Author: Nekocin
Genres: General
Type: One-shot/ drabble
Warnings: possible OoC, 2nd person PoV
Pairings: RanKen
Rated: PG
Additional notes: shounen ai, strange drabble
Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz doesn't belong to me.

The flower's withering; the color are slowly fading and the petals are half-curled up from the dryness.

You sigh exasperatedly at the poor flower, which had been slightly crushed by careless ogling customers. There's no hope for it, no life.
You're about to sweep it away in one huff when he intervenes.

He's somehow gotten himself to fall right near the half-dead flower, face first. Savoring the sudden realization that he's 'protecting' the flower, you slowly turn away to sweep a different corner; still following his movements with almost uneven heartbeats.

You watch him carefully put the half-dead flower into a new pot an d nurture it with childish fascination...

Some days later, your eye catches the brilliant turns of event as he shows you the flower, once half-crushed... now fully-bloomed, with a bright smile.



This is dedicated to Windy-kun Pocky King Windy and Misura.
It's a bit strange, but I did it anyways... I tried waving the symbolism into it...

:Smiley face: cin

Edit: Had a typo :sweatdrops: Thank you for reading.