Unintentionally, he slumped down onto his knees, he attempted to use his hands to support himself but they gave way, making him land chest first. Four black pillars towering over him was what he last saw.

He blacked out.

----Chapter 10----

Two words.

"Déjà vu"

The words kept on crossing Kai's mind. He'd already been so tired that he couldn't move, he'd already experienced a pounding headache that was drilling into his brains, he even remember the left over taste of alcohol in his mouth. But what he hadn't been through was lying on a cold concrete floor, face down. Resisting the temptation to just fall back down, he pushed himself up until sitting and slumped against the nearest wall. Opening his eyes, he studied his surroundings. The ceiling, floor and back walls were made out of stone concrete, only the front was keeping him in with steel black bars. There wasn't a bed, not even a toilet, this cell was obviously meant to just keep the prisoners in for a short while................or to starve them to death.

With the headache fading away, Kai's mind becomes clearer. His nerves became more alert too; he felt the cold chill coming in between the bars. He attempted to hug his jacket around him closer, but he only felt his thin shirt. Panicking, he looked around the area, his jacket was no where to be seen. He rummaged through his pockets, everything had been taken out. The people who drugged him were very careful not to let him have anything, in case he could use it to his advantage.

Kai pushes himself off from his sitting position and begins to walk around the whole cell perimeter. He let his hand trail along the wall, as if to feel if there were any secret doors or any cracks. Indeed, this cell was doing what it was meant to be doing properly, keeping the prisoners in. There was no sign of any escape route, the key hole on the steel bar door was the only way out. He put his hands on the bars and attempts to look out, his cell wasn't the only one, but –he- was the only one. The corridor was also made out of stone concrete, dimly lit. Kai wouldn't be surprised if there was a torture room further down; this place was like the historic dungeons he saw on TVs.

A soft whirring sound caught his attention, further down the corridor to his right, there was a security camera. It slowly turned from side to side, watching. From his left, a quick pace of footsteps began to get louder. Gradually, several dark figures appeared, walking into the light, Kai realised that they were the people who he had met earlier. The guys in black suits.

Kai took a step back away from the bars; he waited for them to approach the cell. The men stood unfazed, this time, there were only three. One of them produced a key from his pocket, another produced handcuffs. They unlocked the door to the cell; two stepped in, still looking at Kai. They didn't seem that old, they were most likely about Kai's age, yet they looked much stronger than him. One of them spoke:

"Choose. Easy way, or hard way."

"What's the easy way?"

"Get cuffed, go to see the boss."

"And the hard way?"


"You're meant to give choices dumbas-Hey! Watch it!!"

Kai continued to struggle against their grip, both men attempted to pull his arms behind his back and cuff them together. Being the strong person he is, Kai was able to prevent them from pulling his arms back. But he froze soon after.

"Stop fucking around, boss wants to see you." Kai's throat could feel the cold steel blade, if it was any closer, it would definitely pierce his thin skin. Growling, Kai obeyed them. The handcuffs were tightly secured around his wrists, one of them pushed him out, and the others led the way. Kai continued to mutter, swearing at them, but they took no notice. It was as if they were robots, only following orders from their master. Kai's continuous mutters and their footsteps echoed throughout the whole corridor, they walked to the end, and then up a lift. The lift interior was more decorated than the cells, the floor was marble, the walls had mirrors, and the buttons were heat sensors. There were 13 levels in total, they were at the base. Kai watched as the numbers slowly ascended, blinking at each turn. The lift came to a slow halt at 6, Kai growled again as one of them shoved him out of the lift. Their feet tapped against the perfectly polished marble floor beneath, the decorations were similar to the lift, all high class materials.

He was pushed through a pair of large doors, this room looked big enough to hold a banquet, yet there was only a desk at the far end and a fireplace to his right. The wall was a rich crimson red; the floor was covered with a thin carpet, a dark green thin carpet. Paintings hung on the walls, a chandelier above gave most of the lighting in the atmosphere, and a few big potted plants were here and there. The doors closed behind them, Kai waited, he looked around the room once more time, then he waited some more.

"...........Is your jackass of a boss even gonna show up???"

"You're the only jackass around here Hiwatari......." Kai glares ahead, a figure appears in the furthest corner, apparently, he came through a door that blended into the wall. Almost like a secret door, Kai notes it down in his mind, for later usage.

"You're in a dead end Kai, I've basically got your life in my hands, but you're still acting like an arrogant bastard. When will you learn to just.................give up?" The guy chuckles to himself, he slowly walks out of the shadow in the corner, and into the chandelier light. Kai realised one thing instantly.

He didn't know this friggin' bastard.

"Who the HELL are you!?" Kai had no intentions of keeping his feelings of hate locked inside him.

"Me? I'm a normal guy Hiwatari, the name's...............Haruki."

"You must be thick shit, 'cause kidnapping people ain't a normal thing to do." A punch collided with Kai's left cheek; one of the men holding him had hit him. It was sudden and unexpected; Kai could already feel the bruising cheek and the metallic taste he swirled around in his mouth. Blood.

"Tsk-tsk, you should also learn to be polite when you need to beg for your life Hiwatari." Haruki took a few steps towards Kai, his hands were held together behind his back, he looked like a normal person. He was wearing a black suit, black shirt, with a metallic red tie. His hair was neatly gelled back, a strong blonde colour. He was now standing right in front of him; Kai could actually smell the aftershave the guy was wearing.

"You know Hiwatari? You've got a lot of spunk in you." Haruki's leg slammed into Kai's chest, sending him to land backwards. Kai gasped for air, his chest was numb from the pain but he felt the wind knocked out of him. His hands were still tied up, so he couldn't properly defend himself. All he could do was curl up on his side, he looked weak, pathetic, but he couldn't help it, the pain.....

".............I Hate Spunk." He walks up to him, crouching down, he yanks up Kai's hair, making his face close to his.

"Open your eyes and –look- at me you bastard." Painfully, Kai opened his eyes, noticing it for the first time; Haruki's eyes were blue, an ice cold blue.

"You think you're so clever Kai, you think you're the smartest ass in the world. But in fact, you're not!" He violently slams his head onto the floor; Kai suppresses all urges to just scream out in pain, he didn't want to let this psycho to get any satisfaction. Black dots swarmed over his vision, his mind was stunned from the collision.

"You're just a fucking retard who –thinks- you're all that!" Haruki proceeded to kick him more in his chest and stomach. Receiving each blow, Kai could only lay there on the floor, the more kicks he got, the more blood that came into his mouth. Every strike, Haruki swore at him.

"Bastard!" –Kick-

"Son of a bitch!" –Kick-

"You Stupid FUCK!" –Crack! - Kai yelled out in pain, that was definitely a fracture in one of his ribs.

Fortunately, they didn't want Kai dead. The kicks and insulting stopped soon after, but it did leave Kai near unconsciousness. He could hardly feel his mid-body; he could hardly move his legs. But his vision was still able, barely.

"Count yourself lucky jackass." Haruki straightened out his jacket, brushing off imaginary dust. He walked away, leaving Kai curled on his side, still on the floor. Kai's mind faltered, the conversation Haruki had with his men were muffled, Kai couldn't feel the heavy footsteps the men took to walk over to him, he couldn't feel the strain on his neck as they yanked him up by his hair, all he knew was that he was being dragged out of the office.

As the door closed behind the men, Haruki growled in annoyance. He ran his hand over the red stained carpet area, standing up, he brought his hand up towards his face and sniffed the fresh blood. Smirking, he walks over towards his desk, while getting out a tissue from his jacket and wiping his fingers. He presses a single button on his telephone, and leans in towards it.

"I request a clean up of my office carpet please, ASAP." He releases the button and sits in his chair, examining the rumpled tissue.

"Heh, Hiwatari, You were always different from the others, even your blood is different......" He smirked to himself, alone in the office.

------------------------------After some hours, we go to Kai, back in the cell-----------------------------

Groaning, Kai attempted to sit upright. His body ached all over, as if he was trampled by a herd of elephants and then been scavenged by lions. He knew one thing though; he was lying on his back, on the floor of the cell, where he was in the first place. Painfully, he bought one arm up to his face and looked at it. There were a few splatters of dry blood stains, and even more creases, but at least the hand cuffs were off. His chest stung the most, looking down; he spotted the top half of his shirt undone. He pushes himself against the wall and sits upright, getting a better look at himself, he realises they had bandaged him up. His chest and abdomen had all been bandaged up, showing neither bruises nor wounds. He felt the side of his cheek; he swore at the pain that suddenly stung on his face, yep, there was definitely a bruise there.

Buttoning up to keep warm, he looks around his cell. A plate of food was left just outside of the cell; Kai suspected they were going to keep him alive for something more important than just to beat the living crap out of him. Staggering over, he kneels down...............I guess I should get more energy................ He places one hand on the door of the cell, about to reach forward to the food.

The cell door rattled.

Staring at it, Kai thought it would be too good to be true. He stood upright, placing one hand on the door; he pushes it ever so slightly. Indeed, it was like a dream, the cell door slowly swung open.

..........................impossible............/It's happening isn't it?! It's possible!!

Kai chose to believe that little voice in his mind, he looked up and down the corridor; there was still a camera moving from side to side. That would definitely alert the guards.

.............................Who cares?!

Kai made a run for it; he darted down the corridor with all his energy and into the lift. He pressed the button for level 6 just like the men had done, robotically, the lift doors closed and began to ascend upwards. As the lift gradually travelled up, Kai's stomach began to feel the same, he didn't know if he was sick that he got the crap beaten out of him or if he was nervous. Either way, he couldn't go back now, he had to get out and get Saskia.

The doors opened.

You like??? –VERY- sorry for late update! I've been working –really- hard on it! Just had a minor writer's block, that's all! -.-;;; Please Read and Review!!