibodies onto a bandage and wrapped her cuts. All I could do was sit with her. For hours I held her hand and watched her. I remembered some of the good times we've had, and worried I may lose her. A tear or two slipped from my eye.

I rose and made the "healing tea" Koharu makes me after a stressful day. As I stirred, I watched the tea leaves. I watched them for signs and omens as my sister once did.

"If the skull is crossed, death is nigh," a young girl explained. She sat on a red checkered blanket opposite a small, raven-haired child. The red-eyed beauty mixed her tea carefully, sitting beneath the shade of a grand willow tree. The yard the two children sat in was lush, spotted with grad trees and marble fountains.

"And if not?" the little boy asked eagerly.

"Then," she girl smiled, "then, Miroku, a revelation shall come."

I returned to the present with a start. My tea was gone, I must had subconsciously drank it. And there in the bottom of my cup was an uncrossed skull.

Shaking myself, I returned to my room where lay Sango. I reapplied the cool cloth and waited. 'Maybe people need their privacy when they first wake,' I thought, and exited. My nature is to be concerned, so I checked in on her every so often.

Eventually, I walked in to find her awake. I made my way over to her and held her hand. "Glad to see you awake," I gave a weak smile. That was all I could spare. Sango moaned a little and looked up at me.

"I…saw…Koharu…" came her voice. Shock shot through me, and I fought to prevent shaking her violently. I inhaled deeply and used restraint. 'Carry on, Sango. I must know more,' I thought.

"She entered an apartment not to far away from here, and I followed her." Man, San-chan, you never know when to keep going! I nodded my head forward, eyebrows raised, signifying that she should continue. "…I forgot…" she admitted apologetically.

I was murderous behind my calm expression. WHY couldn't she remember more? Damnit, where is Koharu? Stupid Sango…and then I realized what I was saying. I was scared to death to lose her, and here I was saying she was stupid for doing a great job. She'd given me a lead to where Koharu was.

"You may be suffering a bit of amnesia," I thought aloud. Then I turned my attention back to Sango. "You appeared at my door bleeding. I want to know what happened, but I am more concerned with your health. It was…pretty scary." I held tighter to her hand.

She looked ashamed and sad. "I'm sorry I didn't bring back Koharu," she murmured. Sango sounded as though she was near tears. Her lower lip trembled.

"Don't be," I sighed, running my hands through my ebony hair. "You did a fantastic job, detective Sango. When you mend, we'll go together." We both smiled, nodding intensely.

I returned Sango home, and on the drive home, wondered…why did Koha run? Was she kidnapped? Will I ever see her again…and I let a silent tear slip. I opened my eyes in time to see that I was about to hit someone.

I slammed on my breaks, and standing before me was a beautiful woman. Her eyes were roan and her hair was black in a ponytail. She had her hand against my hood and a gun pointed at my windshield. She donned a wicked smirk. I knew her.

"…Kikyo." I growled darkly. Kikyo's smirk broadened and she shot a hole in my windshield.

"Correct," she said, "Miroku," she spat out my name. Then I knew.

"Where is Koharu?" I yelled. Another bullet punctured the glass, and embedded itself into the leather.

"You presumptuous fool," she sneered, "you assume I took my sister. No. Did it ever occur to you, Zen, that you did not satisfy her?" I felt a bullet enter my chest, agonizingly painful. But Kikyo had not shot. Her words were assassins.

"Lies do not beautify us, Kikyo Sojima." Another bullet pierced my windshield, sinking itself into the seat, dangerously close to my skull.

"You've made my sister unhappy, boy," came the cold drawl. "She has no desire to be with you." And I began to wonder. Koharu did scold me a lot, and accuse me of compulsive flirting. I could say nothing.

"So what would you have me do?" I shot back, infuriated.

"I'd have you die!" and once more, Kikyo lifted her gun. This time, it was aimed at my head. I shut my eyes tightly, and clenched the steering wheel. I heard the shot, but felt nothing.

"Miroku," cried Koharu, and I saw Ohama knocking Kikyo's gun away.

Miroku! Sango told me where to find her and I came as fast as I could. Kikyo is crazy, be careful!" Koharu rushed to me and embraced me. I held her tightly and cried into her hair.

"Thank you…Ohama." I smiled, as he pulled out his cell. He phoned the police and kept Kikyo against a wall. "How was your business trip?" I asked, amused.

That evening, Koharu and I said little. We just smiled. Kikyo was arrested and Ohama was back with San-chan. We will all be okay.

SO: yes…well…
KO: yes, well what?
SO: nothing…is there a problem with me saying "yes, well"?
KO-sighs- whatever…
SO-sighs with KO- now…I'll get my next chapter up a whole lot faster then this looooong one.

Preview of chapter 7:

An Encounter with Many Teeth

Well our vacation was finally underway. It was so perfect! There was a nice beach…a nice hotel…and lovely boats. Too bad looks aren't everything. Because being shipwrecked isn't exactly ideal, especially in the Pacific Ocean, where it's inhabited by underwater predators.