Blue Kitsune: This has taken me quite a while to write this chapter and know it's a bit long but I've been putting a lot of thought to it and hope you guys like. Read and review!

Chapter Eleven: On The Road Again & More Keep Popping Up In The Strangest Of All Places

When Legato said always expect the unexpected but what he really meant was 'prepare to get your face blown off with a gun in front of you and start saying your prayers', she hoped that it would never have to come across that kind of ordeal.

Or be given a five-minute head start before she even goes to that part where they decided on shooting her brains out to the other side of the room and leave the cleaning lady to clean up the mess.

She knew things weren't always what they are, having dealt with many in her life about people, especially in Legato's case which he had proven his unaware she had been heard on his plans and realizing the moral dangers she was putting herself staying with a crazy killer with every intention of murdering her!

Well not today and not likely gonna happen, no sir, not while she stays one-step ahead of the game! Hah take that! Let see how Legato would try and get his mitts on her now!

She had first gather all her belongings and messily shove them in her bags, not sure if he would come back and find what she was doing and made to exit through the window and down the fire escape.

The weight of all the baggage was hard to keep hold without losing her grip on the railing and landing in the alley and waited before she saw the coast was clear and went to blend in and thought was safe until further notice. She did feel a tad guilty for not being able to go pay and left a stack of bills on the table, hoping would be enough but last thing she would need was for Legato to know she was gone and found out what she was doing.

Well then again it was kinda obvious and if he did find her things and herself missing, it wouldn't need to take a rocket scientist to put it all together and figure what she was doing. The obvious solution should have gone to the sheriff's office and tell him…

Tell him what, that you overheard Legato and yet don't have any concrete proof and even if that was possible, he might deny it and you can easily figure the rest that he'll find a way to get you in a darken alley and kill you without thinking twice of having the sheriff on his tail until he was long gone.

So what was she suppose to do, one was crossed off and it wasn't like Legato would go and track her down and kill her as any reasonable derange killer would probably done?

Well maybe, she didn't know how the mind of a killer work, she knew maybe one or two psychopaths, her friends having once been possessed by millennium items containing spirits of thousands of years old who had big issues before.

She wasn't sure but would take no chances to risk finding out. She didn't want to end up being killed while he laughs maniacally over her corpse or maybe the other way around and something much worse than what she could possibly imagine. God, the very idea and tried not to think too much on them.

She shook her head and thought the best idea would be putting much distance between them and saying sayonara to him and this town by the time he realizes she had been long gone. All this thinking was giving her a headache and massage her temple with one hand. She went back to her earlier thoughts and growled in frustration.

"How could I've been so stupid!" She kicked the pole and muttered, "It's not like I was expecting him to say 'Hey thanks but guess what, I'm going to kill you, hopefully no hard feelings.' Oh yeah there's nothing better than getting killed by your everyday maniac. That's rich! After everything I've done to help his sorry ass this is what I get as payment for my kindness! Ugh!"

She wished that Legato was standing in front of her right now and give him a piece of her mind.

I have so many things to say to that bastard that I don't even know where to start, augh! Probably for starters by calling him a prick, a good-for-nothing, bastard! Jerk! Asshole!

She started to run out of names and then started to curse in Japanese that would have made her friends taken aback by her attitude and a few people steering clear as she was stormed off and not wanting to get in the way of this fiery brunette's wrath.

Once she finished and was able to take it slow and think over the obvious of how she should have been obvious to this man's intention the whole time. All the signs were in front of her and was too blind by her own gracious conscious to see, trying to save a poor soul who was near death's door and this is where it end her up with.

The way he stared with those piercing cold calculating eyes and that smirk filled with promise of 'I'll kill you sooner or later but can't decided on when to set the time'.

She had to come up with something fast and get out of this damn pickle! She stopped and maybe she was overreacting, the sun might have fried her brain and mistake her judgment but no she wasn't going to let that deceive her.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! As the saying goes and didn't need to be told not to listen to what was trying to tell her or ignore the face that getting away was first priority to her.

She also had another problem to worry about now that she had to get as far from here without Legato coming after her and in which involved money. She didn't have any of the local currency of these so-called Double dollars and assumed she was to either walk to god knows where without any sense of direction or find some other way of transportation.

There was no chance she would survive going across that death trap and probably wouldn't be any civilization for miles around.

Well this just keeps getting better and better. It's either I go and be cook to a crisp at the blazing brink of dawn and call it Tea jerky for the vultures or wait for Legato to come finish me off.

Vultures or Legato? Maniac killer or flesh eating flying parasites in the sky? I think I rather take my chances with the vultures.

Seeing how she would be crossing the desert once again, she tried to figure the best way to but no such thing came to mind. "There has got to be another way to get through. But how…" She place her chin under her hand and thinking what to do calling this option 'A' on her 'How to find suitable transportation'.

A simple solution to this problem would be helpful and most appreciated by now, even her husband would have come up with one without much trouble with hands down: just take resourceful action, grab what he needed and then pay for the consequences later or be damned for it.

Seto, how her husband had faced dangers and many adversaries, not afraid of any risk with little consideration of his forceful actions other than for his brother's safety and perhaps hers and her friends when it came to the foes that were in their paths and had to work together.

She sighed and smiled slightly. She missed them, all of them and wished they were here but now was not the time to brood into old memories. It was time to think and act!

She checked her watch, grateful still work even with all the brutal damage it must've took and look towards the darken sky. The suns had set not too long ago and saw few people heading for the bars, laughing and talking, some on their way home from work or such.

There weren't many staying out at this early hour and wonder if it might have to do with something like those people with guns she saw before in that one bar. She was no use to gang going out and scaring the locals and showing off their firearms, but she knew that most would rather live another day than be foolhardy and do something stupid to try and play hero.

Unless they have a good aim and knew what they were doing, also a lucky streak wouldn't be minded for the most part like a cat with nine lives.

She walked by the saloons and saw tied to the post a couple of the strange creatures that looked like a mixed of a half-horse and some other beast she had no clue what, with two powerful strong legs and large white skull-like faces. She had seen a few when she got into town and guessing these must be what passes themselves as horses and that's when it hit her.

Perhaps if she 'borrowed' one and looking around to see if anyone was watching and seeing no one staring at her peculiarly or suspicious as she moved closer to them. Now was her only chance and slung her things onto the saddle and untied the straps and mounted its back. It was difficult trying to find the right position, so much different than a horse's saddle but after settling in and giving a good hard kick to grab the beast's attention.

"Giddy up!" The beast grunt and started moving and she was in for a surprise seeing that it moved much faster than she expected and going at break neck speed and almost fell off if she hadn't hold on.

They got out of there in less than five minutes, a cloud of dust falling behind them and only look back to see if anyone was coming after her and saw nobody which made her thank her lucky stars for this fortunate blessing. Score, she was actually making it! She could see the town getting smaller and smaller as they kept going and when she saw the last bit disappearing, relax and smiled thinking there was no way Legato was going to get her now.

Au revoir jackass, auf Wiedersehen you no good prick! Hope to see you again, not! Thought you were going to get me, well you were dead wrong asshole and looks like I bested you!

With a satisfied smirk, she turn and look ahead of herself to the desert that was around her. She wore a long cloak to stay warm as she shivered but that wasn't due from the cold.

This was it, she was safe now and there was no need to worry of Legato coming after her as she removed one of the many canteens she had and taking a long swing to kill her parched throat, having not realized how thirsty she had been.

After she finished and put it away, she rummaged around in her sack and pulling out a map she was fortune when asking around that afternoon. Knowing this would provide useful on her journey as she figured the best routes to take and what some of the towns were and pat herself mentally on the back for finding one.

She looked it over under the faint light of the moon over her head. Judging from the distance and current speed she was going at if by possible would be able to make to a town, if there was one before daybreak sometime tomorrow.

If not, then who knew how long until she got to one. Provisions she had to be careful with it, knowing that could be days and taken into careful consideration to preserve her supplies as much as possible. She would need all the food and water she had with her to stay alive.

She would need to find some kind of job or make a few trades and barter with the things she had if she was going to be staying in this strange world as her new home. She probably could have gotten it here but didn't have much time as she had to make a run for it from him.

Ugh! How stupid to think I was actually that close to trusting that no good—MHMP! He makes me so mad that Legato! It was hard to keep her thoughts from him as she grip the reins tighter, her knuckles turning white and feeling her nails bite into the leather.

"You know I don't fucking care as long as that son of a bitch doesn't ever cross my path! You heard that Legato, I can make it on my own without your help you jackass." She huffed, still a bit angry and somewhat feeling slightly betrayed with what she overheard but if she stayed who knows what he might have done. She shook her head, wondering where in hell's name did that come from. "The farther away from him, the better it will be to clear my mind."

All thoughts of him could go straight to hell for all she cares! If she did for one moment, it would be dust in the wind. She would never, ever think of that jerk again or so help her have lightning strike where she was!

She turn her gaze at the endless erosion of sand and cliffs, nothing for miles and seeing as she was going to be on her own for the journey.

Nobody ever said roughing it was easy, then again she had been through many adventures with her friends but now was alone and did scared her. She felt like she knew would only be the beginning and could hear the ghostly whisper of her friend, telling her not to let fear have a grip on her and encouraging her to keep trying. When life gets you down always look to the bright side of things.

This was to be her own adventure and wasn't planning to let any of their memories down.

"I just hope I know what I'm doing…" That was all she could think about as she made her way across the vast open desert.

Legato was in the bar having a snack and nobody going near the blue-hair mind controller, not after getting the feeling they should not go anywhere near him or his killer aura. Once he finished he would just leave, his destination uncertain, but anywhere was fine as long as he got out of this godforsaken town.

Hell even if he had to go into the very desert would be better compare to hanging around with these mortals that were his company.

Somewhere outside, he heard a commotion but had little concern over it as he headed outside to where he saw the bus station, their next destination posted on the stand for all those to see which went to what town and at what time.

June city and the next bus heading there would be in ten minutes. It would have to do until he figured his next move. He had left nothing in the room back at the inn and didn't plan to ever go back there.

He got on and after a little mind bending, made the driver think he paid for his ride and taking a seat in the far back and by the window to stare outside while others got on.

His thoughts about the girl and what she would do when she realized he was gone by then but crossed it off his mind.

Why should he show concern for her being? He couldn't care less for any especially for her sake and he didn't have any money with him, he never really need to. All he could do was bend them to his will and have them not remembering a thing or threaten to destroy which he did later on anyways. He never had any issues over ridding the world of another bunch of disgusting vermin and felt no guilt over his acts.

She was like the rest of them, no different and should have been killed the night before.

He blamed on his lack of energy for his body still needing time to recuperate and could rest inside the bus and head out into the vast desert towards the town, which would take a few hours and many a few other buses to get to his destination.

The best thing to do was wait and until that happens he would have to formulate what he was planning for his next move.

Should he return to his former master, no he doubt he would be merciful to him to see him still alive and probably punish him for living and not causing the ultimate suffering as he should have done.

But it's not my fault! He thought sounding petty and like a whiny child who didn't get his way and feeling to put all his troubles on someone and pin it all on that inferno woman.

Damn her, damn that bitch to the eternal fires of hell. If I ever see her face again, I swear I'll kill her with my own bare hands!

He hoped that if that does that he wouldn't have the same occurrence like last time disrupt him and decided to push it aside and let himself sleep during the ride. He watch particles of sands scatter across the land with the other passengers that were on the bus themselves and rode pass the many dunes.

His eyes grew heavy and was falling into the black abyss sleep conjured for him. For now darkness was his only ally and was thankful to let it take over for the time being until he recovered. Any other previous thoughts were in the back of his mind for now at least.

Tea not sure where she was going but hoping with another bound of unexpected luck she find another town soon because she could feel her eyes drooping and not wanting to fall off from the creature as they rode onward.

Every few minutes her eyelids close by themselves without cause and then she was wide-awake when she felt the animal move. She held on to the reins tighter and then came up with the solution to tie them around both wrists and took a brief nap and when she was awake would easily unknot them though took a while to get it loose and have her hands free but at least having catch some sleep on the meantime.

Best to get accustomed now and do what she can in the light of her predicament. She rubbed her eyes and saw the sky becoming light realizing dawn was approaching.

She found that with trying to keep a clear head and thinking the situation over when seeing nothing but pillars and canyons and dunes and seeing her chances of finding a town were slim.

She pull out the map and trying to figure which direction they were going and see if there were any possible shortcuts to make them hurry after spending three hours riding this creature and already getting saddle sore. She cursed herself for not grabbing a compass along the way. It would have provided useful especially with no idea whether she was heading North or South, or East or West on this damn map.

She saw the clouds blocking the sun, which she was thankful cause the heat was starting to get to her. She wiped her brow and taking one more glance at the map and seeing how far they must've gone and not long before she saw what appeared to be a gate a fine distances away.

"Well looks like it's about damn time." She drove the beast in through and should have sense something was off with the sky suddenly rumbling and dark shadows coming over the whole place.

"Boy this place is empty as a graveyard…" Tea saw that nobody was in this town like the one before and felt a strange vibrate feeling coming over her. It was just like that previous town when she first arrived on this planet, no sign of people or life. Left a cold chill that made her want to turn and go the other direction and get as far as possible.

She shook her head, she had gotten this far and there was no time for turning back. She lead the beast to a nearby post and jumping down and went to tie it securely before making her way to check it out, knowing would only find nothing like the last one but needed to make sure.

"Hello anyone here?" She heard nothing and saw not a single disturbance that relates that anyone was around this part. She pulled off her things and set to go have a look.

She looked inside the bars and found half empty glasses sitting on counters, the stores with food but rats munching on the bags of few, house which should have been with people were empty. This was like the last ghost town all right.

"Somehow, people are like disappearing off the face of the world left and right with no indicating of what's happening?" This was ridiculous, she shouldn't be thinking of those sci-fi movies where people were unexpectedly abducted for no reason. Then again how else did she wind up here?

She stood in the town square and then caught something written in red on the stone pillar that reminded her too well of a large tombstone and went to see what it said. Trying to read in the faint light and could make out the word when lightning shot through the sky but not sure what it meant by.


That word was coated with not red paint as she first thought but actually blood. It made hers run cold and send chills down her spine.

Ok something definitely creepy was going on and heard a loud boom and almost jump, her heart hammering inside her chest but realized was only the thunder. She had made it pass where she had been a few minutes ago and feeling a light drizzle coming on as it came pouring down.

She thought best to go take shelter inside the nearest building, which happened to been what could have pass itself as a church as she went through the large doors and moved inside the dark room. There was little she could make out from where she stood and found a candle sitting by the side and picked it up and used a match to light it.

It was isolated and just like everything else without a single soul in sight, the empty pews and the large cross with the lord and son of god up front on the alter.

"Well I may not be a believer but I guess I might spend one day in here until the rain lets up." She moved to put her stuff on one of the seats and feeling exhaust went to lie down and stretch her whole body against it.

She was so tired and listening to the rain outside made her sleepy. A few hours and then she would be good to go if the weather decided to change. She yawned and moving into a more comfortable position, her arms behind her head and closed her eyes.

She had been asleep for how long, she wasn't sure, maybe a few minutes to say the least when she heard a sound that was brought to her immediate attention and her eyes flew open.

What was that? She laid still, not sure of what that was and waited to see if she could hear it again. She thought it sounded like a moan.

Someone in pain but not sure whether it was her mind playing tricks or what as this town was making the creep factor go up with everything from finding no people and a word written in blood. It's doesn't seem to be like a ghost's, can't be, there's no such things as ghost. Spirit possessing items yes, but not ghosts.

At least she hoped…

Please just let it be her imagination running wild with her or at least a bad dream and wake up from this nightmare. She listen, her body tense and as stiff as the board as she lean her back against it and try to reframe from moving less she miss what she thought to have heard. There, there it was again, this time a little less loud than before and even with the rain could tell that there was something here.

She should go and check it out. Despite reasons that should have warning bells ringing off in her head, she carefully pulled herself down to the floor, putting her feet first and shifting slowly without making any loud noises should this person probably think her of harm and until she knew who it was, better to play safe than sorry. After all look what it got her with the last one.

As her body fell to the ground with a light 'thud', she froze, waiting if they would sense her presence but when nothing but the rain hitting the roof soundproof it and made her relax her muscles.

She was on all fours, her belly flat on the ground and looking under to see if there was anyone on the other side. No one as far she could see in the darkness or on the other side for the matter. She crawled slowly like a slithering lizards and once she reached the end, crouched up and then moved to stand up, still being wary and keeping herself from sight as she peer behind the pew and her eyes moving around.

I have a bad feeling about this. She edge from her hiding spot and moving towards the front and kept going. Feeling like a bucket of ice water had been pour over her and shivering uncontrollably, whether because she was still soak or that it wasn't making it any better as she may not be so alone in here.

Just got to check it out and see if maybe there's someone else here, that it. She walked to the front where the alter with the cross and of the lord Christ, looking around and wondering where the noise could have been coming from.

"Hello is someone there? If you can hear me, call out to me." She try to not let fear waver her voice and the groaning got louder, a good sign as she could have sworn it was coming from somewhere close by, possibly in the next room she hadn't seen that was hidden behind the alter itself.

She was not sure if it was a good idea to go without some kind of weapon to protect herself with and found a pole lying to the side and carrying with her like a club in both hands.

As her eyes move around and to the ground and saw what appeared to be a small pattern of red spots then becoming a trail leading further down and only guessing what it was. Finally when she reach the end of the line she found a man lying to the side severely injured judging from those bloodstain holes in him and on top.

Tea in her momentarily shock state, dropped the pole and heard it clatter and rolled away as she took in the sight and suppress the urge to groan. Oh no not another one!

This was terrific, just what she needed, she helps one injured person and leaves him to fend for his own and now God has given her another once on her first arrival to this place.

Great, why me, why am I the lucky person to be doing this. This isn't really my day, hasn't it? For no reason I've been chosen to do all the dirty work when I find shot victims and aid them.

Aw well at least I haven't been shot that should count my blessing but right now I think he needs my help whether I'm not sure he'll be like the other one but...

She sigh, knowing her conscious would be telling her would be the right thing to do and not wanting to have another tiring episode like the last time decide to go for it.

"Ok I guess nurse Tea on the call again in the line of duty." She move to his side and manage to lift him up and on her back, "Hang on, I need to get you out of here first." She didn't know why she was telling him this as he was unconscious when she had hold of him and grunting the whole time as she took him back to the alter where her things were.

She tries to not collapse under the extra weight and with his feet dragging across the floor didn't help either for her. She was going to have to start working out to get some muscles if she was going to be doing this for a living in some way.

Unlike the last one which she dared not named, she found that this guy was at least breathing as she felt his warm breath touch her face and when she laid him down and removed his jacket and shirt and saw the rise and fall of his chest, taking very shallow breaths and knowing she had not much time if she didn't hurry and give first aid.

One of two bullets was still lodge in while the other had made a clean escape, leaving a gaping hole the size of a nickel above his left shoulder, far from his heart. Whoever shot him, didn't have very good aim and thankful for that as they must've thought him for dead. He lost what appeared to be a lot of blood and would take a while for him to recover with plenty of rest and some liquids to replenish him.

But first things first and pulling out the kit once again and glad to still have some of the necessaries and were at least clean and sterile.

"All right time to get to work." She rolled up her sleeve and went with first dislodging the bullets and cleaning up the wounds with disinfectant, she seeing him gasping and wincing letting her aware he could feel it but still went with what she was doing and with the last stitch she was done.

As she guess he would now be out for the rest of the evening and decided she better start a fire for him to stay warmth and went to look for firewood.

She went around, searching for anything that look like could be broken up easily as she had been able to collect enough and set to making a small one near the alter, making sure it didn't spread and burn the whole place down along with them. She then went to go and prepare some dinner as she had worked herself an appetite and knowing he might be too and went to whip up something.

With the smell of food was in the air, she heard him moan and then opening his eyes to see her and try to sit up on his own, ignoring the pain it cause that flared up as he did, "W-who are you? Are you an angel send from the lord to take me from this place?"

She smiled and shook her head, "First off, I'm not, I saved your life and now you need to rest. You were hurt pretty badly but need to lie down and not cause too much movement on yourself." Hadn't she had this sort of conversation before with, she tried to suppress the memory and look to find his gray blue eyes on her and immediately blushed finding the unneeded attention from this guy.

She turn and trying not to let it get to her, saying was the heat as she was sitting so close to the fire and hoping he wouldn't notice, "Listen, why don't you lie back and get some sleep and when you do, I'll give you some dinner then all the answers you want all right?"

The man nodded, "Ok it's a deal then." and in which Tea took as a good sign that he would cooperate with her without questioning her reasons and laid back and fell into a light sleep. While he was napping she went to see about setting some grub for the two.

It took half an hour before she heard him stir behind her and covering his mouth as he yawn and sitting up on his elbows and saw her there. The man stared at the pretty young woman who was stirring the pan and where the delicious aroma was coming from.

So it hadn't been a dream after all, for a second I thought I really had been dead and god deciding to send an angel to pick me up, he coming to the conclusion that he had been that close by a millisecond towards death's door.

Thinking it had been all over for Nicholas D. Wolfwood and thinking himself a goner but somehow, God being the oh merciful, had send an angel to his aid and coming to his rescue and perform a miracle on him.

Even if she wasn't really a heavenly angel from the above, she had a somewhat radiant aura around her that gave her the presence that she had been send to save him.

He smiled, God really did work in strange and miraculous ways. He saw her turn and seeing how those azure blue eyes brighten when she saw him awake, "Oh good you're awake. Soup's almost done. I hope you're hungry?" As if on cue, his stomach made a large growl bringing to both their attention with action more than words could describe.

Wolfwood smiled sheepishly, feeling embarrassed that happened. "Does that answer it for you?" He watched as she smiled and couldn't help as he return one of his own. She went to go pour the two bowls while he took the chances to see the bandage wrapped around his torso.

"Hey you did a great job patching me up. If you hadn't of show up, I might have been worm chow by now." He said, patting the area where he had been shot and wincing at the pain that flared up before laughing it off while she seem to look concern and wanting to keep from letting her worry so much introduced himself.

"By the way, name's Wolfwood, Nicholas D. Wolfwood at your service and who may I ask is this lovely celestial being that has come to grace this dismal character?"

Tea giggled and pulled back a strand of her hair as she answer, "Tea, Tea G. Kaiba and it's nice to meet you Mr. Wolfwood." She said handing him a bowl as he took it.

"Please call me Wolfwood, there's no need for such formalities with Mr., especially for someone who has such a pretty name like yourself." She blushed, "Very well then I'll ask you to do the same for me."

He nodded and she watched as he put his hands together and bowing his head with eyes closed and following his example as he went to make thanks, "Oh lord, thank you for letting us feast in this honorable bounty that we may take upon and for giving good will and health to those who are needed and bless the unfortunate, amen."

With that said and done, they started digging in, Wolfwood gobbling it down rather fast the first time and choking as some went down the wrong pipe. Tea handed him a canteen to let him drink to clear and dislodge the food from his throat.

"Thanks, sorry I was really starving back there." She nodded and asking if he would like seconds and went to give him another helping, knowing he would need all the strength he could get.

When he took the bowl from her and this time taking it a little slowly and when he finished, wanting to know how she had gotten here. "So what were you doing here, most of the people had left this place you know? Just wind up into Keybas by yourself?"

She set her bowl aside and look at him as he sat across from her and nodded, "Is that the name of this town? I'll have to look at the map later and mark it but to answer your question: Yeah I guess you could say I'm traveling by myself.

I was just making my way and having no idea where I was going you see and was getting late and not to mention about to rain and found the gates and head in but…"

She didn't want to make mention of when she saw all those empty building and the pillar with the blood written on the wall with one word and shudder then turn to him, "So what about you, how did you end up here anyways and were you attacked?"

He sighed, not wanting to really go into details over what happened, especially with who had been the one who had pulled the trigger on him.

"You could probably say that. It's not something I don't really feel like talking about at the moment over what happen…"

"Oh I see. I'm sorry, I should have known better than to ask, forgive me Mr. Wolfwood."

"It's all right you didn't know and please no more mister, it's Wolfwood ok?" She nodded and they made mostly small chat until they ran out of things to say and hearing only the crackling of the fire and Wolfwood asking if she had any booze on her and pulled out a bottle of whisky from her pack, uncertain why she even got it in the first place.

"It's not much but I had this and not much carried on with me when I was going, not sure where I was heading to tell the truth." But as she hand it to him and watched as he was about to take a swing of it.

"I don't think you should be drinking that while you're still not fully heal." She voicing out her worry but he didn't pay any heed as he took a hard swig of the stuff and then handed the bottle back to her and she took a sip, feeling a need to calm her frazzle nerves.

It made her feel a little lightheaded, knowing she was not really a drinker but wanting something to distract her from this world and why not have a little alcohol why she was at it. He took it from her again and having another and smacked his lips.

"Yeah burns the spot," He said, "Hits the spot."

"Oh please, seriously Wolfwood just some of that stuff and you think it the elixir of life don't you?" She half joke, having enough fills of hearing or at least finding shot victims and wanting to keep far from the subject as much as possible.

Last thing she needed to be reminded of him…

She went to one of her other bags and pulled out two blankets and handing one to him, "You might need this, it gets pretty cold, trust me I was almost half freezing when I was out there with—" She stopped realizing she was heading into dangerous territory and made to go lay down before Wolfwood look to her questioning as to why she stop, "With who?"

"No one, sorry sometimes the slip of the tongue when I'm a little drunk. It's nothing, just forget what I said, I don't really feel like talking about it so." She fake yawned and pulled the blanket over her shoulders.

"Goodnight." She said and pretending to be asleep, waiting until she heard him snoring lightly beside her and then tried to sleep but every time she close her eyes she saw Legato and wonder what he was doing at this very moment…

Legato was having a problem. Never once had he any trouble falling asleep before, not once. Not even with all the horrific images of people being slaughter by the like of him and his former Gun-ho as many victims' lives laid in ruin, blood caked on his hand in figuratively speaking.

Not ever have they plague him, the only nightmares his own but had rarely been to pop up but as he sat on this crowded bus with these sweaty homosapiens sitting around him. It's a wonder and amazed him that he doesn't hold his nose to keep from breathing their disgusting unclean stench that was enough to make him puke.

But it wasn't because of that, no it was something rather that had to do with the woman, the one where she was probably still in town miles away, probably wondering where he was or left or whatever.

Like he really cares, he was too exhausted to really be concentrating on her while having his own problems to be really considering on his situation.

He lean back and trying to close his eyes again for more than a minute, the movement of the bus lulling him to sleep before hitting another bump and causing his eyes to snap wide and growl under his breath with this constant interruption and look outside to see how much distance they put themselves from the town.

So far their destination happen to be near a town he had recently pass, what was that name again, it was June now he remember. Should be another half an hour before reaching the next bus station and switching transportation.

The rising of the two suns make their appearance over the valley and turning to keep from being blinded as he turn away and try to think of something other than the girl. What was it about her that haunted his mind every passing second? She was an enigma for him, a damn constant annoyance and a nuisance to him.

No matter, he was finally free of her, there was no way he was to ever see her again and what were the chances he would.

Probably one in a million and liking how those numbers add to his favor, relax and let his mind drift for a moment before he finally was able to not think anymore and shut his mind down on any other thoughts so not to disturb him.

Tea woke to the bright sunlight filtering through the crack of the open doorframe as she groggily got up. She rubbed her eyes and turn to see if Wolfwood was up and surprised to see the blanket he slept in there but no sign of him.

"Wolfwood, you here?" She made to get up as she went to search the church and seeing he wasn't there and then went to step outside and look until she spot him sitting by and having a smoke by the steps.

He saw her coming out and waved, "Good morning, lovely day we're going to have don't you agree? God is certainly deciding to grace us with good fortune for sure. Feeling hungry, I up to making some breakfast if that's all right with you? So what do you feel like having today? Eggs and bacon, an omelot, a grill—"

"Wolfwood what are you doing?" She rushed over and went to pulled the cigeratte out and stomping it with her foot.

He looked surprised, "What you do that for? Those cigarettes don't come cheap you know?"

She turn and crossing her arms over her chest. "For your information, if you haven't forgotten you were almost dead and I mean honestly, don't you think you should take into consideration for your health, even your life!"

She went on with it and was starting to sound like a overbearing mother with her kid who had broken his arm and had to be stuck in bed instead of running around when he could injure himself again.

"And another thing, you lost a lot of blood, you—" He stopped her before she could say anymore, "Relax, I've taken the liberty of using a blood pill before you woke up." She blinked confused with what he said, not sure if she heard correct, "A blood pill?"

He nodded, "Yeah it comes with every first aid kit, I'm surprised you didn't know. It's those little red capsules that are inside the mini pillboxes inside. They do help a lot, those little beauties." He stood up and stretched while he then turn to her as he asked, "So how does flapjacks sound to you?"

They were in one of the small café and finding the necessary ingredients and together whipped up a suitable breakfast for two with from bacon and eggs, French toast and pancakes, freshly squeeze orange juice and even others she had never heard of as they took a seat together by the window.

It seem to be like what suppose to be an ordinary breakfast inside a restaurant but there were no people around and that's what made it so bizarre for her.

She looked outside and still couldn't help get pass what she saw before her. No people walking around or talking with others, no children running in the streets playing, it was so different than what she suppose was to be in a place like this.

She ate little of her ham and cheese omelet and taking a sip of her coffee as she felt decaffeinated from all her traveling. Some sugar to make her blood go did help a bit.

"So where you planning to go then?" She was brought back to this moment when she heard Wolfwood asking and unsure how to really answer that one question.

Where was she going? She had no idea or any clue to what else lie or if every town she goes by will only be empty or with some person half dead or who knows. She shrugged as that was pretty much how she figured.

"I'm not really sure myself to tell the truth but…you know I think I can trust you can't I? I mean even when we just only got to barely know each other for only a few hours but I feel as if we've known each other longer, don't you find that a little silly." He seem to be thinking it over, "No, sometimes that how most people feel but if you're asking if I'm willing to listen then my answers yes."

He then pulls out another cigarette from his pocket and light it then taking a deep breath and letting out a smoke while leaning back in his chair, "And of course since I am a man of faith and in the lord you may make any confession to me and swear never to reveal to anyone."

"Very funny but ok…" She feeling less tense than before and told him everything up to the point about how she had been taken from her world to this one, unsure other than the light that must have open a portal somehow.

Wolfwood took in careful consideration what she said, the cigarette burning until it was at the butt itself and when she finished look to him and seeing he wasn't saying anything, knowing she wouldn't have believed it herself. She smiled slightly and looked down into her half-filled mug, staring at the brown liquid swirling inside, finding it the most interesting thing here.

"You probably think I'm crazy don't you? I know it sounds farfetched but it's the truth, every word what I said. I don't even know why I came here to be sure but I guess my life is filled with too many surprises."

"I don't think that's it Tea." He said while taking the butt out and smothering it on the ashtray and looked with those serious silvery blue eyes, "I think it's more like fate has led you here for a purpose. I'm not sure what but I mean why else would you have come and found me and brought me back before my own demise."

"Well I'm not really sure if I should consider me being here a purpose but—" Before she could say another word, he grabbed both her hands and held them in his, "I'm forever in your debt and for that I will help you in with whatever situation you may be in as a man of my word and honor to help the innocent and sworn protector of God."

She flushed and pulled her hands away, the warmth from his touch and how rough with callous was enough to make her brain go nuts over. "You're far too kind and I do think you're capable but I think maybe I don't know."

"Say how about I help you and show you some routes I know of, would that help?" She nodded and was heading for the church to grab her thing but thought to go check how the beast was doing. When she arrived at where she had tied it up and found it was gone.

"Oh no!" Great there goes her one-way ticket. Now what was she to do? That had been her chances and now it had run off. Wolfwood was coming over and saw the distraught look on her face, "What's the matter?" She told him and he understand and guessing how it got away, "Probably got spook when it heard the thunder and ran. They do tend to get frighten off by the loudest noise. I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh what am I suppose to do without now?"

"Well I do have one suggestion?" She turn to him, "You do?"

He nodded, "Sure do, wait here, I'll be right back." He then went off and ten minutes later return riding what appeared to be a motorbike big enough to seat both of them and carrying her bags with him. He pulled up next to her and seeing the mild shock on her face as she took in his new set of wheels and lowered his dark shades to look her way.

"I thought we could go travel in style what you say? Allow me to introduce Angelina III. Ain't she a beauty?" She smiled, "You certainly know how to make a woman feel welcome you know that?"

He move her things and pat the empty seat behind him, "Hop on then and let's leave this joint!"

"Yeah let's blow this pop stand!" She laugh as she got on and together they rode off into the desert off to the next town. She thought her luck must have been changing the instant she wrapped her arms around Wolfwood's waist and hung on as they drove, leaving the deserted town behind and heading for a new one.