Hello Reader! You've just stumbled upon one of my first fics, so sit back and relax. Hope you enjoy the fic!

WARNING: I own the plot of this fiction, I do not own Beyblade, nor the characters, not even a character called "Saskia" in this fic. The character belongs to another writer on called Ladya C.Maxine. However, i DO own a guy that appears later on.

;;; Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Saskia lay on the wooden floorboards, with her elbows propped up and her hands holding up her head. Watching television was one of her favourite past times in the night. It was relaxing; wearing only t-shirt and skirt, lying on the floor watching good old cartoons was definitely something to do at night.

In the distance, a mobile started to ring. Footsteps behind her were heard walking from the bedrooms hallway towards the kitchen. Then the phone conversation started.

"Hiwatari Speaking." Kai Hiwatari, the owner of the house, successful business man and older brother of Saskia, he is the only person to have a family relation to her. Their parents died when she was young, leaving only the two siblings to carry on in life. All of Saskia's life, Kai had taken care of her, given her medicine when she was ill, cheered her up when she was down, Kai was the best big brother she could have.

"Mhmm, send those stocks to warehouse three." Then a voice on the other side spoke.

"By tonight, shipment's tomorrow." Kai flipped his phone closed. He put his phone back onto the countertop and walked back into his room.

Saskia focused her attention onto the TV screen again. Tonight was relaxing, but boring. Today was so called "Paper work" day, the day when Kai wears a shirt and jeans, doing nothing but scribbling on paper. He would come out to make breakfast, lunch and dinner, but most of the day; he would stay in his room writing. This was only once a week so it was ok, Saskia didn't need –that- much attention, she had endless amounts of toys in her room anyway.

The mobile rang again.

She looked back towards the kitchen and waited for the footsteps to approach. Couple of seconds went by still with the phone ringing. Figuring that her brother didn't hear it, she jogged over, tip-toed and reached for the phone on the countertop. She flipped open the phone just like she seen her brother do a million times.


"Erm, hi, Am I talking to Kai Hiwatari?"

"Nup, hang on a second please." She covers the bottom half of the phone with her small hands and walks over to Kai's room. She knocks on the door with her free hand and awaits an answer. Kai always taught her to be patience and polite.

"Come in Sassy." She reaches up and twists the door knob, pushing the door open; she could see him scribbling down on paper on his work desk. The desk lamp was the only light source in the room, emitting a faint yellow glow.

"What's up?"

"Call for you!" She hands him the phone with a bright smile. Without looking up, he reaches for the phone while continuing to scribble with his other hand.

"Thanks." He puts the phone against his ear. Saskia's smile soon faded away, being curious, she tip-toed to see what he was scribbling down this time. Or he would say "Doing Paper work."

"Hiwatari Speaking." The voice on the other side started to talk without taking a breath.

"...What do you mean they're there!" She turns her head and looks at his face. Someone probably delivered the stuff to the wrong warehouse again.

"...Stop stuttering and tell me!" Kai dropped his pen and started to quickly rummage through a tray full of paper at the side of his desk. He then looked at Saskia, still realizing she was still here, he gestured for her to go out. OK, so sometimes he didn't give her much attention, but he was a business man, lots of people do wrong things, Kai never liked people who didn't follow his orders correctly or fast enough. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it with her ear listening in.

"...What did he do!"

"...No, -you- listen, there was a signed agreement."

"...What do you mean you had to break it!"

"...He was meant to stay in there forever, closed off from all communication contact. End of Story. Even the judge signed it!"

Saskia was puzzled, workers don't normally stay in warehouses forever.

"...What do you mean you don't know! Liste- Hey, don't you dare cut off! Hey! There was a signed contract!" Paper rummaging was heard.

"I've still got the contract! In black and white! Listen!...What the hell are you saying! Hey! Don't cut off! Hey! HEY!"

Loud cursing was heard and also the crash landing of the phone on the wooden surface. Saskia ran back into the living room and lay on the floor like before, staring at the TV. Kai's door opened harshly and footsteps pounded into the wooden floorboards, going into the kitchen. Kai grabbed the cordless phone out of its base and pressed some numbers swiftly. He brought the phone up to his ear and waited.

"...Yeah, Hello, This is Kai Hiwatari, May I talk to Mr. Morrison please?" A few more seconds of waiting.

"...Yeah, Dave? So what's this about hiring people and all?" Saskia turned her head round and looked directly at her brother, leaning against the countertop.

"...This morning! Why wasn't I informed earlier then!"

"...yeah well, that jackass probably forgot this morning. Cos I just talked to him a moment ago."

"...He cut me off, mhmm...Yeah, so what about the signed agreement? You just broke it like that?"

"...That is fucking ridiculous! Who had the power to do that without calling a meeting!"

"...You don't how the fuck he did this? God this is just great, real great."

"...Yeah, thanks...FOR NOTHING!" Kai slams the phone down.

He was obviously pissed. –Very- Pissed. He ran his hand through his hair and just stared at the ground for a few moments.

"Kai?" Saskia trotted over and stood next to him, she was just about a quarter of his height, so she had to tilt her head all the way back in order to face him.

"Did someone do something wrong?" She seemed too innocent, too fragile to be his little sister. He picked her up and hugged her close.

"Yeah, someone did something fucking wrong." He lay into her shoulder and both just stood there in silence, a comfortable silence.

Three knocks were heard at the door.

Kai jerked his head up, Saskia saw annoyance in his features.

"Sassy, I want you to go to your room and lock the door; don't come out till I say."

"How comes?" Was the innocent reply, Kai put her down gently.

"Because I have to take care of the person at the door."

"But I could always stay in the living room when you answ-..."

"Saskia. Go." Not wanting to be scolded, she looked at him one last time and then walked into her room, locking the door. She leaned against the door listening. Footsteps went over towards the front door and then silence. The front door opened and then some chattering went on. She couldn't make out the words; her door was too far away from the conversation. A second later, the door slammed shut. A second went, there was a loud thud. Another second went, silence. Saskia started to think; she didn't know what was going on. She never had to lock herself in her room when Kai was answering the door...Only when there was gonna be some trouble. Saskia felt her heart start to speed up. She remembers what he said earlier.

"So what's this about hiring people and all?" What if there were hired undertakers? After Kai and her? She started to shake; she sat down and hugged her knees towards her chest, still with her ear against the door. Footsteps slowly approached her room. She could almost feel the vibrations on the floorboards travel in her direction. She hadn't been as scared as this since that old man had kidnapped her. She could see underneath the door gap, two shadowed feet stopped right on the other side of her door.

"...Open the door Saskia." ...Kai's voice isn't as low as that...

"...Saskia. Open the door." Should she open the door? It didn't sound like Kai though, the voice was deeper than usual...

"...Saskia, I know your not sleeping, open the door." Trembling more, she slowly twisted the lock on her door. Tears started to build up, she twisted the door knob and closed her eyes.

The door was pushed open.

Any good? ShouldI carry on?Plz let me know and review!