Summary -Another championship match is here, but Mr. Dickenson tells the Beybreakers that a new team has entered. They are called the Black Storm. When they meet the bladers Tyson is more shocked then anybody else. TysonHillary KaiOC ReiOC
this like my first fic for Beyblade so please do not sue. Only watched a couple...
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BEYBLADE!!!!!! Only my OC's Ayame and Mari in this chapter...
/bitbeast to human/-none in this chapter
Chapter 1 -Torunament?-
Four boys were in a room waiting the arival of Mr.Dickenson. Tyson was sitting on the far right chair, Max was sitting on the chair left of Tyson, Rei was sitting in the far left, and Kai was leaning on the wall next to Rei. They had actually came 30 minutes early to hear the exciting news Mr.Dickenson had to give to the boys. After another minute or so they heard the door open to only see Mr.Dickenson.
"Well boys, it seems like you already know I have news for you!" Mr.Dickenson said. The boys all turned thier attention to Mr.Dickenson.
"As you can see we are hosting another Beyblade compitition," The boys all stared at Mr.Dickenson.
"Yes! another tournament!" Tyson jumped out of his chair and grinned. He was getting over excited about the news.
"Yes, yes another tournament meens new players. There is a new team called Team Black Storm. You better watch out for them," Mr.Dickenson said. Tyson just laughed. He knew nobody could beat the world champ.
"Ha ha Mr.Dickenson, like who can beat the world champ?" asked Tyson. He looked at the others who seemed to agree with him. Mr.Dickenson laughed.
"Well these are not you average bladers Tyson," with that he left the room which left the others silent.
'A team that can beat me, No damn way. He must be joking,' Tyson sat back in his chair to think about that Mr.Dickenson had just said. Suddenly a loud growling sound was heard. Everybody stared at Tyson who seemed to be rubbing his belly.
"I need food," Tyson looked at the others who's sweat dropped, but Kai's. Kai left the room before Tyson could complain about food. He started walking down the hall into an elevator to get to the 1st floor. When he reached the 1st floor he started to walk out the elevator and walk to the main door. Just as he reached the door a loud scream could be heard.
"What the hell?" Kai turned to see where the scream was comming from, but by the time he looked he was knocked down. He opened his eyes to see a girl about his age with shoulder length brown hair with grayish blue eyes. She was wearing a black shirt with the words "Fire" printed in red. She was wearing some baggy fadded red cargo pants along with some black shoes streaked with red.
"Im so sorry!" The girl got off of Kai and bowed as an applogy.
"Im fine," Kai's answered.
"Oh, hey can you tell me where Mr.Dickenson could be right now?" the girl asked. Kai just shugged. He really didn't know where he was.
"Oh, Ok thanks for your help!" With that she sprinted off like as if she were running a marathon. Kai just stared at where the strange girl had run off to when he was brought back to the real world with some men shouting out stuff.
"Hey, you kid! Have you seen a girl with brown hair and gray eyes?" Kai just looked at the man and shruged. He didn't know what that girl had to do with these men, but he sure didn't want to get involved.
She kept running up the stairs untill she reached the 15th floor of the building. She heard some shouts and yells, but ingnored them. She ran down the hall to reach a room with the words Mr.Dickenson on the door. She knocked on the door and waited for a responce.
"Come in," a voice from the other side told the visitor to come in. She opend the door to see Mr.Dickenson on his chair doing paperwork on his desk. He raised his head to something that surprised him.
"Ayame!" Mr.Dickenson got up from his chair and when to hug the girl known as Ayame. Ayame graciously hugged back.
"I have some problems Mr.Dickenson," Ayame took a seat in a chair.
"What is it?" asked Mr.Dickenson.
"Well Mari wants me to go back home, but Hitoshi said I could compeat in the tournament!" Ayame replied.
"Well if Mari wants you back home you need to go back home," Mr.Dickenson picked up the phone.
"No, don't call her, I want to join the tournament," Ayame gave Mr.Dickenson a form with the sign up material.
"Hmmm, I suppose you can join the Black Storm team scince your brother is on that team, but you need to ask him," Mr.Dickenson put the paper down and signed it.
"Thank you so much Mr.Dickenson!" she hugged Mr.Dickenson and pranced away to the door where she was greeted by her friend, Mari.
OK thats all to this chapter, I gotta go to bed... seriously its like 11:24PM here and i have school tomorrow.... anyways i hope u all liked this story so far. It sounds wierd, but im positve this one will be better! also spelling mistakes i am sorry, its cause i just reformated my comp and theres no spell check on this one so please live with me! THANKS!
-Poi Poi
oh yeah plz R&R and sorry if this chapter is short for you guys!