Author's Note: Okay, okay, so I did say I wasn't going to start any stories before I finished two. I admit it! I'm guilty! I'm addicted to writing! -sobs- I need a twelve-step program... Anyway, I'm settling in at GBHS (the high school) now, so sorry if there is less updates. I think I'm going to wait until I finish Always Watching before I post this... Anyway, please review!

Note 2: Okay, I'm ready to post! -deep breath- I hope you guys like this... And as a warning, this isn't going to be near as structured or directed as my other stories. Oh well. You've been warned! I hope you guys like this though! Please review!

Disclaimer: I own the story, and the detailed idea. The WWE-school-plague bit me, and I succumbed. The idea is a widespread one, but I hope mine is different from the rest... Anyways, the storylines are mine as well. The wrestlers are © of the WWE, and the odd original character I put in (i.e. another student, a teacher) belong to me.

Distribution: No where... Like it? Awesome! Want it? Take it. Need permission? Nope, just a link and credit to me for writing this story.


Inside School Walls

Prologue - Homeroom

Stacy Keibler smiled to herself as she made her way to her homeroom, her eyes watching as the freshman rushed to their room, maps in front of their nose, nervous about the first day of high school. Had it only been two years since she'd been one of the freshmen rushing to classes and so worried about school that she hadn't found time to enjoy it? Stacy shook her head as she turned down another crowded hallway. Her freshman year had yet to repeat itself, and she was sure that it wouldn't. This year was going to be great! Stacy was overjoyed to see her friends again. Sure, they hung out during the summer, but now she could see them on a daily basis, as well as some of her other friends that weren't too close to her as well. Just a couple weeks ago, she had become the captain of the pom-pom squad, which was quite a feat for a junior.

Of course, there's another reason this year is gonna be so fun...Stacy thought with a grin as she spotted her boyfriend up ahead of her, heading toward the homeroom they both shared. The blonde rushed up to him, darting around the people in the crowded hallway, and jumped onto him piggy-back style, dropping a kiss on his cheek when he recovered from the instinctive shock.

"Jesus Christ, Stace, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" he breathed, looking back her, and nevertheless smiling at her.

She threw her lower lip out and pouted. "So you're not happy to see me?" she asked, sliding off his back and taking stride next to him.

He rolled his eyes, intertwining his fingers with hers. "Not really," he replied, looking up ahead. "It means that I have to stop seeing all those sexy women I've been hanging out with over the summer," he told her, and then looked at her, lopsided grin on his face. "Nah, I'm just kidding with you."

Stacy punched his arm lightly with her free hand. "You'd better be," she retorted. The mock-angry look on her face vanished as she saw one of her best friends walking down the hallway. "Lita!" she shouted out, rushing toward her friend, nearly dragging her boyfriend with her. The redhead in question turned, her face brightening when she saw who it was, giving Stacy a hug. She was about to speak when a loud shrill bell cut her off, warning the students that they had a minute to get to their classes. Lita rolled her eyes.

"I've got to go, I've got Mr. Snikes for homeroom, and he's a jerk if you're not there on time," she told Stacy, and she nodded in agreement. "I've got to tell you something, but it'll wait until later," Lita added, and left. Stacy frowned. What could the redhead possibly have to tell her? It couldn't have been breaking up with her on-again, off-again boyfriend Matt Hardy; Stacy knew that Matt had called it quits a few weeks ago, and besides, Lita hadn't looked...sad. It was hard to describe the look on the other teenager's face. A mix of happiness, tenseness, and worry jumbled together, maybe.

Stacy was still contemplating what Lita would tell her when she walked into her homeroom. Her boyfriend sat down at the nearest desk, tugging Stacy at the waist. She sat down on his lap, snuggling against him. The blonde's eyes scanned the room, seeing a few people she knew and liked, acknowledging them with a little wave. Her thoughts had returned to how great the year would be when her eyes fell on Trish Stratus. Stacy scowled suddenly, looking across the room at the busty blonde. She was sitting in the back of her seat, leaning forward to address the guy behind her, giving him a clear view of her cleavage and the rest of the room a view of her thong. Stacy gritted her teeth, receiving the familiar urge to strangle her. Between Stacy and her friends, they'd decided the cheerleader was a slut, and the biggest bitch, next only to her mentor: senior, head cheerleader Dawn Marie.

Suddenly, Trish's gaze swung over to her, her gaze cutting through Stacy Keibler and Randy Orton.

Stacy stared right back, narrowing her eyes. As the stare-down took place, Stacy was struck with the familiar thought that this year was going to be very, very interesting...

But now it was for all the wrong reasons.