:D! Betcha didn't see another update comin', didja? Here is an Alternate Ending for Here Kitty Kitty Kagome! just because I can XP

This will take place after the "The Requirements" Chapter, so keep in mind that chapters 8 and 9 are not affecting this one. Pretend they don't exist while you read this. XP

I better get a review or two X3

If there's another alternate ending that you would like to see, please mention it in your review. I'm open to any, and all, suggestions. :3

For this chapter, I will be using the first part from Chapter 8 just 'cos it's easier and I just love it n.n.

Enjoy, loves.


Alternate Ending


The whole group as on edge as they walked towards Midoriko's Cave. Kagome was leading the group and had been exceptionally quiet and edgy lately. Even Shippou took the hint and kept away from his "mother". Sango had been casting worried glances over to her friend, but remained silent. Miroku had an unreadable expression on, but he seemed very worried about something. Inuyasha was soon becoming sick of the unsettling silence.

"Kagome-sama," Miroku said abruptly, drawing everyone's attention to him.


"May I speak with you..." he cast a glance over the rest of the group, "PRIVATELY?"

Both of Kagome's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Of course, Miroku." The pair slipped off a distance away from the group, taking care to keep out of the Hanyou's hearing distance.

"I know what you have to do to destroy the Shikon no Tama." Miroku stated quietly, locking gazes with the young Miko.

Kagome's lips tightened. "Ah," she murmured, "Please forgive me, Miroku, but I couldn't tell everyone..."

"Understandable..." Miroku replied, "However, Inuyasha is going to be very..." he chose his words carefully, "distressed."

"I know," Kagome groaned, "I've been trying to figure out a safe way to go through with it without hurting him but..."

"What must be done must be done." Miroku finished for her. "I understand. Are you sure that there's no other way, however?"

"Midoriko said that as far as she knew it was the only way and that she had been searching for a long time for an alternative..."

"Ah. Then I suppose you'll have to go through with it, no matter the cost."



Even at a distance, the Hanyou strained his ears to hear the pair's conversation. All he could get was "destroy" "Shikon no Tama" "Midoriko" and "no other way". Inuyasha growled, but quickly silenced himself as the two came back to join their friends.

"Everything okay?" Sango asked, glancing at Kagome and Miroku.

"Yeah." Kagome replied, sounding a little choked up, "Everything's perfectly fine..." Kagome resumed her spot at the front of the group and continued onward.

No one missed the sad glances the monk gave Kagome as they walked.


"We're here..." Kagome said quietly, staring at the mouth of Midoriko's Cave. She felt her eyes begin to sting with unshed tears as she realized that what she had been dreading was upon them. Her hands shook a bit as she clutched the Shikon no Tama in her hand. "Let's go..."

Miroku stood next to Kagome and cast a worried glance in her direction. He grasped her free hand with his and gave it a comforting squeeze, murmuring something in her ear, making her smile.

Neither Inuyasha, nor Sango, missed this exchange and both raised eyebrows at each other in question.

Wordlessly, the group walked through the barrier and into Midoriko's Cave.


Kagome stood in front of Midoriko's stone form, choking back tears. "Midoriko-sama..." she said aloud in a shaky voice, "I've arrived. I have the required items, like you requested. Now..." Kagome's voice broke, but she regained it, "Now I'm ready."

She took a deep breath and held the Shikon no Tama in a way similar to how Kikyou held the Jewel when her body was burned for burial. "Priestess Midoriko, I call upon your spirit to aid me. Aid me so as that I might destroy the Cursed Shikon no Tama that has so plagued this world for so long. Priestess Midoriko, I command your soul to appear for me and give me the strength to complete your mission."

Kagome had set the Mirror of Kaguya on the floor, and on top of that the Feathered Robe of the Heavens. The Robe had begun to float in midair as Kagome spoke her spell, and soon the thread of the Robe of the Fire Rat had entwined itself into the pink fabric.

"Priestess Midoriko!" Kagome's voice said loudly, "I have brought you the Sacred Items, Kaguya's Feathered Robe of the Heavens and her Mirror, a thread from the Robe of the Fire Rat, the Legendary Sword Tessaiga." She paused for a second, taking in a shaky breath. "Now, Midoriko, I offer you the Blood of the Innocent, spilt by the Sword of a Pure-Hearted Soldier. Midoriko, accept the Blood split by two lovers who have not yet realized their affections!"

The Shikon no Tama began glowing and pulsing with an inhumanly pure aura. It soon floated by itself in front of Kagome. Kagome then reached a hand out to Inuyasha, beckoning him forwards.

Inuyasha cautiously walked forward, getting a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Inuyasha," Kagome began, "draw the Tessaiga."

He obeyed, unsheathing his sword and holding it in front of Kagome. Said Hanyou tensed up as she grasped his hands in her own and raised them, sword and all, above her. "Priestess Midoriko!" Kagome cried, "Take my Blood as your passage into the Realm of the Living so you may join me in the quest!"

Everyone gasped, except Miroku who simply stared on in sorrow. Inuyasha's eyes widened as his mouth opened and closed, trying to protest.

"Priestess Midoriko!" Kagome cried again, arms shaking, "I offer you my Blood, the Blood of the Innocent, shed by the Tessaiga, wielded by the Pure-Hearted Solider, split by two lovers in denial of their affections! Midoriko! Come to me!" With that final verse said, Kagome pulled down on Inuyasha's hands, forcing him to thrust the Tessaiga through her chest harshly, blood spilling freely as the Shikon no Tama glowed insanely as the Priestess Midoriko soon appeared in front of it.

"KAGOME!" came a familiar cry as a sacred arrow shot through the air and hit the Tessaiga, reverting it back to its untransformed state. "I REFUSE TO ALLOW YOU TO DESTROY THE SHIKON NO TAMA!"

Inuyasha seemed to regain control of himself as he removed the untransformed sword from Kagome's chest. "KAGOME!"

Midoriko looked in horror. "No, Kikyou! How could you be so stupid!? With the energy the Sacred Arrow just gave off, it's unbalanced the energy of the Ritual!"

"As I intended to." Kikyou replied coldly, bow still poised in a shooting position as she glared at the group. "The Tama cannot be destroyed!"

"And why is that, Kikyou?" Kagome said, blood dripping from her paling lips as she was held by her hanyou. "Is it because you know that as soon as this Tama disappears, you'll have no way to make yourself human again? Or is it because you know what will happen if the Ritual is completed?" she challenged.

"Kagome..." Inuyasha murmured, brushing strands of hair out of her face, "Kagome, why did you make me do that to you!?"

"It was the only way, Inuyasha." she replied, smiling weakly.

In a flash, Kikyou had shoved Inuyasha away and was poised over the dying future girl. "Kagome, it is time I reclaimed my soul. You don't belong here in this time!" She loaded her bow with an arrow and pointed it at the girl. "Prepare to go to Hell."

Kagome's body gave off a pulsation. She grinned sadistically. "I could say the same for you, Kikyou..." She closed her eyes as from her head sprouted two cat ears, from her spine grew a long cattail, two fangs took the place of two teeth, and her nails extended into claws. She raised her arms above her head and the Shikon no Tama flew in-between them, giving off insane amounts of light. "Kikyou!" she cried, placing her arms straight out in front of her with the Shikon in-between her hands, "It is time you rested in peace."

"Like Hell I will!" Kikyou shot the arrow at the Shikon no Tama.

"Bad move, poppit." In a flash of light, the Tama absorbed the arrow, purified it, and launched it back at Kikyou. "Sleep well." With a burst of power, the arrow pierced the undead Miko's chest, sending her back a few steps as she yanked the arrow out.

"You bitch..." she growled, falling to her knees.

"My name," Kagome began, smiling darkly, "is Kagome." She turned her gaze to Midoriko. "Help me destroy the Shikon... It's starting to refuse my body in my Hanyou form!"

"Of course!" Midoriko and Kagome joined hands, the Shikon floating in-between them as they each glowed a respected colour: Kagome was encased in a soft pink and Midoriko in a soft electric blue.

"I won't die without a fight..." Kikyou declared quietly, stringing another arrow and shooting it at Kagome. This time, it met its mark: her heart.

With a startled gasp, Kagome looked down to see the point of an arrow protruding from her chest. With one final gasp of air she shouted the last bit of the incantation she and Midoriko had been saying, "...and let the Jewel of the Souls be laid to rest for all of time and eternity! BREAK!" As soon as she said break, the jewel imploded and sent out a ring of pure energy outwards, sending her body flying into the ground. Midoriko was unaffected, however.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha rushed over and embraced his beloved. "Kagome... Kagome say something!"

Alas, the young Miko didn't speak. Her eyes stared blankly ahead as blood slowly slipped out of her mouth, staining her very pale pink lips.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha cried, hugging the girl to his chest hysterically. He raised his gaze to Kikyou, eyes glistening with hatred. "You... YOU DID THIS TO HER!" he roared, rocking the dead body of his beloved.

"Yes, I did Inuyasha." Kikyou replied coldly. "Don't you see?" she cooed, kneeling down behind Inuyasha and resting her lips next to one of his Inu-ears. "She was separating us..." the undead Miko whispered, "you promised to love me and protect me forever, didn't you?"

Inuyasha shuddered. "You're still cold."


"You're cold, Kikyou. You're not warm like you once were..." Inuyasha muttered, clutching Kagome's dead body tighter to his chest, "Kagome... she's dead and yet she's still warm."

Kikyou's face hardened. "So, that's your choice? My reincarnation from 500 years in the future?"

"Yes." Inuyasha buried his nose in Kagome's hair and inhaled her scent one last time... Cherries and mint... He would always remember it...

Midoriko's face became quite serious. "Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Shippou..." she addressed each one, "Let's go." She led them out of the cave and proceeded to explain to them what was about to happen...

Inuyasha unsheathed the Tessaiga and stood above his beloved. "Kikyou... die." He gathered up some power and proceeded to attack, "KAZE NO KIZU!" In a burst of wind and light, Kikyou was put to rest. All that remained was a pile of ashes.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome. "Kagome... even in death our love will continue... Wait for me, angel, I will be with you soon enough." Without a moments hesitation, Inuyasha plunged his own sword into his hearts and laid himself down next to Kagome, hands linked with hers. As he shut his eyes, his soul left him in search of his beloved...



"Kagome?" Inuyasha spun around, seeing a more peaceful Sengoku Jidai. He assumed they were in their own slice of Heaven.

"Inuyasha!" The raven-haired girl embraced her hanyou. "Oh, Inuyasha, I was so scared I wouldn't see you again..."

"Kagome..." Inuyasha inhaled deeply. She still smelt of cherries and mint... He smiled against her hair. "We're dead..."

"We are?"

"Yes, but not even death can keep us apart. Aishiteru."

"Aishiteru, my Hanyou."

Kagome and Inuyasha, even in death, lived on with each other in a peaceful rest.


Ah, the A.E. (alternate ending) sucked Xx; oh well. Can't beat the original I suppose.. XP Review, please.