DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN THE TEEN TITANS. Although I do own that poo right there on the floor

Chapter 1

The Arrival & The Revival

Deep in the cave that was Terra's new home, as she stood where she had been incased in stone for the past 2 months, a figure walks towards the motionless statue. Walking right up to the statue, the dark figure extends his arms and opening his hands. Quietly whispering some words, a dark light emerges from his outstretched arms and into the statue. Stepping back, the figure waits for the power to take effect. The wait wasn't long, as the black light completely engulfs Terra's body and the stone skin breaks away, and Terra falls to the floor unconscious. The dark figure picks up Terra's limp body and carries it out of the cave.

Titans Tower

The all-to familiar alarm goes off, alerting the Titans that something was wrong. Beast boy was the first to the big screen. He hits the button, showing the disturbance. As the other Titans reach Beast boy, they see him staring at the cave that used to have Terra's stone statue in it.

"She's gone..." was all BeastBoy was able to say, over and over again, a tear running down his left cheek.

Cyborg walks up to the screen and moves the little joystick that was attached to the camera in the cave, looking around.

"Hmmm...someone had to have taken her, BB." Said Cyborg.

BB looks at him, a confused look on his face. "What do you mean Cy?"

"Well, when I installed all this equipment, I put in a motion device at the entrance. Looking at the alarm report, it says that someone disabled it somehow. But whoever did it, didn't get the 2nd one, which gets activated as soon as anyone gets close to Terra's body."

"But who would want her? She's a back stabbing Traitor." Raven said as she started to walk to the elevator that went to the top of the tower. "I need to meditate." Said Raven, obviously not interested by the mystery of Terra.

Robin walks up to BB and puts his hand on BB's shoulder. "Come on BB. We're going to go look for clues at the cave. We'll find out who took her."

"YES! WE SHALL FIND OUT WHO TOOK FRIEND TERRA!" came Starfire's overly enthusiastic reply.

"Should we get Raven?" Asked Cyborg.

"I'll get her. We might need her." Robin replied as he headed towards the elevator.

The Gear Factory

The dark figure walked through the gear factory carrying Terra. He reaches the back of the factory, and a familiar masked face steps out.

"Ah, I see you have succeeded in your mission." Slade said.

"I told you he would. I don't choose my "students" on their looks." Said another voice.

"Ah, Brother Blood. I can see I was wrong in my judgment of your newest student." Slade replied.

Brother Blood walks past the dark figure and stands by Slade's side. The dark figure walks forward a few steps and then drops Terra's limp body on the floor in front of the two men. Stepping back, the dark figure catches some light from the factory.

The light revealed the dark figure, standing around 6'5 and looked to be about 235 pounds. A black ninja-type mask covered his face, and his body was covered in black lightweight armor, on the back of the armor was a black dragon, barely visible. But what caught most people's attention, was his eyes. They were nothing but black pupils, giving the effect of having 2 small black holes for eyes.

"I will make Terra my apprentice once again. This time, she will not betray me." Slade said, his voice filled with venom.

"If you want, I could put her under my spell." Said Brother Blood.

"No. I will make her mine through the process of pain and punishment." Slade said.

Brother Blood turned to the dark figure.

"Nightmare, your job is finished for now. You are dismissed."

Nightmare turns to Brother Blood, his eyes turning bright red.

"Yes master." Was all he said as he turned and walked back the way he came.

"He does have very interesting powers, Blood. Tell me about them." Slade says.

"Very well. His powers are unlike anything I've ever seen. He uses people's own fears against them. He engulfs them in their own worst nightmare using illusions, so the person, or persons see their own worst fear, the world around them disappears and they see only what he wants them to see. Sometimes in certain cases, he can amplify his power to such great degrees he can make the person go insane. But that is not the limit of his power, as when he lets it all loose, he turns into his own worst nightmare. A creature of unimaginable strength. When I found him, he was wondering around in a daze, unable to control his powers. They were taking effect on him; he could no longer sleep due to the nightmares his powers were giving him. I offered to take him in, teach him to control his powers. He came willingly."

"Willingly?" Slade asked, his voice showing that he did not believe Blood.

"Willingly with my own persuasion." Blood replied with a smile, his eyes glowing red.

"Now it is time to see how the Titans will handle someone this powerful. The data of the Particle Distorter is locked away somewhere in Wayne Enterprises. I shall send Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth and Nightmare to collect it."

"Good. And within a week, Terra will be mine once again." Slade says, as Terra starts to regain consciousness.

Terra slowly starts to get up to her feet, her eyes still trying to focus.

"B...Beast boy?"

Slade bends over and puts his masked face right in front of Terra's.

"Sorry Terra. Beast boy isn't here right now. But in due time, you shall be the one to destroy him."

"S...Slade? No! I KILLED YOU! YOU'RE DEAD!" Terra shouted, starting to panic.

"Dead? Hardly. You really think you could have killed me?" Slade said as he started to laugh.

Taking a step back, Terra turns and starts to run, but Slade punches her in the back of her head, making her fall to the ground.

"I don't think so my dear. Not this time. This time, you shall not betray me."

Slade walks over to Terra, and kicks her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Stooping to pick her up, Slade carries Terra into the back room to perform his "work".