A/N: Some of you have asked me if Phillip Allen has anything to do with Blow Dry's Alan Rickman's character Phil Allen. Yes, I see him exactly as Alan Rickman. I thought it would be fun to see him like that, since my image of Snape is completely different from Rickman and more like in the books; therefore, the gorgeous mid-fifties bachelor is none other than Alan ;-)


"Hello, Professor, or rather, Mr.Snape, now that you're a researcher, aren't you? It's great to see you again." Hermione Granger smiled, thrusting her hand in his direction.

Snape gathered all the strength he had to stick his hand forward and look mildly bored. He had been a spy, he and wasn't going to throw years of calculated expression and reactions down the drain just because a silly-little-annoying brat of a know-it-all had just outsmarted him.

The Potions master ignored her comment by just nodding and letting go of her hand like a discarded tissue. He turned to Phillip with a questioning look, keeping his hands from snapping his boss' neck.

"Isn't it great, Severus, Hermione tells me she's majoring in potions and always enjoyed your classes," Phillip said, smiling.

Severus saw Phillip's mouth moving, but all he could think of was why was he calling Miss Granger by her given name? Since when had they got so close that they were on a first-name basis?

"Isn't it a coincidence that you are working here at the Center, sir?" Hermione said, beaming at Severus with an odd look in her eyes.

Was that triumph?

Severus gave her a very tight smile.

"Why, Severus, I've never seen you so quiet," Phillip said, tapping his friend on the shoulder and again ignoring Severus' murdering look. "Are you sure you can't postpone your other commitment for a couple of hours?"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Phillip." Turning to Miss Granger, Severus bowed lightly. "It's been a pleasure, Miss Granger. Now if you'll excuse me." The former Professor turned back to the fireplace and made a motion to grab some Floo powder, stopping halfway at the sound of Phillip's infuriatingly cheery voice.

"It's really a pity. It would be fun to have you join us for dinner," the blond man replied.

Join "us" for dinner?

The Potions master turned on his heel immediately, looking at both disgustingly smug individuals in front of him. Part of his black curtain of hair fell over, covering half of his gaunt face. "Dinner?"

"Yes, I have invited Hermione this morning to have dinner at my home, and of course you're welcome to join us. I know you must have good stories to exchange, and I'd be delighted to hear all about your days at Hogwarts." Phillip turned to Hermione. "Severus is always so cryptic about his past."

"I can imagine," Hermione said, unable to waver that smile off her face.

Severus could just kill the both of them with his bare hands.

"So, what do you say, good friend? Care to join us?"

"I think it won't be a problem if I postpone my other… commitment for a few more hours." Severus voice had taken on a dangerous quality, lowering a few decibels.

"Excellent!" Phillip said, grabbing his cloak and beckoning Hermione to the oversized fireplace. The three of them disappeared amidst the green flames as Phillip said, "Allen Manor!"


As they stepped into Allen Manor's brightly lit sitting room, Severus could see Hermione clearly. She was wearing a deep blue dress robe that accentuated her chestnut hair, and gave her skin such a glow it was almost entrancing. He didn't remember seeing Miss Granger appear so radiant before.

Hermione looked around the richly decorated room and the small table containing assorted beverages. "I barely had time to go home to change for the occasion. I had no idea it was such a formal dinner, or I would have chosen a more appropriate attire," she said, looking a bit worried.

"Nonsense, Hermione. You look lovely!" Phillip took her hand and guided her to one of the crimson chairs.

Something stirred in the dark-haired wizard's stomach, as he watched Phillip interacting with his former student. Severus had no idea what he was doing here and why, but he couldn't think any other place to be at the moment; it was almost out of his control.

"I had no idea you were acquainted with the University students, Phillip?" Severus said, startling both of them. "You two seem to have know each other for a long time."

"Not really, I happened to run into Hermione this morning. When she told me she knew you, we started to talk and – well – one thing led to another. I don't know how we never happened to meet each other after all this time living so close," Phillip said, offering a drink to both his guests.

"It's really a wonder," Severus replied, eyeing Miss Granger with his permanent sneer.

Hermione shifted in her seat, looking visibly uncomfortable under Severus' scrutiny. The scene gave Severus a pleasure he hadn't felt since this whole charade had started. That was the only way Severus could feel control, and so he continued to stare at the insufferable girl for the remainder of their dinner.

"So, Severus, don't you want to reminisce about your years at Hogwarts? Miss Granger mentioned you worked together for the Order…" Phillip pushed, much to his chagrin.

"What's there to tell? I'm sure you will find innumerous magazine issues and books all about Miss Granger and her celebrity friend." Severus downed his drink, and accepted more from a nearby house-elf.

"I was talking about your heroic acts that Hermione was telling me about," Phillip commented casually.

"Ah, heroics – is that what you call it these days, Miss Granger?" Severus turned to her. "I always had the impression you and your friends considered the Greasy Git to be under those things…"

"On the contrary, sir. I've always defended and respected you. I am capable of good judgment," she replied coldly.

He could almost smile, seeing how he wiped her smug expression with that comment. "I am perfectly capable of defending myself too, Miss Granger. I've survived two wars without the need of an insufferable Gryffindor's help."

"Play nice, Severus," said Phillip, giving Severus a shiver, reminding him of the late Lucius Malfoy. "School house rivalry is beyond us now, isn't it?"

"Besides, you are a minority here, sir. I see Phillip is also a Gryffindor," she said, pointing at the Gryffindor crest framed on the wall.

"She's got a point, Severus." Phillip winked at Hermione, who smiled back.

There was something about the way Phillip was acting that was really irritating Severus, but he couldn't put logic to his feeling, and it was all infuriating. He would certainly have a talk with the man after the girl left, but until then, he had to think of a way to discourage her from the notion of socializing with him now that she knew of his presence around her.

Damn Phillip for being so nice! His meddling could make his life really complicated. If it weren't for the problem with the mysterious professor at the University, Severus would be moving as soon as possible.

He had to make sure that the girl didn't realize he was Mr. M. If she had already, he would deny it.

Hermione felt his dark glare burning into her skin throughout the entire dinner. Although she had the advantage of knowing everything before he did, she wasn't so sure she could hold her confidence long enough now. Snape was being every bit as cold and distant as she had anticipated, but she couldn't let that and his menacing glare put her down.

Not now that I've come this far…

She was vaguely aware of what Phillip was saying. Ordinarily, she thought he was interesting; she had found him to be a charming man and very pleasant to talk to. But every time she was around her former Potions Professor, it was hard to concentrate on anything else.

"… the house-elves to bring the desserts in the garden. The night is so beautiful!" Phillip said, opening the grand double doors to his garden. There was a round iron table with comfortable garden chairs around it and a cozy fire burning over neatly piled stones on the patio ground.

Phillip was right, it was a lovely night and Hermione was glad to breathe some fresh air under the moonlight. The dining room seemed to be getting too warm and oppressive with the way Snape was looking at her. This would help her think of her next move.

"… my father's finest dessert wine in the cellar, and I'll be joining you in a moment." She heard Phillip say, going back inside.

Hermione chanced a look at the Potions master who sat across from her, still looking like a bat ready to attack.

She smiled at him shyly, but he didn't return the gesture, instead lifting a lone eyebrow. She felt a shiver run down her spine and suddenly missed the presence of their host. At least, with Phillip around she felt more protected.

Get a hold of yourself, Hermione! This is your chance to talk to the man of your dreams. Where is your Gryffindor bravery?

She decided to be straightforward, as lying wasn't one of her greatest assets. But she decided to continue her pretense that she didn't know about Mr. M., though. Snape wasn't a man who liked being cornered, and it wouldn't bring the desired effect to force him to admit something like that.

She almost snorted at that. Helping a Gryffindor isn't something to add to a Slytherin's pride list, is it?

But that didn't mean she couldn't show him how brave she was and ask about the letter she sent him years ago. She was prepared for any reaction, because she knew that deep down he cared; otherwise Mr. M. would not exist.

It was now or never. "I was thinking, sir…"

"My, what a revelation, I'm shaking in my seat with surprise." His silky voice did nothing to soften the cutting reply.

She swallowed dryly, pushing herself to say it even if she was suddenly feeling very small and insignificant. This man required a lot of wit and courage; unfortunately, these traits seemed to be seeping out of her like the sweat running down the back of her neck.

"Did you ever get the letter I sent you after my seventh year was over?" She lifted her chin defiantly like she had done so many times in the presence of authority. It was her own way of compensating for her absolute fear and dread of talking back to someone older and wiser.

But she wasn't his student or subordinate. She was a woman now, and she had to make sure that was what he was seeing. In a way, she was thankful for never being noticed by him as nothing more than a nuisance, for if he had any inkling of her true personality, he would know she was terrified.

His face went suddenly rigid and, if that was possible, his eyes darkened even more. The silence that followed her question was so much worse to bear than she could have imagined. Plans never are as good in reality as they are in theory.

Snape finally turned his gaze down, and she could see the glinting of his black orbs still piercing through his half-closed lids. "Yes, I did, Miss Granger." He wouldn't look directly at her.

Finally, I have made him nervous!

It was good for a change to put him on the spotlight. "Since I haven't received a reply, am I to think that it's out of the question?"

He lifted his head and looked back at her.

Her courage was slowly coming back as she saw the look of indignant surprise in his face. They stared at each other for almost a full minute – warm brown eyes on cold black ones. Her heart was drumming in her chest, and her breath caught on a hitch, as she got lost in that moment of complete silence and contemplation of one another.

His features finally softened a little for the first time during the entire night, and she refused to acknowledge the pity she saw crossing his eyes for a moment.

"I… I am not a man you would want to be involved with. I suppose I saved you the trouble of throwing yourself in a doomed relationship by simply not responding it," Snape said softly.

"You saved me the trouble? How very altruistic of you," she said, controlling her voice to sound calm.

"I do not believe in romantic relationships, Miss Granger! I'm not that kind of man. You are young and intelligent. If you are so inclined, look for someone who will be able to fulfill your needs." He trailed one hand through his greasy strands. "I would never make any woman happy, and I am not marriage material."

"I didn't ask you to marry me," Hermione replied tersely. She suddenly realized that it had been a mistake to precipitate this subject with such bluntness. Now it was too late to turn back.

"But it would eventually lead to that, wouldn't it? You don't wish yourself to be used by a man for sexual release only, do you? There has to be more, you will need more, and I cannot give you that!" he said, slowly leaning forward.

"What's so wrong with letting yourself be loved, and loving someone back? What's so wrong with sharing your life with someone?" she dared. Her voice was slightly shaking.

"Because this is a romantic notion of your silly young mind. These things don't last forever, and it's going to fall into a routine whether you want it or not. You know what I see when I think of marriage, Miss Granger?" Snape asked, sounding every bit as cruel as he had been when lecturing Harry in her school days. "I see loss of privacy, limited freedom, noisy children, boredom, indifference, adultery…"

"Stop it! You are a coward, you've always been afraid of getting involved with people around you because you need to be always in control!" She had lost it, and she knew it, but the words were rolling out of her mouth and there was nothing she could do.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do need to be in control and I will go out of my way to make that always possible. So get on with your life – get yourself a man who will give you what you want, along with children and a perfect house!" His voice wasn't any higher than it had been when they started the conversation.

This couldn't have gone any worse. Hermione had lost control of her emotions and messed everything up. She could hear a sly voice in her mind sniggering, How unsurprisingly Gryffindor of you, Miss Granger. Destroying your only chance to get what you want with your foolish impulsiveness!

But he never said he didn't want you… Another voice reminded her, bringing her some hope but not making her feel any better.

At that moment, Phillip returned with a couple of house-elves, who promptly busied themselves in serving wine and placing several choices of desserts on the big round table.

Hermione suddenly let herself fall back on her chair, realizing how rigid and straight she had been sitting all this time. She collected the rest of the dignity she possessed and feigned to enjoy the rest of the evening, not really listening to a word Phillip was saying.

Severus could barely contain his anger. It wasn't often that someone confronted him as the stupid girl had. He did not react well to being questioned, and her lack of subtlety was too much for him.

Contrary to popular belief, he did not enjoy crushing the feelings of defenseless women. But he knew it was for the best, for her own good.

Or was it really?

"You are a coward, you've always been afraid of getting involved with people around you..." her voice reverberated in his mind.

Severus shook his head. He knew he had done the right thing. Besides, his best friend and the know-it-all had ambushed him into this situation. What else could he do?

He was thankful for his ability to look detached and indifferent, and was almost proud of Miss Granger to see how well she had handled the rest of the night. She did not speak or look at him once, but graciously conducted herself while politely talking to Phillip.

When Phillip kindly led her to the fireplace and activated the Floo, she nodded a goodbye at him and accepted Phillip's friendly hug. In a wave of green fire, she was gone.

When Phillip turned back to him with a warm smile, he could almost punch the man. Severus was about to lash out at him on how he hated to be bothered by old students and how he enjoyed his privacy, when the blond man spoke first.

"I have something to ask you, Severus." The blond wizard sat in his leather chair, showing Severus the chair across from him.

"And that is?" Severus asked impatiently.

"Do you have any interest in Hermione?" The other man met his gaze evenly.

"Absolutely not, I don't ever socialize with students, and that is why I…" Severus started at his friend lifting a hand to interrupt him.

"I'm not implying anything, my friend; there is no need to get worked up. I am merely making sure there is absolutely no interest between you two."

Severus studied the blond wizard suspiciously. "Why the interest?"

"Because I want to make sure I'm not getting in your way when I ask Hermione out on a date," Phillip said, smirking. "You are my friend, and I value our friendship very much. But since you say you have absolutely no interest in her, I feel free to pursue her."

Phillip stood up to fill his glass with more wine. "Would you like some more, Severus?"

Severus would have answered, but somehow he wasn't listening to what Phillip was saying anymore.


A/N: Thanks to June for beta-reading.

Poor Snape, now he's going to have so many conflictive feelings, I just hope he doesn't pass out.

I know I promised more on mystery fake-professor, but I decided to dedicate this chapter to the dinner for three. Next chapter, more on the mystery ;-)