
A TGS-based story

by C.S. Hayden

Disclaimer: Gargoyles is the property of Disney and Buena Vista Television. Characters from "Yama's Path" by Kimberly Towle appear by permission. All original characters and plot are the creative property of Christi Smith Hayden.

Author's Note: The next few chapters will overlap events that occurred in Tengu but will be presented from Kirin's POV. If you are interested in seeing illustrations and character studies from "Ronin" or "Tengu", please check out my Deviant Art gallery – mommyspike. VII

Ishimura, 2015

After the decision was made, Takamatsu and O-tama insisted that we postpone our departure for a few nights so that the Tengu could be represented properly. The last time that their clan had made an appearance in Ishimura, it had been as a bedraggled and war weary group of sick and injured gargoyles seeking sanctuary after the bombing at Nagasaki. Even though the current elders had only been children then, they still felt ashamed over that past encounter and nothing would do but to send us off in fine style.

Bana and Kiyo went through our wardrobes with a meticulous eye and organized the females in a frenzy of washing and mending. Takamatsu and Doryo prepared Takakura to represent the Tengu, coaching him on diplomatic overtures that they wanted him to make with Kai and any of the other clan representatives that might be there. O-tama insisted that we bring presents to give to Kai and Ariana and her parents and various other people. She would have loaded us down like pack mules if had I not put my foot down.

For my part, I packed only the things that mattered to me – my swords, my fishing net, and the journals that I have kept over the years. I rolled up my bedding and removed all traces of my presence from the schoolroom, storing what I could not carry in the strong room beneath the building. Perhaps another would take up teaching the next generation of Tengu but it would not be me.

My heart had another path for me.

Twenty-eight years had passed since Kirin had last seen the rolling green hills of Ishimura. The main compound had expanded beyond the castle and the adjoining temple, and the east tower, which had been a small structure in Kirin's day, was now doubled in size and width. Pavilions dotted the grounds and groups of gargoyles mingled freely with visiting humans. This alone astounded the Three; their eyes were as round as saucers as they circled in and landed just outside the main gate. Having changed into more appropriate attire at an ancient watchtower on the south side of the harbor, they took a moment to make themselves presentable before entering the clan compound.

"Was Ishimura always like this, sensei?" Mozu asked wonderingly. Miza had taken loving care when she had originally made Mozu's outfit for passing his adulthood trials. His black tunic compensated for his slight frame with wide padded shoulders trimmed with red cording and long sleeves in an elaborate red-and-black pattern that matched the black-tipping on the edges of his feathers.

"They've expanded a bit," Kirin commented, "but yes – humans and gargoyles have always co-existed here." He straightened out the fit of his formal kimono – black with flared shoulders and a graphic black diamond design on a slate blue band that draped over his left shoulder and came down to his knees. He pulled the tie from his hair and shook it loose. The light breeze coming in from the sea made his fine red-gold curls flicker like flames around his head. It had taken O-tama, Miza, and Bana working in shifts to get all the tangles and knots out of it -- Kirin's tortured scalp still ached with the memory of it. He'd had to keep it tightly coiled during their journey to keep from spoiling all their hard work.

"Why did you do that?" Takakura asked. He was dressed as a traditional Tengu of old, wearing a black tunic and leggings beneath a red haori embroidered with a pattern of gingko leaves. Instead of wearing a yamabushi's black-lacquered cap, his dark hair was bound up in a modified samurai's knot. "Should I do it too?"

"No, you're here representing your clan. It's important that everyone recognizes your status," Kirin answered. "I cut off my top knot when I was last in Ishimura. Ronin I left and ronin I return."

Tancho chuckled softly. "Going for high drama, eh, sensei?" Unlike his rookery brothers, he was dressed simply in a sleeveless black tunic with a red sash and matching red headscarf. His shoulders were broad enough without enhancements and his only adornments were several strands of polished prayer beads and broad black leather gauntlets.

"It certainly couldn't hurt." Kirin gave a cool lift of his brows. "Stay close and follow my lead. We may be challenged but if so, let me handle it."

His words had a bravado that hid Kirin's own nervousness. The last time that he passed beneath the ceremonial gate that marked the border of the clan compound, he'd been at one of the lowest points in his life. Ikeike and her friends had been clustered beneath it like a flock of malicious hens, tittering behind their hands. There had been talk of not allowing him to leave with his swords because they had traditionally belonged to the clan but Kai and Setsu had vocal in defending his right to carry them. The clan had reluctantly accepted Kai's decision but an ugly crowd had been there to watch his departure. The memory made him tighten his grip on the hilt of his tachi. He was wearing it openly, tied to his belt with elaborate knots. His other swords were either tucked in his sash or concealed in his clothing, a habit he'd picked up in his wandering years.

A human in a constable's uniform was standing at attention on the village side of the gate. It was tradition to have both humans and gargoyles share guard duty at the gate. Kirin didn't see his gargoyle counterpart but assumed one was nearby. As they approached, the human began to glance nervously around as if looking for someone. Finally, he spoke into the radio on his shoulder and strode out into the center of the road to meet them.

"Welcome, visitors," he called out. "I am Constable Omi. Ishimura welcomes you!"

Kirin returned the policeman's bow politely. "If you will pardon me saying so, the Constable Omi that I knew when I was last here was much older. There is a similarity -- have you somehow grown younger instead?" he asked, hoping humor would ease the awkwardness of the situation.

The young man grinned and bowed again. "Ah, you knew my grandfather Hiroshi-san! He retired some years ago but he helped me get this post. I am Omi Makoto -- I grew up in Sendai City but I visited here nearly every summer."

"Please give my regards to your honorable grandfather," Kirin replied. "He was a great help to me many years back." He bowed again, deeper this time to show more respect. "I am Weaponsmaster Kirin and I have brought a delegation from the Tengu clan."

"Allow me to call ahead and notify Taiju," Makoto said politely. "He's in charge of the security arrangements."

"Is Kai available?"

"He is in the main hall, meeting with the delegates from other clans," Makoto answered as he reached for his radio. "I am sure that he will be notified of your arrival." He turned his head and spoke into the transceiver on his shoulder. "This is the main gate. We have new visitors." He paused a moment to listen to his earpiece. "Ah, very good. I will tell them." Makoto turned back towards them. "It will just be a few moments, honored guests. Since we have so many visitors, Taiju likes to meet each party personally as they come in and register them on the guest list."

"That is most courteous of him," Kirin said, to reassure the Three as well as to make conversation. "Ishimura has always been well-known for its generous hospitality. I am glad to see this has not changed."

A medium-sized gargoyle trotted up. He was dark green with a double row of ridges running the length of his scalp in lieu of hair. Regarding them suspiciously beneath heavy brows, he snapped, "Makoto, why do they still have their weapons? You know you're to confiscate them before they can be allowed in."

"Just a moment, Anzu," Makoto said, raising his hand to his ear. "Taiju is on his way here."

"We can handle this on our own," Anzu said. He turned to the visitors and made a shallow bow. "Ishimura welcomes you but before you enter the grounds, I must insist that you leave your weapons behind."

Kirin bowed subtly to show his displeasure but he doubted that it would make much impression on Anzu. The gargoyle sentry did not seem to have his human partner's common sense. "You are welcome to try, but my swords are a mark of my status as weaponsmaster. I will, however, give you my word that they will remain sheathed for the duration of our visit."

Appalled at his partner's lack of diplomacy, Makoto hissed, "This is Kirin, the one that went ronin years ago. My grandfather told me about him – he was trained by Setsu himself. He's supposed to be better with a blade than Kusa!"

"The rules are the rules!" Anzu hissed back. When Kirin started to pass by, Anzu thrust out his arm to block him. "Please, I must insist –"

"Are my swords worth your life?" Kirin gazed at him coolly. Behind him, the Three dropped back in defensive stances. Their weapons were carefully concealed but should the need arise, they were prepared to back him up. An audience of humans and gargoyles was beginning to gather.

An orange-skinned male with long, curving horns and dark hair tied in a topknot swooped down and landed, clouds of dust rising at his feet. He was broad-chested and wore a striped garment not unlike short hakama trousers. "All right, what's going on here—" His words drifted off as he took a good look at the newcomers. "No… it can't be! Kirin? Is it you?"

"Taiju!" Kirin held out his right hand and clasped wrists with him. "It is good to see you, brother."

"And I, you!" Taiju nodded at Makoto. "Please notify Kai that his presence is needed at the gate. Tell him the one he has been expecting has arrived."

"At once, Taiju-san!" Makoto seemed relieved to have something useful to do. "Meanwhile could you possibly clear up a small matter of protocol for us? There has been some confusion about our orders."

"Yes, this one seems overly concerned about my swords." Kirin rolled his eyes slowly towards Anzu. "Perhaps you can straighten out this nonsense, neh?"

"I'm only enforcing the rules set down by the Grand Miai committee," protested Anzu stubbornly. "They were very clear about no weapons inside the compound – why should we make an exception in this case?"

"Yes, Anzu, I realize that they put in the 'no weapons' clause for the safety of the guests," Taiju said calmly, "but we must also respect a weaponsmaster's right to carry his swords." He turned back to Kirin. "You know how young warriors are when they're competing with each other for the favor of a pretty female. One cross word, a couple of hot tempers and we're mopping blood off the floor."

"I can assure you that will not happen with Master Kirin," Takakura said, drawing himself up regally. "The dead do not bleed." Tancho stifled a laugh behind them by pretending to clear his throat. Mozu busied himself with examining a flowering shrub by the gate. They knew perfectly well what Kirin's main purpose was in journeying to Ishimura.

Fortunately, the joke went over Taiju's head as he shared a commiserating look with Kirin. "Your students?" he inquired. "We had heard that you had been teaching again."

"Yes, they were running wild when I came to live with the Tengu." Kirin raised an eyebrow at Takakura who returned the look with a small smirk on his lips. "I've tamed them somewhat but they're still rough around the edges."

Taiju chuckled. "You see, Anzu? His students have come for the Grand Miai. Kirin is here as here as their chaperone."

"But the committee said – "

"Can it be?" Before anyone else could speak, a boisterous voice called out over the heads of the crowd. "Kirin-san? Brother, is that you?" A tall grey-green male gargoyle in elaborate crimson robes pushed his way through and grinned breathlessly at them. "Sakaki will be so pleased! We were hoping you would come back!"

"Kai-sama," Anzu protested weakly, realizing that his objections had put him in a precarious position. "He has been unwilling to give up his swords!"

Kirin raised one eyebrow. "I have already vowed to keep them sheathed. Is my word worth nothing?"

"It is all right, Anzu – I will vouch for him." Clapping his gargoyle sentry on the shoulder, Kai stepped past him towards the new arrivals. "Kirin has always kept his word with me and I with him."

"Kai-sama," Kirin said formally, bending in a deep bow. "As weapons master and sensei of the Tengu, I humbly ask that my students and I be allowed to participate in your Grand Miai." The Three followed his cue and bowed as well.

"Be welcome, Kirin-san," Kai replied in the same formal tones as he returned the bow. "It has been too long since our two clans have met. How did you hear of our gathering of young warriors?"

"A visitor came to our village not long ago," Kirin said, lifting his head. "She was bold enough to shake our elders from their distrust of the outside world." He scanned the crowd with growing anxiety. "I do not see her – did Lady Ariana arrive safely? We did not pass her on our way."

"Do not worry," Kai answered beneficently. "She arrived safe and well. Lady Sata has Ariana performing the tea ceremony tonight. She spoke highly of the warm welcome that she had among the Tengu and it is only proper that we return your hospitality. You and your students are free to enjoy the Grand Miai." He came forward and embraced Kirin heartily, thumping his back. "Welcome home, brother! It is so good to see you after all these years!"

"And you as well, Kai-sama," Kirin replied, once he could breathe again. "I took the liberty of leaving our things at the watchtower on the south shore. My students are unaccustomed to crowds. I thought to acclimatize them gradually."

"Feel free to stay at the watchtower for as long as you like, brother," Kai answered. "No one is occupying it at present." He looked Kirin over carefully. "You look well – the years have been kind to you. Your hair is lighter now but otherwise you look as if you have hardly aged at all!"

"The Tengu have taken good care of me since I have been in their service."

Kai laughed and clasped Kirin's shoulder. "We were astounded to hear you were teaching again. I guess you couldn't keep away, could you?"

"Once a teacher, always a teacher." Kirin turned to his students. "May I present Takakura, son of Takamatsu, hereditary leader of the Tengu, and his rookery brothers, Tancho and Mozu. There had been talk of letting them journey to Ishimura for some time. Lady Ariana arrived at a very auspicious moment."

"Ah! He who was leader before me spoke of meeting Takamatsu," Kai said as he greeted Takakura with the formal wrist grasp between equals. "I was hoping to re-new ties with the Tengu during my tenure."

"As does Takamatsu as well," Takakura answered smoothly. "My father has authorized me to speak for him in such matters," he glanced at Kirin, "with Master Kirin's counsel, of course." It was cleverly done – admitting both his youth and his willingness to be advised by an older gargoyle would help Takakura make the right impression.

"As it so happens, many of the clans sent along older gargoyles to be their representatives here. We will be having a council of leaders later in the week – you would be welcome to join us. But for now be welcome, young warriors, and enjoy yourselves," Kai said as he searched the crowd and caught the attention of a young gargoyle who hurried over at his gesture. "This is Toshi, journeyman healer," he told them by way of introduction. "I know that the younger crowd has an informal gathering planned for this evening. Toshi, will you escort our young Tengu guests and help them get acquainted?"

"Of course, Kai-sama," Toshi answered pleasantly. He was a teal-colored male of average height with a unique three-pointed crest on his forehead. His glossy blue-black hair was bound with a tooled metal clip at the base of his neck. "This will even things up nicely." He winked at his Tengu peers. "More girls showed up than expected."

"Excellent!" Takakura cast a cautious look at Kirin. "Sensei?"

Kirin nodded. "Go on," he said wryly, "and mind your manners." He chuckled as his students eagerly followed Toshi into the compound. "They are in for a shock. Not all females are like Ari-chan."

"Very well put, brother! We were all stunned to learn that she had gone off in search of the Tengu and even more amazed when she found them." He ushered Kirin out into the main courtyard. "To tell the truth, her parents have been worried about her since she returned here."


"Yes, Sata tells me that Ariana has been withdrawn and moody. Her adventures were the talk of the younger crowd but she doesn't seem very enthused about all the attention. You would think that she would be enjoying it." Kai raised a brow ridge. "Tell me, Kirin – did anything happen to her while she was with the Tengu? Something that perhaps she might not want to tell her family?"

Kirin bristled at the implications but kept his voice calm. "The Three were, of course, very interested in her," he replied smoothly, "but we were careful to chaperone her at all times. The clan healer, O-tama, kept an eye on her when she was in camp but I was with her when we flew patrols. When Takamatsu realized that she was Lady Sata's daughter, it was imperative to us to keep Ariana safe. I put her on the train myself when she left us." He frowned at the bittersweet memory. "I was not pleased about it but she insisted on making her own way back."

"I see." Kai frowned. "Perhaps she had trouble on the return trip then, while she was traveling alone."

"I should like to see her," Kirin said. "We only made the decision to come after she had already left. The surprise might cheer her up." He laughed ruefully. "Besides, she left several items behind that are taking up space in my pack."

"I was going to suggest having dinner with Sakaki but since she is busy with the hatchlings, visiting Ariana might be a good way to pass the time." Kai nodded his head towards a couple ahead of them that were entering the gardens. "There is Sata and Brooklyn – perhaps they would like to join us for tea?"

"Yes, I would enjoy that very much," Kirin replied. "Ariana spoke of them often." He turned his face into a polite mask to hide his own internal panic; he had not anticipated meeting Ariana's parents prior to making his intentions known to Ariana herself.

Having seen drawings of the legendary Ancestress of Ishimura before, Kirin knew what to expect but meeting her in person left him stunned; Sata was a work of art from her flawless jade skin to her glossy dark hair. Dressed elegantly in a burgundy kimono with burnished gold chrysanthemums blooming all around the hem, Sata had passed on much of her beauty and poise to her daughter. The simple way that Sata held herself – calmly with quiet dignity while still maintaining a keen awareness of her surroundings – reminded Kirin so much of Ariana that it made his heart ache.

Her mate, Brooklyn, was dressed in a dark kimono-style tunic that seemed out of place on him. Where Ariana's beaked features were smooth and curvaceous, Brooklyn's were rough-hewn and weathered but there was no mistaking the strong resemblance between father and daughter. He was keeping a wary eye on them as they approached.

"My long-lost clansman has returned home!" Kai called out. "Do you suppose there is a room free at the tea house to properly welcome him back?"

"It is entirely possible, Kai-san," the green female replied. "Ariana and Midori are working the rooms in shifts with some of the younger girls to help them." She smiled and bowed in greeting. "We have also recently returned to Ishimura. I am Sata and this is my mate, Brooklyn."

"Honored Ancestress!" Kirin bowed deeply and respectfully. "I am unworthy to be in your presence."

"Please," Sata said with a graceful wave of her hand, "I've had my fill of kami worship."

Behind her, Brooklyn rolled his eyes dramatically.

Sata raised one brow ridge. "I saw that."

"What?" Brooklyn radiated innocence so blatantly that Kirin knew in an instant where Ariana got her dramatic tendencies from. "I didn't say a word."

"You didn't need to." Her eyes were narrowed but a laugh was dancing about the corners of her mouth. Brooklyn merely smiled and nuzzled her cheek.

"Are they always like this?" Kirin asked the Ishimuran leader.

Kai laughed. "Yes, I'm afraid that Sata and Brooklyn bicker like any other mated couple. Realizing one's revered ancestor is normal takes some getting used to."

Brooklyn started laughing and between one breath and the next, they were all laughing at Kai's joke, even Sata who hid her amusement in a lady-like fashion behind her draped sleeve. They continued on into the gardens, occasionally running into people Kirin recognized like Master Kado, who was making his rounds with an orange-skinned beaked gargoyle that Kirin assumed was his assistant. He made a mental note to visit the Ishimura healer later but his thoughts were all focused on Ariana.

Every waking moment on the long journey to Ishimura, Kirin had kept trying to think of just the right way to tell Ariana how he felt about her. If she were any other female, he would have flattered her with pretty words until he achieved his goal; however, something Ariana had said kept coming back to him. She had commented that if Rochester had respected Jane, he would have been honest with her from the beginning. Even though Ariana was young, he had no doubts that she'd see right through him if he tried to fool her. The truth was that Kirin was tired of holding back his feelings as bushido demanded; he longed for the freedom that her love offered.

"Here we are." Kai's voice woke Kirin from his dark thoughts. "I'll just go up and see if a room is available, shall I?"

Numbly, Kirin followed Brooklyn and Sata up the teahouse steps.

A robed figure appeared in the doorway, backlit by the warm, inviting glow of the room beyond. For a moment, Kirin didn't realize who she was until she straightened up from bowing and turned to reveal a familiar beaked profile. His mouth went dry and the conversation around him seemed dim and faraway. Kai went up to speak to Ariana and unwittingly hid Kirin from view as he followed the others up the steps to the tea house.

Sata's voice cut through the fog in his head. "Please enter, noble guest; this chaji is in your honor."

Heart pounding in his ears, Kirin crossed the threshold. Ariana had been beautiful before but elegantly coiffed and ladylike in a traditional kimono, she was breathtaking. Her robes were a midnight blue decorated with an ocean scene from a classic Japanese block print. Subtle color shimmered around her eyes and long silky tassels framed her face instead of her familiar boyish braids. Ariana trembled slightly as she stood there, her eyes wide with shock and wonder as she stared back at him. He longed to reach out and comfort her. Instead, he summoned all his self-discipline and bowed from a safe distance.

"Lady Ariana," he said, careful not to show undue emotion, "It is good to see you again. How very lovely you look tonight."

"You are very kind, Kirin-san," Ariana answered, "but it's just some old thing that I threw on." She recovered from the surprise of seeing him again with a tart comment. "I see someone finally took a comb to that rat's nest of yours."

Kirin rolled his eyes up to the wispy locks that were floating over his brow ridges. "Yes," he drawled out testily, "and it was very painful." He paused and looked into her eyes; they were as bright and shining as they had been at the hot springs. "Does this please you?" He lifted his eyebrows minutely and hoped that she'd pick up on the question behind the question – Are you glad to see me?

The warm glow in her eyes answered him before her words did. "Yes," Ariana replied coyly, "it does." She gave him a ghost of a smile before ushering them inside like a demure and proper tea hostess.

His first impulse would have been to take her into his arms but the presence of Kai and her parents prevented him from doing anything rash. Brooklyn and Sata were interested in hearing about the Tengu village and Ariana's adventures there. Kirin tried to focus on the conversation but he couldn't help watching Ariana out of the corner of his eye. More than once he caught her smiling for no apparent reason. Her fingers lingered over his as she presented him with the matcha in the ceremonial tea bowl. For a moment as Kirin sipped the thick bitter tea, it was as if she was performing the chaji just for him.

Another young female entered with a tray of sweets to mark the end of the matcha course and assisted Ariana in the preparation of the usa cha or thin tea. She reminded Kirin uncomfortably of his former mate; there was a close resemblance in the curve of her pronged horns and the shape of her face. Kirin recalled that Ikeike had been the first of her parents' progeny and no doubt this was simply a younger sibling.

Kai noticed his discomfort. "Kirin-san," he said as he gestured to the newcomer, "this is Midori, who is also serving in the tea house for the evening." He smiled indulgently at her. "Her regular duty is as a miko in the temple."

"Then perhaps I will see her there," Kirin replied. "I must make my respects to my ancestors while I am here."

"You see," Kai explained, "my brother has a fondness for temples. When he was wandering, he turned up in some photos of a temple in Kyoto. It was the only way that we knew that he was still alive." The Ishimuran leader gave Kirin a playfully stern look. "It wouldn't have killed you to pick up a phone now and then."

"I was occupied with religion then," Kirin said dismissively. He turned back to Sata and Brooklyn. "I began by visiting famous places that I'd only read about and one place led another and then another. Do you not find that once you start traveling, it only makes you want to see what else is beyond the horizon?"

Brooklyn laughed. "When I first started time-dancing, I thought it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me but then," he glanced fondly at Sata, "it turned into the best thing. I wouldn't change a minute of it."

"As would I," Sata agreed. "However, it would seem to have been a bad influence on our children." Ariana shot her mother a baleful look but as she was in the process of pouring, she said nothing.

"Not so," Kai said diplomatically, "if your daughter had not traveled to Osaka, then I would not be welcoming my wayward brother back home tonight!" He raised his tea bowl. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Ari-chan! I will always be in your debt."

The remainder of the tea ceremony passed quickly with pleasant conversation and all too soon, it was over. Ariana ushered them to the door and waited patiently as they went down the garden path. Her role of tea hostess didn't allow her to leave with them and Kirin could sense a certain tension in her smile as she watched them leave.

"If you will excuse us," Sata said with a polite bow as they came out of the gardens, "I have promised to meet with Red Wind and some of females from the Chinese clan." She glanced at Brooklyn indulgently. "And my mate is dying to get out of his formal wear before he explodes."

"Hey, I may be a world traveler but I'm still a loincloth-wearing barbarian at heart." Brooklyn shrugged as he took Sata's arm. "See you guys around."

"Yes, come by the main hall later and we'll share some sake!" Kai said as he waved them off. "You will come too, eh, Kirin-san? It has been a long time since we shared a wine barrel together."

"Actually," Kirin said, choosing his words carefully, "I think I'd like to go back and talk to Ariana for a moment, while I'm thinking of it and I know where she is. O-tama will skin me if I don't hand over her things in a timely manner."


"The Tengu healer – she's a lot like Miya." Kirin gave a snorting laugh. "She's a little thing with a withered wing but I don't want to be on her bad side. She's got a grip like a steel vise."

Kai gave him an odd look. "Surely this errand could wait until another night? I thought we could go surprise Sakaki – she is teaching this evening."

"If you bring me into the rookery where Sakaki has no doubt had her tunic smeared with sticky handprints and her wits frazzled with endless questions, she might be surprised but she would never let you hear the end of it!"

"Hmm…." Kai considered this. "You may have a point there. Sakaki would be much happier if she has a chance to freshen up a bit before she sees you."

"Let me speak to Ariana for a moment and," Kirin nodded towards a brightly lit pavilion where many younger gargoyles were congregating, "perhaps check on the Three and then I will be free for the rest of the evening."

"Done." Kai grinned and grasped wrists with Kirin again. "It is so good to have you home!"

By the time Kirin re-traced his steps to the teahouse, he felt hot and overdressed in his formal robes. Pulling nervously at the neck of his kimono, Kirin waited below in the gardens where he could keep an eye on the teahouse. The other hostess appeared briefly at the window and turned away to speak to someone in the room. He was both impatient and reluctant to be alone with Ariana; he had no idea what he was going to say to her or how she might react.

"Get a hold of yourself, fool!" Kirin muttered to himself. "The way you're carrying on, you'd think you were a hatchling fresh out of the rookery!"

The faint sound of talons on wood announced her arrival. Ariana was stepping daintily down the tea house steps, carefully lifting the hem of her embroidered skirt. Anxiously, he strode down the path to meet her.

We met beneath an ornamental maple tree, both of us unable to speak – all I could do was to stare at her breathlessly, drinking her in. Her long sweeping sleeves quivered in the evening breeze. Ariana broke the silence with some flippant comment but I barely heard her. I had been aching to kiss her ever since the moment I saw her and the tilt of her head was angled so perfectly that I couldn't stop myself. Her lips tasted of tea and honey cakes and her heart beat like a dove's wings against my chest.

As our kiss deepened, the difference in our ages drifted away like the last rays of the setting sun. There would be consequences but for now, they were faraway and insignificant as Ariana melted into my arms. What she lacked in experience, she more than made up for with a passion that answered all my unspoken questions. She had missed me, missed me as profoundly as I had missed her and only love could cause such exquisite pain. The hole in my heart was filled with hope and I wanted stay in her embrace forever.

It was the perfect moment that one often dreams of but never obtains.

The End.

Worried? Wondering what happens next?

Kirin and Ariana's story continues in "Koiji."