OLJ: Disclaimer: I Don't own code:LYOKO or anything, really.

I'll jump ahead to the episode after a false start:

I am at my computer, thinking. "Hmm. That might work"

Flash to morning

"Hey guys" I say to my friends.

"'Sup Jereme" Odd replies, slapping me on the back.

"I got something to show you" I say, as my phone goes off"And X.A.N.A is just in time. Let's go to the factory."

As we rush off to the factory, I tell Yumi"You will sit out this one, Yumi." She asks why, but I wave her off.

In the factory, I told Yumi to virtualize me. "You did it before, you can do it again" I said. I continue down in the elevator.

What happens next? Does Jereme have a Lyoko form? Find out next time!

OLJ: W00T the first chapter is up!

OLU: Shut up Jereme you left them with a cliffhanger

OLO: I like it!

OLU: Wow. Odd likes something other than food.

OLJ: I got to go this is going to escalate, Do you want tickets to see them fight? No price, just RR!


OLJ: I'm trying to sell reviews.