Wish I Were You

Sakura's Note: To avoid any and all confusion, this chapter starts out earlier in the day than how the previous chapter ended. So, if I mention the daylight, it's not an error. Ha ha…

I won't even bother saying why this is so behind…/sigh/

Enjoy and please R&R.

And thank you to everyone who reviewed!


Chapter 17: Solution


A limo was waiting for them as soon as Purity 1 touched ground in Maryland.

Sango, Eri, Midoriko, and Naraku filtered into the limousine respectively, allowing the limo driver to close the door after them.

"Wow…" Sango ran her hands up and down the leather seats and across the velour wall covering. "This limo is…"

"Awesome, right?" Eri grabbed up a remote from a little pocket in the seat beside her, pushing at all the buttons randomly.

Naraku's part of the seat raised up, leaned back, puffed up, then moved forward. "Give me that!" Seizing the cursed contraption away from the overexcited fitness instructor, Naraku tossed it in Midoriko's general direction. "Show more maturity. You've been in a limousine before." Midoriko caught the remote with a scowl.

Eri huffed, "You're a fun-sucker, aren't you? It's gotta be on your résumé! Hey…on that note, whatever happened to Bridgette?"

Sango looked away from the window, at the three Urashi employees. "That's a good question…"

"She cracked under the pressure." Naraku professed disgustedly, "She wasn't cut out for this line of work."

"I'm not surprised!" Midoriko exclaimed, "With you terrorizing her night and day! The poor girl, I wander where she is now…"

The limo was in brief silence whilst its inhabitants pondered the possibilities.

Naraku leaned back comfortably, "Last I heard she was tending to the elderly in Florida."


"It's okay to show some emotion," Kagura pointed out, putting her hand on Sesshoumaru's shoulder. "Show your human side."

Sesshoumaru scoffed, "It isn't that easy to show weakness."

A car rolled up at the gates of the cemetery.

Turning around to see it, they realized it wasn't just any car… It was a limo. The door opened automatically – an impressive sight – and Sango stepped out; too preoccupied with calming a frantic girl down to notice them.

The door closed once Sango managed to draw her shorthaired guest out of the limousine. Turning towards her parent's graves, Sango's eyes widened. "Sesshoumaru!" Breaking into a run, she wrapped her arms around him. "I didn't think you'd still be here!"

Blinking with an almost invisible blush on his cheeks, Sesshoumaru placed a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "It is unexpected…"

Kagura's ruby red lips curling up into a smile, she folded her arms. "Why Sesshoumaru Dawson, are you blushing?"

The heat on his cheeks automatically disappeared. "You're seeing things."

"Oh. Just checking." Kagura humored.

"What are you doing here?" Sesshoumaru managed after unwrapping Sango from his waist.

Sango laughed, "When they found out that our parents died thirteen years ago today they insisted on bringing me."

Sesshoumaru nodded, looking over Sango's shoulders at her guest.

"Oh! This is Eri! She's Kagome's fitness instructor, and my closest friend at Urashi."

Eri stepped forward with an intense blush on her cheeks. Despite her appearance, Eri offered her hand boldly. "Nice to meet you."

Sesshoumaru shook it, and gave a slight look of concern when she nearly stumbled over herself.

Kagura and Sango shared a hug whilst Eri tried laughing off her odd behavior. "Where's everyone else?"

"Sesshoumaru and I came back after he dropped your brothers and Kagome off." Kagura informed quietly. "He doesn't like to show any emotions with your brothers around."

"I don't need to show anything." Sesshoumaru reminded forcefully. A change of subject was in order…otherwise his sister and his girlfriend would soon be on him about his apparent 'emotional shell'. "Who brought you?"

"Ms. Midoriko and Naraku." Sango regretted mentioning Naraku's name at her brother's reaction.

Eri giggled nervously, "I'll go back to the limo and let you guys have some time. It was nice meeting you both." Bowing out with a quick wave, Eri jogged back towards the limo.

"I think I'll give you a few minutes too." Kagura took a moment to kiss Sesshoumaru before heading off towards where they'd parked.

"So you've been enjoying yourself in New York." Sesshoumaru looked away from his departing girlfriend down at his little sister.

Sango nodded, "It's wonderful…Inuyasha's not yelling. Miroku's not grop-trying to grope me…There's no chores…No homework – yet." She noticed his knowing gaze and stuttered, "I miss you guys, but it's like a vacation from all the worries of the world."

"As long as you don't lose sight of reality." Sesshoumaru parented. "And you return in December."

"That reminds me." Feeling the heat rising up her neck, Sango hurried her words. "Miroku asked me to Homecoming."

Sesshoumaru visibly blanched. "Did he?"

"Mhm. I said yes." Sesshoumaru twitched. "So, I'll be here for Homecoming…hopefully. Unless it's against contest rules." Sango looked down atr their parents' graves. "I wish I could tell them."

"You already have." Sesshoumaru shrugged, "You're here, aren't you?"

Sango nodded silently, sqeezing her brother's hand slightly.

The contest was giving her what she wanted; a vacation from her exhausting – yet lovable – brothers. But, she couldn't overcome the feeling of loneliness in her stomach at the thought of not seeing them again for almost a month.

Why had she thought it would be so easy to switch lives with someone as famous and adored as Kagome Higurashi?


Naraku watched out of the corner of his eye as Sango hugged the two motorcyclists goodbye, growling in annoyance when Eri jumped over him to get a better view. "Her brother is so…delicious!" Her comment was followed by Naraku's look of blatant disgust.

Folding her hands primly in her lap, Midoriko sighed. "Honestly, don't you two think she deserves some privacy? Wait – did you say brother?"

"Yeah!" Eri's eyes sparkled with excitement at the excuse to talk about him. "Well…him and his girlfriend."

Midoriko's eyes widened, meeting Naraku's with a spark of realization.

The door to the limo opened just as the ripping sound of the cycle's motor faded away down the road. "Hey. I'm ready to go."

Eri and Midoriko offered Sango supportive looks and condolences.


Inuyasha, now with his jacket around the exhausted girl in his arms, stared out over the quietly burbling creek.

What had happened?

Only a week ago things were completely different. Now, with a multimillion-dollar heiress that had cried herself to sleep beside him, things were even more confusing.

She hadn't changed him, but she had let him out. At least a bit. No, he wasn't going to go sob in the streets or anything…that would be pathetic. But, somehow the annoying heiress with a million different smiles had gotten to him enough, felt for him enough, to cry for him when he constantly turned her away.

Maybe she wasn't so fake after all.

Kagome, having fallen asleep only a few minutes earlier, started to wake. Her arms stretched out and she looked up at him. "Sorry…that I used you for a pillow." Moving out of his arms, she looked around. "What time is it?"

Inuyasha suddenly felt cold; the lack of body heat and a jacket wasn't a fun experience. "What?"

"How late is it? We don't want anyone to worry."

"Oh…yeah…right." Inuyasha raised his arm to check the time. "It's nine."

"I should go." Kagome stood up, brushing herself off. "Promise that you'll be back soon?"

Inuyasha sighed, looking around his surroundings one last time. "What are you going on about? I'm not letting a famous girl like you walk alone at night." Getting up himself, Inuyasha kicked a small branch off into the creek. "Come on, you're gonna start freezing any minute."

Giving him an amused look, Kagome followed up the bank and through the playground.


Clinging to her coffee cup desperately, Midoriko watched Miguel and Jacques continue their decade-long argument over cuisine. She needed to sort out her plan…

Ayumi dashed into the room, "Coffee!" Recovering from exhaustion just as she caught the mug sliding towards her, Eri looked to the door. "Here you are, Mr. Webb, sir."

"Naraku." Midoriko watched him for a moment, "We need to talk."

"It seems that is all we're doing these days." Naraku pointed out dully, "I have more of a job than to listen to you complain."

"This benefits both of us, you insolent dolt."

"Come to my office at eleven." Naraku beckoned Ayumi to follow him with a quick jerk of his finger, "Mr. Higurashi and I have a meeting until then."

Midoriko nodded, leaning back in her seat. "I'll be there."


"What did you want to see me for, sir?"

Mr. Higurashi eyed Naraku for a moment, turning to look out the window. "She hasn't called me once."

"Public school probably has her very busy." Naraku admitted, reclining in his seat.

"No. She didn't want to go…but she hasn't called me once." Mr. Higurashi drummed his fingers impatiently on the desk. "She's enjoying herself."

Naraku coughed, "There is a chance of that, yes." He waited, but his boss did not respond. "Though I can't imagine why."

"I can't leave this company to anyone else but her. She was supposed to be begging to come back by now. Didn't we make sure of that?"

"Yes, I filtered through the entries like you asked-"

Higurashi's fist slammed down on the table. "We need to make her realize that the life she wants isn't right for her. It's too unpredictable, too dangerous for her. She's not prepared to be in that lifestyle. What do you suggest, Naraku?"

"There are many possibilities, but her being your daughter I doubt you want to hear them…"

Urashi's owner stared at his right hand man with a torn look in his eyes, "Tell me."


Midoriko checked her watch. "You're late for your own appointment."

Ignoring her, Naraku opened the door to his office and threw his briefcase down beside his desk. Flipping open his laptop and drumming in his password distractedly. "Make this quick."

"Something happened up there. What did Mr. Higurashi tell you?"

"When did the confidentiality of my meeting with our boss go out the window?" Naraku looked up from typing and waited for her to start.

"You put this company in a difficult position with the way you put together the contest's contract. As Press Coordinator to Kagome and this company, and as the one who is cursed to go behind you cleaning up your messes, I found a solution. Luckily the press hasn't caught on to the fact she's the only girl in the house yet, which means a new addition to the household won't be noticed."

Naraku narrowed his eyes, easing forward in his chair. "What do you mean by 'new edition'?"

"Sango's eldest brother, Sesshoumaru Dawson, has a girlfriend. If we can get her to move into the house until the contest is over, we'll avoid any future problems from the press that could ruin Kagome's reputation."

A huge weight lifted off Naraku's shoulders. "…Contact Kagome and the Dawsons. See if they are open to the idea."

Midoriko stared at him as though he was squawking like a chicken. "I didn't come here for your permission. I came here to tell you what I'm doing to solve your crap. It doesn't mean you're off the hook, though. Because as soon as Kagome is back here safely I will notify Mr. Higurashi of exactly what is in that contract of yours."

"And I can share that you were in on it." Naraku countered coldly.

"Do what you want." Midoriko shrugged, "Somehow I think that it is easy to outwit a man as used to conning people as you. To con a con artist you must give them some headway." Smiling politely, Midoriko turned to the door. "Although I find it hard to believe that you'd turn in the one saving your ass."

With that, Midoriko was gone, Naraku drumming on his desk angrily in her wake.


Kagome rushed from her room towards the bathroom, a bundle of clothes under her arm and a bag of beauty products under the other. "Inuyasha!"


"Other people need the shower too!"

"You hogged it all last week!"

Kagome growled, banging on the door. Inuyasha's sense of logic and hers tended to clash. "Inuyasha, get out of there!"

"Make me!"

Sesshoumaru passed by with a look of indifference, heading downstairs to the living room. "Good Morning, Kagome."

"Good Morning, Sesshoumaru." Giving him a bright smile, Kagome resumed her assault on the bathroom door. "Inuyasha, I NEED TO SHOWER TOO!"

Inuyasha groaned, hissing at the shampoo running into his eye. "Damn it…!"

Kagome stopped for a minute, "Are you okay?"

"I'm going blind." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Then get out of the bathroom!"

Taking a moment to flush out his eye, Inuyasha groped around outside the shower curtain for his towel, wrapping it around his waist.

Still rubbing at his disintegrating eye, Inuyasha filled the cup by the sink with cold water. Opening the door, Inuyasha watched as the fiery girl melted into a puddle of blushing mass. "Look. The shower's mine until I'm done. Got it?"

Kagome became even more flustered before shooting his glare right back at him. "You-you-STOP HOGGING THE BATHROO-Ahh!"

Leaving the heiress with her newly-drenched hair, Inuyasha locked the bathroom door and huffily resumed his shower.


Inuyasha trotted past Kagome's room, ruffling his hair dry with a towel. He heard her huff as he entered his room.

The heiress needs to learn that this isn't her suite at her daddy's skyscraper. This is a normal life, and normal people can't have an hour long shower every day with three other people in the house.

The phone rang, and Inuyasha wandered over to his phone. "Dawson residence."

"Hello, this is Midoriko Spears, the Press Coordinator from Urashi. Is this Sesshoumaru Dawson?"

"Uh, no. I'll get him." Inuyasha frowned at the phone briefly before sticking his head out of the room, "Sesshoumaru! Phone! It's the Press lady from Urashi!"

Kagome peeped out of her room, "Midoriko?"

Inuyasha looked away from the staircase, "Yeah."

Before either could say another word, the phone beeped letting both know Sesshoumaru now had the call.

"What could have happened that she needed to call?" Kagome walked down the hall, into Inuyasha's room.

"Whatever happened to you not being allowed in here?" Inuyasha's question being ignored, he just slumped his shoulders.

"Shh!" Kagome picked up the phone, holding it to her ear.

"-trouble with the press. Before now we didn't know that Kagome would be the only girl in the household."

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at one another.

Midoriko continued. "I don't believe that Kagome is in any danger, but if the press get a hold of such a story they can make it look a hundred times worse."

"It could pose a problem." Sesshoumaru admitted.

"When Sango saw you yesterday, an idea came to me."

Looking over at Inuyasha, Kagome could tell he wasn't pleased with this new information.

"And what would that be?"

Midoriko sighed on her side of the phone. "Your girlfriend, Kagura. If both you and her would agree for her to move in for the remainder of the contest-"

Grabbing the phone away from Kagome, Inuyasha slammed down the receiver. "This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Next thing you know Sesshoumaru'll be smiling."

Save for the fact that Kagome didn't see the problem with Sesshoumaru smiling, she agreed the number of twists was growing.

"Go on, get ready."

"Ready?" Kagome looked over at Inuyasha, realizing he was still shirtless, and ducked to cover her blush. "Ready for what?"

Inuyasha looked at her with confusion. "To go out. Miroku told you he'd take you to the mall to get a dress?"

Kagome jumped up, "That's right! How could I have forgotten that!"

"Dunno…considering who you are. Now get out of here so I can get dressed." Throwing a pillow at her, Inuyasha fell back onto his bed and watched her scurry from the room.


"Come on boys, quit dragging your feet!" Kagome stopped by a directory to wait for them. "We only have six more hours before the mall closes."

Miroku and Inuyasha traded looks of pure torture before speeding up.

"At least we're not being robbed." Miroku supplied helpfully. "Her disguise is working."

"Yeah, but if anyone from school sees us we're doomed anyway." Inuyasha dug his hands into his pockets, setting a weak frown on his handsome features. "Until the hype dies down, she can't have any type of normal life."

Kagome darted into another dress store, beckoning them in with her hand.

"I didn't think you cared whether or not she did, as long as you kept yours the way it was before the contest." Miroku gave a flirtatious look to the cashier girl as they passed by the register.

"Why is it that you're always presuming something?" Inuyasha snapped back harshly, flicking the tag of a red dress. "Every time Kagome comes up in a conversation you have something stupid to say."

"You're using her name more."

"There you go again!" Inuyasha barked, stomping further back into the store. Kagome appeared out of one rack of dresses only to disappear into another. Inuyasha sighed, finding the seats by the dressing room. "Is it your goal in life to make this whole thing complicated?"

"No…" Miroku shrugged, "I'm just an anthropologist. Studying people is my specialty."

"Well then." Inuyasha cracked his knuckles. "What do you presume I'm about to do next?"

"Intimidate me." Miroku fell into a cushioned chair. "It's…vaguely working."

The two heard Kagome squeal of delight, but couldn't place exactly where she was.

"So…I need to tell you something. I figure telling you this in public is the safest place." Miroku twiddled his thumbs for a moment, looking over at Inuyasha. "I talked to Sango yesterday."

"Why doesn't that surprise me? Everyone gets more talk-time with her than I do." Inuyasha scoffed, "What about it?"

"I asked her to homecoming."

Inuyasha nearly fell out of his seat. "What?"

"I should have asked you first but I felt like that was my one shot, so I went for it."

"You're an idiot." Inuyasha shoved him, "How many years did it take?"

"So you don't have a problem with it?" Miroku brightened substantially, "For real?"

"As long as nothing happens to Sango – in that case I'd kill you – then it's fine." Inuyasha leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. "I was wondering why there wasn't a gang of angry men coming to kill you for asking out their girls yet."

"Well now you know." Miroku grinned, barely having a chance to notice Kagome go flying by them into the dressing room.

"Who do you think Kagome's gonna go with? She's already gotten hundreds of offers…"

"Probably with that damn Wolfe." Inuyasha muttered, "She's been spending so much time with him lately."

"If I'd have put a bet down on it I would have lost."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, "What are you talking about?"


Kagome reappeared from the dressing room with a dress hidden behind her back. "I found the perfect one!" The heiress headed towards the cashier with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, I thought you were gonna model them for us!" Miroku objected worriedly, "Kagome!"

Despite the twinge of disappointment in his stomach at not seeing her choice, Inuyasha stood and followed his best friend towards the front of the store.


"I'm so excited!" Kagome entered the house with the air of a true princess, "It fits perfect!"

"Is that why you didn't let us see?" Miroku commented sullenly.

"That," Kagome giggled and winked, heading into the living room, "Plus I want to make an entrance!"

"But homecoming's three weeks away!" Miroku protested, attempting another peak in her bag. "That's the most delayed entrance I've ever heard of!"

Kagome jerked the bag away, "Hey, don't try it!"

"He's immune to that sentence by now." Inuyasha muttered, dropping his coat. "Wait – something's different…"

Kagura immerged from the kitchen with a plate of fried shrimp, "Hello, again."

"Kagura!" Inuyasha looked behind Kagura into the kitchen. "Sesshoumaru, I didn't think you'd actually agree to it!"

Sesshoumaru strode into the room, "There was no reason why I shouldn't have."

Inuyasha groaned. "So now I have to deal with one more person living in this house? As though it isn't crowded and chaotic enough I'm now going to get to see you two making out when I don't announce I'm coming into the room!"

Kagura smirked, "Well good luck with that. I'm going to go unpack my things and get all set up."

Inuyasha called after her as an afterthought. "Wait- where are you staying?"

"In Sesshoumaru's room."

Inuyasha's mouth dropped to the floor.