Author's note: Uh. right. So it only took me like four months to get this out. Once more, it wasn't the actual writing part that was hard… it was the getting to the writing part. The writing only took like… half an hour. Arthepth cruelly manipulated me into writing this. That fiend has got some mad guilting skills, I swear. Yeah, that's what I have to put up with everyday. But anyways. So this chapter is just on crack. I'm sorry guys. It's just the way it came out. I blame it on the fact that we're FINALLY ON SPRING BREAK, about two weeks after most of the other people we know. Our school is retarded. But regardless of which, the fact that I know I don't have to go back to school anytime soon is doing remarkable things to my brain. Hence the crackiness of this chapter. So thus ends my tale… I do believe this is like.. the second story I started. Sigh. Brings back such great memories. Good times, good times. But do enjoy. It's been a pleasure.


Ahhh, an ADDITIONAL undefined place in Konoha… though it shall be pretty well-defined for an undefined place…

In an open field in the middle of nowhere, there is a shack. A run-down, ominous looking shack. The shack is empty, save for a lone figure sitting quietly on a cushion in the middle of the floor of the shack in the middle of an open field in the middle of nowhere. A closer look at this lone figure reveals that he is anything but ordinary. A pair of sunglasses cover his eyes, and the rest of his face is obscured by an unusually, one might even venture to say a ridiculously, high collar. A pile of hair lies atop his head. One cannot tell if this hair is curly or straight, all one knows is that by some magic property, his hair seems to defy gravity and stands up in a great poof upon his head. The boy seems to be in deep thought, with what appears to be a contemplative, meditating aura around him. This contemplative, meditating aura is soon broken, however, as a great buzzing sound suddenly fills the air. The buzzing seems to shake the lone figure out of him contemplation. He looks towards up expectantly, towards the outside of the shack.

"Ahh… they are back."

His voice is unusually deep.

Even as he speaks, hoards of little black specks come filtering in through the windows. They gather around the boy, forming a blanket on the floor in front of him and fwoosh from side to side. As if on cue, their buzzing suddenly becomes muted, as if they are waiting for the boy to speak.

"My bugs… my friends. I am glad to see that you have returned safely. I missed you dearly while you were gone."

The blanket seems to react to his words, their buzzing becoming unbearably loud for a moment. In fact, the blanket inches forward, much as a dog does when it is looking for affection from its owner. But the boy stops it with a wave of his hand.

"Now, now, don't get hasty, my friends. It is true that we have been separated for a long time. I wish to rejoice at our reunion as well. But first, be good chakra bugs and tell Shino what you have learned."

The fuzzy blanket then separates itself into sections. One by one, each section approaches the boy, who tilts his head to one side as more buzzing sounds exude. Apart from the buzzing, the only other sounds are the comments the boy makes in between.

"Yes, yes."


"Ooo. Sasuke and Sakura, eh? I knew those two would get it together."


"Hinata? N'sync? How… undignified."


"Ahh, Neji and Tenten. I so called that one. Raoufis, I do believe I win that little bet we had, no?"

One of the little black bugs detaches itself from the rest and scurries away.

"Silly Raoufis, running is futile. There's no way you can avoid me forever. You live inside me."

But the bug does not return, so he shrugs and moves on.


"Egads. Kiba and a kitten. Well. That is rather unexpected."

He shakes his head.


"Oh dear. Shikamaru and Ino in a janitor's closet, doing WHAT?"

He leans in.


"Well then. How scandalous."

The buzzing subsides. It appears as though the debriefing is over. The boy speaks once more.


He rubs his hands together in that oh-so-evil way in which people rub their hands together.

"All right, my friends. You have done well. I am proud. But our work is never done."

With that, he raises his arms up.



And away the blanket scatters.

Once again, the boy is alone in his shack. He pulls out a notebook and starts writing furiously inside.

Dear Diary,

Today, my bugs found out lots of good information for me. I've got dirt on almost every person in the village now. One of these days… one of these days, I'm going to get them all back for shunning me just because I have hundreds and thousands of little bugs that eat away at your chakra living inside of me. Tch, what's so weird about that? But I'll show them. I'll show them all. All of Konoha will rue they day they chose to cross paths with me.

At this, Shino begins to laugh his awesomely evil Shino laughter. Unfortunately for him, Hinata happened to be walking by his run-down shack in the middle of an open field in the middle of nowhere.

"Um… Shino?"

He abruptly stops.

But when he realizes who it is that is talking to him, he merely starts up with his evil Shino laughter once more as visions of Hinata dancing N'sync dances fill his head. Needless to say, Hinata is sufficiently creeped out by her teammate and scampers off. Shino is left alone once more, laughing his evil Shino laughter in his unusually deep voice.

It boomed.