Title: Number 7
Author: MTS

Challengefic for Vitani

Fandom: Spider-Man
Pairing: Peter/MJ
Line: "Um, it's not supposed to do that. At least, I didn't think so..."
Disclaimer: Columbia and Marvel own it. I only own a tiny sliver of Marvel. So I really don't own it.
Spoilers: Spidey 2

"May I...?" She looked impish, curious, her mouth twisted up in a grin that made it hard for him to concentrate on what he was saying.

"I was beginning to think it was depression, or that I honestly wasn't eating much of anything ... or..." He watched as her feather soft fingers grazed across the small reddish bump on his wrist and before he knew it, his hand clenched and a web shot out, hitting the wall next to them.

Mary Jane watched the web cling to the wall briefly and then fall to the floor. She looked back at him, an unreadable look in her eyes.

"Um, it's not supposed to do that. At least I didn't think so..."

The girl started to tremble, her face began to twitch and suddenly she was laughing, laughing, laughing, she dropped his hand and fell with her face down on the bed, muffling her laughter into the bed spread.

Peter glared at the woman he loved, worshiped and wanted to tackle. But he remained still.

She peeked at him, giggling, and then looked at him a bit expectantly. He remained still. She frowned and sat back up to face him. "So your, uh, web impotence probably had something to do with me?"

He said nothing.

She looked at him with new eyes. "How old are you, Pete?"

A bit confused, he replied. "Same as you. 20."

"Oh" was all she said, her eyes still searching him, watching his body language, his awkwardness and confusion.

He suddenly felt defensive as he realized what she was realizing. "Well...I" was all he could sputter, trying to think of some way to defend his...well... manhood to this mocking woman.

Then his spider sense went crazy. He tensed just a second too late as MJ pounced.

Out of habit, he struggled as she knocked him down onto the floor and grabbed her arms, flipped over and pinned her to the floor. She looked up at him, impressed and breathless.

"That's more like it."

This kiss (number 7, yes, he was counting) made him lose all sense of time and space, duty and memory. All there was in the world was Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

Later in his life, if he could return to any of the early kisses in his life with MJ, it would be that one. For kiss #7 solidified his resolve that Mary Jane was going to be a constant in his life forever. His touchstone. His oracle. His heart.

Not to mention that rolling around on his floor kissing MJ was really...rather...fucking hot.
