"Gesshoku Fugusha! (Lunar Crippler!)" a voice roared as the distinct sound of a clone disappearing echoed around the yard. Shinigami had a small smile on his face as he watch Naruto practice and get use to the various animal forms of the wild blood. So far Naruto only showed him the fox chakra and Arctic Wolf, which were quite amazing so to speak. Shinigami quickly leaped from where he was standing to join his son in a short spar.

"Oi Naruto" Shinigami shouted as he landed infront of the sweating boy. Naruto gave Shinigami a serious grin as he once more crouched in a feral fashion. It had been two days since Team 6 came back from their C-rank turned A-rank mission, Itachi had given them a three day rest before resuming training. Shinigami had given team 6 a week off but Itachi said that three days would be enough. Shinigami shrugged it off and just took Itachi's report before the Uchiha head disappeared from his sight.

As Shinigami slid into the Uzumaki Ryu stance , Naruto disengaged his Wild Blood and mimicked Shinigami's stance. "Ne..Dad...Why are you called the yellow flash" Naruto asked as both of them began their spar. Shinigami had a thoughtful look on his face before bringing his hand up to block Naruto's kick, he then sent the boy flying towards the wall. Naruto used the force of Shinigami's throw to propel himself back towards the Fourth. 'Mom give me a boost!...release 20 of the gravity' Naruto thought

'That's cheating son but hehehe if you really want to see why your father is called the Yellow Flash' Maiku replied as Naruto immediately felt the gravity release some of it's hold on his body. A grin appeared on Naruto's face as he planted his right foot and literally disappear from view. Shinigami had a surprise look on his face before a similar grin appeared on his face. "The reason why I'm called the Yellow Flash is because of my speed which is faster than the speed of light. It leaves behind a Yellow flash everytime I get serious." Shinigami explained as he kept up with the speed in which Naruto's attack came.

To a normal person or ordinary shinobi if they saw the way the two Uzumaki's sparred, they would only see flashes of yellow and a smaller golden blur moving around the whole yard causing small craters to form. Shinigami was having fun with Naruto , he was also amaze at the way Naruto's speed and power improved in just over two months. 'Well I got Maiku and Itachi to thank for that. Yes he's growing up nicel' Shinigami thought as he quickly ducked low and sent his palm crashing into NAruto's chest ,sending the boy flying into the air. "Dad you may be the yellow flash and the Hokage! But I will surpass You and the rest of the Hokages" Naruto yelled as he quickly performed a set of hand seals.

"Kage'Ei! (Shadow Phantoms!)" Naruto muttered as 6 copies of him appeared right beside him. With a foxy grin the seven Narutos dived towards Shinigami who had one of his gates activated to battle whatever Naruto threw at him. "UZUMAKI RYU! Suzakusen Reppa! (UZUMAKI Style: Divine Phoenix Edge Render!)" Naruto roared as fiery flames erupted from his arms which the clones copied. Shinigami quickly leaped towards Naruto to meet the boy's attack , activating the gate he was currently using. Arctic Gate: Glacier Sparrow!

A gate of white and blue appeared before Shinigami , shooting a birdlike form towards Naruto. The phantoms immediately moved forward to intercept the attack by creating a whirlwind of flames. "Uzumaki Naruto Ryu: Suzaku Karyoku! ( Uzumaki Naruto's style Divine Phoenix Heat)" Naruto said proudly as a small amount of the ice sparrow hit him striaght in the chest. The attack sent Naruto flying backwards while his phantoms collided with Shinigami , one by one disappearing into the shadows as the Fourth destroyed them with a well placed kunai.

"Nicely done Naruto Nicely Done" Shinigami said praising the boy's skills while still keeping his guard up. Naruto meanwhile got back on his feet and charged forward leaving behind a trail of cracked earth. Shinigami quickly performed a set of handseals before leaping out of Naruto's path. 'Senko Shunshin no Jutsu!(Flash Instant Teleport Technique)' Shinigami thought as he quickly disappeared from Naruto's view. Reappering behind the boy as he sent his foot into Naruto's back. The sudden flash of yellow light had confused Naruto making him lower his guard when Shinigami kick him. Naruto rolled forward then quickly leaped into another forward roll to regain his balance.

"Cool! That must be your Yellow Flashy thingie jutsu" Naruto said as he leaped around excited at Shinigami's display of teleporting skill.Shinigami had a grin on his face at the way Naruto was leaping around. "Teach me! Teach me that move Dad" Naruto pleaded as he tried to presuade Shinigami to teach him the move. Shinigami just chuckled and ruffled Naruto's spiky hair.

"When your a Chuunin I'll teach you" Shinigami replied before turning around and going inside the house. "While your pouting and muttering curses Naruto..Why don't you go exploring in the forest." Naruto's face quickly brightened after hearing those words, he quickly dashed inside the house taking his equipment and slingshot. After taking his stuff the blond genin ran out of his house towards the forest.

Shinigami watched as Naruto disappearead around the corner towards the forest. A small smile crept on his face as he turned around to go back to the administration building. 'All of Konoha's future are growing up nicely' Shinigami thought as he leaped onto a building and raced towards the building to finish the huge piles of paperwork left on his desk.

Naruto meanwhile was happily leaping from one branch to another , going deeper into the forest. In his head he was having a conversation with his mother. 'Go deeper into the forest Naruto...I feel a few animals that might be willing to have a blood pact with you' Maiku instructed as Naruto reached a clearing surrounded by bushes. Naruto scanned the area but found that there was nothing not even the sounds of birds chirping. Naruto raised an eyebrow finding this odd.

The rustling of a bush behind Naruto , made the boy turn around in fright, from hte bush emerged two large lioness. Naruto took a step back when the two large felines let out a growl. 'Calm down Naruto..Do not show fear' Maiku instructed as she watched thru Naruto's eyes. The Lioness began to circle around the blonde genin , watching his eyes for any sign of fear. Naruto locked eyes with the Lioness never wavering as the large creatures inched closer. 'Are these the ones I'm gonna have a blood pact with' Naruto asked in thought.

'No' came Maiku's reply as she felt the one that seemed compatible with Naruto's personality behind the boy. 'Behind you Naruto' Maiku said , making Naruto turn around face to face with a full grown male Lion. It's majestic mane seemed like a blazing flame being caught in the wind. Naruto quickly kneeled down on one knee while pulling out a wierd looking dagger from his holster. The dagger had a red tint in the blade while the hilt was decorated with numerous animal carvings. 'Wild Nature' The name of the ancestral dagger of the wild blood.

With the activation of Wild Blood Naruto is able to direct his chakra to his blood to mix with an animals blood to gain its attributes and abilities. This is called the Blood Pact of the Wild in which Naruto has just innitiated with the large feline before him. The lion let out small growl and then grew quiet as Naruto crawled near to the great beast , holding out his wrist. The lion's beastlike features started changing almost humanlike as it began to speak via thought speech.

So it's true! A wild one still lives after all those years. A young one at that. The Lion spoke, it's voice was majestic and rather aged. Naruto did not reply but only nodded signaling that he understood what the lion said. Very well..What is your name Young one The feline inquired while the two other beast still continued to prowl around the perimeter.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto" the blonde boy replied as he quickly set his gaze on the golden orbs of the creature before him. As their eyes locked the Wild Nature came to life rising to the air by a few inches and immediately made a small cut on Naruto's wrist. The lion didn't hesitate as the ancient dagger made a similar cut on his paw. Naruto's chakra immediately surfaced and began to take the trickle of blood rolling down fro the Lion's paw.

It quickly retreated back into Naruto's body taking the Lion's blood with it. The Pride of Lions has sworn it's alliance to you Young One..Do not misuse our power or the children of nature will come upon you in vengeance. I am Shiro the leader of the Lions feel free to contact me or any of my brethren in your time of need The Lion warned which Naruto heeded with his outmost respect. This speech was always told to him after every blood pact. He still didn't know what would happen if a DNA absorbtion occurred though. Naruto quickly got up but the Lion spoke once more.

Twelve years ago during that time when the last of the great clan became a rogue. During that battle with the Human Leader and the Kyuubi Kitsune , The children of nature tried to calm the great beast down. It wasn't just a beast , it was one of the unique children of Nature but something seemed strange because emotions were coming from it emotions only a Wild one would know of.

"Kyuubi was just a manifestation of the Wild Blood" Naruto spoke , his voice filled with sadness as he listened to what Maiku told him ,the information of what the lion just said weighing him down.

"It is a result of the curse of the wild blood" Naruto said as he stared at the wound which had started healing with the Fox's chakra.

Yes that is what happend...I am unsure of how that happend since most Wild ones use their power at long periods of time. The lion said while signalling for the Lioness to get something from their lair.

"Her human mind was sealed by a traitor from our village making the Animal mind take over almost completely." Naruto explained as flashbacks of a talk with Shinigami came back to him regarding Maiku and Kyuubi.


A day after Team 6 got back from Wave Country. Shinigami was sitting in the dining room , waiting for Naruto to come down for breakfast. His alert senses told him that Naruto would be entering the room in about a minute. A small smile formed in his face as he took a bite of his Egg Benedicts, when a blur of yellow ran pass the door and stopped on the seat adjacent to him. "Good morning Naruto" Shinigami greeted the blonde boy.

"Morning Dad" Naruto returned the greeting as he grabbed his plate and got some of the Egg Benedicts before Shinigami finished off everything. Naruto started on his food but he just couldn't stop the nagging feeling he had at the back of his head. Shinigami watched the boy's expression which abit worried him since the boy wasn't his usual loud self this morning. He raised an eyebrow ,trying to get Naruto's attention. After a few seconds of no response Shinigami reached over with his hand and lightly shook Naruto back to reality.

"Something bothering you" Shinigami inquired , worry filling his voice when Naruto cast a sad glance at him , which had a hint of anger in it. Naruto let out a frustrated sigh then asked the question that Shinigami dreaded for 12 years.

"Why didn't you tell me Mom's soul was sealed inside of me" Naruto asked his voice had a tint of coldness in it. Shinigami lightly rubbed his forehead sensing a large headache coming on.

"How was I suppose to tell you? Naruto you want to meet your mom? Just look inside your stomach" Shinigami said as he lookedat the glaring boy. Naruto glared intensely at Shinigami , his cerulean orbs had a tint of red as the boy tried to let his anger pass.

"I'm sorry Naruto...If I didn't tell you the whole truth..It just that I wanted to protect you" Shinigami said as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder which Naruto shrugged off.

"Protect me? PROTECT ME? Dad How would not Telling me that My Mother Died in the hands of Orochimaru be protecting me" Naruto roared as he stood up , his hands clutching the table edge.

"AND IF I TOLD YOU WHAT WOULD YOU THEN? WHAT WOULD YOU THEN? BE LIKE THAT UCHIHA BRAT SASUKE? CONSUMED BY REVENGE" Shinigami roared back , now the Fourth towered over the seething twelve year old boy. "Let me tell you this Naruto... Uchiha Itachi grieved over the lost of his parents and clan members but He will not let the taint of vengeanceconsume him. but his younger brother Your friend Sasuke is consumed by revenge"

"How would you know Dad and Leave The Uchihas out of this It does not concern them" Naruto yelled back , his hands were now clenched into fist.

"You want proof Naruto? Look at their eyes Look at Itachi's eyes and look at Sasuke's eyes compared them! even when their Sharingan's are activated compare them" Shinigami said , his voice had grown cold as he explained to his son. Shinigami then began his explanation of what happend to Maiku. "Your mother came from a clan of outsiders "

"I know that...I have her memories" Naruto replied in a whisper as he looked up and let his gaze settle on his father. Shinigami nodded understanding what Naruto meant.

"She was sent on a Assasination mission to kill Orochimaru..but that snake-bastard had ambushed her team and captured her. She held him off using her Fox form the Kyuubi form, She would have won if it wasn't for Orochimaru's trickery" Shinigami explained his mind flashed memories of what happend to his wife.

"That Bastard placed a cursed seal on her when she was in her Wild state, the cursed seal imprisoned her human ind letting the Kyuubi's Animalistic and demonic mind take over" Shinigami said as he placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder hoping the boy would understand the torment that he went thru over the lost of Maiku. Naruto lightly sobbed as he tried to stop the tears from flowing down.

"I'm sorry Dad If I yelled at you..I just wanted to know why You didn't tell me about Mom" Naruto muttered an apology before the boy left the table in silence , leaving Shinigami to gather his thoughts. Shinigami blew out some breathe as he gripped the edge of the table , his hands shaking from the way their morning chat ended. 'I'm sorry Naruto..For not telling you sooner' Shinigami thought as he cast his eyes on the sound coming from upstairs.

Up in his room Naruto was beating up a practice dummy that seemed to have a resemblance to a certain one eyed Jounin. 'Kuso Kuso Kuso Kuso!' Naruto cursed as he continued to pound on the defenseless dummy. 'Kuso..Damnit Why did it have to be like that!' Naruto thought as he shifted his position and did a quick spin kick aiming at the head. The kick cause the head to break free from the body causing it to fly towards the door just as Shinigami opened the door.

"I know your piss Naruto but this is really taking it up a notch don't you think" Shinigami said as he toss the head back to Naruto who was now looking at the ground. Naruto punches the dummy one more time before collapsing on the ground in tears. He looks at Shinigami in apology while trying to control himself from crying. Shinigami smiled weakly as he knelt before the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Naruto..I know how you feel and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner" Shinigami said as he gave the boy a hug i which Naruto returned.

Flashback Ends

I see. Shiro spoke as the scent of the two lioness came nearer. Twelve years ago after the great battle Our pride discovered a cave in which a frozen beast resided. Shiro said as he began to lead Naruto towards the said cave. The journey took only 10 minutes as Shiro and Naruto entered the cave which had seals and Lioness guarding the entrance.

"What is this place" Naruto asked as his eyes scanned the area. A barrier of some sorts had been place on the entrance constricting the adimitance to the contents of the cave. This is the cave where we moved the frozen creature Shiro replied as he stopped infront of a wall filled with paw prints. Shiro pressed one of his paws on the wall which immediately began to move aside revealing a huge chunk of ice. Around the ice were four arctic wolves bringing small pieces of ice on the side. "It's kinda cold don't you think" Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around himself trying to warm himself up.

We were hoping to unfreeze the creature but it is too risky since one of our seers have encountered it's mind. Primitive and very violent mind Shiro said as Naruto took a step closer to take a look at the creature. A small smile crept on his face when he saw the sharp teeth and huge talon like claws on the creature. He pressed his hands on the ice on instinct. Shiro meanwhile had layed his body on the floor watching Naruto examine the creature.

"What's this creature called" Naruto asked as he stared intently at the creature inside the block of ice. Shiro didn't reply for a few seconds almost as if it was thinking. Shiro moved near Naruto then turned his head towards the boy.

I have no idea..You'll have to check the place where they keep records of it Shiro replied as he once again took a step back just in time as something quickly began to happen. Naruto tried to pry his hand of the ice but something strange was happening orange chakra was suddenly moving towards him. 'Mom what's happening?' Naruto asked in thought almost afraid of the answer as the chakra then reached him.

'DNA Absorbtion..I guess The blood is too frozen to even form a pact with you. DNA Absorbtion is the more painful version of the blood pact' Maiku explained as she waited for the pain to start. Naruto visibly paled when Maiku said the words 'Painful version.' As Naruto thought about the creature's strange form, pain suddenly shot out all over his body. Blue and Red chakra slowly leaked from him mixing as he tried not to cry out loud.

'Just ride it thru Naruto It will be over in a few seconds.' Maiku said in thought while she was clearly worried, since this creature seemd to be an ancient one it would never be too sure how long it will take. DNA Absrobtion was different from Blood Pact since it was the first thing the clan had tried. DNA Absorbtion gave some of the animal's attributes without calling for it, It became part of the user permanently , Like Naruto's whisker marks on his cheek, the result of Shinigami's sealing gate and Maiku's bloodline.

True to it's word after a few seconds the pain subsided leaving Naruto in a fetal position as prehistoric DNA began to mix with his own slightly altering some of his human features. Naruto stayed like this for half an hour while Maiku kept Kyuubi the Demon Fox's mind at bay.(Kyuubi and Maiku are one being and yet two separate minds Animal/Human). Naruto's eyes were changing slightly giving him the 'Ryoushi Metsuki' (Hunter's eyes) a lost Doujutsu of the Wild Blood clan. The catalyst to the said technique being the creature in the block of ice awakened the ability.

Maiku watched as the DNA of the prehistoric creature returned the Wild Blood clan's long lost much needed technique. 'This is quite the surprise.' Maiku thought while Kyuubi just growled its discontent almost as if it rejected the idea of a clan regaining the eye ability. 'Quit whining Fox At least your not dead...yet' Maiku thought immediately earning her silence as the reply. Naruto began to stir while his head began to throb painfully. 'Itai what the hell?' He thought as he held his head in pain.

Shiro and the other animals inside the cave watched as Naruto clutched his head in pain trying to let it subside. They let Naruto stay there for a while to let him get use to the sensations he was feeling. Maiku and Naruto talked about the sensation just as the headache began to ebbed signaling that the DNA was settling down with the Boy's own.

An Hour later

Naruto calmly walked inside Konoha Library to research on the creature's DNA that he just absorbed an hour ago. Maiku along with Shiro suggested that he research on the creature since not knowing the animal is a danger to the human since the Animal brain could take over easily. So Naruto stood infront of the Librarian's desk asking a book on ancient and prehistoric creatures.

"Excuse me but where can I find a book on Ancient /Mythical and Prehistoric creatures" Naruto asked as he walked up to the desk which seemed to be the only source of life in the dark library. The Librarian who seemed to have dozed of snapped back to attention when she heard Naruto's voice. She quickly scanned thru her files then wrote down the information needed on a piece of paper.

"Here you go Naruto-sama" said the Librarian as she handed the small paper to the boy. The boy gave her a small grin then replied "Thanks but you don't have to call me Naruto-sama just Naruto" The Librarian just nodded and went back to whatever it was she wa doing. Looking at the paper Naruto then headed to the west where the paper indicated the location of the book.

He found the book which he was looking for and quickly took it to a table so he can read the information. He skimmed thru the pages taking in as much of the information on ancient and mythical creatures that seemed cool. He even found some info about Kyuubi the Nine-tailed Fox and Phoenixes. As Naruto continued to read he finally found what he was looking for. 'Okay here it is' Naruto thought as he read the information about the creatures.

Raptor (also Velociraptor) vel-Os-ih-Rap-tor
Velociraptor mongoliensis
"swift robber"

The Raptor was a carnivore (meat-eater) that lived approximately 67 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period. It is presumed to have lived in what is now Central Asia. Full-grown, the Raptor measured 6 feet in length and 2 feet in height, and weighed approximately 60 pounds. It had a very large brain relative to its size, making it one of the smartest dinosaurs. The Raptor was also very light-weight and fast.

Naruto stared wide eyed at the description and name of the creature. 'Velociraptor...This is cool but a Dinosaur? This is abit wierd to be able to find a Dinosaur, wonder if there are more ' Naruto thought as he quickly went to the desk to check out the book so he can bring it home. When he reached home he noticed that his teammates and sensei were waiting for him.

"Pack for 9 days We're going for a training trip" Itachi said as he noticed that Naruto had arrived. Naruto began to protest but Itachi beat him to it. "Don't worry I already asked permission from your parents to take you on a training camp with me." Itachi said while he thought 'Not really I'll leave them a note on what we're doing' So Naruto quickly went up to his room and packed up a weeks worth of clothing and his equipment. He also took a few scrolls from his shelf for his own personal reasons.

"What took you so long Naruto? Sheesh This is Troublesome..Itachi-sensei pulled me out of my relaxing time." Shikamaru greeted as he saw the arrival of his blonde teammate. Hinata meanwhile greeted Naruto with a cheerful smile as she fell into step with him to catch up to the already moving Itachi and Shikamaru. Team sped in silence as they exited Konoha's gates after showing the guards on duty their passes.

Team 6 traveled at an average speed which is quite fast considering that Itachi was leading them meaning no slowing down , the Uchiha head just pushed them on till the sun began to set. They finally stopped when Naruto caught sight of a cabin, which Itachi motioned for them to stop. "Okay this will be where you place your things" Itachi spoke finally after their travel of complete silence. Team 6 immediately moved inside placing their belongings into respective rooms,

After settling in Itachi took them outside to gather food and build a small fire. "Tomorrow we will start the Survival training exercise" Itachi said earning him curious looks from Naruto and Hinata while Shikamaru just snorted in response. "We have a week of training here before we go back to missions so here is what you will be doing." Itachi started to explain while the genins ate their dinner in silence.

"This training exercise is the Survival War Exercise. Tomorrow I will lead you to a random location away from home base" Itachi continued while pointing to the Cabin as the home-base. This earned him shock looks from the his three students. "You have three days to survive and get back here in one piece... Be warned though that there will be surprises when you start this exercise." Itachi finished as he quickly got up and went inside to sleep leaving the three to clean up the fire.

The Next Day.

Shikamaru hated mornings especially early mornings where there isn't any light yet. Itachi had woken him up along with Naruto and Hinata to start their survival exercise. Something that he really didn't want to do but already knew the consequences of disobeying Itachi's orders. Itachi may teach them tecniques and equal training sessions but the Uchiha was such a perfectionist. He wanted the team to function as a team on instinct which is why he drilled them into three on one fights usually after their usual training sessions. He was the one with most of the bruises after each session too.

Hinata had an irritated look on her usual calm face as she tried to rub the sleep away from her eyes. Itachi had woken her up rather forcefully , throwing her off her futon and dumping ice cold water on her head. Itachi really was a harsh sensei when it came to training. 'Oh well at least I'll become stronger' She thought as she quickly changed to her clothes. She was abit worried and terrified on this survival exercise since she was unfamiliar with the terrain.

Naruto meanwhile was pissed off , Itachi had just kicked him in the gut to wake him up. "Get up Naruto time to start your training" Itachi said as he dumped a bag of weights infront of him. "Put these on and meet your teammates outside." Itachi said before disappearing to the other room to retrieve something. Naruto grumbled something about Itachi going back to his sadistic trainer/sensei mode. Maiku just let out a small giggle accompanied by Kyuubi's chuckles which made Naruto's mood even worse.

Once outside the three greeted each other half heartedly as they clutched onto their packs ready to move out. Itachi exited the cabin looking at them rather sternly while holding onto. "Why are you bringing your bags? Leave them here.. Only bring your weapons and nine soldier pills." Itachi instructed as he took each of their packs and giving each of the a pouch of soldier pills. The three genin quickly placed their pills into their pockets just as Itachi rushed at them at an alarming speed.

Itachi threw a quick punch to each of their stomachs causing the three of them to fall unconscious. He then created two kage bunshins to help him carry team 6 to a random location. When the three genins regained consciousness they quickly got up to scan the area which they quickly found to be quite dark. Shikamaru quickly organized a plan of action while Hinata scanned the area for an idea on their location.

After a few seconds Hinta reported their location and which way they had to go. Naruto nodded quickly telling Shikamaru and Hinata to be alert just in case Itachi might ambush them. With an affirmative nod the trio quickly dashed towards their camp, unknown to them Itachi was watching them from his perch , hiding his chakra. Naruto quickly took to the trees followed by Hinata and Shikamaru. Itachi followed them silently making sure to be undetected by Hinata's Byakugan or Naruto.

After an hour of following his students fast pace movements Itachi decided it was time to attack. Creating three shadow clones which he then sent infront of his team, he then observed the three's performance in this special training regiment. He watched as his team struggled to fight off the all-out fighting Itachi clones. With a knowing smirk he sat on his perch enjoying the way the genins traded blows with his clones until Team 6 moved as one and destroyed his advance shadow clones.

Naruto , Hinata and Shikamaru were visibly shaken from the way the Itachi clones suddenly appeared infront of them and began to assault them. They quickly took a back to back formation while Hinata stretched her byakugan to it's limits while Shikamaru and Naruto slid into their fighting stances waiting for Itachi to attack, Like a choreographed dance the Itachi clones swooped in to try and disable the team from progressing further.

'Kuso! I didn't even sense them till the last minute!' Naruto thought as he scanned the area once more looking for an opening , already getting ready to open any of his gates. The Itachi clones began to circle around them just waiting for them to move. "Lesson number one: Expect every Shinobi out there to be hostile even If they are friendly..Including our own Konoha-nins This exercise is to test your teamwork against all aspects" An Itachi clone said as each clone performed henge to gain the illusion of Team 7.

'Nani?' Naruto asked while he dodged a fist froma Sasuke look alike while Hinata squared off with the Sakura look alike and Shikamaru was left with the big boned Chouji look alike. They continued to trade blows as each genin trie to find a way to defeat the Team 7 look a like clones. Naruto quickly kicked Sasuke Clone in the gut then used a spinning kick to give himself distance. Hinata doing the same to the Sakura Clone while Shikamaru actually made an effort in Taijutsu to fight Chouji. Each Genin were back to back breathing heavily. "Okay we need to finish this quickly and then move on" Shikmaru said as he pulled out a pair of kunais while Hinata and Naruto whispered a confident "Hai."

Naruto quickly released all of his weights creating a large dust cloud to surround them while both his teammates followed his exmaples but theirs had smaller volume than Naruto's. As the dust cleared Naruto moved at a blinding speed , leaving behind a trail of cracked earth while Hinata's movement were more graceful and fast causing the Sakura clone to take enough damage to disappear.

"Katon: Housenka no jutsu" Shikamaru roared as he sent a fury of flames towards the Chouji clone while Naruto dealt with the Sasuke in Taijutsu. Even with the experience that Itachi had , he never saw someone younger than him move so fast. Naruto sent a a blur of punches and kicks as Sasuke blocked them when Naruto poured more speed and strength into his attacks enough to disengage the henge and destroy the Itachi clone. 'Fighting a clone is different than the real one' He thought as he quickly turned to try and help both his teammates.

Hinata had just sent the Sakura clone crashing onto the tree making the distinctive pop signaling the destruction of the clone. 'Itachi-sensei is really sadistic , trying to make us fight Konoha-nins' She thought as both her teamamtes joined her. She let out a small sigh of relief but it was short lived when Naruto signalled for them to move on.

"We better get a move on..We don't know what other surprises Itachi-sensei has instored for us" Naruto said as the three of them went into a formation again while casting a glance back at where the Itach clones once stood. With a nod from both his teammates, the three of them ran towards their camp at an average speed , having placed all of the weights back into their respective places.

Their progress towards the cabin was quite fast except when Itachi would suddenly appear attacking them with clones disguised as other Konoha-nins ranging from Genin to Chuunin rank. With each meeting during the course of the three day survival exercise, Itachi had drilled into Team 6 the meaning of teamwork and beind comrade in arms. He would also attack them one by one correcting some of their weak spots and pointing out flaws in their strategies. Itachi told them that the outside world will be harsh and as shinobis They should be prepared for anything. Even the possible betrayal of a comrade.

After returning to the cabin , Itachi gave them 2 hours to shower and clean themselves. The three genins immediately knew what was coming next , when they saw a large bag that Itachi was carrying. Itachi waited for Team 6 freshen up while carefully trying to think of his next course of action. 'Good since their teamwork is solidified , time to work on their individual power both physical and mental.' ITachi thought as Naruto came back first followed by Hinata then a reluctant Shikamaru.

"Now that I've drilled the meaning of Teamwork into your heads now comes the enjoyable part of the training. Individual Training So listen carefully." Itachi said as his three students sat infront of him , their attention to him but the telltale signs of their senses alert. 'Good your already showing signs of being a true Shinobi. Remember this Your sense of sight is limited except of course Hinata that is why Your eyes will be your sight while your other senses are your silent alarms." Itachi lectured.

Naruto raised as eyebrow at this not really getting what Itachi meant, he held his hand out to ask a question but the young Jounin already expected this. "What I mean is A Shinobi must always use all of his senses not just focus on one alone. Sight is good for seeing while the others have alot of uses. training your sense of Touch to a point where you can feel the air waves shift take time. Hearing and Smelling is easy to train so For the remaining three days We will be training in your other senses"

Itachi just received nods of understanding even though he could see the confusion in Naruto's face. So Team 6 spent the remaining 3 days to train their other senses. Hinata was taught how to rely on her hearing and touch, Shikamaru grumbled as Itachi blindfolded him and began to train his sense of smell and hearing. Naruto meanwhile had a training of his own , this time on the Ryoushi Metsuki (Hunter's Eyes).

'Focus a small amount of your chakra to your eyes Naruto to activate the Ryoushi Metsuki' Maiku instructed while Itachi just watched in fascination at the long lost Doujutsu of the Wild Blood Clan. Naruto concentrated a small bit of his chakra , sensing changes begin to surface. As the Ryoushi Metsuki begin to activate his other senses also begin to heghten as the world around Naruto begins to see his world in the eyes of a predator, a hunter.

Naruto quickly scanned the area around him as he heard a sound of scurrying feet. He turned his head to the sound where he could see an outline of a small mouse running towards it's burrow. 'Cool' He thought when he could see an outline of the mouse's vital organs while small red dots could be seen in the middle of each organ. 'Mom what are those things?' Naruto asked while continuing to explore and traing himself with the Ryoushi Metsuki.

'That Naruto is the function of the Ryoushi Metsuki , It gives you the ability to see the vital points and weak points of a target. The Ryoushi Metsuki acts more like a Target acquiring eyes. When you attack you will now where to hit and possible where to aim your attack.' Maiku replied as she watched thru Naruto's eyes the ability of her clan. She herself only heard stories of the mythical eye of the Wild Blood. 'To think I have live to see it's power' She thought to herself while Kyuubi growled in annoyance.

'Feh What so great about that eye ability! If he really wants to use the full capacity of that ability Tell him to be prepared to receive a readjustment on your long lost Doujutsu ' Kyuubi said earning him a growl from Maiku which also gave him a signal to proceed. Naruto meanwhile concentrated on his eyes training himself to be able to be at least sufficient in using it. As he was about to test his eyes on a human being (Itachi) Kyuubi interrupted him. 'Oi Brat here are a gift from me. Enjoy yourself You lowly turd' Naruto growled in annoyance at Kyuubi's interruption.

His eyes shot wide open suddenly when he felt a huge surge of Kyuubi's chakra going towards his eyes and his other four senses. 'Stupid Fox What are you doing!' Naruto screamed in his head as he felt the Kyuubi's chakra begin to alter some of his senses. He writhed in pain as he felt like a burning flame was coursing thru his very veins. Itachi quickly retreated back feeling the huge surge of chakra.

'You stupid Fox! What the hell are you doing?' Naruto screamed as the pain began to disappear , his senses going haywire from the new sensations that were overwhelming him. At first silence was his reply but Kyuubi decided to reply since Maiku kept on demanding what the great beast had done to Naruto's body. 'Come to my chambers, I will explain' Kyuubi replied as Naruto immediately focused his thoughts to the huge chamber of the fox.

In Naruto's Mind / Kyuubi's cage

Naruto stepped closer to the only light within the dark chambers, inside it the red glow of Kyuubi's blood crimson orbs had a hint of pride mixed in all the anger. Naruto quickly noticed another presence within the sealed cage. Maiku was glaring dagger at Kyuubi for trying that stunt , if looks could kill Kyuubi would have been a pile mush from the way Maiku was glaring at him.

"Hi Mom...Hey Fox" Naruto greeted as he neared the cage , holding his head all the while trying to ease the headache coming on. Maiku gave Naruto a sweet smile while Kyuubi growled at his greeting. "Alright you mangy Fox! What'd you do to my senses! Why the hell is everything screwy" Naruto started yelling shaking his fist at the caged beast. Kyuubi just growled in annoyance trying to silence the boy infront of his prison.

"Che You really are your Mother's son Brat! You got her temper" Kyuubi spoke while glancing sideways at a rather irritated Maiku. Maiku just ignored Kyuubi's comment and took a look at Naruto to see if there were any changes. "The Ryoushi Metsuki as you say is a target acquiring sort of ability. It gives you the ability to see an opponents internal organs, I just adjusted or tweaked a few of its genetic make-up giving you the ability to see the Weak Points and an insight ability on where to attack next. Ryoushi Metsuki can also be used when not in the influence of Wild Blood.' Kyuubi explained about what he did to the Ryoushi Metsuki while letting this bit of information sink in before resuming his explaination.

Naruto nodded accepting Kyuubi's explaianation while Maiku asked about the other senses which the great fox had heightened. "Your other senses are another story but still in the same line, since the Wild Blood clan are animal worshippers borrowing the strength of Nature's Children. From what I've gathered your tracking ability is quite high for a mere human." Kyuubi explained Naruto smiled at the high tracking ability but gave a small pout at the words 'mere human'. Naruto not only excelled in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but his tracking ability was top-notch. Years from trying to find Shinigami when time came to train him or teach him jutsus.

"I suggest you train the next two days in using all of your other senses at once. Also train to not depend on your eyes and learn how to useEcholocation" Maiku replied adding her bit of advice to her son. Naruto scratched his head trying to get the meaning of Maiku's word. "Echo-Location" Naruto asked while Maiku sat crossed legged inside the cage as she began to explain what it is. "Echolocation is a method of sensory perception by which certain animals orient themselves to their surroundings, detect obstacles, communicate with others, and find food. In echolocation a series of short, high-pitched sounds are emitted by an animal. These sounds travel out away from the animal and then bounce off objects and surfaces in the animal's path creating an echo. The echo returns to the animal, giving it a sense about what is in its path. A bat can determine an object's size, shape, direction, distance, and motion. This echolocation system is so accurate that bats can detect insects the size of gnats and objects as fine as a human hair." Maiku explained as she drew up an image of how Echolocation is used.

"How do I use a high pitched sound for Echolocation" Naruto asked but he just received a small smile from Maiku and a wide grin from Kyuubi. The smile faded away as Kyuubi sent Naruto back to the real world to explain Itachi and his teammates what happend.

Back to Reality

Naruto woke up groggily from the dirt floor , immediately feeling the warmth of a blazing campfire nearby. "Your finally awake" Itachi's voice came from his right , his teammates turned from what they were doing to take a look at the blonde genin. He gave each of his teammates a small grin while scratching the back of his head. "Care to explain" Itachi said , his tone had a hint of curiosity as to what happend to the boy to cause him to be knocked out for 3 hours.

So Naruto began to explain about what happend and the readjustment that Kyuubi made along with the training suggestion that Maiku said earlieronly he didnt mention Maiku's name just Kyuubi. Naruto closed his eyes and blew out a small breathe letting out a short whistle as he did so. What happend next really astounded him. Flashes of images came back to his mind , images of his surrounding in detail including what his teammates facial expressions were.

Naruto got up and started walking to a darker part of the camp. He then turned around facing Shikamaru , Hinata and Itachi, with a wide grin. "Oi Shikamaru care to help me for a simple experiment" Naruto asked while trying to gather his thoughts as to what to do. Shikamaru gave him a questioning look then replied. "What kind of experiment Naruto? It better not be some kind of trick" He gave Naruto a bored look just as Naruto pulled his forehead protector over both his eyes. "Throw two shurikens at me. I want to test something" The blonde boy replied earning him a questioning look from Shikamaru while Hinata and Itachi watched in curiosity.

"Are you sure of the Naruto-kun? That's abit dangerous" Hinata asked while trying to see what kind of stunt Naruto was trying to pull. Naruto just gave her a wide grin then a thumbs up easing her worries. "I know what I'm doing Hinata-chan" Naruto replied as he got ready to try and dodge the shurikens blind folded. "Ready when you are Shikamaru" Naruto said as he started to inhale and exhale while letting out a silent whistle.

Shikamaru let out a small groan in annoyance as he quickly threw the shurikens at the blindfolded Naruto who seemed to be rather relax and calm. Naruto meanwhile braced himself as flashes of images began to be transmitted into his head , showing him the path of the shurikens slicing thru the air. He could even see the way the shurikens sliced thru the air. Hinata let out a gasped as she watched the shuriken move towards a prone Naruto. Just as the shurikens were about to hit their target, Naruto bent his body backwards letting the projectiles fly pass him.

Hinata meanwhile who had activated her byakugan saw the way Naruto sent a constant small bit of chakra from his lips towards his surrounding area which kept on bouncing from the objects back to him. 'What is that?' Hinata asked to herself , Itachi meanwhile deactivated his sharingan having seen what Hinata saw as well only in a different manner. "You saw it too Hinata" Itachi asked while his onyx orbs never left the panting Naruto.

Hinata nodded her head and replied "Hai Itachi-sensei but I don't understand what Naruto was doing." Itachi was silent for a few minutes before replying to her question. "It's echolocation.. Naruto used a silent whistle to create a high pitch sound. Like how a bat can see even if it's blind." Itachi replied with a rather satisfied smirk on his face before returning to his book Icha Icha Paradise.

During the next two days Naruto trained in using all of his senses and devoting half of his day training with the Ryoushi Metsuki then the other half in using Echolocation in fighting. Itachi of course didn't just watched Naruto train by himself, The Uchiha head sparred with the boy to let him get use to his new abilities. Hinata and Shikamaru meanwhile also underwent similar training sessions also learning how to use echolocation.

Time Jump 1 day and a half after Itachi's training regiment or in Team 6's opinion Itachi-sensei's brutal training exercise.

Naruto , Hinata and Shikamaru were doing some D-rank missions which the three genins thankfully accepted after their tiring training exercise , Itachi just watched nearby supervising his student's progress with a smile on his face. Team 6 was growing quite nicely under his tutelage, Shikamaru wasn't very lazy anymore , at least the Nara boy was a decent fighter now and had a number of jutsus to back him up also a superb strategist for the team. Hinata now excelled in the Hyuuga Clan Taijutsu also in a medium ability in Healing jutsu. The Hyuuga heiress also seemed to favor a few Raiton jutsus usually combining it with her Jyuuken. 'I got me one lethal white eyed student , a not so lazy pineapple head strategist and a...' Itachi mused while trying to find a word on how to describe his third student.

'Naruto the strongest of my three students, not only excells in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but also in using both of his bloodline abilities and tracking abilities. I'd say his level of Taijutsu in the Uzumaki Ryu is above Chuunin level from the way Yondaime-sama trains him and his Tracking ability rivals that of any Inuzuka clan member. Naruto also had a huge amount of chakra thanks to Kyuubi and constant training.' Itachi thought as he watched his team finish it's third d-rank mission for the day. Itachi looked up to see a hawk flying high up in the air. 'So it's that time of year again' Itachi thought as he brought his attention back to his team.

"Alright Team that's enough missions for today..I won't have training for today but meet me 2 hours after lunch" Itachi called out to his team who immediately collapse on the floor to rest their bodies. After waiting for a few seconds for his team to rest Itachi dismissed his teambefore disappearing from their midst. Shikamaru gave off a tired shrug and waved a lazy bye to Naruto and Hinata muttering about meeting them later.

Naruto and Hinata began to walk towards Ichiraku for a quick lunch when Naruto noticed a square shaped rock with two eyeholes , trailing after them. Hinata and Naruto twitched in rather irritation at the poor display of Shinobi skill. "Your not fooling anyone Konohamaru" Naruto yelled pointing an accusing finger at the box which then replied. "As expected from the leader of the Konohamaru Corps" A boy's voice said from within just as the box exploded.

"Cough Cough Too much Gun Powder" Konohamaru said as his friends began to introduce themselves. The only girl in the group began her introduction by doing a rather silly pose. "I am Moegi the kunoichi with the sexiness of an Adult" She proclaimed giving her trademark move 'Puppy-eyes no jutsu.' Next came a boy wearing round eye glasses, his nose dripping with snot. " I'm Udon the ninja good in Math and Explosives"

Naruto and Hinata had huge sweatdrops at the back of their heads from the childrens display of an introduction. They had to hold their laughs when Konohamaru introduced himself. "I'm Konohamaru the number one genius ninja in Konoha" the boy proclaimed while putting his hands on his hips. Naruto quickly turned his head to avoid being seen choking on his fist from the fits of laughter.

"Ne Ne Naruto-Nii san! Who's the girl is she your" Konohamaru asked while raising his pinky to indicate what he meant. Both Genins blushed at the small indication , knowing full well what it meant. Naruto turned to a blushing hinata and quickly nodded which made Hinata turn ten times a deeper shade of red. "She's pretty..." Konohamaru said while admiring Hinata's beauty.

"Too bad I'm gonna steal her from you Naruto-nii san" Konohamaru yells as he quickly runs off followed by his friends away from a angry Naruto. The Blonde Genin accompanied by Hinata then proceed to chase after the three children who had disappeared around the corner. As they neared the corner they hear the children bump into someone. "Ouch That hurt you brat" A unknown voice yells which alerts the two genins to hasten their run.

Naruto and Hinata arrive to find a boy ,dress in a one piece body suit that looks like a cat suit with its pointy ears, holding Konohamaru by the scruff of his shirt. "Let me go" Konohamaru cries desperately trying to loosen the boy's grip on him. The girl behind the boy quickly tells the boy "Let the brat go Kankurou. We don't want any trouble We just arrived." Kankurou looks back at the girl and replies "Che. I want to have some fun Temari plus the kid bumped into me and it hurt."

Temari gives Kankurou a disapproving look then sighs and mutters "Just don't come crying to me when He is pissed off" Kankurou ignores Temari's words then focuses his attention to the weight in his hand. Kankurou's wide go wide with shock since the boy he was holding is replaced by a log. 'Kawarimi?' Kankurou thinks to himself, finally eyeing the brat now being set down by Naruto. "Oi You! Why you save the brat" Kankurou yelled pointing an accusing finger at Naruto.

Naruto turned around after handing Konohamaru to his friends while Hinata stands over them. "Konohamaru already apologize to you so no need to cause any trouble Friend" Naruto said , facing Kankurou letting his gaze try to size up Kankurou's ability. He held up his hands showing Kankurou that he intended no harm. Kankurou on the other hand wanted to test his skills on a Konoha-nin seeing Naruto's forehead protector. Kankurou quickly pulled back the large object wrap in bandages behind him.

"Kankurou Don't use that! Stop it...We'll get in trouble" Temari pleaded not wanting to feel the wrath of their youngest sibling. Kankurou once again ignored Temari's words and proceeded to attack Naruto by charging forward leaving behind the bandage wrapped object. Kankurou then took a step forward towards Naruto but the boy had disappeared from his sight. "Your visitors here and yet you try to harm our citizens" Naruto's emotionless voice came from beside Kankurou. Fear began to show in Kankurou's face at the display of speed.

Temari had a shocked look on her face, visibly shaking from the way the short blonde genin moved beside Kankurou. 'I didn't even see him move' She thought while preparing to defend herself in case Naruto decided to attack. Kankurou meanwhile embarassed quickly pulled out a kunai to try and stab Naruto from behind. With a smirk Kankurou raised his kunai when a sharp pain from his wrist caused him to drop the kunai. "About time you showed yourself Sasuke-teme" Naruto said while turning around to find Sasuke standing on top of a post.

Sasuke was gazing down at the two groups interacting, he was actually observing Naruto trying to see how strong his rival had become. Apparently Naruto had become stronger than ever under his Aniki's tutelage. He looked at the sand-nin with the bandage thing strapped to his back. "You shouldn't attack Shinobi's stronger than you" Sasuke said while eyeing Kankurou , hoping that the sand-nin would snap.

Temari meanwhile had pulled out her fan and began to swing the gigantic fan to attack Sasuke. 'Damn he's hot looking' Temari thought as she started her jutsu only to find that she couldn't move her body. 'What the hell?' She thought as she tried to swing her arm to attack Sasuke but it didn't work. "Che how troublesome... Oi Naruto what kind of trouble you got yourself into this time" A voice above her said in a bored tone. Temari let her eyes moved to theside to get a glimpse of who had her captive.

"Nice move Shikamaru" Naruto shouted excitedly watching how Shikamaru had snuck up from the side of the building and using his Kage Mane no jutsu to capture Temari. Shikamaru just gave a bored nod in acknowledgement , which Temari mimicked since she was still under the influence of his jutsu. Naruto meanwhile had a scent of blood coming from the area, he turned around trying to find the source of the scent.

His eyes narrowed when he tracked the scent to be behind Sasuke, with a blur of movement Naruto pulled out a kunai and threw it towards Sasuke. Sasuke quickly dodged to the right as the kunai flew past him only to have sand explode from behind him. 'Shit! I didn't even sense him' Sasuke thought finally seeing a patch of red hair amidst the swirling sand.

'What are you doing" A voice from within the swirling sand spoke, the question directed at Kankurou and Temari. Kankurou started to shake in fear while Temari tried hard not to tremble at the sight before her. " Apologize to them" The voice said as the sand stopped swirling and retreating to take the shape of a gourd, strapped behind a red haired sand nin.

"Ga-Gaara" Kankurou stuttered while trying to calm himself. "It.. It was their fault" He continued trying to put the blame towards the Konoha-nins. The red haired sand-nin, known as Gaara, stared at Kankurou for a few seconds before replying in a cold tone. "Apologize to them or I'll kill you" Kankurkou gritted his teeth and then turned to Naruto bowing in apology.

Gaara then teleported beside Kankurou and Temari while still eyeing Sasuke and Naruto. He quickly turned around followed by his teammates. "You with the Gourd.. what's your name" Sasuke's voice with a arrogant tone called out. Gaara and his teammates stopped in mid-step and turned around to face Sasuke. "Gaara of the Desert..Yours" Gaara replied.

"Uchiha Sasuke" Sasuke replied with a smirk on his face, Gaara meanwhile looked past Sasuke eyeing a pair of cerulean orbs staring back at him. "What's your name" Gaara asked while staring intently at Naruto. Naruto finally noticing he is being asked a question replied "Uzumaki Naruto"

After the introduction Gaara left with his teammates with Temari taking a short glance to give a glare at Shikamaru. Hinata meanwhile had already taken the children back to the academy.

During the same time at a different location. Hokage Tower where a jounin meeting is taking place.

Shinigami finished reading the reports on the genins progress and finally looked up at all the jounins assembled inside the room. He let out a small cough to gain all of those present's attention to him. "Okay now You all have noticed that foreign Shinobi's have started arriving for the Chuunin Exam. So those who want their teams to take part in the exam please say if you'll nominate your team." Shinigami announced while letting his gaze fall on the new Jounin senseis. As if on cue the three jounin sensei's of the rookie genin stepped forward.

"Uchiha Itachi nominates Team 6 consisting of Nara Shikamaru , Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata to take part in the Chuunin Exams" Itachi reported, a knowing smirk plastered on his usual emotionless visage.

"Hatake Kakashi nominates Team 7 the SasuSakuCho Trio to take part in the Chuunin Exams" Kakashi reported , letting out a small laugh at the humourous name that his team had gotten in one of their missions.

"Yuuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma nominate Team 8 Yamanaka Ino , Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino to participate in the Chuunin Exams" Both Jounins spoke out giving them odd looks from the other jounins.

Soon murmurs could be heard about rookie genins participating in the exam including the rumor about the Yellow Flash's son taking the exam. Shinigami nodded in approval after giving Maito Gai his student's application forms while trying not to strangle the bowl cut jounin to keep his large mouth shut.

After all the Jounin senseis had nominated their teams Shinigami dismissed them. Shinigami had a grin on his face when three special jounins were left behind for their reports. "Good now that the sensei's are gone.. Tell me how you are going administer the Test" Shinigami said earning him wide grins from the three special jounins as they began their verbal report.

Two hours after the meeting Itachi meets his team to give them their application forms.

"Here are your Chuuniin Application Forms, fill these out and then submit them one week from now at the Academy building 3 p.m. sharp at room 301" Itachi said , giving each of his students their application forms

"Ne ne Itachi-sensei! What are the exams gonna be" Naruto inquired excitedly while Shikamaru thought about not joining the exam, Hinata meanwhile was waiting for Itachi to reply what the test were. Itachi gave them one of his seductive smirks then replied in a emotionless voice.

"It's a surprise and it's going to be like going to hell and back. So The next week take the time to train and prepare yourselves.. no missions for now..Team 6 dismissed" Itachi quickly replied just as he pulled out his copy of Icha Icha paradise and diappeared in a puff of smoke leaving behind rather pissed off students.

Time jump one week after, day of the first exam, numerous genins were standing outside of the academt waiting to be able to enter the building. Team 6 could be seen infront of the crowd of genins. At 2:30 the doors opened letting the genins entrance to the place but their progress were stopped short when a pair of disguised chuunins stopped their path.

"Oi where are you going" Kotetsu asked while blocking the way into room 301. Some of the genins protested trying to push their way into the room, Team 6 meanwhile were bidding their time, trying to find a way past the genins blocking the way. "Oi Shikamaru got a plan yet" Naruto whispered to Shikamaru who was in his thinking position while Hinata had her byakugan activated. "Naruto-kun there is a genjutsu surrounding this very room." Hinata reported in a whisper. Naruto just nodded and stood back waiting for Shikamaru to finish thinking.

Up in front a familiar green clad genin was trying to force his way thru the two disguised genins but the two just pushed him back into the crowd. "Please let us thru" The green clad boy's female teamamte pleaded to the two. The two chuunins just smirked and began to bad mouth the crowd of genins.

"You should just go home. The Chuunin exams has a high rate of death this exam isn't for kids" Izumo said while pushing the green clad genin back into the ground again.

"You will remove the genjutsu on the second floor.. So my team and I can proceed to the third floor" Sasuke's voice rang out from behind the group , causing murmurs to start within the crowd. "What's he talking about? Third floor? Aren't we in the third floor" Some genins asked while Team 6 had small grins on their faces as they quickly moved into position. With practiced movements Team 6 performed a simple handseal. "KAI" Team 6 yelled out disengaging the genjutsu around the room.

"Sakura, your the best in Genjutsu in our team. You should have seen thru this poor excuse of a genjutsu" Sasuke said , indicating for Sakura to nod and acknowledge what Sasuke meant. Sakura then explained that they were still in the second floor. Sakura then grinned back while Chouji had moved back , striking a conversation with Shikamaru who told the Akimichi heir that what Sakura said was true.

The sign marked as 301 immediately changed to 201 much to the bewildered genins surprise. Izumo and Kotetsu had small smirks on their faces when they saw Team 6 and Team 7 following closely behind. "Well it seems a few of you are talented enough" Kotetsu started as he quickly rushed towards Sasuke to try and rough him up. Sasuke not to disappoint the challenger brought his own feet up to launch a kick towards the advancing chuunin in disguise.

A green blur suddenly intercepted both attacker's ankles halting their advance. Sasuke had a shock look on his face , amaze at the green clad genin's display of speed. 'He's almost as fast as Naruto and that strange chakra in his hands' The Uchiha avenger thought as he shook off Lee's hand and proceeded to go up the third floor. White eyes carefully watched Sasuke's movements , thoughts of fighting the young Uchiha running thru his head.

"Oi! Why did you go an bring attention to us" the green clad genin's teammate asked while still eyeing the Uchiha. The green clad genin gave a small grin before casting his gaze towards Sasuke's pink haired teammate. Sakura finally catching on to what the green clad genin was looking at, stiffened in horror. The green clad genin in a blur of movement appeared before Sakura kneeling. Tenten covered her face in embarassment while thinking. 'Oh Crap there he goes again'

"Oh Beautiful Pink Haired Goddess Sakura-chan..Please be mine and I will protect you till I die" the green clad proclaimed while Sakura stood there twitching. Team 6 had move closer to see what all the comotion was all about. Hinata had a devilish grin on her face as she decided to voice out her thoughts. "Go ahead Sakura accept his proposal" Hinata said , smiling as she watch Sakura's horror stricken face contort to embarassment.

"No Your eyebrows are too fuzzy and your lame" Sakura replied quickly running behind Sasuke to hide from Lee. Naruto and Shikamaru meanwhile were trying not to laugh at Sakura's remark about Lee. Neji decided to step in quickly addressing Sasuke.

"Your a Rookie aren't you? What's your name" Neji inquired casually while staring directly at the Uchiha heir. Sasuke gave a small smirk and replied "If you want to learn someones name, you should give yours first." Neji's face contorted to a look of anger but it quickly disappeared revealing the usual stiff looking Hyuuga face most Hyuuga males were accustomed to. "How old are you" Neji inquired again but Sasuke had already left with his teammates.

Behind closed doors the two disguised chuunins disengage their henges revealing their true selves. "So those are Gai and Kakashi's brats.. Interesting but then the one who disengage our genjutsu Itachi's genins were quite impressive too." Izumo said while Kotetsu grinned as he started to move towards the testing area thru a hidden passageway.

Team 6 meanwhile began to follow Team 7's example and left the room. Halfway thru descending to the lower ground a voice called out to both teams. Team 6 and 7 were talking about the exam , Shikamaru and Chouji were chatting while Sasuke and Naruto were ignoring each other , something that seemed wierd but the most obvious were the two females of both teams. Hinata and Sakura were bickering about whose team was strongest.

"You with the bright eyes" A voice from up the passageway called to the small group down below. Noticing that he had gotten the attention of the group, he jump from the railing onto the ground , landing with a soft thud. "If you want to know someone's name you should say yours first, My name is Rock Lee" The green clad genin introduced himself , striking in a pose with his thumbs up after saying his name.

"Uzumaki Naruto, Will you fight me" Rock Lee said while sliding into a fighting stance. Naruto meanwhile was rather surprise that someone wanted to challenge him. He raised an eyebrow as if to question why but seeing as Rock Lee didn't hear his silent question decided to voice it out.

"Why Lee-san" Naruto asked innocently trying to figure out why Lee would want to fight him. At this Rock Lee turned to look at Sakura , giving her a wink which Sakura quickly dodged but this forced Lee to blow a volley of kisses towards the pink haired kunoichi.

"Hey STOP BLOWING WIERD THINGS AT ME! I barely dodge with my life! (HELL YEAH YOU WIERD THICK BROWED FREAK!) also we don't have time" Sakura yelled as she tried to catch her breath. Rock Lee had a saddened look on his face but it quickly disappeared as he turned his attention back to Naruto but his attention was diverted to Sasuke who had charged forward.

Lee casually took a sidestep and used his out stretched hand to position Sasuke's fist away from his body then he spun around sweeping Sasuke off his feet ,sending the Uchiha crashing to the wall. "Konoha Reppuu" Lee roared out his attack with expertise. " This fight will only last few minutesI'm sorry Uchiha-san your turn will come right now I've come to challenge Naruto-san"

"I am the strongest leaf genin and I've come to test my skill against the son of the Yellow Flash" Rock Lee proclaimed giving Naruto his nice guy pose. Naruto meanwhile gritted his teeth in disgust, 'Yellow Flash this..Yellowe Flash that! noone ever wants to fight me because of me just because I'm the son of the Yellow Flash' Naruto thought in anger while glaring intently at Lee.

"SON OF THE YELLOW FLASH THIS SON OF THE YELLOW FLASH THAT THIS IS ALL I EVER HEAR SINCE I RETURNED FROM THE WAVE COUNTRY, You want to challenge me.. You challeneg me for me , not because I'm the son of Yellow Flash" Naruto shouted as he quickly slid into the Uzuamki Ryu stance. Shikamaru and Hinata meanwhile gave Lee a rather pitiful look. 'Idiot.. the one thing that Naruto hates is being compared to his father' Shikamaru thought while he shook his head telling hinata to let their Team Leader hadnle the situation.

Lee had a worried look on his face since he didn't expect Naruto to be pissed off, with a final glance at Naruto , the older genin readied himself as Naruto decided to attack first. Lee quickly brought his arms up to block a incoming fist from Naruto but the force of the Uzumaki Heir's punch sent Lee crashing backward to the wall. Lee quickly recovered form the attack and leaped into the air sending his foot in a spinning kick. "Konoha Senpuu"

Naruto quickly countered with his own version. "Shinkuu Tetsumaki" Both kicks crashed into each other sending the two crashing on the floor with hard thuds. Naruto quickly got up from his fall and began to rush forward , his fist burst out in flames as the Red Fire Gate activated. "Uzumaki Ryu: Shouhou" Naruto started but Lee had disappeared from his sights.

A kick to his chin sent Naruto flying into the air, with Lee not far behind engaging the Konoha Kage Boyou, Naruto meanwhile not sure what to do spun his body around clearly surprising the green clad genin. Before Naruto could send his knee crashing into Lee's gut bandages from Lee's wrist ebgan to wrap around him. 'Kuso this guy is purely using Taijutsu on me!' Naruto thought as he quickly pulled of a quickly kawarimi before the bandanges wrapped itself around him completely.

Just as Lee started to perform his technique 'I'm sorry Gai-sensei but I must use 'that' technique!.' Lee thought himself as he began to descend towards the ground but his descent was halted when a PinWheel struck his bandages causing him to loose control over them. Lee found himself on the floor gazing up on the watchful eyes of a turtle.

Shikamaru and Chouji, who were watching the small fight, had raised eyebrows while Sakura twitched at the sight before her. "Ne Hinata-chan Is that a Turtle" Sakura asked her rival for Naruto's affections. Hinata who was also surpise just nodded not sure what to do. Lee meanwhile was begging the turtle not to punish him ut the Turtle replied that Gai has arrived.

Naruto meanwhile appeared beside his teammates to watch the two green clad males. "Lee You know you shouldn't use that technique! It's forbidden" Gai began to reprimand Lee just looked down sadly. "For your punishment 500 laps around Konoha" Gai said giving Lee a good guy pose.

"Ano..We have an exam" Hinata said quickly bringing Gai's attention to the rest of the genins present there. "Ah YES well Lee your punishment is posponed to the end of the exam" Gai said as he quickly appeared infront of Team 6 and 7.

'This guy..He's fast!' Sasuke thought after finally waking up , just in time to see Lee kick Naruto up in the air. Sasuke walked up to his teammates and gave them a weary smile.

"So you are Kakashi and Itachi's students" Gai said giving them a nice guy pose but Naruto and his teammates ignored the thick browed clones and began to move towards the room. Both of them are my rivals and I'm stronger than the two" Gai proclaimed but Team 6 doubted the proclaimation while Team 7 doubted about the part being rivals with Kakashi.

"Let's go Lee! or You'll be late" Gai said herding Lee towards the exit but before the thick browed genin left he turned to Naruto and Sasuke.

"I lied when I said I'm the strongest Leaf Genin..The strongest is my teammate that's why I joined this exam to beat him. I see you later in the exam and the two of you are my targets! Sasuke-kun , Naruto-san" With that said Lee disappeared with his sensei , yelling about youthful passion and such along the corridor.

Team 7 bade goodbye to Team 6 leaving quickly for Room 301. Sasuke leaving with his team sulking about his defeat but then he also came out of that little brawl with a small prize , flashing his Sharingan once before deactivating it.

Team 6 meanwhile arrived infront of the door with a waiting Itachi standing before the door. They greeted their sensei casually which the Uchiha head returned with a silent nod. "Good you made it now from here on the exam starts. So do your best and remember all of the lesson's i've taught you. Naruto lead the team to victory and always Look underneath the underneath. Everything isn't always what it seems"

"Hai Itachi-sensei" The three genins of Team 6 replied saluting their sensei before entering the room full of other Genins.

"Good Luck Team and Give them hell" Itachi said before closing the door behind Team 6 and leaving in the traditional jounin way towards the Jounin Lounge with the other teachers to wait for the end of the first exam.