Chapter 14

Disclaimer: Not mine never will be.

A/N: this is the last chapter! (I think this is only the second story I've finished!)

This chapter is all in a chat room. Just as a reminder I'm putting a list of who's screen name is what.

RobbyBoy101 is Robin

CyGuy369 is Cyborg

Morpher496 is Beast Boy

SkoolHotT is Raven

NottaRock is Terra

BubbleGumPink13 is Jinx

Gadgetman97 is Gizmo.


RobbyBoy101: Welcome everyone to the Jump City chat room!

SkoolHotT: quit with the dramatics Robin!

CyGuy369: Yeah geez Rob, it's not like this is some big event

NottaRock: Oh that's where you're wrong, very wrong

BubbleGumPink13: give the man a break, he's got 2 but up with Raven all the time

SkoolHotT: thanx Jinx, you're so nice

Gadgetman97: hey, what did I miss?

RobbyBoy101: everything

SkoolHotT: where's BB?

Morpher496: right here, I was just finishing something up real quick

NottaRock: so, what's everybody doing?

SkoolHotT: nothing

RobbyBoy101: same

BubbleGumPink13: I don't think anybody's doing something other then talking in this chat room

CyGuy369: nope

Gadgetman97: why must college b so cruel?

SkoolHotT: what do you mean?

Gadgetman97: nobody's had any parties yet!

RobbyBoy101: we've only been in college for a week and a half

Morpher496: yes dude

BubbleGumPink13: ::blinks:: parties! I forgot about those!

CyGuy369: it's because you've been thinkin about me isn't it!

BubbleGumPink13: no, not really

NottaRock: harsh

Gadgetman97: hav you been think about me lately?

Morpher496: am I the only 1 w/ out a significant other?

SkoolHotT: yes

RobbyBoy101: is this world so sad that Raven can keep her screen name and still hav it be true?

SkoolHotT: glad 2 know you care

BubbleGumPink13: yes it's a sad sad world

RobbyBoy101: sorry Rae, you'd just think you'd hav to wait a year to keep your rein in college of most beautiful girl

CyGuy369: he has a good point

NottaRock: wow, this makes me feel ugly ::sits in corner and cries::

Gadgetman97: it's alright, you're still beautiful 2 me

NottaRock: thanx Giz

BubbleGumPink13: wow that was corny

CyGuy369: we were like that once too

BubbleGumPink13: but were we really that bad?

Morpher496: worse

BubbleGumPink13: o, you're nice, as soon as you get a girlfriend…

SkoolHotT: problem

RobbyBoy101: what is it?

SkoolHotT: Beast Boy is never going to get a girlfriend

NottaRock: ouch, want some ice w/ that burn?

Morpher496: I'm glad to know I've got friends who care

BubbleGumPink13: aw, we still love you

Morpher496: really?!

SkoolHotT: ew, not in that way, no

Morpher496: just kidding

RobbyBoy101: I'm bored

CyGuy369: me 2

NottaRock: me 2!

Gadgetman97: who's up for a rousing game of guess what I'm thinking about?

SkoolHotT: let me take a guess, oh, Terra

Gadgetman97: ding ding ding, you win!

RobbyBoy101: guess wat I'm thinking about

BubbleGumPink13: what?

RobbyBoy101: I think we need to stop playing this game

CyGuy369: I'm with robin on this one

Morpher496: do we even know why people call you robin?

RobbyBoy101: nope, and I guess we never will

BubbleGumPink13: who wants to know that annoying debate starter question of the day?

NottaRock: me

BubbleGumPink13: what type of Reese's are better normal, white chocolate, or inside out?

SkoolHotT: defiantly normal

CyGuy369: no way, inside out, they have more peanut butter

RobbyBoy101: normal

Gadgetman97: white chocolate!

Morpher496: yeah, white chocolate

NottaRock: inside out

BubbleGumPink13: I'm for normal, but if they were to come out w/ a new kind what would you want it to be?

CyGuy369: all peanut butter!

Morpher496: dark chocolate

SkoolHotT: ew no, I think like a marble 1 with a mix between white and milk chocolate with peanut butter on the inside.

RobbyBoy101: I'm with Raven

Gadgetman97: you're always with Raven

SkoolHotT: it's because he knows I'm right

RobbyBoy101: you know, I think I want a new nick name, like Nightwing or something

NottaRock: wow that was so random

SkoolHotT: how about we just call you Richard or Rich

BubbleGumPink13: or Dick!

SkoolHotT: I think Rich is fine

Morpher496: hey guys, I've got a question

BubbleGumPink13: we're still on the Reese's question though

Morpher496: no, it's just a question I want an answer to

CyGuy369: is it a stupid question because I'm not gonna stop this discussion for a stupid question

Morpher496: no, it's a good question I think

NottaRock: it better be

RobbyBoy101: just let the guy ask his stupid question so we can get back to our discussion

Morpher496: it's not a stupid question

SkoolHotT: just ask it!

Morpher496: okay, okay

Morpher496: why are we all talking to each other in a chat room wasting electricity while we could just go out into the hall of face the person across the room and have the same conversation?

BubbleGumPink13: I don't know

Gadgetman97: because America now depends on technology instead of any old fashion way of doing things like talking

NottaRock: I'm thirsty, does anybody want to go to the cafeteria and get a drink with me?

CyGuy369: I will

RobbyBoy101: I will

BubbleGumPink13: coming

SkoolHotT: don't forget me!

Gadgetman97: I'm coming too!

Morpher496: I guess I will go too

So the seven college freshmen all left their dorm rooms and met each other out in the hall to go down to the cafeteria together.


A/N: well, how was it? I hope everybody liked this story and I just got my first review on the last chapter so I'm going to write a sequel, but should I continue with college or just jump straight to adult hood?! I'm just going to say, I think I could do more with adult hood then I could with college. A few things would be skipped but I think I could make it all work out. It all depends on what you want. I'll give it a week and whatever side has more votes wins and that'll be the future of this story. But you can also vote no sequel but if it's a flame that says no sequel it won't be counted.